Chapter 13 - Unknown Dangers "So you think you can get away with trespassing on Poketech property! You'll think twice about ever entering these grounds again!" yelled forward a tall figure as it moved into the clearing in time with the other people and pokemon surrounding Ash, Misty, Azurill and Pikachu. "Who are you" the mysterious figure demanded, shining a powerful torch into Ash's face, making him squint. Before any of the group could react, girlish squeals filled the air as the people who trapped the group ran forward and revealed themselves as young girls of varying ages. "OMG OMG!!!!" screached one girl of around 13. "I can't believe it's him!! It's really Ash Ketchum!! AHHHHH" "Will you control yourselves!" the noise of the first person's voice rebounded around the clearing and all at once the babble of girls shrank into silence. "Well Ash, we meet again." Looking up, Ash beheld a female visage with brown eyes and a small, delicate nose framed by a cascade of brown hair. She was clad in the same outfit as the other young girls, her short skirt ending a few inches above her knee, the blue vest, red tie and white puffs on her sleeves were illuminated along with her pale skin in the eerie torchlight. "Giselle?" he asked in shock. "Of course. What are you, Pikachu and...I'm sorry you are?" she looked blankly as Misty who got to her feet and retrieved her bag from the ground with Azurill. "Misty." she stated coldly towards the other girl who tossed her locks in contempt before turning to Ash who was crouched next to Phanpy, too busy checking her over to pay any attention to the girls above him. "Thanks little buddy. You have a rest and I'll see you later." he said and returned Phanpy to his ball, relieved that no real damage had been done, just a knock on the head. "Oh Ash, you just have to come back to the school with us! All the other girls will be thrilled to know you're here!" cried Giselle, pushing through Misty and the younger pupils to grasp Ash firmly by the arm to escort him back the way the group had come towards the tech. "Hmph." said Misty, glaring at Giselle's back as she dragged Ash away from him before glancing down at Pikachu who had a simalar look on his face before his trainer was removed from sight by the other Ash-mad girls. "Come on Pikachu, we'll have to check they don't eat him..." With reluctance she followed the gaggle, returning Azurill before she too would be removed from her grasp over her cutness. "Look, Giselle, it's not that I wouldn't like to come with you..." Ash tried to protest as he was dragged by the arm back they way he had come, trying to turn and spy Misty through the throng behind him. "But Misty and I REALLY need to get going." "Oh don't be silly Ash, you and Musty have got all the time in the world to get to wherever you're off to!" giggled Giselle, her hair brushing lightly over Ash's face while he sneezed over the strength of her perfume. "Her name is Misty!" he replied immediatly as he tried turn again to look behind him before being yanked back to face forwards with Giselle. "Whatever. Anyway Ash, she doesn't need you, but I do...I've been thinking about how you beat me all those years ago. The more I think about that battle and the way you commanded your Pikachu to win whlie using no electrical attacks at all, the more I realised what a great and amazing trainer you are. My feelings were confirmed when you won the Hoenn League..." she murmered pressing herself closer to Ash, thrusting her bosum forward while he struggled to pull further away. "The more I think about that day, the more I believe our meeting to have been more than just a coincedence and I've been having these feelings since then that just multiply as the days go on. Ash, I think I love you!" she finished, bringing her face into what she believed to be a beautiful pout and waited to here those long awaited words... "AHHHH" at her last words, Ash pulled harder away from her and fell to the ground with a thump, causing the whole precossion to come to a halt. Automatically looking to the back of the group, he spied Pikachu bounding between the forrest of legs while the red trainers of Misty at the back were on tip toe, supposedly trying to look over the heads of the intoxicated girls before her. "Pikchu, help me, I need to get out of here!" he quickly murmered, backing away from the Ash-mad girls who slowly advanced. A light bulb seemed to shine over Pikachu's head as an idea hit him and he bounded away again, much to Ash's dismay, especially once his back came into contact with a tree, restricting how far he could move away. "Oh, Ashy, you're so silly!" giggled Giselle, bending down to put her face closer to Ash. