This Game’s Winner Is...
A TwoFic by FerreTrip


This also has NADA to do with my other project, Moonlite Wander. It’s all new. (Doncha just looooove ADHD?!)
    We began our journey by having me piggyback Rose and fly for as long distances as I could. I then landed for rest every time my energy ran out, and continued on. Eventually, I hit the ocean. It was hard, because I had to contend with having to land on jagged rocks; very dangerous. Eventually, I finally found Sootopolis. I flew over to the rim of the volcano. Rose got off my back and turned to me.
    "Well, this is my stop."
    "Right-o. Well, I'll TK you down, okay?"
    "Yeah...But Hiro?"
    "I'll see you again. Promise?"
    I turned red. "Yeah, I know, I'm just too damn hot to give up, ain't I?" I said, jokingly. I got whacked. I said yeah. She said that to me because I geuss she liked me. After I dropped her off at some trees outside her house, I shot off. I went strait for Mossdeep, and I knew where it was because I saw a rocket go up. I followed where it launched from. I found home at last! I flew down to a spot none would find me in. I had to play a very much more dangerous (but not as life-threatening) game of hide-and-go-away. I snuck through thick trees and shadows of houses. I eventually made it to my house...but no sooner had I opened the back door (which was there just in case; nobody used it) than I was attacked by a young girl. I yelped as I fell and when I sat up from takle-recovery, I looked at her.
    "Uhn...God, you shoudn't've done--BOTON?!" My eyes widened as well as hers.
    "Holy crap, Hiro, you're a lot stronger than I last knew!" she said surprised, obviously not bothered by the fact I now have a huge tail. We got up and hurried to the basement. When we couldn't be seen, she asked what the heck happened, and I nut-shelled it to her.
    "Woah, man, that sucks..."
    I bowed my head. "I know...I was DUPED!!" I slammed my fist on the coffee table, which broke. I looked at it, heart turning into ice. "Oops..." I said. Boton laughed. "NICE ONE!!"
    "Shut up," I said, looking out of the corner of my eyes, which I just noticed seemed to see things with more preciceness than ever. I asked, "Where are the parentals?"
    "Oh, they're out at the police station to call up a search party. Remember, we've been worried SICK about you!!"
    "Yeah, I bet my school is, too..." I was a pretty good student, and I realized that I may never go to school again...Boton called their cell, saying I just flew on in ("...I tackled him to the floor, too!...") and to not call up the party. As soon as she put down the phone, I panicked.
    "What am I gonna do?! I can't be seen like this!!" I pointed to my "growth spurts" I called them. Boton thought for a moment.
    "I need to cover it up somehow..."
    "But we can't. So, you'll just have to be like that..." She snapped her fingers. "Got it! Let's think up a dramatic entrance."


    The door opened, and then slammed shut again.
    "Hiro," my dad said, "WHERE ARE YOU?!"
    "Uh, he's...well..." Boton trailed off.
    "What?! You said something about him being different..."
    "Well..." Boton began, but I found my cue.
    "See for yourself." I stepped out of my hiding place of the shadows behind the shelves. I stood there, naked(don't worry, my genetailia dissapeared 'cuz of the tail), and because I was still somewhat in shadows, I looked menacing. Dad looked at me and stood in shock, nearly fainting. Badass meter is reading hyper!! I had on a devil-may-cry look, my hair was in my face a bit more than usual, I just all-around looked BADASS. I was like what Shadow the Hedgehog would be if he were human then half...whatever I was. I looked at dad with a great look. I heard Keiko, my step-mom, enter, and we planned this out, in case this happened. I looked at the door with the right amount of movement to make the meter blow to smitherines. Keiko looked at me and froze as the door shut. But then something happened against plan. Before anything else happened, faster then the eye could follow, as soon as I turned my head, I was assulted from behind!
    "DIEEVILTHINGDIIIIIEEEEE!!!!" Keiko shouted as she tried to kick my a-er, tail. Fourtunatly, my dad snapped out of it in time to save me.
    "Wait, dear, that's my son you're attacking," he shouted, and Keiko stopped. I was on the ground, spiral-eyed and open wavy-mouth. She was on me, pulling my tail(which I then understood why you shouldn't do it to other pokèmon), and when she heard this, she got off and covered her mouth going into the "Oh, sorry, I didn't know, sorry" mode. I got up and muttered "No problem" to her, rubbing my tail.


