Don't Play With Fire Part Three: More Upheaval By: EeveeFFwriter Disclaimer: I don't own either Lara Laramie or Giovanni, however, their offspring belong to me. Chapter Twelve My new home was small and dim. Dank was the word for it and moldy. Chris had not delayed in shipping me off to the 'rodeo'. Kathie had been out of town that day visiting friends and her father had jumped at the opportunity to get back at me while I had no one to protect me. Not even Hank was around to plead my case this time. I pawed listlessly at the crude covered ground and lipped a limp piece of hay disinterested. The people around here were harsh with leery looks and hard eyes. None of them fed me sugar or petted my nose. Likewise, the other horses avoided each other and me in silence. They had a vicious look about them and fiery eyes filled with a deep hatred for anything that moved. "Wow!" A boy around the age of twelve human years shouted as he and the man he was with strolled around. The man looked to be his father with the same dark eyes and hair. Peering closer I noted the father looked familiar in a fuzzy way. Concentrating do me no good as I squinted and dug through my mind in search of his identity. There were millions of places I could have seen him most of them unimportant or at races, but why then was he so nagging on my sub- conscious? "Stay away from that 'un." The old cowboy leaning against the fence a few yards off warned as he spit chewing snuff. His lean body looked a touch skinny and his skin a few shades too pale. He wasn't going to last that much longer I summarized. "He'll take your hand off right quick. He's a killer, yes siree." Immediately the kind's mouth dropped open revealing a very pink tongue and white teeth. He backed away rather quickly under the watchful eyes of his silent guardian. I wanted to protest that I wouldn't have hurt him and that I wasn't a killer. Bad luck just had its way with me. I thrust my nose out the small gap hoping he would pet it. The boy started to reach forward slowly with one hand extended when his father snapped in a cold voice, "Travis, you don't touch that horse. He looks to be from the Cinnabar stock we captured. If so he's wild to the bone and twice as mean." At the man's voice I pulled my head back and reared. Him! It was Him! He was the one would had ordered all those others to capture us, to take us away. "See?" The man said watching me rear impassively. He turned away to speak to the cowboy in low, confiding tones and I wondered if it was about me. The old cowboy stole a glance and me. It was then that I knew their conversation was about and that it most likely wasn't good. The boy crept closer like a timid little mouse. His unruly dark brown hair was tucked under a cap but tentacles crept out. His eyes were so dark that they were almost black and a shadow of fear lay across them. Slowly he put of his hand, but only after sneaking a backward glance at his father who was deep in conversation. I stuck my nose out and he touched it timidly with one finger. Seeing that I hadn't snapped his hand off like threatened he inched closer and stroked with his whole had. His touch was light and gentle. His voice came out soft and well-bred, "I knew you were not bad and vicious. You were someone's pet horse at one time, were you not? Do they give you up freely or did my father take you leaving a crying owner behind?" I didn't know if Kathie was crying, but I did know that she would extract a never-ending revenge against her father for what he did. Not for selling me, but for selling her property against her expressed wishes. "Maybe." I said glumly flicking my ears. I had gotten use to talking to myself and it was a habit I used on humans. I might as well be speaking to myself for all they understood. "Really?" The boy Travis said wide-eyed. "What were they like? I bet I know them somehow or another. Maybe I can get you back to them." I whinnied in surprise and shock. The human boy had understood me! He wanted to return me home. Part of me wanted badly to go back to Chris' ranch with Smoky and Iceshadow and all the others I had left. The other part spoke dark things of Chris and his revenge upon my return to his happy stables. "I don't really want to go back not that I like it here all that much either." I replied unhappily eyeing him cautiously. Smoky was forever going on and on about keeping my mouth shut until I was at least somewhat sure that they were to be trusted. Too bad he didn't follow that rule himself. "Oh. Would you like to come home with me?" Travis asked watching my expression closely with his dark eyes. Then his face fell from the half-smile and he amended hastily as he shot a glance around for his father, "It might take awhile if you do. Father doesn't like losing profits to me or anyone else. "Travis?" The big man's voice boomed and the boy jumped guiltily. He whirled around and edge away so as not to draw attention to himself. It didn't work because a moment later the cowboy cried out, "There he is, Boss. Next to the Killer's cage. Oho, Giovanni's gonna whoop you good boy." Giovanni I mused. Why do human's have such odd names? An even better question is why they give us names like Star and Spot. They did seem to have a fetish for naming anything and everything that belonged to them. Kids, pokemon, and a few even name their houses. What's the point in doing that I ask you? That would be like naming a blade of grass before you eat it or claiming a deadfall shelter by naming it. There was no guarantee that the new owners would keep it after you left. "Son, you have been doing it again, haven't you?" Giovanni seethed with underlying displeasure. His face was cold and deadly calm in contrast, which unnerved me. I retreated at the quiet tone. The boy stammered and danced around a direct answer averting his eyes to the ground. "What have I told you about that curse? You don't make friends with them you command them. They bow to you, not all this we are equal shit. I suppose you want to buy this one too. Well, you'll have to prove you can ride him first. I'll not have freeloaders and he looks to be as mean as the devil." Travis tossed me a fearful glance. It was one thing to pet my nose through the bars where I couldn't get at him and quite another to climb on top of me. Not that I minded if he did as long as he didn't use those nasty metal things that they called spurs that dug into my flesh and cut it up. He wasn't reassured and I dared not speak in case I got him in further trouble with this Giovanni creep. Giovanni noted his hesitation and taunted in the same quiet voice, "Well boy? What are you waiting for now? I've giving you the chance you didn't have the guts to ask for. You wanted to keep him, am I correct? Well prove how much you want it. This one here has; tossed three riders on the track almost killing one when he landed on her, he trampled a meowth kitten that had wandered in his pen; fought with other horses and attacked a dog that belonged to the owner's stable hand, kicked out at a little girl. They don't land in the rodeo because they are pet ponies. I've indulged you so far, however, you must learn that." I winced and thought to myself, none of that was my fault. I didn't hurt those people on purpose and I missed little Melissa when I realized who she was. My body had ached for days after twisting my rump and back legs away to miss her squalling head. Skip was an enemy and I hadn't understood at the time that humans' could tame wild dogs not to attack. The kitten, well, it was just wrong. There was something about it that screamed that a smashed head was a preferable mercy to the affliction. "I...I will do it as you command Father." Travis stuttered uneasily and he escaped by ducking to the rest rooms to change his clothing. Giovanni looked disappointed. Perhaps he was hoping that the boy would just forget about it and go home without me. I almost wished that Travis would do that. It always seemed that the people that I came into contact with were hurt somehow. I never wished anything on anyone even on wretched Chris. Chapter Thirteen I was saddled up and led into a very narrow gate. It was dark and the bars in front of my nose were so thick that only slits showed the outside ring. Pale light pour through them and I could hear the scuffling of the men above me as they banged