Something!! Part 4 Disclaimer: I don't own pokemon!! Characters: Ash:15 Misty:16 (Yes, she is a year older than Ash!) Brock:22 Elizabeth:15 1/2 Tori: 14 1/2 A/N: Sorry I haven't done this in a while! Maybe, you should reveiw more! *Last time* "What happend? And why is Misty-- ASH!!!" said Tori just waking up, "ASH, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!!!" "N-No... It's... ok, T-Tori..." stuttered Misty, "I'll be fine..." Not for long, I thought... **************************** "Hey, Brock?" I asked. "... Yeah...?" He said staring at me with thise lines of eyes. "Can you make ice cream?" "Yes...." "Stay away fom Betsey, Romeo." said Misty, pullig him away fom me by the ear. "Ow! Not the ear!!" Me and Ash laughed. Then we looked at each other and we blushed. "How long till we get to Cycling road?" Asked Betsey. "In about 20 minutes." said Brock. "Hey, Misty?" asked Tori. "Yeah, Tori?" said Misty. "Can you catch me a pokemon, maybe?" "Sure, let's go to this lake." At the lake... "Hmmm... Ah! A Corsola! Go, Vaporeon!" "Vaporeon!-Hi, love!-" "Pikapi... pikchu pi kachu chu pika... -Ash... I think Vaporeon likes me...-" "Nice, Pikachu!" said Ash. He started to staring at Misty. Then, a misfired water gun hit his face. "Misty, what the crap!" yelled Ash.