To Be All I Can Be
By: EmeraldDragon

Disclaimer: I don’t own pokemon (I wish) That is the privilege of Nintindo.
I do however own the characters in this story that are not owned by
Nintindo, so ask before using one.

Authers Note: I would love to know what you poeple think of my story. So
PLLLEEEEEEAAAAASSSEEE give me some feed back. ^_^;

To celebrate their victory at the Pewter gym, Janelle had bought each of
her pokemon a piece of rare candy and an ice cream cone for herself. They
were sitting around the pokecenter enjoying their treat and waiting for
Phil, when Nurse Joy approached her with a medium size package.
"Your father told me to give this to you when you had beaten the Pewter
gym." She said with a big smile.
"Thank you." Janelle said taking the box from her. She set the box on
the table she was at and began to read the note attached to the top.
Janelle slowly opened the package. In side was a calling card, a batch
of her mom’s cookies, and most importantly her father’s Official Pokemon
League cap. After an adjustment and pining her badges on, Janelle placed
the cap on her head. Then she placed the calling card in her backpack and
tried one of her mom’s cookies. The cookies weren’t very good, not to
mention stale. About that time Phil sat down across from her.
"How’d your battle go Phil?"
"Pretty good." He paused to show his new badge "Can I ask you some thing?"
"Sure, any thing." She said , returning her pokemon to their pokeballs.
"Why…Why is it that you can battle with the best of them, and yet be
so…so…clueless out side of battle?" Janelle looked at him for a minute.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that out side of battle you can’t identify a pokemon without your
pokedex, but in battle you know exactly what attacks to use."
"Phil, your father taught you about the out of battle stuff; evolution,
types, ect. He thought that if you know all that you would have an
advantage over other trainers, thus winning more battles. My dad, on the
other hand, thought that the more battles I win the more I would learn. So
he taught me the in battle stuff."
"What in battle stuff?"
"What type beats what, attacks, basically how to identify a type, and
when enough is enough." He craned his neck and looked past her.
"Speaking of your ‘in battle skills’, look who just walked in." Janelle
turned in her seat. Standing in front of the center door was Steven.
Behind her she could hear Growlithe and Pikachu growling.
"Maybe if we ignore him he won’t notice us." Janelle suggested, turning
back around in her chair. Her plan worked, for about 30 seconds.
"Well, well, well. If it isn’t Ketchem." Steven sneered.
"What do you want Steven?" Janelle said in an annoyed voice.
"A rematch of course. But this time let’s raise the stakes a little."
"How much is a little?" Janelle asked turning to him.
"Oh, I don’t know…the winner keeps the losers pokemon."
"How dumb do you think I am? Come on Phil, let’s go."
The grass to the north of Pewter was waist high. Growlithe was well
hidden, the only way Janelle could keep track of her was to watch the
movement of the grass a head of them. Pikachu sat on Janelle’s head
watching the world go by. Suddenly Janelle noticed something else moving
in the grass up ahead. Whatever it was, it was cutting it’s way through
the grass, making a little path as it went. As they crept closer they
could start to hear it talking.
"Bulba bulbasaur saur."
"It sounds like a Bulbasaur." Phil informed her. "Bulbasaur is a grass
"Let’s talk about it after I catch it. OK Ponyta, let’s see what you can
do, use your Fire Spin!" Ponyta appeared and torched bulbasaur and the
surrounding grass with a fiery tornado. The surprised pokemon sat there
looking charred and stunned. Janelle throw a pokeball at the bulbasaur.
The pokeball meet its target and captured it. It shock once…twice…It
opened. The pokeball dropped uselessly on the ground a few feet away.
About five vines shot from the bulb on Bulbasaur’s back. The vines wrapped
tightly around Ponyta’s neck, torso, and legs. Ponyta super heated the
flames that came from its body, burning Bulbasaur’s vines.
"Ponyta, use a Tail Whip!" Janelle ordered as she prepared another
pokeball. Ponyta turned around and slapped Bulbasaur a couple times with
its flaming tail. The pokeball flew through the air, engulfed its target,
and this time stayed closed.
"Yeah, I caught a bulbasaur!" Janelle brought Bulbasaur out to make
"Hi Bulbasaur, My name is Janelle and I’m going to be your trainer." She
said with a big smile.
"Bul bulba saur saur bulbasaur."
"What do you mean all trainers are evil?"
"Bulbasaur saur bul bul bulba!"