around on the wooden platform. There was some coarse jests directed at Travis and his small replies that were almost lost among the laughs. The leather strap that pinched across my rump was chaffing uncomfortably and the cinch was too tight around my barrel. The bridle was also small and ill fitting on my face. I was made for a pony or small rapidash with a narrow face. Suddenly a weight dropped on my back unexpectedly. I flinched and managed to keep all four feet on the ground as Travis adjusted himself clumsily on my back. Kathie had been quite light as a jockey, but this boy was a weight of a mere feather compared to her. I hardly felt there was anything there at all aside from the crude leather saddle. Someone called down and Travis answered unsure of himself. The gate before me flew open and as I had been taught, I flung myself forward to break into the lead. Except that there was no lead to take. No other horses teamed around me, no crowd cheered us on except that of the old cowboy hooting and wheezing with mirth. At the first break, I felt Travis slipping. To compensate I leaned the other way so he could catch his balance. He swayed more and jounced, but I had other things to worry about. The ring wall of concrete loomed dangerously close in front of me and I was receiving no directions through the reins from Travis. They flopped uselessly on my neck and the bit wiggled in my mouth between my teeth. Charging forward at the same speed, I was nearly on the wall before turning sharply and racing parallel to it with inches to spare. The wind was whistling in my delicate ears, but I heard Travis hoarse yell and felt his relieved sigh as his whole body sagged downward. He finally seemed to find the reins with his fumbling hands and halted me with a quick jerk back. Shakily he climbed down and waved to his father up in the stands. Giovanni did not wave back but there was a look of fierce pride and resolvement. He strode down with big strides until he entered the ring. Then is strides were careful and his eyes downwards for unpleasant surprises that would ruin his new expensive shoes for good. "Well, your no wimp I'll give you that, but the horse had the control. You are very lucky that he turned rather than scraping you of on the wall. You may have this beast on one condition; you take riding lessons." Giovanni said with not a trance of emotion in his voice. Not even satisfaction or disappointment. He was a strange, closed up human and I wondered if he had ever opened up to anyone. "Yes sir." Travis said giving me, a weak pat and his father a warm smile. A child's love for a parent was the only explanation I could give for the futile gesture. Giovanni, to my surprise smiled back. It was the merest quirking of the mouth and at an angle where only Travis and I could see it, but it was there. "Where will he be in the meantime?" The smile faded back into cold disdain and he measured me up with those cold, calculating eyes. "I suppose he'll just have to go home with us. I will have Stephanie start breaking him so you can ride him when you are done with your lessons and proficient enough to stay in the saddle. He seems tame enough right now." Chapter Fourteen I watched with interest as Travis rode on an old gelding by the name of Sugar. The creature was amble and swayed back. He was so old that his hearing was mostly gone, but his wit was sharp as ever and he reminded me of Smoky. Silently I wished my once friend good luck. My luck had changed, but others may not have been so fortunate. Chris had been itching to get rid of Smoky just not as much as he had me. Now that I was out of the way, he could focus on the gray cowpony. Sunlight glimmered of Sugar's cream coat and his thin, wispy mane of gold floated gently. The old guy was slow, but from what he told me he use to be spry enough to run circles around me and then some. When I asked how he managed to stay for so long, he struggled. It seems that once upon a time Giovanni had a pet pony. It was hard to image have that cold man as an owner, but Sugar had nothing but praise for the man. I suppose people change just like horses and things change. I would have never dreamed of being where I am on a sleepy day in the valley. Or who I am now for that matter. I was a bit na•ve back then and so eager to go my own way about things. "That's it. Just get off that poor nag. You've sawed straight through the creature's mouth and you still can't get him to turn." Stephanie called out in disgust. "You told me to pull harder!" Travis protested in frustration. He tossed down the reins in his lap and Sugar halted. "How can I get this down if he won't co-operate with me? Even Thunder isn't that bad about ignoring me." I winced at my new name. Supposedly, it was after so famous guy's horse, but it was so unoriginal and bland. It might have fit better if I had the electric gift rather than ice. "Ugh, just get off. Let me show you with Thunder!" Stephanie replied storming over to my corral. I trotted over excepting the bridle and saddle happily. Giovanni may have been a cold, harsh man, but he knew a good horse trainer when he found one. Stephanie was a slender woman was knotted muscles in her arms and a thick jaw. Her hair was auburn and cut abruptly at the top of the ears. She was kind though and patient. With horses anyway, "So how it's done? Really, I know you're not stupid boy. Just do as I do." She wheeled me around and pointed me towards the ring. Sugar barely even noticed me because he was dozing. Travis tapped his with his heels and Sugar snorted, but he didn't wake up. Stephanie sighed in resign and left the two of them to figure it out. She had me do figure eights and all sorts of other exercises. "Stephanie," Giovanni called out as he crossed the yard. He was wearing riding clothes English style and black boots as well as a helmet. That surprised me, but what surprised me even more was that he was leading a black ponyta behind him. "Mint!" I bulged happily and Stephanie had to hold me back from racing over there. The ponyta jerked his head up in surprise and nickered, "Windstar!" "I see they knew each other. I suppose they would having both come from that valley outside of Cinnabar Island." Giovanni said coolly, "It makes what I plan all the easier for us. Stephanie, I want to try Thunder on the jumps." The woman shot an apprehensive look in the direction of her pupil who was still trying to get moving. The man followed her glance and said mildly, "Sugar's not going to do anything within the next half-hour. I know, I use to have the exact same problem as my son. They'll be okay." She nodded reluctantly knowing it to be true. Turning my head with some pressure on the reins we started towards another ring a few yards off. This one had oddly constructed sticks that crossed each other to make bars, but they weren't connected like a fence. Some had water on one side of them and other were brick type walls. I couldn't see what all we were supposed to do in here. I looked so crowded and small I wasn't sure if running was even possible. "Windstar, how are you?" Mint asked looking me over as Giovanni gave instructions to Stephanie, "You look so thin and tired. They haven't treated you well here? Man, it's the Ritz for me. Warm grain, constant brushing, carrots mmm. Giovanni is such a nice guy even though he insists on getting up on my back. I don't overly mind, but sometime- well you know what I mean." "I haven't been here very long. Giovanni's nice you say?" I blinked in surprise. First Sugar then Mint? Sugar was old and forgetful sometimes so it could have been a lapse, but with Mint saying it too? He pranked a lot and loved to get you with your guard down, but his coat shone and he seemed to be in an amble enough mood at the moment. This was severely confusing me. Suddenly Stephanie halted me and brought me back to the real world just as I was about to plunge into my thinking mode. She started me off towards one of the funny fences. The bar was set down at ankle height and there was no supports holding it up. I trotted over it only to trip over the next on a few feet away. I recovered and watched my hooves so that it didn't happen again. We worked on that some and then some higher bars that I had to hop over. Then I was pulled to the side to watch Mint work. Amazingly graceful in the way I could