Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon. Just out of curiosity does any one really read these? I mean could I put a scene in here and have anyone notice. Let’s find out.

The sheets followed every curve of Misty’s body as she lay in the soft light of the moon. Ash opened the door and looked on his loving wife. Her red hair fell around her shoulders and her green eyes reflected in the soft light. She gently patted the bed beside her and beckoned him to come to her.

"Ash…" she breathed.

"Yes, Misty my love?" He asked leaning closer.

"You Forgot To Lift The Seat Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she screamed and hit him a strangely convenient frying pan.

Diamonds in the Rough

Part 2




Two hours later the city of Sapphire was falling away under the swift and steady wings of Radianz, Creidi’s western style golden dragon (still a young at 30 ft long, not including the tail), and Pidgeot. The girls had not left Mt. Frost empty-handed however. Jace had gotten herself an Artico and Creidi a Seel, both were sent to Prof. Elm.

Even though the pokedex had said pokemon were few and far between in the Jewel League, the girls kept a close eye out for movement below. Unfortunately they weren’t looking for movement above. Out of nowhere a snow-white bird the size of a small eagle shot between them, almost knocking Creidi off Radianz and sending Pidgeot and Jace tumbling. However, diving between the girls had also sent the bird off course. It started circling below, taking no more notice of the disheveled girls.

"What is that?" Jace asked in wonder, her usual snippy tone lost to her love for flying types.

"It’s a Gyrfalcon, and it’s hunting." Creidi answered, her eyes searching the ground for the prey. Then she saw it. Through a gap in the trees a small navy pokemon made a dash for cover. Quickly Creidi turned Radianz into a dive. The Gyrfalcon had seen it’s prey as well but was knocked off course again as Radianz bolted by. The solar dragon landed in a protective stance over the tiny pokemon.

The Gyrfalcon was not happy. A dragon now guarded the tiny pokemon that would have been an easy meal. Deciding to cut his loses the ivory and pitch bird turned to leave only to find a fully-grown pidgeot blocking his path. With an angry cry the bird shot out an Ice Beam at Jace.

"Radianz, Solar Flare!"

"Pidgeot, Mirror Move!" The heat of the solar flares completely neutralized the ice attack. But the double Solar Flare took a devastating toll on the Gyrfalcon. The majestic bird fell to the ground with dull thud.

Jace throw an ultraball and Gyrfalcon was sucked inside. The ball started shaking furiously. The green and white ball shook, bounced, pitched, and rolled. Then slowly it subsided and stood still. Jace landed and scooped up the ball with delight.

"Thanks for the assist." She said clipping the ball to her belt.

"You welcome." Creidi replied looking up at the gap in the trees they had come through. It had been a tight fit when Pidgeot and Radianz’s wings had been folded in the dive. Neither pokemon would be able to go back through. "Guess we’re walking." She added with a sigh.

"Looks that way." Jace sighed as both recalled their pokemon. She would much rather fly then walk. The girls turned a started to walk towards Emerald City when a small paw touched Creidi’s leg, making her jump. She turned to see a canine like pokemon. It had fur of the deepest blue with random pinpricks of white dotting its body, giving the impression of the midnight sky. Its eyes looked like pools of moonlight. Its build reminded them of a wolf, thought this one was only a juvenile, probably fresh from the litter.

"Astral." It said in an echoing voice.

"It looks like you made a friend." Jace teased. Creidi kneeled down and stroked its head and back. It felt like she was running her hand over liquid sky.

"Identify." Creidi said pointing her pokedex at creature.

"Astral: The Celestial dog. This pokemon is so rare it is believe by most to be a myth. Like most Holy types it prefers not to fight. Full grown specimens can reach the size of small Arcanines." The pokedex said in monotone.

"You want to come with us little guy?" Creidi asked hopefully. A holy dog would be perfect for her team.

"Astral!" It replied happily, tail wagging. Creidi took out an empty ultraball and tapped it on the star studded back. The pokemon turned to red energy and disappeared into the ball with out a struggle.


