Disclaimer: I do not own Poke'mon or anything that has to do with it (other than a few cards that I got when I was 7).

This is my first fanfic, so if it's bad, do tell at z.schaffer@comcast.net.
Please, no caps font or such, tell me if it's bad, but don't scream!

Ash Ketchum-12
Misty Waterflower-13
Pikachu-Who knows?
Brock Stone-15

   Note: Italics mean thoughts that someone is having.

It was that time of the day again, the time when all the poor rattata and pidgy run home, yes the time when Misty Waterflower and Ash Ketchum raged against each other on the battle field. This battlefield may not be real with explosions of weapons, but it was certainly real with the explosions of insults.
Four figures walked through the forest of Legenda, the legendary valley.
"What do you mean, 'I got us lost again'!" You know that it was as much your fault as it was mine!" Ash yelled to Misty, who then countered,
"Wow! For once you're actually excepting some of the blame for yourself!"
"Uhh, excuse me, but I thought I was as deaf as I could get, bit maybe I'm wrong. Do you two think you could quiet down?" Brock tried, but he was unsuccessful.
"What?! I said it wasn't my fault totally, but that doesn't meanŠ"
Ash started. All of a sudden, Misty looked like she had seen a nidoking flying or perhaps a phyduck with a college degree.
"What's wrong with you?" Ash asked, his angry expression changing to that of a worried one.
"La-la-look!" Misty stuttered, pointing to something behind Ash and Brock. They both turned, but saw nothing.
"Misty," Brock said, "There isn't anything there." But when Ash and Brock turned back around to look at Misty, she was gone.

"Misty? Mi-sty? MISTY!" Ash called out desperately, hoping to hear the voice he'd been waiting for to reply, but got no answer.
"Ash, it's getting dark. Maybe we should head back to the Poke'mon Center for a rest.
"But Brock, what about Misty? What if something bad happened to her? What if she is hurt, or maybeŠ"
"Ka-CHU (How COULD YOU!)!" Pikachu zapped Ash with its thunder-shock attack. It continued, "Pika, pikachu chu pi chu ka pi ka pi Pi Ka Pi (How, how could you possibly think of something like that happening to Misty?)?"
"It's hypothetical I'm going to look for her all night if I have to. Why don't you two go back to the Poke'mon Center, and if I need or find anything, I'll come back and tell you.
"But Ash, what about food and sleep-"
"I can't just leave her out there! What's a guy supposed to do?" Ash sobbed, tears starting to seep down his cheek. He wiped the tears from his face and took off at a sprint.
"Pi chu pika (Should we fallow him?)?" Pikachu asked Brock, startled by Ash's tears.
"No, I don't think so, Pikachu. Let him have some time to think for himself." Brock replied. Oh Ash. What did you get yourself into this time? Sigh. SayŠI wonder if Nurse Joy is free tonight. Hmm.
"Chu, pi pikachu (Hello, anybody there?)?" Pikachu lightly zapped Brock to wake him up from his daydream.
    "Oh Misty. Where could you be? And who was the person or poke'mon or whatever it was that took you? MISTY, WHERE ARE YOU?!"
I can answer that question for you, Ash Ketchum. An unfamiliar voice rang inside Ash's head.
"What? Who's there, and where's Misty? Show yourself!" Ash cried into the now quiet and dark environment of the forest.
AshŠAsh, help meŠ
Misty's voice, clear as crystal, ran through Ash's head.
"Uh, Misty, keep talking! Maybe I can find youŠMisty? MISTY! MISTY!"
Misty's last two words repeated themselves in Ash's brain: Help Me. Ash started searching for some sign that Misty was near. He felt a presence behind him. As he turned he felt something deep inside him. Fear that was like no other, fear that was more than 'oh no, we're doomed'. It was a fear made one collapse onto their knees, and that is exactly what Ash did when he saw the creature behind him.
The creature was of every element. It's tail was fire, with a flame at the end. A diamond on its forehead represented psychic powers. Its cheeks had what looked like fleshy tubes filled with water. And below both of its pointy ears were waving pieces of flesh that glowed with electrical powers. Its thighs were made entirely out of ice that looked cold enough to freeze the air around them. Out of its back were two vines wove through the air like thread. Its chest was entirely made out of stone, and its shoulders looked like they were emitting black mist, the power of darkness.
The creature's eyes gleamed in the dark. Ash was stricken with fear, but his need to get the redhead out of danger was stronger than the fear.
"Wha-what do you want? Ga-give Misty back!" Ash yelled to it.
My name is Elemental. You wish to get your friend back. Yes? Well, normally, I would never do something as evil as this. But I have direct orders to destroy the boy known as Ash Ketchum at all costs.
"But why? Who gave you the orders?"
That is for you to find out, after I beat the living heck out of you. Now prepare to meet your doom.
"Just tell me! Where is Misty?"
Your girlfriend is slowly dying from some sort of potion that I was told to inject into her.
"WHAT? NO WAY! SHE'S DYING? NO, Misty I can't let you die, no, this, this can't be true.
Ash looked at Elemental with pure hatred. He more than ever wanted to stay and kick his bottom in a poke'mon battle. But if Misty was dying, there was nothing to decide.
"I'm sorrym Elemental, but I've got pressing business to attend!" Ash said as he threw his poke'ball containing Pidgeot, and waving goodbye to Elemental, he jumped onto Pidgeot's  back and screamed to it, "GO! MACH 3!"