only dream about. He flowed over the jumps never missing a stride or clipping a bar with his back hooves. His green mane sparkled and waved in the sun the same with his tail. Giovanni seemed to be a part of him as they flew over jumps and strutted in between. Mint had always enjoyed jumping over a stray log or stream that meandered, but here he could put that enjoyment to use. Maybe being with a human wasn't so bad, if they helped you with what you wanted. Chapter Fifteen Travis was ungainly perched on my back. He twisted and swayed in a sort of crude rhythm with my trot. He was going to be sore tomorrow I'll tell you that. And the next day if he didn't learn to lift his butt up in time. Stephanie was an irritated as I was with his lack of performance. From time to time she would yell advice or a taunt, you'd never know which, before falling silent with a meaningful frown and look. Travis truly was hopeless and I wondered how Stephanie kept from losing her temper. "You two are never going to be ready for the show on Tuesday next week. Giovanni might as well go by himself with that Caliber of his." Caliber was Mint's new human name. He liked it okay and I realized that it was much better than stupid old Thunder. Why couldn't Giovanni have named me? At least then I would have an interesting name. The show was supposedly on how well Travis rode and I performed, but like Stephanie I despaired that we wouldn't even get last place the way it was going. It had already been three months since I first arrived fresh out of the horror of the rodeo. I had no desire to go back either, so I behaved and was extra careful. I even tolerated Giovanni's persian. Her name was Cleo and she scared me. I wasn't sure if it was just the fact that she was creep or if she was a feline like meowth. I still hadn't quite recovered from Fluffy the killer kitten. My good behavior had been noted and I was granted lessons. It didn't take long for Stephanie to see how well trained I was or how smart I was about picking up on new things. She recommended that poor Sugar be given a rest and that Travis should start riding me. After she broke me of the habit of breaking fast from any sort of gate that is. Old habits die as hard as they claim. Giovanni rode up on Mint and shook his head slowly. His thin lips twisted and he commented in a deep voice, "Try using your reins Travis. They guide the horse. You are the brains of the team and he should follow your led not the other way around. Dig deeper into your seat so you don't rock as much. The judges do not like that." "Yes Dad." Travis said dutifully as he clenched the reins harder bring my head back. It hurt and to let him know that it did I tossed my head and did a sideways prancing motion. Giovanni's coldness still made me nervous and the feelings I had for him were anything but fond, however, I found myself wondering about him. He was a block of ice so much of the time, but Mint said that he visited everyday to brush and talk. Cleo, I didn't talk to her much and always from a distance, claimed that she slept on the foot of his bed. So why was he so silent and disapproving with his son? And other people for that matter. Stephanie almost always left as on some silent command when he decided to give Travis some lessons. Maybe he just got along better with pokemon than he did his own species. Not that Homo Sapiens, nifty word I heard from Travis when he was currying out my coat, were a species to brag about all together. There were good ones and bad ones and everything in between. Maybe he had run into more than a few of the really bad ones and decided that humans weren't worth very much of his emotional effort. That was sad, but he was who he was and I doubted that anything would change that so late in the game. Perhaps Mint had overheard something. Humans tended to think of us as deaf or dumb. Chapter Sixteen This was it, that show. Well actually the preparations to go to the show which was in a small city outside of Celadon City. People that worked at the stable bustled about busily as Travis wrapped my legs. I was to travel in a trailer with Mint the whole way there. Unlike Chris' crowded quartering I got my own little stall of sorts and hay along with some fresh water. It would almost make it bearable to ride the whole way there and it was much preferable to having to travel in a pokeball like Sugar said happened when the shows were in the Johto region. The trip took over two hours, but the road was smooth and the driver in no hurry so it was almost pleasant. The scenery was a blur of rocks, trees, and yellow-green grass. It wasn't anything like the valley. Everything out here was colder and less green. Plus there were rocks everywhere but no mountains in sight. Mint turned to me when I asked him about what had been running through my mind for the whole week. "What do you mean, 'What happened to Giovanni to make him so frigid?'" Mint asked eyeing me warily. His eyes were flashing in annoyance and his head was resting on the divider between us. "He's not cold at all. To me and you anyway." "I mean why is he that way to humans? They are part of his herd and he either ignores them or talks to them. They don't like his talking much do they? Maybe because he's cruel with his words?" I prodded knowing full well that he used his words like a whip rather than the real thing. In fact, I had never seen his so much as raise a hand to one of his people much less his son. He had a temper, but it wasn't hot it was burning cold. "Oh, that." Mint said with careless flippantly. If he had a hand he'd have been waving it around. I could tell he wasn't taking me seriously. Sugar would have been a better choice, but I hardly ever got to see the old gelding much less hold a lengthy conversation with him. "It has something to do with being poor, you know what poor in human terms mean right? Yes, well, it seems his family was 'immigration trash' whatever that means and that the other humans were nasty all the time. The kids would taunt him and beat him up. His meowth, Cleo's mother, was his only friend. I guess it didn't get better as he got older because he dropped out of high school to become a pokemon trainer. I felt panicky. Giovanni had been a trainer. Smoky had warned me about those kinds. Mint blithely ignored my panic and continued as he munched on a piece of straw. "Anyhow, he got real good after a time with his ground types. He was so good that he earn the title of gym leader. Now he runs a gym and this thing called Team Rocket. The original mission was to free pokemon and kids from abusive situations, but Giovanni says it has evolved from that. Not in a good way either. He has so many kids that were ruined by their former life and they don't know about anything but stealing. He also has to bring in enough money to feed, board, and pay all of them. Moreover, the pokemon. "Then there was this project with a mew clone. That got out of hand too and the creature flew away. See Giovanni's intentions started out good, but they ended badly. I think that's how he feels about his life too. Started out good when he use to live in that other continent Meeria and started going bad when he came to Kanto." I nodded to Mint while secretly nodding to myself. That brief story of his life explained quite a bit. It still did fit in with Travis or certain other things, but maybe Mint hadn't wanted to tell about that. Maybe Giovanni hadn't wanted to tell about that. Even to a horse. The trailer lurched to a stop and I heard some mild cursing then some heavy duty swearing. I think it had something to do with a hole in the road, plus what happened to the tires when we fell in it. A human head peeked through the window and the brown eyes darted around quickly, "The horses are fine. They don't even seem distressed at all. There is still plenty of hay and water in there with them." There was still plenty of time to talk too. I wanted to know more. Giovanni had become somewhat of a puzzle to me and I wanted to piece him together. Chapter Seventeen After many hours and much conversation, we finally arrived at the show grounds. The place was teeming with human activity. Horses were being groomed, walked, and everything else. Trailers and campers were being organized and there was a lot of shouting, but it was of the good kind. Good in the jesting and polite