Considering they could stay anywhere they wanted on the league dollar, Jace and Creidi took the opportunity to spoil themselves and their pokemon. After registering the girls crashed in their plush room. The room was decorated in tan and red/ orange. The general build was similar to that of their room in Sapphire. They had found out that all the towns’ hotels had at least one floor dedicated to pokemon trainers.

Over the next week nothing of real importance happened. The girls trained and got to know their new pokemon, visited local attractions, and spent one whole day at the pokemon/ trainer spa. This entailed special baths for each pokemon, depending on its type; acupuncture, to get the energy flowing; and massages all around, to relax sore muscles.

Gyrfalcon turned out to be an ice/ dark type bird. It had a hawk like appearance with white feathers tipped in black. Razor sharp talons decorated her feet, and she had to be careful not to cut Jace when she sat on her shoulder. The pokedex said that Gyrfalcons could be all white or all black or any were in between. The more black the stronger the dark type, the more white the stronger the ice type.

Astral was more then willing to do anything Creidi asked of him, but he seemed happiest in her lap. His Dazzle attack was like nothing the two girls had ever seen. It caused any pokemon caught in it to start running to or from phantoms of their own imagination, often sending them into walls/ trees/ whatever was around.

The week flew past and Saturday dawned with a storm on the horizon. The squall moved in at unbelievable speed and soon stopped over the city and released a torrential down pour.

"This really doesn’t look natural." Creidi mused from the sliding glass door. Jace opened a soda and joined her.

"How so?" It looked like rain to her.

"Well look. The storm is only over this city. You can see sun light around the edge. And the rain and lightning seem to be concentrated over one spot." Creidi pointed as she talked. Jace shrugged.

"Hey what is that?" She pointed down to the street.

"It’s a Raikou and Suicune!" Creidi cried in surprise and joy, "What are pokemon like that doing in a city like this?" Before the girls could answer this riddle something crashed through the glass and slammed into Jace’s chest. The cerulean haired girl was thrown back and sent tumbling across the room.

"Jace! Are you ok?" Creidi cried in surprise.

"No, but I’ll live." She said weakly climbing to a kneeling position. "What was that?" They looked down on the carpet in front of Jace. There, in a puddle of rain, lay a bird pokemon. It was the size and shape of a dove, except it looked to be made entirely of glass. Its blue eyes were dull and it looked on the verge of fainting. It’s tiny chest heaved as it strained for every breath.

"What is it?" Creidi asked in awe.

"That not what is important now. It needs help." Jace insisted

"I’m willing to bet that that Raikou and Suicune are the cause of this storm. We have to do something."

"No, This pokemon needs help, and now. Here." She undid her belt and threw it to Creidi, who caught it in mid air "They’ll listen to you. I’ll take this to a center." She scooped the tiny bird up into her arms.

Creidi nodded ran to the glass door and threw it open. The force of the wind nearly knocked her down. She tossed Radianz’s pokeball out and jumped on to his back as soon as he formed. Lightning and rain were everywhere as they made the decent to the ground.

"Radianz, Sunny Day. Let’s reduce their power." At this the dragon’s body began to glow. High over head the rain stopped and the clouds parted. Raikou and Suicune looked up in surprise.

"Solarbeam!" The sun Dragon shot off a golden beam of light from its mouth as it touched down. The flaxen beam hit Suicune squarely in the chest, sending it sliding back several meters. The water dog growled and the diamond structure on its head began to glow. Above the clouds began to gather again, giving the curious result of black, boiling clouds piercing by shafts of brilliant sun light. Raikou charged up electric energy and shot it straight at Creidi.

"Arcanine, Fire Fountain!" The huge hellhound appeared just in time to put up the dome of fire. In the mean time Suicune and Radianz had been bidding for power over the weather.

"Radianz, another Solarbeam and stay on that dog. Gyrfalcon, Ampharos help him." Creidi commanded jumping from her dragon’s back on to the asphalt. The dragon blasted another beam at Suicune in response, Gyrfalcon shot an Ice beam, and Ampharos called down a Thunder attack. She trusted the pokemon to take care of the dog with out her assistance. It was the electric type she was worried about.