    We nutshelled everything to them, including the explaination for the dramatic entrance("You shouldn't have frightened us like that!!"), and at the end, they were stunned. They were speechless. I liked to think that I killed them, shocking them into death, but they were blinking.
    "Well...I geuss that was a pretty daring escape," dad said eventually.
    "Yup, it was," I replied. We then, in unison, smacked our chins into our hands in the classic "hmm" position. We thought on the same subject: What in the world will I do about my apperence now? We thought...and thought...and drank some smoothies the girls made...and thought some more...untill we thought up a final answer. We finally got our heads up and said, "Got it!"
    "Because I'm a half-pokèmon..." I began.
    "...You have some moves they do..." dad continued.
    "...And if I focus enougth..."
    "...Then you might be able to..."
    Then in unison. "USE TRANSFORM!!" We looked at eachother, frowned, then went back to thinking. Boton and Keiko smacked their foreheads. This time, it was about how I'd learn it. I came up with an answer this time alone. "Got it! Professer Rose! She could help! She helped me develop my primary abilities, so maybe she could help me with transform." We agreed this was the best bet, and we waited about two days (no leaving the house of course) before we, that is me and Boton, dad and Keiko couldn't come, set out for Sootopolis.


    It was rather dark when we left. I had meditated in most of the time of the "break" and so I was fueled by two days' worth extra energy. I barely piggybacked Boton over to Sootopolis with a little energy to spare. I knew that we had to wait in some trees untill it came time to meet her. When it came to be about 9:00 am, we got up and went for her. I had to wear the not too suspicious trenchcoat to hide my growth spurts as best we could. We walked causually among the street, me mindful of my tail. Boton and I eventually made it up to her house. Rose came to the door, and upon seeing my face, beckoned me in.
    "Oh, Hiroshi, please come in," she said. We came in, and I asked her something.
    "Can I, uh, show my growth spurts, if you know what I mean?" She nodded and I sighed in releif.
    "Of course! I told the family all about you. The reason I was selected was because I was great, as is my entire family, at keeping my trap shut about things." She winked. I walked in and took off my sweat-inducing trench and cap. My ears un-flattened as my hat went off. Rose looked at Boton.
    "Who're you?"
    "Oh, Boton. I've heard about you," she replied. We walked into the living room, where I saw the family was. I saw a boy a little younger than me, prolly in about 4th or 5th grade, a girl who was dressed up in black (Great, a Goth...) and the husband, a fit young man who looked like he could be a dancer, he was so limber. They all looked at me when we entered. The little boy gasped, Goth-chick widened her eyes, and the man simply raised his eyebrows.
    "Well, guys, this is Hiroshi. Hiroshi, this is my family. Little Mitch is right in front of you, Dianne is over there, and here's my husband," she said, pointing to each one. The man got up and finished the sentence. "The name's Wallace." I gasped this time.
    "Wallace? You mean, the Gym leader Wallace??" I asked eagerly.
    "The one and only. Now, I've heard of you before. You yourself look like you're a ladies' man..."
    "Eh? Really?? I mean, I musn't get that many girls, I mean my 'groth spurts' and all..."
    Dianne spoke up. "Oh, but I've gotta agree with dad. You're hot," she said with a devilish smile. I turned redder than the streak on my tail and put my hand on the back of my head. Remember, I'm not used to being called hot before.
    "Th-thanks, I geuss...but I'm only thirteen, so I geuss I'm too young..?" She sighed and nodded. Phew! I had at least escaped this time...I returned to our (mine and Wallace's) conversation.
    "So, you're really the Sootopolis Gym Leader. I'd like to see a battle myself," I said.
    "Well, I've got to return later on," he said, frowning a little. "Say, you may be half pokèmon, but do you have any-"
    "-Pokèmon? Well, of course!" I finished for him. I reached behind me and grabbed two of my three balls, my third I brought out with telekinisis. He looked at them.
    "Well, what do you have then?" he said, slightly smiling. I grinned and lowered my eyebrows a bit.
    "You'll see...When we get to the gym! I challange you to a match, if you have the time!" I said. I've always wanted to fight another Leader apart from Tate & Liza. I beat them after a fair bit of practice, and that helped me know what I have an advantage fighting myself and what to avoid. Wallace smiled fully.
    "Sure, I accept, but you'll have to wear the trench and hat; there's gonna be spectators all around who watch me fight." I immediatly sweatdropped. I forgot about my 'spurts for a second there. Well, a challange's a challange. I chuckled.
    "Well, that's okay, I suppose...I've already defeated Tate & Liza, with a little difficulty. If spectators weren't there, I'd fight myself, if need be. League rules say pokèmon fight, but it dosn't say anything about a HALF-human, and my pokèmon half goes with the rules." Wallace shrugged.
    "Okay. Whatever." That settled that, and then I was bombarded with questions about me by Mitch, mostly, and some by everyone else. I sighed and awnsered the questions, including some demonstrations.
    "Now, stand back..." I made an energy ball in my hand, and everyone gazed in wonder. I remembered why I was here and put it out immediatly.
    Mitch went "Ohhh..." as well as Dianne and Wallace. I turned to Rose, and asked to talk in private. When we went into a room, she turned to me.
    "What?" she asked.
    "Well...I've got to find a way to hide the growth spurts," I said, bluntly I geuss.
    "Oh...Well, you can use the trench and hat again, but that'll get awful hot and suspicious," she awnsered.
    "Yeah, I know...Anyway, I got an idea. Cuz I'm part pokèmon, I can use some moves they do as you obviously know by training me, and I thin you might be able to help me learn Transform." There was an uneasy silence, me dreading her saying she can't and her thinking.
    "...I can't-" Big surprise there... "-but I CAN offer this idea: If the pokèmon you're half of is intelligent enough, and I suspect it is, if it can use a lot of moves like that, maybe it could teach you itself..."
    "...Cuz it'd obviously know a lot more about me than we do!" I finished. Then I frowed. "But how do we find it?"
    "Well...I geuss we could use a DNA location device. All we need is a hair off your tail, and we put it into the machine. It should tell us where it is, and you'll fly there to learn Transform." I thought, and agreed on the idea.