conversational kind. There was no anger like at the racetrack or no greed like at the auction just a social get together. Don't forget the opportunity to show off. Humans liked to do that a lot it seemed. Since we arrived late, everyone was scrambling to get things in order. Mint and Giovanni's class was in twenty minutes. Ribbons had to be braided into Mint's green mane and his long legs had to be wrapped in mint green cloth. He also had to brushed, saddled, and warmed up for the jumps. Giovanni himself was tending to Mint while everyone else was frantically digging out tools for him to use. Tense conversation was tossed back and forth with the subject of where's that thing or I just saw it over there. Giovanni was cool and taking his time like he had all day to get ready. Stephanie finally remembered me and tied me outside. The air was warm, but the autumn air was a bit nippy and clouds covered the sky in patches of pale gray. It was difficult to believe that I had been taken from my home, the valley, only four months ago. It seemed so long ago that Mint and the fellows had teased me about Dewdrop. That brought up a fresh thought and I went off on I wonder if she's okay, where she is now, that sort of thing. Travis brought me out of my trance-like state of worry, "Psst, Windstar." I was grateful for his use of my real name. We had both agree that it would seem a little odd if his named me Windstar. It seemed that humans weren't big on the combined word thing and people would start to wonder. Even so, Thunder? I mean come on. Even Hank had a better name than that. I fact I had suggested Galaxy, but Travis was set on Thunder. The things I suffer through for him. "Do you want to see your friend, Caliber. He's going to go over the jumps in a few minutes." Travis asked darting a nervous glance around looking out for his father or Stephanie. His brown hair had actually been combed, well sort of, it still stuck up all over the place and he looked presentable in clean jeans and a tee shirt. "His name is Mintleaves." I said in a quiet voice. One horse nicker in a thousand would not be noticed, but there was always a chance that Giovanni was around the corner. He didn't appreciate Travis' conversations with me. "And I'd love to go and see. He just looks like a puddle of flowing water going over those jumps. Do you think you can get me close enough without drawing attention?" Travis snorted, "You doubt me? Hah, that's so easy. Okay, well, maybe it will be a little trouble, but nothing we can't work around you know." I rolled my eyes as if to say yeah right, but kept silent. Travis was quiet enough when his father was around, but he was obnoxious the rest of the time. He and Mint would have a field day if they ever talked to each other. I could picture it now, both trying to be better than the other in a mock Windstar contest. We snuck up to the stands off to the side a bit. It was just in time because Mint was just entering the arena. He looked prim and a word no guy should ever be called beautiful. The crowd went through its ooo's and ahh's rather loudly then hushed as Mint started going. He cleared all the jumps with ease while still keeping to his seven pace limit. Then came the problem. Mint always had trouble at home with the double jumps. It put his running of which usually messed up the whole run. I don't know how many times Giovanni and Mint had to re-do the practice because of that fault. Giovanni's face was tense and it was then that I realized he wanted to win just as much as Mint or anyone else. Somehow, I had gotten it into my head that he was only coming to show Travis how it was done. They approached smoothly and flowed over the first jump. Mint lost a little of his stride which, if the judges caught it he would be flawed and lose points. He recovered though and soared over the second. His landing was perfect and his hindquarters bunched under him pushing him onward. The crowd, which had been holding its breath, broke into a thunderous roar of applause. Mint, the glory hound ham that he is arched his neck and gracefully flowed over the last jump. He halted with flourish and gazed upward. I snickered and he shot me a dirty look. I grinned and flicked my tail as high as it could go. That was our way of doing a thumbs-up. The human was is intriguing, but unfortunately, I lack the necessary body parts to try it. He smirked proudly as the prize was handed to Giovanni. A big silver cup. I wondered how many of those Giovanni had won over the years. A whole room full from what Sugar told me. It was lucky that they were last to compete. They didn't even have to leave the arena. I fact they tried, but the judges pushed them back and all but shoved the trophy in Giovanni's arms. I guess he frequented these shows and was popular. Chapter Eighteen I trembled softly as the speaker boomed to my left. Travis was staring stare ahead with resolve on his face. We were up next and he was determined to show his father how well he could do. I was more nervous than he was. There was no way I could upstage the performance of Mint. Aside from the fact that he was in a jumping class and I in dressage, I still felt inadequate for the task ahead. Fretting, I side stepped as Travis tried to mount up. He gave me a light slap on the shoulder and teased softly, "Nervous? Ha, we will wipe the floor with these guys." Everything was going fine so far, but a little bit of worry tugged on my gut. It was more than just being afraid of losing or looking the fool. There was something else bothering my subconscious and the fact that I didn't know what was chilling my skin. Lather had already covered my shoulders and face. "Number Nine is Travis Genoa." The announcer shout into his microphone and Travis gave me a little tap with his heels. Slowly I moved forward and the tap got harder. Picking up the pace, I tried to look showy like Mint had, but I was mostly stumbling around. I wondered how long it had taken Mint to look the way he had. "Travis is the son of Giovanni, winner of the jumping competition." One of the judges nodded and Travis started me forward. I started out unsure of myself and it took some time before I got into the pattern, the feel of it. Then everything went just fine and it was over before I knew it. Travis led me out of the ring chattering about how easy that was and how we were sure to get first place in the competition like his dad did. I didn't want to shatter his hopes so I kept silent. Doubts nagged at me. Maybe we didn't give our best performance, maybe my step was off by just a little bit, or maybe Travis didn't have his heels down enough. Little things like that could add up with sharp-eyed judges. "The first place winner is Samantha Day on her mare Opal." The announcer called out and I studied the winners as they strutted out to claim their prize. The girl was with dark black hair tied back in a ponytail that went down to her shoulder blades and dark brown eyes which, were framed by tentacles of loose hair. She was of average height although rather stocky. The mare was a pale silvery color with a blue rim of flames. She looked familiar and when I realized whom it was I almost cried out. Mint, across the ring with Giovanni didn't have such restraints it seemed. He called out and she lifted her head. It was she, it really was. I didn't imagine it or take someone else by mistake. She looked around until her eyes landed on me. Then Samantha said something curtly and she followed the girl out of the ring. "A lousy yellow ribbon. Were we really that bad?" Travis moaned holding the offending object in front of my face, "Hello, earth to Windstar. Do you know her or something? Answer me!" I blinked as I looked at him and said carefully already planning how to sneak out and find her trailer, "She... well, yes. We come from the same valley. I know her." "Oh, I see." He replied slyly slitting his eyes slightly and looking evil, "You like her. No, don't try to deign it." If horses could blush, I would be doing it. Heat spread across my cheekbones and my ears twitched uncontrollably. It was just my luck that Mint happened along as I was doing it. Travis couldn't read horse sign language, but he could. He whooped and danced out of the way, as I tried to pound him. As soon as we settled down, I immediately started thinking about how to get out and