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!" The sound of terrified girls rang through the forrest as a rampaging blue Gyarados materialised out of seemingly nowhere and sent the school girls shrieking for cover as Hyper Beams were blasted everywhere. Trying to gain control, Giselle stepped forward and cried for the girls to behave and gather to her to attack this threat. However she never got any further as she noticed a chip in her nail varnish and she was too preoccupied to notice the Hyper Beam fired a few metres in front of her, causing a huge explosion and sending her off into the stratasphere. Once the dust cleared Ash was able to see Misty and Pikachu hiding in the forrest behind Gyarados who now once out of Hyper Beams panted between them. "Ohhh that was just brilliant! Thank you Gyarados!" she returned the tired pokemon to his ball. "I've always wanted to try that, especially on them!" she composed herself and cheerfully faced the way they had previously been headed. "We should get going before your fan club returns." this brought on more giggles from her and Pikachu while Ash got back on his feet and brushed himself down. "Yeah yeah, come on then." he said grumpily. "Oh it was just a joke." replied Misty following him and allowing the silence to accumulate between them. "Thanks though. I doubt I'd still be in one piece if you hadn't been there..." said Ash, glancing over at his travelling companion and friend. "Well, someone has to keep you out of trouble." she chuckled, grabbing his hat and ruffling his hair before taking off at a run. "Hey, get back here!" yelled Ash, missing the hat and shooting off after her, Pikachu bounding along behind him. Not looking where she was going, Misty careered head first into a bush, closely followed by Ash, landing heavily beside her, wrestling for his hat. Unbeknown to them, just a few feet away to Misty's right lay a plummiting drop over the edge of a cliff where a fast flowing river, complete with rapids, lay twisting like a Seviper in the afternoon sun. "Come on, give it back...Misty, Misty, cut it out!" cried Ash struggling for control of the cap. "Misty...MISTY!" his last struggle sent the pair tumbling over the small incline above the drop. Ash's progress was halted by a sturdy bush while Misty tumbled forwards over the edge and out of sight. "MISTY!" he cried again, moving over the ground on his belly to peer over the edge. "Stop yelling and help me!" came from below. Taking another look, Ash could see the top of Misty's bag had been caught by a branch, less than one foot from the lip of the cliff. Extending his arm down, he grasped the backpack while Misty hung on to one strap for dear life. Slowly, Ash was able to pull the bag and Misty closer to the top. Together they co-ordinated to grasp Ash's right with Misty's left. The momentum used by Misty to catch Ash's awaiting hand proved too much for the bag and an ominous ripping sound filled the air as the strap held by Ash separated from the rest and tore it from his hand. Their grasp not secure, Misty felt herself plumetting down...down...down... "Bulbasaur!" "Bellsprout!" "Huh?" looking to his left, Ash saw a Bellsprout while a Bulbasaur was on his right, both had used their vine whips to grasp Misty, one by her arm and the other around her waist while her bag hit the water and sank beneath the surface. "NOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed and began to struggle against the vines around her as she slowly rose into the air, her gaze remaining on the spot where her bag had last been seen. After a moment, she stopped resisting the vines and began sobbing, tears streaming down her face. The two pokemon lifted her up onto the ledge and into Ash's arms who pulled into a tight hug as she fell upon him, unable to stop her tears. "Shhh...shhh it's alright Misty..." murmered Ash, holding her close and rubbing her back to help her get over the shock. "It's going to be alright're safe..." " po-po-pokemon were in that bag!" she broke down again, reliving the moment her bag dissappeared. "What?!?" cried Ash, moving her away to look into her face before looking back over the edge. Studying the rapid waters, Misty joining him, her tears falling to mingle with the waters below. "It's alright Misty, we'll get them back...somehow, we'll get them back..." "Are you kids alright?" jumping, both turned to see an old man standing next to the Bellsprout and Bulbasaur that had saved Misty, a Bayleaf, an Ivysaur, a Taillow and a Pigeot stood behind him. "Yeah, we're ok, but Misty's pokemon were in the bag we lost into the water." replied Ash while Misty began to sob again, remembering the pokemon who had resided in that bag. "Ok, it's too dangerous to try and retieve them now, but if you'll follow me..." taking out a bunch of whistles from under his shirt, the old man selected two and gave a hard blow on each. For a moment, nothing happened until another Pigeot and a Dragonite burst through the tree canopy. "Jump onto the two Pigeots and let's look for that bag. Everyone back to your stations." with grace and energy unexpected from one who appeared so frail he lept onto the back of the waiting Dragonite as Misty and Ash chose a Pigeot each with the other pokemon moving off back into the bushes. Taking to the air the old man called back, "That's my cliff crew. I have grass and strong flying pokemon based all along the edge of this cliff. You've just seen only a small fraction of my brigade. With any luck my river patrol further down the river will have picked your bag." Swooping down the three pokemon glided a few metres above the churning waves, their riders looking out for a flash of red that would betray the bag's prescence. The trio searched until all light vanished and they were forced to return to the old man's hut. Misty, her grief now controled to a state of numb disbelief sat silently on the Pigeot, even when landing outside a small cabin in the middle of a clearing in the woods. "Come on Misty...we'll