Just An Accident A/N:I'm back!My friend, Nicole, practicaly wrote this chapter!Or should I say draw?And like I said before, NO FLAMES!!!!!!Geez...Like the third time I said that...Oh, and my cat's pregnant.We don't no who the father is.I'm hoping it's the black cat.I want a black kitty so bad!The rememberance of Phanpy, well alot of things were kinda crazy when it hatched.Well, in my POV. Misty sat starring blankly at the television.Togepi slept at her feet.He was tired from watching a little too much TV.But still, Misty stared like a zombie, watching the battle of the Mudkip against the Torchic. Ash came into the living room and saw what Misty had been doing for the five hours:watchin TV.The slumbering Pikachu in Ash's arms wriggled. "Misty, you've been sitting in front of that TV for ages now.You should go outside and do something,"Ash stated. Misty just stared at the TV.Then a comercial break."Okay, Misty?"said Ash. "Come join the fun!""Pikachu!""A wonderful Pikachu festival!"the television blarred. "Pikachupi, pika chuu, pi pi, chu!"Pikachu awoke excitedly.Of, course, this was all nonsense. "Looks like fun!"Misty seemed to come back to reality. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ash, Misty, and Brock rode borrowed bikes to the festval.Pikachu sat quietly on Ash's black, crazy hair.Ash didn't wear his cap.Togepi sat in the little basket on Misty's bike. "So, Misty, only four more months 'til the baby's born, right?"Brock asked. "Yep.And this id is already in the way.I can't drink soda for some odd reason and I'm craving things that I never liked before!"Misty responded."Can we get something to eat at this carnival?" "And you two would complain when I was hungry.Now Misty eats more than I do!"Ash complained. "She is eating for two people,"Brock said in a matter-of-fact tone. "Yeah, Brock understands.I'm not sure about the little dense boy that refuses to brush his hair, though,"Misty added. Finally they came upon a sign with the words 'Welcome.' ""Let's go to the ice cream parlor!"Misty suggested.So they did.Ash got chocolate ice cream(My fave!^_^), Brock got vanilla ice cream, but Misty was still trying to decide. "Can't I just have all the flavors?"Misty asked sweetly. "No!You'll waste all our money!"Ash replied. "Fine...I want three scoops of cookies and cream,"Misty said as she held up three fringers. "Uhh..."Ash told the man what Misty wanted.The guy leaned foward to Ash. "Wives are so picky when they're pregnant, don't you agree?" "Yeah,"Ash replied.HEY!!She's not my wife!She's just a friend!" "Yeah, he's a friend.A good boyfriend, too,"Misty butted in. "I'M NOT YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!"Ash blushed. "Chill, guys,"the man tried to calm the raging teens down. "You're my boyfriend if I say so!" "That's not fair!" "Who ever says life is fair?!Look at me!Do you think I think this is fair?!" "Umm..."Ash couldn't think of a good comeback."No....." "Did I miss something?"Brock asked. They ate their ice cream in peace, no arguments here and there.It was quiet.Except when Brock brought of something, hoping Ash and Misty wouldn't fight.Thank god, Pikachu thought. Pikachu seemed to be the only Pokémon in the party that seemed to understand what was happening to Misty.He didn't want to make Togepi understand until it was the right time.But for now, he just wanted to have fun! "Can you get me something to eat, Ash?"Misty asked. "But, Mist...We just had ice cream 15 minutes ago!"Ash replied. "Get me a hot dog right now, Ashton Satoshi Ketchum,"Misty grinded her teeth. "Okay, okay.Don't get mad,"Ash grinned with a nevous face. "HOW CAN I NOT GET MAD??!!"Misty yelled, shaking Ash. "Misty, calm down.It's bad enough we have a kid on the way.We don't even have enough money to support a child!"Brock stated. "I AM CALM!"Misty shouted in his face. "Misty, Brock's right.You need to calm down.Just because you're five months pregnant, doesn't mean you can boss us around,"Ash said. "Brock, may I speak to Ash alone?"Misty asked. "Sure,"Brock wandered off. "Now back to you, Ashy,"Misty turned around to face Ash."Get me a hot dog or else..." "Or else what?"Ash folded his arms across his chest.Misty hit him with her trusty mallet. "Or else that,"she stated. (Here, Pikachupi!)Pikachu handed Misty a hot dog. "Thanks, Pikachu!"Misty smiled.She the looked at Ash and started choking him.See, your Pokémon had to get it for me!Pikachu is soooo much kinder than you, Ash!You just stand and complain!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Brock wandered the fstival grounds, meeting new people. "Hey, miss, what's your name?Can I have you phone number?Do you have an e-mail address?D'you want my phone number?I know you do!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ash and Misty played a few festival games as the waited for Brock.Pikachu and Togepi watched Misty win game after game.Misty won a few stuffed animals-er, Pokémon.At least they wouldn't have to buy toys for the baby.Then Misty spotted the game she was looking foward to.Ash spotted the evil grin on her face. "No!You can't make me!I'm not even your boyfriend!" It was one of those dunking booths.It said 'Dunk Your Boyfriend' on the sign. "What is it with all this boyfriend and girlfriend stuff?"Misty asked. "I guess we came on the last day of the festival,"Ash stated."The last day is supposed to be the most romantic.Anyways, I AM NOT GOING TO DO THAT!!" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Moments Later~ ~ ~ ~ ~ What am I doing here?Ash wondered.He sat quietly on on the dunking booth, hoping Misty would miss the target.He looked down to see if anything was in the water.Only a Sharpedo.WHAT?!A SHARPEDO?! "Hey, Misty!"Ash yelled."I know you're gonna miss!I can feel it!Your accuracy is lower than-" She didn't miss. Before Ash could relize what had happened, he was swimming in circles, trying to stay away from the angry Pokémon. "Another win for Misty Waterflower!"Misty did the 'victory pose' and winked. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "It's getting late.I wonder where Brock could be,"Ash said as he looked around.His lungs felt heavy, probably from falling into freezing water.He had had enough of Misty for one day.It would be really nice if Brock knew ther art of teleportation, Ash thought. "Lets eat there!"Misty said happily as she pointed to a buffet resturaunt.Ash didn't hesitate to follow. Ash hated Misty having to eat for two.It didn't seem right.Misty would never eat so much.Or at least he hoped so. The clock struck 9:00.It was dark out.But then bright light filled the sky.Pikachu and Togepi watched in amazement as the fireworks boomed. "Lets sit on that hill to get a better view of the fireworks!"Misty said.She grabbed Ash's wrist and they ran up, Pikachu and Togepi close behind.They sat on the hill, watching the beautiful ballet of the colored sparks. Nows my chance, Misty thought excitedlyShe inched closer to Ash.Pikachu seemed to be the only one to notice.Misty got her petite hand and put it on Ash's hande. Ash did notice something touch him.He looked down and became different shades of red."M-Mis-ty...? He scooted futhur away as fast as he could.His mind was spinning. "Ash!"Misty yelled. Then Ash spotted Brock running towards him.Thank you, Lord! "Ash, what happened?"Brock asked.Ash grabbed Brock by the shoulders. "Brock, that girl is possesed!" To be continued... What to expect in the next chapter:Team Rocket!And something about a nice little Pallet town boat ride...