find Dewdrop. It would be hard because Stephanie slept outside the trailer to prevent theft. It amused me to no end that the leader of the pokemon- stealing group Team Rocket was afraid of losing his property. I dozed and thought the rest of the day away. Tomorrow we had our first jumping class as well as Giovanni and Mint going for a second chance against the winners from the others in their class. That left two days before the competition ended and we returned home to Giovanni's stable. Chapter Nineteen I felt ridiculously like on of those people in the spy movies Travis was always telling me about. I had dimmed down my flames making my dark coat almost black and I was peeking around carefully for Stephanie. The woman was curled up in her blanket facing outward. She was dozing lightly with her eyes part of the way open and her ears too I'm sure. I quietly clopped, if you can quietly clop, down the ramp and onto the clay. Mint's peered out and whispered, "Good luck. Be back before they catch you okay?" I nodded although I knew he couldn't see me in the low light and tiptoes, or at least tried to tiptoe, around Stephanie. She was expecting something to come from the front and not the rear so I slipped out with no problem. Getting back in might not be so easy. I just prayed that by then she was sound asleep with fatigue for the busy day. It took me almost an hour before I found Dewdrop. Then there was another problem. The one of the human sort. Like Giovanni, her owner had put a guard on the trailer. I guess this wasn't that safe of a place to camp. The man looked to be young and of the ill-educated class. He was alert though and was sure to catch a wandering young horse. A smile crept along my dark face as I inched forward keeping to the shadows. So far so good. He hadn't noticed me yet and I was within a few yards of the trailer. Suddenly I screamed and made my flames burst into life. The effect was blinding as the light flashed silver and bright in the man's face. "Gawd, I can't see." He moaned covering his eyes with his hands and staggering around blindly. I waited patiently for his eyes to recover as my flames dimmed back down to normal. He looked up with a final knuckle to clear his eyes and frowned. "Stupid horse. Come here now so I can get you back to where ever." He stepped forward and I stepped back carefully. He automatically went into horse soothing mode as he inched forward. I kept my ears perked forward to look as though I were listening to his every word, but kept the distance between us. He took a little step forward I took a little one back. I put just enough distance between us that he was discouraged and gave up, but still out of capture range. He seemed to sense that and stopped to eye me unfavorably. I had to make him mad. He wouldn't go after me other wise. He stepped forward and I held my ground pretending to nibble at a blade of crab grass. A slow smile oozed across his face and he came forward. I watched him and when he made a grab for my halter, I danced aside. He almost lost his balance, but regained it at the last moment by wind milling his arms. I could see that my little trick had ruffled his feathers. He came slower this time then lunged suddenly. I didn't move my body only jerked my head above his reach. He slammed his face into my chest. It stung me a tiny bit and I didn't want to know how his face felt now. It was all red and I didn't think it was from the damage done. I think he was embarrassed by being out smarted by an unintelligent horse. He got up and started chasing me. Gleefully I high tailed it down the path to the arena being careful of ropes and trailers that barred the way. Several horses nickered when I pasted but I was having way too much fun to pay any attention to what they said. Turning my flames up brighter so the man had a beacon to follow I slowed. I could hear labored breathing and muttered curses behind me. Just as he was close enough to catch me, I dimmed my flames as low as they would go and sneaked around behind him. As soon as I was a good distance away, I raced back to the trailer. Dewdrop was waiting for me. There was another rapidash inside the trailer with her. She was a cream colored one with orange flames. I had seen many others with this pattern at the races and the rodeo. It had made me wonder why they all looked the same when the horses from my herd were a rainbow. I had asked Travis once and he called us 'shinnies'. I wasn't quite sure how the term was applicable since none of us really was sparkly, but it was the human word. "Windstar," Dewdrop said unhooking the trailer door with her mouth. It slid open silently as she jumped over the noisy ramp. She walked up and we rubbed noses. "I missed you so much. So many awful things have happened since we were captured, but when I saw Mintleaves I knew that you had to be around somewhere." I didn't ask how she knew I'd be with Mint since I wasn't sold with him from the beginning and our meeting was purely chance. I could have just as easily been kept in the rodeo for the rest of my life in those sad, pathetic conditions. I looked at the rapidash. She had her head over the side, but her door remained shut and she looked drowsy. Dewdrop followed my gaze and said, "Windstar, this is Sara. She's my masters mother's horse." "What a coincidence. Mint is my masters father's horse." I chuckled quietly and Sara retreated inside the trailer with a few remarks and a good night. Immediately Dewdrop's demeanor changed. She stared at me intensely for a few moments before whispering, "Things haven't been easy for you, have they? I was lucky that Samantha picked me out. She a nice, pleasant human being. Her mother Lara knows quite a bit about rapidashes. You'd be surprised." I twitched nervously before spilling out my story. She didn't interrupt, but made little noises at the appropriate places. How females could do that so perfectly without even thinking about it was a mystery. We waited in silence for a few moments before she leaned against me and nuzzled my cheek. "That's awful. They kicked you out because you kill a pokemon with the foaming sickness. The one humans call rabies. They should have given you some high medal or whatever humans do to decorate horses with such bravery. If that meowth had bit that little girl she would have gotten it too." Dewdrop said with her eyes widen and her ears back. By her posture, I figured that I wasn't the only one who had some run ins with the foaming sickness. She continued, "I heard about the rodeo too. Lara is constantly shunning it. She says it's cruel and needless. You've had an awful time of it dear." We leaned quietly together until the time just before dawn when Sara poked her head out, "Be going young one. Y'all are lucky that the man didn't return, but Lara always comes in the first of the morning." Reluctantly Dewdrop returned her stall. She pulled the door shut behind her with her neck but couldn't seem to get the latch. I reached up from the side of the ramp and latched it under Sara's precise directions. I lingered looking back and Sara snapped for me to get going. If they caught me out, they would guard me better at night. Just as I had turned I heard Dewdrop call out, "Be careful Windstar. There is an ill wind blowing today." Chapter Twenty It trembled softly about the knees, but other than that, I kept myself steady. Occasionally a whisper of a shudder raced through my dark skin and my ears flicked around with short jerking movements. Travis seemed to sit confidently on my back, however, I could feel his slight shaken and smell the faint trace of fear that lingered around him. We were lined up for the first jump and waiting for the signal to go. It was given and I lunged forward filled with excitement and adrenaline. Breaking back into the stride that I was suppose to be in I hurdled the first jump. It was low, a warm up really, and I cleared it with ease. Travis urged me to change leads with his thighs and I quickly switched over. The first lead, which I had taken off with, was a little uncomfortable and awkward, but this second was right on the mark. I soared over the next few jumps in the coarse until I got to the brush. Instinct, wary of dark places where predators could hide, jabbed up for the merest of instances throwing me off coarse. I missed a stride, but still managed