Author's note: I would like to apologize in advance for all the making fun of the tv show Pokemon. While I certainly do like the fanfics for pokemon, I really really don't like the tv show. This was actually started because I wanted to be able to make someone who actually knew what they were doing with their pokemon, had studied up before they started their journey and during, with not so much blind luck. Anyway, if you *do* like the tv show, I give you my full permission to ignore the destiny trainer thing. Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. The only thing I do own from this fic is Marca, the main character, and Jack. ----------------------------- "There. Your Poke'mon are all healed." Nurse Joy handed me a tray with six Poke'balls on it. "Thank you," I said as I reached for the Poke'balls and put them one by one on my belt in order. When I got to the last Poke'ball, I immediately let the poke'mon inside of it, which was Umbreon, out. While Umbreon didn't particularly hate staying in the poke'ball, she didn't like it either. "Is that all?" A voice behind me said. I jumped for the third time that day. "You are going to have to stop doing that." I mumbled as I turned around. "Sorry," He said and stepped back. I rolled my eyes, for no other reason than that the young trainer, who's name had turned out to be Jack, was annoying. "How did you come to catch Suicune, anyway." I asked Jack as we went out the door. "Well, I just happened to see it in the grass. I thought it was a cool Poke'mon, so I decided to catch it." "You have no idea, do you?" I shook my head and continued after Jack looked at me inquisitively. "Suicune is a Legendary poke'mon. They are very rare. It's rumored that there is only one of it in the whole world." Apparently Jack thought this was funny because he decided to suddenly started laughing. After he had calmed down he said, "Yeah, right! That's funny! I see what you're doing. Go ahead and trick the new person." Jack threw his head back and started laughing again but stopped abruptly. For a moment I thought I had gotten through that thick head of his, but no such luck. "Look up there! There are two suns!" "Two suns-Jack, what are you talking about?" I tilted my head up-wards then rolled my eyes. "Jack, that's not two suns, that's a zapdos." "A zapdos! Cool! I'm going to catch it!" He reached for Suicune. I only barely caught his hand before he threw Suicune's poke'ball on the ground. "Jack! Did you not learn anything the last time Suicune was let out of his poke'ball?" My voice was harsh, I knew, but I didn't care. The harsher the better. "It won't happen again!" He said, "It's happened once already. He probably won't go out of control again." Jack told me. "I'm his trainer. He has to listen to me." "Jack contrary to popular belief Poke'mon don't obey you because you are their trainer, they obey you because they want to. If they don't think you are worthy to be their trainer, they'll rebel." "Who'll rebel?" A familiar voice said behind me. I turned on my heel. If this was who I thought it was... "Marca!" I shouted, and ran to greet the familiar figure. Behind us the Zapdos and trainer had landed, making a big commotion. Marca had slung her arm around her Zapdos' neck and stood waiting for me to answer. When I came up to hug her though, she was forced to take her arm away. "Why am I going to rebel?" Marca said after she had pushed me away. "What?" I quickly reviewed the conversation. "Oh, that. No, it's not you that's going to rebel, it's Suicune." "Really?" Marca said, "I heard that Eusine had started going after Suicune again and last I heard Eusine was at a high enough skill level that I don't think Suicune would rebel." "No, no. This kid caught him. Jack meet Marca. She's my sister, older than me by five years." Jack, who had been standing in the same pose I had left him in, his hand still above his head ready to throw the poke'ball, and his mouth hanging open, didn't look away from Zapdos. "Jack!" I waved my hand in front of his face. "He's comatose. I'm not surprised. You'd better put Zap away before he dies of suffocation. Jack's a destiny trainer." I added as an after thought. "Destiny trainer?" "Um, yeah. Remember that show called Poke'mon that starting coming on a year before I got my first poke'mon, Eevee?" I pointed at Umbreon, who had been siting quietly beside us the whole time. That's how it is with her. You'd never know she was there unless you made a conscious effort to look for her. "That show I made you stop watching?" I nodded. "Yeah that one. Well, that's what I call all these new trainers that have been coming around recently who believe it's their destiny to win, just like the star of that show." "Ah, he's one of those kind, huh? Well, he can't have my destiny." She put Zap, her nickname for Zapdos, away. Immediately Jack came out of his Zap induced coma. "Y-you have the legendary poke'mon Zapdos! You must be a Poke'mon master!" I slumped. "What about me? I'm the one who beat Suicune!" "Sure, but she's training Zapdos! Even I could catch Suicune, but not everyone could catch Zapdos!" I glared at him. It wasn't very effective, but at least I felt better. "What kind of destiny trainer are you?" I muttered, then turning to Marca I said, "Explain to him that Suicune is just as hard to beat as Zapdos. Also, tell him that's why he can't just let Suicune out of his poke'ball until much later. Maybe he'll listen to the 'Great Zapdos trainer'." "I doubt Eusine would let Jack take Suicune out of his Poke'ball. He's very protective of it, you know." Marca said, completely clueless. "Marca!" I said, and sighed, "Eusine, didn't catch him, Jack did." "What?! Jack caught him?!" "Yes, Marca, that's what one of the subjects we've been talking about for a while now. Honestly, how could you miss that? I told outright that Jack had caught Suicune." "No, you said 'this kid' caught him. You didn't specify which kid had caught him." I rolled my eyes. "Well, Jack caught Suicune, then tried to take use him against me as soon as he caught it." "Wait, how did you know that I had just caught him?" Jack asked. "Because not even you would be so stupid as to try and let Suicune out of his poke'ball again after he had been attacking you. It would've taken you so long to figure out how to get it back into your poke'ball that you would've wised up." "Look, you basically have two choices if you don't want Suicune to get loose from your poke'ball and possibly kill you. Number one is to put it in your PC until you've beaten the Elite Four. Your other choice is to trade it to someone who can actually train it, for a poke'mon you could actually use." "The Elite Four!" Jack said, without even taking into consideration the other choice, "But, that's so far away! It might take me weeks to travel to the indigo plateau!" "And you do realize that you would have to travel to eight different gyms and get their badges to be able to compete against them." "But, who would I trade him to?" Jack said, scrapping his first choice. "You?" I asked Marca. Marca smiled. "No. But I do know someone who might take him." --------------------------- -- Author's note: So there you have it. My sister has somehow weaseled her way into my Fanfic. And guess what? That's not the end of the people who are doing that. There's also someone else. But if I told you that, it'd spoil the story. Any comments would be much appreciated!