Epilogue Jewel stirred uncomfortably beside the gravestone. It was made of colored stone from the dragon's lair from under the spring and flowing script had been carved into it. Flowers of all colors grew along side it, that was Chyne's work, and stayed bright even at night for special flowers had been planted as vines that bloomed only at night. Thick grass grew over where the hole had been leaving only memories behind and a legend that would never die. The spring air was still a bit chilly despite the fact that it was mid April. Aware of her delicate condition Jewel managed to gain her feet. What would her mother say if she was caught here staring at the grave and catching chill? Heaven forbid that should happen to her daughter! Much had happened after that fateful moment two years before. A truce had been called. The caller surprisingly enough was Eveena. She had rounded on Mrs. Kazam so fast and furious that the Morph could only comply. The Freaks were not spared her fury either. A council was arranged with much difficulty and some agreements were reached though it was to take two months. Countless other conditions and rules had been added on with much haggling and there were still many more to come. In the end all of the captive Freaks had been freed. A good number of them choose to stay with their masters out of fear or loyalty. It had been decided that the two groups should imitate their ancestors in the art of pokemon raising. It would take quite awhile for the Morphs to get their act together. More than enough time for the Freaks and Pures to be warned of the new laws. There were many new problems, but it was a good start, an attainable goal for a better future. The long, silent war was finally over. That had of course completely messed up the Alliance's purposes; however, they were quick to turn their energies elsewhere under the leadership of Chloe. Most of the older members and a few of the younger ones discharged from service for various reasons. The new alliance now put their effort into keeping the peace between Freaks and Pures, building places for the newly freed creatures to live, and maintaining many other things. Eveena had chosen to stay with Faye. Jewel hadn't really been surprised by her decision even if the occupation was a little unseen. They were now the official first trainer and pokemon. It was there job to train others and set up Mew knows what else. Eveena seemed quite pleased with her busy new lifestyle, which finally met her boundless energy level in a responsible way. That wasn't to say that she didn't pull tricks every once in a while. Blitz and Twilight had gotten back together, but who is to say they were ever truly apart in the first place? It seemed that Loki had been the friction in the relationship although not the only one. It wasn't rare to hear the two having a rip-roaring fight. They were stubborn too. After the words Loki had whispered before his untimely death a visible change over came Midnight and Aqua. The two had truly cared for one another, but neither had known what to do about it with Loki hovering hence the dislike on Midnight's part for the flareon. Their relationship progressed rapidly and within a year they were Joined. Drake had returned to his people. His parents and a few others accompanied him back. The celebration had been joyous-and very loud. Chyne had been the kicker however. Quiet shy Chyne. The entire group was surprised and amazed when he announced that he and firestorm were going to travel together. It seemed that they had connected in the cell during those scant hours. Joining was a possibility thought Jewel had once asked how they would do it. Chyne had smiled disarmingly and replied that there was more to a relationship that pleasure. That had made her blush uncontrollably. As for Jewel, she was happily Joined to Frazzle. Now she was expecting. It was amusing and irritating how everyone assumed she was not invalid and was determined to look out for her. Frazzle was as bad as the rest. Really, she was pregnant not a drooling idiot. She had also traveled to the eevee village with Frazzle to see Mattie and Grandam. The two were quite surprised and over joy as were Frazzle's parents. Both of them had been believed to be dead. It seemed Twilight had not told them otherwise before she had left to prompt the rescue mission. The rest of the village was wary, but Jewel saw a few relieved faces in the crowd. In short life had gone on leaving Fate to play her game until the next roll.