to clear the jump and not clip the candy striped red and white bar with my hooves. Travis seemed unsettled, but I couldn't wait for him to regain his seat because that would be counted against me. Instead I shoved a little to the left with my hock and he fell into place. Travis, flustered by his unseating, clung tighter as I skimmed the highest jump on the coarse. His hands were tight on the reins and his bony knees were digging into my side through the saddle. The next jump loomed in sight and he urged me on. I stumbled because I though my lead had been correct and caught myself before serious damage could occur. When I looked up the jump was right in front of me. I didn't have time to thrust my heavy chest aside and my only option was to jump. I bunched up my hindquarters and pushed off heavily. My knees made it over the plastic bars and the cinch from the saddle scraped gently. Then the upper part of my back legs crashed forcefully into the bars. The impact threw me forward causing my head to be thrust downward towards the torn up ground. I felt Travis leave my back from the force and I knew it was safe to twist around. He wouldn't be caught under me. Hauling my back half around with brute force and taunt muscles, I managed to pull the rest of me over the jump. Then at the last second, I jerked my head up to avoid slamming my jaw and delicate face bones into the churned up ground. Incredible pain ran through my body and I heard several bones grate together at the joints. Then it faded from blinding to bearable and I struggled to get up. This whole time I had been concentrating on myself, but now I could hear the roaring panic of the crowd and Mint's frantic neighing from the sidelines. A vet ran his fingers over my legs and back while his assistant tried to hold my head. I wasn't making it easy for her because I was trying to locate Travis. Was he okay? I hadn't heard him speak and there was a lot of commotion. I couldn't see through the tong of people's legs and at my angle that's all there was. Stephanie came over to the vet. Her face was ravished and she gazed down at me worried. She spoke in hushed tones to the vet and he replied, "This horse was very luck to possess such excellent reactions. He somehow managed to avoid serious injury. When I saw him, flip over that jump I was sure he was going to break his neck and maybe a few of his legs. Anyway, his bones have experienced tremendous pressure and he is going to have deep scars from the gouges on his back legs, but with rest and antibiotics and pain killers he should recover just fine." I snorted causing a fresh wave of pain to run through my nerves. I wanted to know how Travis was. The vet said I was fine, I knew I was fine, so how was he? Stephanie had a conversation with the vet in a low voice. I strained to catch the words 'spinal injury' and 'paralyzed'. I wasn't sure what they meant, but I knew that they sounded bad and that they sounded hurtful. Chapter Twenty One Giovanni had come to see me. We were back at home now and I was resting fitfully in my stall. Old Sugar was dozing peacefully oblivious to the major pain I was feeling next to me. His haggard coat shimmered slightly in the light as his side rose and fell in rhythm. I was standing with my shoulder brushing against the side in case I should fall like I had done the night before. Giovanni quietly let himself in to the pen Sugar, Mint, and I shared. He produced a sugar cube for each of us and made a huge fuss over Sugar. The old gelding blissfully received all the attention as Mint and I watched on. Mint seemed older somehow although it had not even been a year since our capture. At home he would have shoved the old guy aside and received his due, but now he watched quietly with a content look on his face. As if sharing Giovanni with the old horse was a pleasure. Seeing them both so happy was a pleasure. My friend Mintleaves had grown up. He was no longer the obnoxious yearling. In his place was a mature stallion with a gentle temper. He had even been considerate to me taking care not to jostle me or letting me eat first. The things that the old Mint would have never even thought about. The man turned away from Sugar and idly stroked Mint's nose with a callused hand. His frown was so deep I was afraid that his face would cave in. Could human faces do that? He spoke suddenly. "I don't know what to do Caliber. Travis' hospital bills are exorbitant, but I must pay. It is the only way for him to get better. I've sold my summerhouse in the Orange Islands and most of my property. There is an emergency fund, but I'm not sure how long it will hold out when it comes down to it. I've had to quit the gym and disappear from Team Rocket. The grunts are searching for me even as we speak although I'm sure some greedy, cunning executive will rise to power before long. I've had to sell so many things and I've had to make so many tough choices." Then he turned to me and I felt ice run through my veins. His dark eyes held a promise and when he spoke I inwardly cringed, "I'm sorry Thunder. I know that Travis wants to keep you, but I look at you and see destruction. This destruction of my family and of my lifestyle. I understand you could not help it and that it was no fault of yours, but I just... I just cannot get past the fact that you caused this... this decline in my life. We are moving to a smaller ranch outside of the Indigo Plateau so that I can think and consider my options. Stephanie will load you up for auction tomorrow so say your good-byes now. I know you have them and I know you can understand me so you will understand when I say I promise you will go to a good home." This whole time my mind was in shock. With on final pat on Mint's nose and a finger-trailing pet on Sugar's shoulder he was gone. He didn't look at me and he seemed too ashamed. He knew that I was intelligent enough to understand his words, their meanings, and not just some dumb creature that thought nothing of what the future held. He was unlike any human I had ever encountered and I could see now how Mint, and old Sugar, had come to accept him as part of their herd despite his species. Chapter Twenty Two I stared desolately out into the thong of people. My pen was unoccupied since, true to his word Giovanni had Stephanie take me first thing in the morning. She was still around somewhere looking at the other horses and speaking with prospective buyers. I knew she would leave until I was sold. Since my number was at the beginning of the sale it would not be long. A man approached and I whinnied in surprise. Chris, it was Chris. He looked thinner since the last time I had seen him and much more temperamental. If he recognized me, he gave no sign. He dug around in his pocket for a moment before retrieving a pokeball in one big hand. With a careless flick of the wrist, he released the occupant into my pen. Spitting a wad of nasty stuff across the aisle, he proceeded to lean back against the fence and wait for any prospective buyers. He tucked his battered old ten-gallon hat down tight. I turned to see Iceshadow. He had grown a lot in the short time we were apart and had the look of a true racehorse. His legs had lengthened and he towered over me quite a bit. His chest was wider and he looked to be in supreme health. He hadn't evolved since I had last seen him, but neither had I. Moreover, surprised to see me standing next to him in an auction pen. "Well now, Windstar right, looks as if we are both in a pretty pickle now. What did you do to land yourself in here again. I heard from Smoky that you were shipped out for killing a pet meowth with the foaming sickness." He said looking forlorn with his ears and flames drooping. I told him in a short summary of the events that had taken place and he nodded understandingly with his large ears pricked forward, "You don't seem to have all that much luck with riders, do you?" "Why are you here?" I asked since he looked like he needed to talk about it. My question prompted a tired sigh and he turned to eye Chris as if the stupid man could hear what we were saying. Slowly he spoke. "Chris is selling out. He made some unwise business decisions or as Kathie said, 'The horses could have done it better', which is true too. He really screwed up with some gambling on the track and then he started selling stock to pay the