John and Austin woke up earlier than expected and they fed their Pokémon. John was very quiet and did not talk much and Austin was puzzled about what happened these past few days at camp. John got up and went outside to get fresh air. Skyeon followed and walked by his side. “What is wrong, John?” it asked as John jumped in surprise. “Nothing is wrong, Skyeon…I just need some air,” John said trying to keep a straight face. “I know you all too well. I am sorry about your family, John. Someday, you fulfill your need of revenge on T.R.” “Who?” “John! Come on! It’s time for breakfast!” Austin called as he ran to John with all of John’s Pokémon following. He returned them all and ran with Austin to get food. While they ate their French toast and sausage, Brice and Steve went on the stage to announce that they were going to see everyone fight each other. “We will watch cabins fight each other to see how well you can protect yourself. NO WEAPONS ARE ALLOWED!!!! That means leave your knives and any other weapons at your cabins,” Brice said in a firm tone. John and Austin left first and started fighting each other for practice. They did not hurt each other but practiced defense. They took a break after a half an hour and soon they were called. They were to fight the Rockin’ – Rollers and they smiled as they remembered the look on their faces when they told them their majors. John and the grey-haired boy were up first. Steve waved a flag and the fight was on. No sooner had the fight started the fight ended. How this happened, was that the grey boy tried to football tackle John, but John was too quick and when the boy touched the ground, John pinned him. The same thing happed to Austin and soon they left. The boys fought everyone and they won every match. AUTHER NOTE: Want to get to Saturday so the fighting goes by quickly. John and Austin were congratulated and they went off happily. They trained their Pokémon and soon it was dinner time, since in the middle of all the fights they ate lunch (see what I mean by fast day?). They ate their burgers and fries in joy. Steve and Brice announced that two very special guests will come to see them off their journeys. John and Austin ran to their cabin to get an early sleep for tomorrow would be the biggest day of their lives. Next Day – John woke up to see Quest urging him up. It was dawn and Austin was already up. John got dressed and fed his Pokémon. They trained till everyone was up and talking about the two special guests. Everyone thought it would be movie stars but John and Austin thought it would be Pokémon masters. They ate breakfast and talked more about the mystery guests. It was soon time to go and everyone was hugging and backslapping everyone good bye. John went with Leana to the lake and they hugged each other lovingly. “Will I ever see you again, John?” “Of course, Leana. Nothing will keep us from seeing each other again.” They kissed and went their separate ways. Austin and Kristi said their good byes also and the boys headed for the gym. John and Austin sat at their table and to their surprise; they were the only ones there. They were WAY early. John and Austin stood up to leave when Steve and Brice came out of their office. “John! Austin! We were just about to call you. We wanted you to meet the guests before everyone else. May we introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Ash Ketchum.” The boys were so surprised as the couple came out. John’s eyes glowed with joy as he met Ash Ketchum, the Greatest Pokémon Master in the World. Austin eyes showed gratitude that he was able to meet Misty, the Greatest Water Pokémon Master in the whole world. “It is an honor to see the greatest Pokémon Masters,” John said as he shook Misty’s hand. “It is our honor to meet such fine young men who wish to become Pokémon trainers like yourselves,” Ash replied as he shook Austin’s hand. “We have come here to give you two gifts. I give you my hat, Austin, that I have worn ever since I started my journey, and John, I give you my vest I have worn, also, since I started my journey.” “Thank you, Ash!!” the boys said as they put on the gifts. Ash’s Pikachu cried out in delight to see more Pikachu and started to play with them. Everyone laughed and Misty walked up. “Here are my gifts, boys. I give you both these stones that will allow you to understand Pokémon.” “Thank you also, Misty!” the boys said as they put the stones on chains for necklaces. It was time for everyone to come in so Ash, Pikachu and Misty went backstage and the boys hid the stones and sat down. Everyone ran in and started talking at once. Steve and Brice walked on stage and quieted everyone. “Do you think they want to know who the guests are?” Steve asked. “I don’t think so. JUST KIDDING!!!!” Brice said as he dodged a tomato that was thrown at him. “Our guests today are the greatest Pokémon masters in the world! ASH AND MISTY KATCHUM!!!!” “Hello everyone!” Ash and Misty called out to the cheering crowd. “We are honored to be here and see off such fine trainers. Misty and I will hand out your Pokédexes by color and you will get on a train that will lead you to the route that you will start on. Red Pokédexes mean you will be starting on the road to Pewter City. Yellow Pokédexes mean you will start on the road to Falkner’s Gym (sorry…I do not know what his city is called). Blue Pokédexes means the Kanto region. We have two amazing people who are going to the Moonlight region and they receive black Pokédexes. These two are John and Austin!” Ash said proudly and the boys were applauded. Everyone got their Pokédexes and they were about to get on the trains when a Gastly flew in and used Dream Eater on Ash. Ash collapsed and the boys took action. “Skyeon! Attack that ghost with Fly!” John commanded as he got Ash off the stage. Skyeon flew in the air and came down with amazing speed. Skyeon easily defeated the Gastly and John caught it. “Return, Skyeon. Come on out, Gastly. Give back Ash’s conscious.” The Gastly did as it was told and Ash sat up. “I think I’ll name you Dreamer,” John said as the Gastly flew around him. “Thanks, John,” Ash said as he messed up John’s silver/white hair. John laughed and smoothed it out. They talked a little more and Dreamer disappeared. He came back with a Poliwag. “This is my best friend, Puddle,” Gastly said as the Poliwag jumped into Austin’s arms and cried out in joy. Austin caught Puddle and they boarded the train. They sat in their seats and waved good bye to everyone through the window. Steve and Brice came be and gave them a Pokéball each. “Those hold Barkloter, the ice version of Growlithe but they are blue and silver to replace orange and black,” Steve said as they left the room. “Well, Austin. Looks like we are starting our journey. Want to be partners?” John asked as he pet his puppy. “Why do you think I wouldn’t?” Austin said as his puppy licked him. They laughed and train started as they headed for the journey of their lives. THE END PLEASE REVIEW!!!! Hope you enjoyed the story! Until next time. See ya!!!!!!