Terra walked behind Alec, so close that he was sure he felt her breath on his neck.As soon as she had seen the city, she had begun asking questions like, “Where are the walls”, and , “Where are the guardians”. After those questions were answered, She asked how the town defended itself. Where was all the food. What were the buildings made from. How come so many people live here. The whole first few days was filled with questions like these. People who were close enough to hear often stared at her, and those far away looked at the bulky dogs at her side. The dagger on her belt even got a look from officer jenny, but she let it slide. They stayed in the pokemon centre, and Terra simply loved it. Never had she had life so easy, and it made her wonder why she hadn’t left sooner. The best reaction, however, was when they were walking along a street and Terra noticed all the battles going on. She asked about them, and Alec explained about the pokemon league, the badges, and how trainers fought each other for items and money, as well as experience. And so they fought battles, day in and day out. Terra excelled in her matches, never once loosing, no matter how cocky or old the trainer. Her Houndoom began to scare challenges off as soon as his first match was over, when he had been so fast people had lost sight of him, and then a ball of flame so big had come out of nowhere to swallow up an onix, knocking it out, even though it should have been ineffective. Alec also gained a reputation for himself, psyducks amazing strength and size startled many opponents, and his psychic attacks managed to grab him a defeat against a pikachu, disabling him long enough for a skull bash. Alec fought with ursaring as well, although he didn’t use Sneazle, he planned to keep at least one pokemon a secret for his gym match. As soon as she learnt how Alec had gained his strength, Terra had signed up for the pokemon league as well, and now owned a pokedex and license thanks too Professor Coleman, a retired professor who still gave beginners their first pokemon. At first he had wondered about her, but her 2 pokemon he admitted were fine specimens, and very loyal as he found out when he threatened to take them away from her for training without a license. So they both booked a match for the following day. The day finally came and they both entered the gym, prepared for anything. “I am Ruby, daughter of Brock the Rock . You have come to challenge me. Do not be depressed upon your loss. You are both barely beginners, and should be proud to get as far as you are. Now we will battle 1 on 1. There will be no time limit, and the winner will receive a tm and some prize money”. Ruby seemed to be reciting a speech as she spoke these words, as if she wasn’t used to this yet. Her eyes looked challengingly at her foes, yet at the same time appeared worried. Terra spoke up. “Do not worry, Ruby, we are not beginners, so if you lose, it will not be through lack of skill, but overwhelming odds. I will go last”. Ruby looked stunned, and Alec felt the same way. What stunned Alec more so was when Ruby also began to speak. “I don’t want to lead a gym. My fathers sick, and he wanted me to. Its his wish, but my brother wants to be a leader, I want to travel. Im not a strong enough trainer to be a gym leader. But that doesn’t mean I wont give you a good match. Come on Alec, show me what you got”. Alec smiled and released sneasle. Ruby also smiled, and released her onix. The huge pokemon was 20 times the size almost of Sneazle, but Sneazle stared the rock giant down. “Now, begin”, some one on a microphone yelled, and the battle began. Onix immediately slammed its tail at Sneazle, who dodged the attack with ease. He began to run along Onix’s body, and when he reached the head, Alec said in a cold voice, “Ice punch”. Sneazle pulled a fist which went an icy blue colour, then slammed it into Onix’s head. Onix roared, but didn’t faint, and dove underground, taking sneazle with it. “Come back up Sneazle”, Alec ordered, and Sneazle exited through the hole Onix had made. Onix exited the ground the other side of the battlefield. “Tackle attack”, The young gym leader ordered, and Onix rode along the ground at high speeds, as if it were a train, straight at Sneazle. “brace yourself”, Alec kept repeating softly, until the onix got close. Sneazle jumped, and flipped until he was upside down, in the air, above onix. “Finish it with ice slash”, Alec ordered, and it ended. Terra was surviving against a golem, Barely. Houndoom had been her only choice, having the most experience out of the pair against rock pokemon. Golem tackled the fire dog, yet Terra didn’t seem worried, although Ruby had a