debt he had incurred. It was happening right before you left. Poor Ginger was the first one to go. I haven't seen her since then. Kathie bought most of us from him, but she only had so much money. In addition to that, she was pissed that her father had sold you. You saved that bratty kid's life you know. She usually hauls that poor kitten everywhere and it would have bitten her eventually. Anyhow, I was Chris' prized race horse, and he sure as hell wasn't 'Going to sell that winning horse to you. You little snot-nosed upstart', those were his exact words. Then he had to sell the ranch or the bank was going to foreclose on it to pay off his debts. How the bank got a hold of his gambling record, I don't know. Generally, that isn't the way it is done. Kathie owns it now and he has to pay her rent. He still needs money so here I am. Sold to the highest bidder which, will be Kathie by the way. She's prowling around her somewhere. It seems she had quite a lot of business sense. More over than her father anyway." Kathie, here? She wasn't the worst person I could end up with, but I sure didn't want to return to that ranch. My skin crawled with the possibilities. I didn't want to race any more. I wanted to be back with Sugar, Mint, and Travis. At this point I'd even go with a trainer who truly cared for me rather than Kathie would cared only for my abilities. "What about Smoky?" I managed to ask while watching the aisles warily. My mind was turning over the options and I wasn't thrilled with the results. Rolling in the dirt wouldn't do much to mask my dark blue coat and there was nothing I could do about my flames, but keep them low. I couldn't pretend to be weak and sick because at Giovanni's I was well taken care of and I wouldn't look the part. I just had to hope someone would bid higher than Kathie would. "Lucky old bastard." Iceshadow growled lightly and I could see that he wasn't really angry, "Hank bought him. Kathie doesn't even care about anything other than racehorses. Chris sold all the others that she didn't buy off him at auction." Kathie sauntered up to Chris with a self-satisfied smirk spread across her wide face. She looked very pleased about something and I believe it was her chance to possess Iceshadow. The ponyta in question nibbled on a piece of hay, which had fallen out of the pen not caring whom he went to. Kathie was the nicer owner to have; however, life would be the same for him where ever he went. It was all he was raised to ever know in the world of humans and all he'd ever need. Racing was his life "Hey Pa. You've finally caved in have you? It took long enough for you to give in and give up. Shows that stubborn old men don't always get their way with things. I warned you about your temper and that horse Galaxy. You just up and ignored me so I had to teach you a lesson." She sneered looking infinitely pleased with their little discussion and the position she had put her father in. I didn't understand how she could be so mean to her own father. I would never raise so much as a hoof against my sire. "Stupid bitch." Chris hissed uncivilly in a hoarse voice and looked the other way with his eyes squinted slightly. She moved around so that she was in his line of sight and opened her mouth to add more. In response to her movement, he closed his eyes and she seemed disappointed by his lack of response. She pursed her lips in a pout and strolled off with her hands tucked tightly in her back pockets. Only when she was out of sight around the corner did he open his eyes. Growling to himself, he turned around to look into the pen. To make sure Iceshadow hadn't jumped the fence and run away I guess. "You!" He shouted then winced. Immediately he lowered his voice, but it was still dripping with the same amount of hatred and venom. "You cost me my living. The bitch will want you back too. Fancy that, you escaping the rodeo. What did you do to get out? Kill someone. It seems that you did help little Melissa in a way even if you were only saving your own worthless hide. So, I'll return the favor." I didn't like the way he said that. I had a bad feeling that he wasn't going to do me the kind of favor I would like. Also that it was more to get back at Kathie than to help me. These humans were so hostile and petty at times. It was sickening and pathetic. Most especially when it was among family. Chapter Twenty Three I felt ridicules, but I had to admit that Chris had done his job well. I was now a lovely shade of bubble gum pink with splatters of cream. The stuff he used to mask the blue hair was supposed to wash off with water and I hoped that he wasn't playing another cruel prank on me. If it didn't wash off I was likely to get the name Bubble Gum. He had also placed me last by switching my number with Iceshadow's. I guess he figured Iceshadow was as good as gone so he concentrated on me. I wasn't sure how he switched the paper work or said that I was pink and white instead of blue and silver. "Number twenty one is next. What a fine creature this is. He was previously owned by a ranch owner who raced rapidashes. Look at his muscle and stature. He is also well trained and nice on the eyes." The announcer said quickly pitching his tone perfectly while the crowd gave an appreciative glance at Iceshadow and mumbled to whomever they had come with. The bidding began at a frenzied pace and slowly but surely people started to drop out as the price got spendy. Soon it was just Kathie and an older man. The old man had gray hair and a hard, but gentle face. The two were still going strong and I knew that Kathie meant to have Iceshadow in spite of the high costs. It ended with Kathie victorious and broke all at the same time. Iceshadow was led from the ring to prepare for his new/ old owner. Expecting never to see him again I neighed a loud good-bye and he flicked his tail in a horse version of a wave. That was that. Iceshadow had left my life, but who could say when he would pop up again. He had done it before as had Dewdrop and Mint. It was another half-hour before the man took me by the halter and led me into the spotlight. I was sure that some people would die laughing when I walked into the ring they were choking so much. Others smothered immature giggles or tiny smiles that portrayed amusement. Chris' revenge continued as I ducked my head at the laughter. I should have known that humans found the color pink to be funny. I hoped to never see Chris again in my life. Or the next life for that matter. "Uh-hm, this fine young fellow came from a very prestigious family where he was used as a dressage and jumper for the little boy. Before that he had a short racing career which was fairly successful before it was cut unintentionally short." Well at least Giovanni neglected to put in the rodeo part. That would have driven off many the nicer people. Maybe I'd get a good owner with a nice kid who would ride me every day and love me to death. Right, the chances of that were slim to none. The people here were not the type to pick up a pet pony for their darling little girl. Again, the bidding begun and the people went crazy with the hand waving thing. Soon there were three people still in the game as the others dropped out like flies flicked by a flaming tail. Kathie, whom I hoped, would run out of cash before the bidding was through making it impossible to buy me, an older woman who had a shrewd, calculating look about her which made shivers run up my skin. Much in the way that Giovanni had the first time, I had seen him in the valley as a na•ve yearling. The third bidder was a younger woman with a kind, youthful face. She had raven black hair and warm brown eyes. She also looked vaguely familiar, but I could not place her with all the noise going on around me. Within a few price jumps later, the older lady dropped out. Her wrinkled face was pouty with disappointment and unhappiness at losing. The other two hardly noticed her dropping out at all. They continued at a furious rate until Kathie had no more. The announced babbled something about this being the highest price ever and other such unimportant nonsense. I just watched my new owner carefully. She was being thumped on the back heartily by a friend and smiling slightly. The young girl beside her was excited, but she was imitating her mother. The groom led me out of the ring so that the