"Quilava, Houndoom, come out. Flamethrower!" Fire wasn’t the best to use against electric, but it was the best the girls had between them. Arcanine released the fountain to join Quilava and Houndoom. The triple jets of fire shot from the pokemon’s mouths. The blasts hit Raikou head on, sending him sliding across the pavement. His claws left deep grooves in his wake.

Raikou’s eyes glowed with rage. In a flash he crossed the spans and rammed Houndoom. The hellhound was hit hard and thrown into a building. Without waiting to see the out come of his attack Raikou turned and snapped Quilava up in his jaws and threw him into the air, Creidi recalled them both.

Now the raikou turned his attention to Arcanine. The two huge canines began to circle each other, looking for a weakness. Teeth flashed, and throats rumbled. In a sudden and great show of strength the two pokemon locked jaws and began struggling for dominance.

While this was going on Suicune was not having quit as good of luck. She desperately tried to keep up the Summon Storm, giving her mate a boost, but at the price of being at the mercy of the three attackers. Things went from bad to worse when the bird had frozen her hind legs to the ground. Now she was being hit with a thunderbolt, a blizzard, and a solar beam. She cried out to her mate for help, but he had his paws full with a large arcanine.

In exhaustion she fell to her side. She never felt the thump of the ultraball on her shoulder or being sucked into it. She never heard Creidi’s cry of triumph. The ball barely shuttered.

Now that Suicune captured the clouds cleared and the sun beamed down. With a mighty thrust of her head Arcanine throw Raikou to the ground. The Thundercat was quick to gain its footing and the stand off began again. The tension was so thick the air itself became hard to breathe. The two great beasts shifted and growled, preparing for another attack.

"Arcanine, Volcanic Blast!" Arcanine shot its mushroom cloud shaped attack at Raikou. The thunder beast retaliated by opening its mouth and firing a huge volt of electricity. The two attacks met in the middle forming a colossal writhing ball of crackling fire and booming thunder. Each dog was giving the attack everything they had, all the time the explosive sphere was growing.

Without warning the orb compressed then exploded, sending pokemon, trainer, and debris flying. Creidi covered her face to shield herself. She felt the pain shoot through her body as she slammed into something solid. Rocks of all shapes and sizes began to pelt her. Remembering the tornado drills in school, Creidi tucked her head and waited for the storm to pass.

A few seconds later the light and sound faded, leaving Creidi with ringing ears and spots before her eyes. She sat up gingerly and looked around. What she saw made her jump to her feet.

Arcanine lay 10 feet away with a large hunk of rock embed in her shoulder. Radianz and Gyrfalcon’s wing were in shambled, along with some broken bones. Ampharos was out cold, blood trickling from several large gashes.

"You all did wonderful. Let’s get you to a pokemon center." She reassured before returning them to their balls. Across the street Raikou roared his challenge. Creidi spun around, she didn’t have anything left that could stand up to such a beast. Her fear, however, was unfounded. The huge creature had nothing left. One of his hind legs was caught under a large slab of rock and one, may be two, of his remaining legs was broken. This being what it was, Creidi still had no intention of getting much closer to the huge pokemon.

Unclipping an Ultraball she took careful aim. With all her remaining strength Creidi hurled the green and white ball through the air. It struck Raikou right on the head and sucked him in. The ball put on a show comparable to Gyrfalcon’s capture before finally settling with a ‘Ping’.

Creidi breathed a sigh of relief before releasing Articolt and setting off for the pokemon center.


Creidi slide her card key through the lock and pushed to door open. Inside the tan and red/ orange room Jace sat on the couch, the tiny glass bird on her knee. The dove was singing a beautiful song as Jace listened. The melody was so entrancing that Creidi stopped in the doorway to listen.

"It looks like I’m not the only one to get new pokemon." Creidi smiled as she sat down next to her friend and giving her belt and pokemon back.

"Which did you catch," Jace asked, "Raikou or Suicune?"