huge grin on her face. Houndoom bounced back onto a rock and awaited orders. “Give up”, Ruby asked, a wicked grin on her face. She thought she was going to win. “I’m sorry”, was all Terra said. “Rock throw”, Ruby urged, and Golem began throwing rocks. Houndoom dodged them all. “Ok wolf”(Houndooms nick name) Terra said softly, “dragon rage”. Rubys face went blank, and Houndoom grinned excitedly. It howled, and a tornado began to whirl in the room. Fire entered the tornado from Houndooms mouth, as well as rocks from all over the room. The heat was intense, and Alec had to stand back. Then, without a movement or an order or anything, the attack engulfed Golem, leaving a scorched, unconscious pokemon in its wake. Ruby began to cry. “don’t cry, you did very well Ruby”, Terra said. “If I hadn’t of had houndoom taught that move, I would have had no chance against your incredibly strong Golem”. “Really”, the sobbing girl asked. “Definitely. In fact, with a little more your golem might even be a great gym pokemon”. “We do train a lot”, she admitted to herself. “Its very obvious”, Alec told her with a grin. “And he seemed to like you a lot”. She sighed. “He does you know. Once he even stood up to a Blastoise for me. He won that fight as well, blocked his hydro pumps with a few rocks”. “They’re both great pokemon, and any trainer would be proud of them”. Ruby was now grinning. Her tear stained eyes had stopped leaking, and now she began to look like a real gym leader. “You both have earned the earth badge. This is proof of your victory here, and an eight of what you will need to enter the pokemon league at the indigo plateau. As a gift from the gym, you both receive an earthquake tm and a cash prize”. As the two walked towards Mt moon, Alec wondered if they should take the cave or climb the mountain, as many now did. He asked Terra. “Climb”, she said immediately. “Less chance of being trapped inside”. Alec hadn’t thought about that. The rockets on their tail were always on his mind, they scared him with their dark pokemon, so powerful. So the day they reached the mountain, they found themselves climbing the mountain. Perhaps it was the heat, or maybe it was the hard climb, but on the second day, Terra collapsed. Alec realized that the girl had never been in such temperatures, having always lived in a forest. Sure, she had been close to fire pokemon, but never had she spent a couple of days In such heat. So that was how they ended up stopping for a day. All day they said nothing, Alec lay down shirtless, looking at the sky, absently rubbing Sneazles shoulders as he created some icy wind to cool them down, as if he were an air conditioner. Terra had been resting all day. She had recovered not long after her collapse, saying she tripped, and we could go on. Alec refused her, and told her to relax or they would rest for 2 days. That shut her up. Well, until the male nidoran showed up though. “Tackle that free lancer”, sho ordered her Arkanine, who was also resting In Sneazles cool wind. The nidoran fainted, and she threw a pokeball at it, and went back to sleep, not stopping to consider her capture. As the 2 trainers and their pokemon continued on their journey the next day, Nidoran found his place in the team, between the 2 huge dogs. Nidoran trotted along, its face screwed up trying to look fierce, and every now and then it would scream, “NIDO”, in its roughest voice, which tended to sound like a jigglypuff. The look was rather comical, and even Terra laughed once in a while. As they crested the top of Mount Moon however, all happiness and laughter disappeared. Even the super brave Nidoran began to quiver. Below them, looking straight up were 4 huge, black pokemon. 2 Marowak riding 2 golem, each larger then they should be by at least double. Before she could tell them not to, Arkanine and Houndoom charged one of the Marowaks and Golems. Sneazle also followed. Psyduck used its disable attack and managed to hold the other Marowak at bay, while ursaring took on the other golem. The fight was impossible to follow completely. Marowak was in the air, stuck by Psyduck and its disable attack, while ursaring was winning a battle of strength with the golem. Sneazle was atop his foe, blowing an icy wind in its face, and the other golem had the 2 fire dogs on the run. As terra and Alec began bellowing orders, Nidoran charged. First, it jumped, turned around and kicked the golem in the face, twice. The effect was nil, and he was flicked away like a bug. Nidoran got up again, and charged, a familiar silver glow fillings his eyes. The 2 dogs were out cold, and the other pokemon were busy. Golem turned his full attention to nidoran, both Alec and Terra