"I don’t know what your talking about. I would never hit or kick one of
my pokemon for any reason." Janelle knelt down beside him. "Here let me
give you this potion, it will make you feel better."
"Bulba!" Bulbasaur yelled and disappeared into his pokeball.
"Poison?" Janelle looked at the bottle and then at the pokeball in her
hand. Janelle sighed as she recalled Ponyta and placed the two pokeballs
on her belt. "I wonder what happened to him that was so awful he doesn’t
trust people."
"There are some horrible people in this world Janelle, who knows what
happened to him. But don’t worry he’ll trust you in time." They made
their way through Mt. Moon, a few people wanted a fight but not many.
Janelle caught a Geodude, which was sent automatically to Prof. Tracey, and
Phil caught a Clifairy. Upon exiting the cave Phil’s pokedex started
beeping like crazy. He opened it to see Prof. Tracey on the vidscreen.
"Where have you two been? I’ve been trying to call you for an hour."
Prof. Tracey sounded frantic.
"We just came out of Mt. Moon, the signal must not have been able to
penetrate the rocks. What’s so important?"
"To tall you the truth, I’m not sure. Prof. Oak called and wanted me to
tell you two to meet him at 9631 Clear Water Creek in Cerulean City ASAP."
"It must be really important if he came all the way from Cinnabar.
Thanks Prof." Phil shut the pokedex. Janelle released Ponyta and they rode
in to town as fast as the fire horse could carry them.
Their footsteps echoed in the laboratory type environment as they walked
down a narrow hall way, passing many doors. Each door was labeled with the
name of a Prof. Finally they came to the door marked Prof. Oak. Phil
knocked on the door. Someone inside told them to come in. The room looked
very much like the rest of the building, white. There were tables loaded
with lab equipment, pokeballs, and pokemon.
"Stick close Growlithe, I don’t want to lose you in here, you too
Pikachu." Janelle said patting each of her pokemon on the head.
"Hello, Grandpa Oak, It’s me Phil." In response an OLD man with white
hair, a cane, and more wrinkles then a Char-pei came from the back of the lab.
"Hello Phil, Janelle, glad you two could make it." He said in an age
shaken voice. "Go have a seat in my office, I’ll be there in a moment to
talk to you." Janelle and Phil made their way to the office in the back of
the room. In side was a well worn coach, a desk, and a coffee table. They
sat on the coach to wait. A few minutes later Prof. Oak came in with a
tray of cookies and milk for them. He set the tray on the coffee table
before going to sit at his desk. He sat quietly for a moment to collect
his thoughts.
"I don’t like to admit it," He said finally "But I am getting older. I
realize that at my age there are just some things I can’t do any more. I
can’t care for and protect all the pokemon I used to. Up until a few days
ago I wouldn’t have believed this myself."
"What are you getting at Grandpa Oak?" Phil asked picking up another cookie.
"Well…a few days ago Team Rocket broke into my lab at Cinnabar. They
were looking for a rare pokemon I was keeping there. The security system
warned me in time and I got all the pokemon out, but I fear that Team
Rocket will find me and try to steal the pokemon again. So I need the two
of you to do me a favor. I want you to take this" he set a purple, pink,
and white pokeball on the desk, "Put it in the bottom of your backpack,
never use it, talk about it, or take it out. I have made the arrangements
for you to carry it."
"I don’t know Prof., What is so important about this pokemon?" Janelle asked
"If I could tell you, Janelle, I would."
"But Prof., won’t the pokemon get hungry and thirsty?" Janelle asked
finishing off her milk.
"Pokeballs are designed not only heal the pokemon inside but also to stop
time so the pokemon dose not need food or water. In return for the
inconvenience of carrying an unusable pokemon is there any thing I can do
for you?" Janelle remembered a story her father had told her about an ice
"I’ve always wanted to see an Articuno." Janelle asked timidly.
"Well…I don’t have an Articuno to show you…but I do have this. Follow
me." They followed him to a far corner of the lab. In a large incubator
was a huge blue egg.
"Cool an egg!" Janelle exclaimed.
"This Articuno egg will be hatching soon if you want to hang around."
Janelle pressed her nose against the glass of the incubator to get a better
"Can I pet it when it hatches?"
"If it will let you."
"Come on Janelle don’t you want to get your next badge?" Phil said
tugging her away.
"I think you better wait until tomorrow." Prof. Oak interrupted, "The
Cerulean Gym leader never battles after 6 o’clock." He paused "Janelle have
you ever considered evolving Growlithe and Pikachu?"