"Both." Creidi said holding up the twin ultraballs. Jace raised her eyebrow. She knew Creidi’s skills were comparable to her own, but that was still impressive. "Don’t go thinking it was some easy task. I couldn’t have done it with out your pokemon."

"Care to favor me with the tale?" Jace said with great dramatics.

"Only if you will introduce me to your new friend." Creidi cooed as she scratched the dove under chin. The feeling was strangely soft.

"This is Seraph, the Holy Dove." Jace said with a smile. Seraph twittered happily. "Now entertain us." She directed like a teacher to a student. Creidi rolled her eyes.

"Well, I took Radianz down to the street… … … After healing my pokemon Joy insisted that I be treated as well. And that brings us too the present." Creidi finished. The girls had moved out on to the balcony and were enjoying the cool night air. Astral and Seraph were happily playing on the floor behind them. The other pokemon watched the two youngsters play. All things considered, Raikou and Suicune had fit in surprisingly well. Radianz, however, was too big to come out.

"That’s quit a story." Jace said dreamily. She wondered if she would have a chance at some rare or legendary pokemon soon. Over the racket of the playing pokemon, there was a knock on the door. Astral started barking in his husky little voice. Creidi snickered as she scooped him up and shushed him. He gently licked her face as she opened the door.

Out side was a butler. He presented a letter to her on a silver platter before disappearing down the hall. Creidi didn’t need to open it to know that it was their invitation to the gym.

Dear Jace and Creidi,

You are her by invited to the Emerald City Gym. You have shown great courage against staggering odds. You showed compassion to a pokemon in need. Enclosed are your map chips.




The two girls stood at the base of Mt. Kiln, the mammoth volcano three miles outside of Emerald City. The pokedex had said that the pokemon inside were so dangerous that one needed special clearance to enter. The truth was that it was the secret location of Emerald City gym.

"Say we do some poking around after the battle," Creidi said, "I love fire types."

"So do I, and maybe I can get a Moltres." Jace added with a delighted gleam in her eyes.

"Still that will have to wait. First, we have to climb another mountain." Creidi said wearily.

"I don’t think so." Jace told her, "According to the map there is a secret door on the north side." Creidi wiped her forehead thankfully. The girls walked around to where the map said the door was. There they found…more rocks.

"Are you sure this is right?" Creidi asked.

"Of course it’s right." Jace snapped in annoyance, "There is probable some puzzle we have to solve."

"Just checking." Creidi snapped back.

"This isn’t getting us any where. Now let’s think." Jace began to pace back and forth, while Creidi sat Indian style on the ground. They remained this way for over and hour. They tried everything from asking the door to open to kicking it (Jace’s foot hurt for the rest of the day), but nothing seemed to work.

"This is insane. Whoever heard of a door that couldn’t be opened." Jace snapped and more threw herself then leaned against the mountain. As she did the door slide open. Both girls stared in disbelief, then grabbed their stuff and hurried in before the slab slide back into place.

The inside was sweltering. The cavern was straight and wide, but the only path through it was a narrow stone walkway with lava on both sides. The path was so narrow that the girls were forced to walk in single file. Boiling lava bubbles popped all around them and made both girls nervous.

"I don’t like this." Jace said as she tied her hair up into the top of her head. Creidi followed suit using a spare red ribbon. Having their hair caught on fire was neither girl’s idea of a good time.

"Let’s just take it slow, and watch our step." Creidi suggested. They did just that, but the heat of the lava made it that much harder. Soon the heat was over whelming and the girls seemed no closed to their goal.

"Do you think Arcanine can help?" Jace asked between gasps for air.

"Arcanine, come out!" Creidi said releasing her faithful first. The huge dog only took a minute to take in the situation before lying down to let the girls on.

The canine covered ground at a frightful speed as it took its passengers to the heart of the volcano. The pools of lava and sweltering heat only made the great dog feel more alive. He soon came to a seven-foot staircase leading to an arena suspended over the main lava pool. Arcanine cleared the stairs on a single bound. The girls disembarked and Arcanine returned to her ball.