didn’t know. The small pokemon charged Golem again, only to be picked up, and thrown into a wall at close range. Nidoran fell, and was being beaten with rocks by the Black golem. By now Alec and Terra had noticed nidorans struggle, and terras eyes filled with tears. She charged the huge boulder for revenge. Before she reached it though, a pokemon ran out of the rocks, and rammed the golem aside. It was 4 times the size of the nidoran, and its horn was easily 4 times longer. Nidoran was now a nidorino. The stunned golem got back up and looked at Nidorino with absolute hatred. Nidorino charged again, but this time golem was ready, and hit him away into a boulder the size of a snorlax. But the boulder glowed, and so did nidorino Alec and terra watched Nidorino with with a fascinated stare. The newly evolved pokemon was evolving again, and taking the biggest moonstone in history with it.` The effect was huge, The new nidoking was twice the size of Ursaring, and half as tall again. Its armoured shell shone as if new, and its face had the angriest look Alec had ever seen on it. Nidoking charged. “Nidoking”, Terra whispered. Nidoking collided with Golem, and sent the beast flying. His fist began to glow, and he began a barrage of mega punchs, until the huge golem fainted. Then, Nidoking began to stomp. Once, then twice. The ground shook, and pokemon began to fall. The other golem fell, and ursarings eyes went gold as it shot its hyper beam at its foe, cleaning house and scoring the victory. Then, Nidoking spat at the suspended Marowak in the air. The toxic attack hit it head on, and the pokemon began to suffer. At first slowly, then faster, until it fainted. As the last of the pokemon fainted, a man stepped from behind a nearby boulder. He didn’t say a word, but released a pokeball. Out from it a black machamp emerged. Immediately Nidoking and machamp grappled. “Strength”, Terra whispered to her nidoking, and the newly evolved giant obeyed. “Quick mahcamp, use fissure”. The terrible attack began an earthquake, shaking nidoking enough to get him off balance. Suddenly, ursaring gripped machamp from behind, lifted him into the air, and slammed him into the ground. Then, still gripping, jumped into the air, and upon the climax of his jump, threw Machamp at the ground. With a crash, the ground shook and a dust cloud rose. The quiet man with the red R on his pants grinned at the all too soon celebration of terra and Alec. The dust cleared, and machamp was still standing. Nidoking charged the healthy fighting pokemon, but was sent flying with its counter attack. Then, ursaring used a swift attack which barely hurt the Machamp. “Quick Sneazle, Ice beam”, Alec ordered, and sneazle attacked without hesitation. The machamps feet were frozen solid, and it couldn’t dodge the attack as Nidoking offered a mega punch attack. The ice shattered, and machamp went flying into a cliff face. Within seconds, machamp was up again though, and psyduck began its disable attack. Machamp easily shook it off, and began throwing huge rocks at psyduck. One caught it on the beak, and it fainted. “Barrage attack”, the silent man ordered, and machamp jumped to obey, throwing punches at all his foes, Ursaring first, knocking him out with ease, ursaring having battled already that day. That left Sneazle and Nidoking, and Alec began to worry. Nidoking, still injured from Machamps previous counter attack, could do nothing to stop Machamps advance on Sneazle. The dark pokemon held his ground, until he suddenly disappeared. “Concentrate”, The silent man ordered. Machamp closed his eyes, as if meditating, then suddenly grabbed out, and gripped a hand around something. Sneazle came back into view, Machamps hand around its neck. Alec began to worry. Terra did also. Sneazles eyes began to glow silver. From out of nowhere clouds began to form, black clouds. Then, Sneazle moved his arms, and ice began to fall, in huge rocks, all aimed at Machamp. The muscle pokemon began to freeze, and released Sneazle. Sneazle began to falter, and fell over, knocked out, leaving a frozen solid Machamp behind. Machamps ice however began to crack. “Quick Nidoking, do something”, Terra yelled helplessly. Nidoking struggled to his feet, and roared. His horn went a gold colour, and he began to charge his frozen foe. Just as the ice cracked, Nidoking stopped in front of Machamp, lowered its head, and released a Close range Hyper beam attack. When the dust settled, the silent man was gone, and with him his black machamp Ok people, I personally have no idea where this is going, but I have plenty of time to write, and its fun. Nothing better to do, so watch out for more of Alecs adventures -Dwaynus-