"Well…Yes but I won’t make them if they don’t want to."
"Your a lot like your father" He smiled, "If they decide to here are a
Fire stone and a Thunder stone." He said handing her two boxes, "I don’t
need them."
They decided to stay in a hotel for the night and go try for the Cascade
Badge in the morning. Their pokemon were out and playing in the floor.
Even Bulbasaur seemed to be having fun.
"It’s pretty sad about Prof. Oak’s lab."
Yeah I know, good thing he saved all the pokemon though. So have you asked
Pikachu and Growlithe if they want to evolve?"
"No but I guess I should. Pikachu, Growlithe, come here for a second."
The pair came over to see what she wanted. "You both know that today I
got a Fire and Thunder stones. I’ll let you evolve if you want to but you
don’t have to." Pikachu instantly liked the idea, but Growlithe had to
ponder it for a minute before agreeing.
Janelle gently placed the Thunder stone to Pikachu’s forehead. He began
to glow a bright white. His tail extended, ears changed shape, and he got
"Raichu!" He cried when he finished.
"OK Growlithe, Its your turn." She said placing the Fire stone to
Growlithe’s forehead. Growlithe began to give off the same white glow
Pikachu had. She began to increase in size at a tremendous rate, more then
tripling her size in 30 seconds. When the glow faded Janelle’s Fire pup
had become a lava red and charcoal black Arcanine. The fierce looking
creature towered at 6’6", more then a foot over Janelle’s height of 5’3".
The colossal pokemon leaned down face to face with her, and gave her the
biggest, wettest kiss she had ever received.
The rest of the night was slow. Janelle and Phil played cards and
talked, while their pokemon played and even watched some TV. After a long
talk with the other pokemon Bulbasaur decided to give Janelle a chance and
apologized for it’s behavior.
"Janelle Ketchem is now the new pokemon master!" The announcer’s voice
boomed over the cheers of the crowd.
"RRRAAAAAASSSS!" Janelle sat strait up in bed. The room was almost
completely black, except for the light that came through the slightly
opened curtains. Lapras sat at the window looking out over the ocean and
crying. Janelle walked over to Lapras. She knelt by the baby, giving it a
hug and a scratch behind its ear.
"I know you miss your mother but this can’t bring her back." Lapras
seemed to be crying into her shoulder. "Tomorrow I’ll take you to Prof.
Oak’s lab. Maybe he will know what to do. Now get some sleep." Lapras
nodded in agreement and they both went back to sleep. They were up extra
early the net morning.
"So Miss. FuturePokemonMaster are you ready to win your third badge?"
Phil asked in a teasing voice.
"Lapras is always feeling sad about its mom. So I’m going to Prof. Oak’s
lab first thing. Come on every one into your Pokeballs." Lapras,
Bulbasaur, Sandshrew, and Ponyta all vanished into their pokeballs.
Arcanine got up from her place on the floor to stretch. Without thinking
Raichu leaped from the bed to Janelle’s shoulder, sending them both to the
"Raichu?" He said with a very confused look on his face.
"Raichu, your to big to ride on my shoulder anymore. Your going to have
to walk if you want to stay out of your pokeball." Janelle said gently.
"Rai…" it moaned as it disappeared into its pokeball.
"I’m sorry." She apologized to the pokeball before putting it on her belt.
"Prof. Oak, It’s Janelle I need to talk to you."
"Back here, the Articuno egg is hatching! Come and see!" The pair ran to
where the incubator was with Arcanine following carefully as not to brake
any thing. Inside the incubator the huge blue egg was shacking slightly.
The shacking got harder and harder until it was bouncing around violently.
"CUUUNNNOOO!!!" The baby screamed and it escaped from its prison in an
explosion of shell, ice, and light.
"It’s BEAUTIFUL!!!" Janelle said in awe.
"Yes it is." Prof. Oak agreed "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"
"I have a Really young Lapras." She held up Lapras’s pokeball "I rescued
it after Its mom was killed by poachers. It always seems to be sad no
matter what I do. Do you have any suggestions?"
"Hum…Lapras are social creatures. A baby learns what it needs to know
about being a Lapras from its mother. In the wild if some thing happened
to its mother another Lapras would take care of it. My suggestion is to
send it to Prof. Tracey and let it grow up with the other Lapras there."
"OK" Janelle said sadly opening her pokedex and commanded it to send
Lapras to Prof. Tracey with Prof. Oaks instructions. Then she turned to
look at the Articuno again.