Across the arena a red haired, violet-eyed teenage boy stood tossing a pokeball up and down. He wore a red short sleeve shirt and jean shorts. Despite the heat he didn’t seem to be sweating at all.

"Jace and Creidi, I presume?" He said coolly. Both girls nodded. "I am Pyrrhus, leader of the Emerald City gym and guardian of the Inferno Badge. I will use one pokemon. You may each only use one, so choose wisely."

"Huddle!" Creidi said. The girls turned their backs on the surprised Pyrrhus and began to talk in whispers. "What do you think, Jace?"

"I’m willing to beat he uses fire types. So let’s hit him with water."

"I think your right, but I have my misgivings. He didn’t put his gym here for the hell of it. I bet this heat will evaporate most of the water before it hits his pokemon."

"So we need to draw him into close combat?"

"That part of it. Here’s what we do… … … … … …got that? Good"

"I do have another match this afternoon…" Pyrrhus said in exasperation.

"We’re ready." Creidi said as they turned back, "I choose Suicune."

"And I choose Aquatro."

"I will choose Arcanine, Flame thrower!"

"Dodge!" Both girls cried at the same time. Suicune jumped out of the way to the right and Aquatro took to the sky and flew well out of firing range.

"Suicune, Summon Storm!" Creidi ordered. The crystal structure on the water dog’s head began to glow and overhead black storm clouds formed and heavy raindrops began to fall. Just as Creidi had predicted the heat was too great for the water to reach the arena. Pyrrhus put on a cocky grin.

"Did you think I hadn’t thought of that?" He cooed. High above the arena Aquatro began to dance and sing, her long blue and purple tail and crest trailing behind her. "Arcanine, Extreme Speed!"

"Suicune, Hydro Pump Now!" Arcanine slammed in to the water type, but not before getting a powerful blast of water to the face. The two dogs yelped as they jump apart and stood and waited for the next order.

"Not bad Creidi," Pyrrhus said tauntingly, "You might stand a chance if Jace’s bird wasn’t such a coward." Trainer and bird ignored him as Aquatro continued her dance. "Arcanine Crunch!"

"Suicune, dodge and bubble beam!" The huge firedog charged and, despite Suicune’s best effort, locked his jaws around her leg. However he was too close to avoid the beam. Pyrrhus cringed as Arcanine jumped away.

"I see what your doing, and you won’t draw me into close combat again. Arcanine Fire Blast!"

"Suicune, Agility and Bubble Beam!" Arcanine shot out the star shaped fire attack. Suicune dodged left and right with all the speed she had, but one misstep caused her to collide with the fire and go tumbling across the arena. High above, still framed by thunderclouds, Aquatro’s song and dance came to a climax.

"Arcanine finish this with Flamethrower!" Pyrrhus said with full confidence in his victory.

"Suicune, get out of there!" The firedog sucked in air and took aim. Suicune could only stare like a Stantler caught in headlights. Suddenly the air seemed to catch in Arcanine’s throat. For a moment he coughed and sputtered, then fell forward in a full faint.

"What the bloody hell!!!!" Pyrrhus snapped.

"Its called Parish Song." Jace said coolly as Aquatro landed on her shoulder.

"All I had to do was keep you occupied until Aquatro finished." Creidi said as she gently stroked Suicune and giving her praise.

"We figured we couldn’t out muscle you, so we out smarted you instead." Jace cooed. The look of disbelief on Pyrrhus’s face only egged her on.

"I concede, you win. Therefore I will bestow on you each an Inferno Badge." He held up two emeralds carved into the shape of flames. Aquatro took off from Jace’s shoulder and retrieved the badges. "If you would be so kind as to follow me."

The two girls recalled their pokemon and put away their badges before trotting after him. He led them to a building hewn from the volcanic wall. Inside was (thankfully) air-conditioned and had a healing machine.

"I don’t suppose there is a place around here for us to catch some fire types is there?" Jace asked over the hum of the machine. Pyrrhus smiled.