next horse could be sold. I shook me head slightly at the stupidity of it all. Life was never going to be a normal affair with these humans running it. Why they needed to overtake another species and enslave it was beyond me. Living with humans taught me that most thought us no more the brainless property or a way to earn cash. They didn't have to live with constantly never knowing what will happen to you next. An owner in debt or someone with a cruel streak could end it all. It all played out into being sold where they handled you in a way that would make another person blush if they were treated that way. It was indignant, but there was nothing we could do about it. I just hoped that my new mistress was one of the better sorts of humans out there. I had met a precious few. Chapter Twenty Four I took a double take when I was realized from that awful ball. It turned out that my new owners were not planning on buying a horse when they attended the auction. All they had was the pokeball that Giovanni had left with me. The two human females looked me up and down before the older one said playfully, "He needs a bath. I don't know how long I can stare at that shade of pink before I burst out laughing. Poor Thunder wouldn't like that much I'm afraid." The younger girl nodded in agreement and went to fetch a bucket of water and the hose. I shivered at the thought of a cold bath, but if it returned me to my normal coloring I would be grateful. I had gotten too much of the color pink. Apparently in human society pink was considered a feminine color. Chris wasn't too clever, but he had managed a fairly good insult without me knowing it. I was confused though. How did they know my name was Thunder? I looked nothing like the horse Travis rode in the show and Giovanni never let anyone in his private stables. Why then did they seem so familiar? The littler one especially. The older girl which had stayed behind noted my confusion. A wide grin spread across her pretty face and she teased me gently while scratching my ears. "Poor little horse. You don't know anything about this do you? Let me fill you in. Your previous owner, Giovanni, asked us to keep an eye out for you in the auctions. He said that he was forced to sell you because of the unfortunate incident at the show. My mother, Lara, agreed. That's when we spotted you Thunder. Even with all the pink dye." So, Giovanni had kept his quiet promise whispered to me with only horses as witnesses. If he thought this was a good, safe home then the chances were that it was. The girls seemed nice although I hadn't seen any other people or animals around since I was brought out. This bit of new information stimulated me to look around. I hadn't bother before because I was more worried about what sort of people they were and not the landscape. The traditional red barn nestled comfortably against a maze of paddocks and off to the side was a round training ring. Rolling hills of semi-dried grass, the color of yellow- green were off to the side with no fences in evidence. Occasionally bushed peeped out shyly from the shallow valleys although it was obvious that an effort had been made to clear the scrub out creating more grazing. A herd of cows grazed placidly in the distance, but they were to far away to see clearly. "Sam, we had been get started if we want him to look normal when Lara arrives here. She will be expecting a blue and silver horse not a chunk of pink bubble gum." The older girl said to the younger one who had came staggering up with some buckets, sponges, brushes, and the trail end of the hose. To my surprise, the water was just the right temperature for me and I found myself enjoying the scrubbing going on. Pink dye ran off me in streams of water and soon I was patchy all over. My mane had retracted away from the drenching liquid, but once the girls started drying me off with towels, the silvery flickers emerged then enlarged. I swished my tail happily enjoying all the attention. This time chance had not landed me in the gutter. Giovanni had made good on his promise to me and my luck was finally looking to be up. A growlithe trotted around the corner with its plumy tail waving happily back and forth. The black nose was pressed lightly to the dusky ground and the paws were carefully treading around obstacles. Suddenly it stopped and looked up straight at me. Studying me with black eyes it yipped nicely, "So you're the one all this fuss is about. You had better be nice and polite though 'cuz if not I have to teach you some manners. That's a lot of work for both of us." Taken back I just blinked clue less as she plunked herself down by Sam's boots. I wasn't planning any trouble. I never planned any trouble, but it always happened anyway. I hoped she could stop it. She was a contrast to the grouchy Skip and I found myself liking her spunky friendliness immediately. Finally Lara herself arrived. She bit her lip as she peered at the ground stained with hot pink then giggled slightly. "At least ya got all of it out. This is that one, huh? Pretty hoss if ya ask me. Healthy too I reckon. Well, ya have kept him waitin' long 'nough don't'cha think. Growlithe, go get her will ya since these gurls didn't." By now I'd think that the thoroughly confused look on my face was permanent. I had absolutely no idea what in the name of Mew they were talking about. Or who they were talking about. I watched puzzled as Growlithe bounded off around the quaint little red barn. She returned a moment later with her tongue hanging out sassily and her puffy tail wiggled non stop with glee. Epilogue Dewdrop and I had a happy reunion that day. I learned that Lara was part of the great Laramie ranch system that bred all sorts of great pokemon. Lara bred tarous, but her older adopted daughter Sandi was interested in ponytas. Samantha, Lara's real daughter, was only interested in whatever Sandi was so she liked ponytas too. I wasn't quite sure at the time which she would take to breeding. Later it turned out that it would be neither. In the end she ended up with growlithes and arcanines. Growlithe, Lara's pokemon, seemed to be the one who sparked her interest. Funny how life has those little twists in it. I haven't heard from Giovanni or Travis for the longest time then one day Travis appeared on the doorstep. He was in a wheelchair, but he had full ability in his arms. Sandi had invited him to see me. We had a nice long conversation about life and the pitfalls. He held nothing against me about the fall and sheepishly admitted that it was mostly his fault anyway. I guess he must have made a good impression on Sandi because she asked him to stay for supper. That was the beginning I guess. Most human's scoff at the thing they refer to as 'love at first sight' but I had seen it happen. They married a year or so later. Sandi's with child. It's her first so I hope that things go well for her. What about me? Well, Dewdrop and I got together finally. We've had two fillies and a colt together. I love each one dearly although the colt is too much like Mint for comfort. He is constantly getting into mischief over something. It's quite embarrassing sometimes. His name is Ginger Snap because of his coppery color with the mahogany flames. Life seemed a wasteful, confusing ordeal, but it was worth living. After all the terror and misunderstanding; the long sleepless nights and the incomprehension; the good and the bad bits. It was still worth living. Tolerance and faith had brought me through the troubled waters scathed, but the wiser for it. Turmoil ruled for a long while before peace was restored in the most unexpected fashion by the most unexpected bearer. My life was like a storm of sorts. Winds of change blew me around and gusts of hatred and misunderstanding threatened to slam me down. Ice storms of the lost pelted me with hail and sleet covered most everything with wet and gray. Then it had broke and sunlight had poured down leaving only a few spots of mud as a reminder. You think I am crazy, don't you? Well, you still have the rest of your life ahead of you whether it be ten days or ten years. Make the most of it and pull through the storms. You will receive a reward of sorts somewhere along the way and sunshine will be bright. Then you will know when life is worth living. Author's Note: Like it? Hate it? Want to critize? Go ahead.