Love is in the Air: Part 2 Narrator: Kim's Delibird has gone to find Ash and Misty. Let's see what there are up to right now............ Misty: Wow Ash. That was the BEST kiss I've ever had! Ash: (sweat drops) But it's the only kiss you've ever had. Misty: I know. And because of my interest rating in boys, it WILL be the best and last kiss I've ever had! Ash: But we can do it again, right? Misty: Of course! What I just said was rubbish!! Narrator: Ash and Misty make out again but then Delibird flies over them. What will happen? (Translation machine: ON) Delibird: What are you doing, Misty and Ash? (Ash and Misty don't notice) Delibird shouting: WHAT ARE YOU TO DOING!?!?!?!? (Ash and Misty stop kissing and sweat drop) Ash: Um... nothing. Delibird: Well, the soup was ready an hour ago. We need to go back to the campsite! (Translation machine: OFF) Narrator: Ash, Misty and Delibird make their way back to the campsite. Tom: Hey! Your soup is getting cold. Golduck and me were about to eat it for you! Misty: Sorry, we lost track of time. Brock: Hey Ash. What's that red mark on your cheek? It looks like lips. Ash: (sweat drops) Err... Um... I banged my face on a rock and the mark looks like a lip. Narrator: Ash and Misty managed to keep their secret for the whole day. Until at the campfire.... Ash: These marshmallows are great. (Rustling sound) Kim: Hey, what's that? (Team Rocket jump out of a near-by tree) Brock: NO!! NOT YOU NOW!! And we were about to tell ghost stories. (Goes of crying) Jesse: Pre------- Tom: Oh shut up with your song. What have you got this time? James: Well, we've got a tape of the latest movie in the cinema. Its called Love is in the Air. Watch this... (Jesse and Meowth put a T.V next to James. James put the video and it comes up of picture of Ash and Misty kissing) Ash: YOU DWEEBS!! Go Pikachu! Pikachu: PPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!! Team Rocket: TEAM ROCKET'S BLASTIG OF AGAIN! (PING) Narrator: Well that's basically the end of the story. Or is it....................................