look again and we'll find them tomorrow..." said Ash, his face illuminated by the lamplight from within the cabin as the old man turned on the lights and stoked up the fire. Slowly, she took the hand he offered to help her from the Pigeot which gratefully hopped away to settle down for the night after visiting the food bowls laid out in front of the cabin. Without protest she accepted Ash's arm and he pulled her close and gently kissed her hair that had fallen out of it's ponytail. "We'll find them tomorrow Mist." "No we won't...they're gone and I'm never going to see them again, and it's all my fault..." she tried to stifle a sob and made her way into the cottage, followed by Ash and Pikachu, his ears drooping over the loss of so many friends. Silently they sat down on the cushions that provided the chairs as the old man bustled around them setting a kettle over the fire for some tea. "Now, I don't believe we've been properly introduced." he stated, taking a seat opposite the silent teens and their Pikachu. "My name is Charlie and I run the search and rescue party for the cliff and river." "I'm Ash and this is Misty." replied the boy, his voice a monotone, all emotion other than sorrow removed from his voice. "Look, I understand that you two are worried about the lost pokemon, but really you have very little to worry about. That bag will be found. I've spoken to the water patrol and they've managed to contact a group of Quagsire and Wooper that live further down the river who have agreed to help look for the bag and any other items or pokeballs. I don't know if you know, but Quagsire are notoriously good at searching for spherical objects." he looked searchingly at the two teens and the Pikachu for any change in their demeanor and finding none, continued. "But I do need to know, what pokemon were in that bag. I understand it's hard for you but if any of your pokemon have come out of their balls, we need to know as we may come across them." "They're my pokemon." said Misty, her voice flat as she continued her gaze on the ground, not moving "I had my Gyarados, my Staryu, my stupid Psyduck who can't swim and...and..." she was unable to continue so Ash finished "There is also a young Azurill. She's not very old and Misty is like her mother." "Thank you. I believe they will have a better chance as they are all water types and if they have come out from their balls will be able to swim to safety. Now it has been a long day and I feel you both should get some rest." Standing he opened a cupboard of cushions and blankets, handing them the Ash and Misty. "I'm afraid I'm not as young as I used to be and I will have to bid you goodnight until morning. Please help yourself to more tea if you need any and I shall see you in the morning. Please don't worry about your pokemon. We will get them back tomorrow." he said to Misty before walking into another room ajoining the main room and closing the door behind him. Arranging the cushions, Ash made two beds next to the fire and handed one blanket to Misty, offering her the bed closest to the fire. "You heard what Charlie said Mist. We'll find them in the morning." he said. "It's alright for's not your pokemon out there, missing in a river with rapids. Your pokemon are all here, safe with you in their pokeballs. But my pokemon aren't. I let them all down and I let go of that bag sending them all to their deaths. It's all my fault..." she burst out, getting to her feet, yelling at Ash. "It's all my fault!" "No, Misty, this was all an accident. There is no way that you are to blame for what happened!" Ash yelled back. "Yes it is, if it wasn't for me trying to take your stupid hat, none of this would have happened! Oh god! Your hat!" Her hands flew to her mouth as she realised the fate of his hat lay with her pokemon. "Who cares about some stupid hat!" retorted Ash "it was an accident! I still chased you! I was the one who tipped you over the cliff! I was the one who let go of your bag! If anyone is to blame it's me!" "Don't be so damn ignorent Ash!" yelled Misty "Those are still my pokemon and I am the one who is responsible for them, not you, ME!" and with that Misty completly lost control and fell into a heap on the ground, sobbing. "Hey,'s ok, let's just get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings." said Ash comfortingly as he put his arms around her and helped her to the cushions beside the fire. Drawing the blanket over her body he got into his own makeshift bed, Pikachu on his own pillow beside his head. "Goodnight Misty...get some rest." "Night Ash, and I'm sorry about your hat." she whispered. "Don't worry about it. It's just a hat and I'm sure I'll survive without it." he replied. Smiling she added "You wouldn't have said that a few years ago." "Yeah well, things have changed." Silence then hang in the air as Misty gazed into the fire. Soon the sound of heavy breathing filled the air as Ash and Pikachu slumbered. Turning to see them both, Misty felt suddenly empty without the familliar shape of Azurill near her. Loathing this fealing she slowly inched her way towards Ash, her back to his front and lifted his arm around her, holding his hand for comfort. Slowly she felt her eyelids droop as fatigue took over her body and she drifted into a cold and empty slumber. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~