"I’d love to have a pokemon like that."
"Well, I can’t just give it to you. That wouldn’t be fair to all the
trainers who spend their whole lives looking for one of these birds and
never find one."
"I know but it would still be cool."
"Now I’ll move Articuno to the holding area in the back lab and…"
"Back lab?" Phil asked
"Just a minute and I’ll show you." They watched as the temp. in the
incubator rose. Suddenly a door on the far side of the incubator opened
and Articuno, obviously born knowing how to fly, flow out, letting the door
shut behind it.
"Follow me." The trio followed Prof. Oak through another door to an
enormous room with many holding areas. Most of the areas had rare pokemon
in them.
"Now as I said I can’t just give you Articuno, but if you can catch it
you can keep. Phil the same applies to that Porygon over there. You may
each have three ultraballs to use." He handed them the ultraballs. Janelle
stepped into Articuno’s holding area with Arcanine at her side.
"OK Articuno is a ice/ flying type so, Raichu Go! Thunder!" Raichu
appeared with a cry of its name and a immense amount of electricity for
Articuno. The zap made Articuno realize it was being challenged. Articuno
created a blinding mixture of snow and ice aimed at Raichu. When the
blizzard cleared Raichu was frozen solid.
"Raichu Return! Go Arcanine!" Seeing that the threat had not past,
Articuno began creating another blizzard.
"Arcanine use your Ember!" Arcanine shook like she had just gotten out of
the water. The tiny embers formed a cloud of fire around Arcanine.
Articuno released its frigid attack to no avail, the ice melted and
evaporated on contact with the ember cloud.
"Now Arcanine Flame Thrower!!"
"AAAARRRRRRRR!!" Arcanine released a diagonal pillar of flames.
"CUUUNNOOO!!" the ice bird screamed in pain. Before Articuno know what
was happening it was inside a ultraball. The ball shook and jumped
violently as Articuno fought for freedom. Suddenly the ultraball released a
very unhappy ice bird. Articuno shot an ice beam at its attacker.
"Arcanine use your Agility and Take Down!" Arcanine dodged the ice beam,
leaped into the air, and slammed Articuno to the ground. Once again
Articuno found itself inside a ultraball. The ball threatened to release
its quarry.
"Arcanine sit on it!" Arcanine laid down on the green and white ball.
After a few moments Janelle heard a muffled ping.
"Arcanine bring me the ball." Arcanine brought the ball on request and
dropped it slightly slimy into her hands. They exited the holding area to
see Phil tossing an ultraball up and down in his hand.
"Those were two very impressive captures. Janelle having Arcanine sit on
the ball was a stroke of genius. Phil no one has ever been able to catch
that Porygon before. You both earned the right to keep those pokemon."
"Thanks for all your help Grandpa Oak." Phil said as they headed for the
"Yeah thanks!" Janelle agreed.
"Your welcome kids, Call me if you need any thing else."
"Like, I am Rose of the like Cerulean City Gym, I like guard the like
Cascade Badge. This…"
"Oh kill the formalities Rose."
"Your like sucking all the fun out of like my job cousin."
"Just name the battle." Janelle said getting frustrated with her air head
of a cousin.
"Like, I’ve been waiting to battle you for like along time. So like how
many pokemon do you have?"
"I’ve got six. Just name the battle already."
"Bummer, I only have like four. So I guess it will be like four on four.
Do you like accept." Janelle thought for a minute. Ponyta, Sandshrew, and
Arcanine wouldn’t stand a chance in this fight.
"I decline."
"Like fine how about a like two on two?"
"I accept. Go Raichu!"
"Like Go Slowpoke, like Head But!"
"Raichu Thunder!" Slowpoke charged ( if you want to call it that) at
Raichu with its head lowered. Raichu summoned a bolt of lightning that sent
the pink plush toy flying across the gym.
"Slowpoke! like Getup and like use psychic!" Before Janelle could give an
order, Raichu was being thrown around like a golf ball in a tornado.
"Raichu Return! Go Articuno, Blizzard!" Once again Articuno released the
blinding mixture of ice and snow. In the wake of the storm Rose found her
Slowpoke frozen solid.
"Slowpoke like Return! Go Vaporeon! Use your Hydro pump
"Articuno Ice Beam!" Articuno easily dodged the columns of water that
came from the pool below, then without warning Articuno rendered Vaporeon
out cold with an icy blast.
"Vaporeon like Return! Like fine you win! Here’s the like badge and gym
prize, now like get out!"