    Later, at the gym's labratory and clinic...
    "Stop struggling!!"
    "Well, I'm trying!! ...It's my tail!"
    "Yeah, right, it has a mind of its own..."
    Rose got off of my tail, hair in the tweezers in her hand. I was on the ground, massaging the sore spot on my tail. I'm still shocked on how much that hurt...It was like pulling skin hair...but worse. Boton, Mitch, Wallace and an intruged Dianna watched as Rose put the hair into the machine, which looked like a GPS. It whirred a little bit...Then, the screen showed "DNA ANALYZED" and popped up a screen that held a map. It said above, in large bright letters, "Celedon City."
    "Celedon!!" I exclaimed. That was a ways off, so far I'd have to fly solo. Everyone's eyebrows went up at the name. We were discussing what to do, when all of a sudden, the device...BLEW UP! Debris flew everywhere, and when the madness ended, we looked at it.
    "Mommy?" Mitch asked, tugging on Rose's sleave.
    "Yes, sweetie?" she replied.
    "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?!" we all asked in unison. She covered her ears at this, and scolded us for that.
    "As for the matter of the DNA location device...It might have overloaded. You see, if it recognizes the DNA as a pokèmon's, it'll try to gauge its power level. I geuss that it's power was too much...but...It does this AFTER the name of the being. It says this aloud, and we didn't hear it..." I thought. Then, it dawned on me. "Maybe, well, maybe it overloaded because it knew it was getting tracked, and sent out a power surge before it learned its name," I suggested. Rose looked at the broken machine...then at me again. "I think you're right," she said, putting a fist into her palm.
    We began talking again, coming up with more solutions untill Mitch whined that he was tired, then we all went to their house and called it a day. They were nice enough to loan Boton and I a couple rooms. I slept, with two things on my mind: How I'd find that pokèmon, and the battle against Wallace the next day.


    I awoke the next morning with a smile on my face. It's gym time, I thought, and got dressed. Well, that is, my outfit of shoes, hat and trenchcoat. We went down to eat breakfast, and afterwards me, Boton...well, everyone went off to the gym. I walked casually, keeping my tail curled up enough to avoid being seen. We made it across to the gym with no problem, using boats.
    The gym doors opened wide and greeted me. I walked among the resident trainers, making sure I don't get caught accidentally in the beam of a PokèDex analyzing their pokèmon. We stopped at the ring, and everyone except me and Wallace went into the stands to cheer us on. Some early morning fans were there, and Wallace smiled up at them as he walked to the leader's end of the ring. I stayed inside the trainer's box, and we waited for about five minutes. By then, there were enough spectators there that we could begin. I was excited, and I tried keeping my tail from lashing too much.
    A ref looked at each one of us, explaining it to be a 3-on-3 match. We agreed, and he raised both flags up. "Fighters ready..." He brought them down. "BEGIN!!"
    Wallace grabbed a ball. "Go, Sealeo!" The ball opened and out popped the Sealeo.
    I grabbed one of mine. "Let's rock! STARSTRIKER!!" The ball snapped open and revealed my favorite water pokèmon. We exchanged blows like so:
    I go first (SS) and him second(Se).
    SS flew out and crashed Se with Rapid Spin.
    Se Ukemi'd and Ice Beamed SS.
    SS dodged and had to keep dodging while I tried breaking free of the stray attack (and Wallace smacked his forehead when it hit me).
    Se used Swift, and I defrosted in time to tell SS to Swift him back.
    SS went into Hyper Beam, Se ALMOST dodged, and Se fainted.
    "DARN IT!! Well, Sealeo, return..." Wallace said as he recalled him. The ref held up the green flag. "ROUND ONE GOES TO HIRO!!" Wallace pulled out his next pokèball while I recalled StarStriker. Wallace let fly. "Not bad, but have a look at my Whiscash!" Out upon the feild came a large fish...He fell into the pool supplied on his end. I reched for my next pokèmon. "Okay, then...For my next trick...I summon BlackSheep!" Out came my black-fleeced Ampharos, and the crowd oo-ed at this. Wallace sweat-dropped. He had to do some fancy fin-work (pardon the pun) to beat me.
    Wi came at BS (well, that's just how the acronym came out!!!) with an amazing attack I didn't think it knew: Mud Sport. Wallace instantly dropped his act here. "I put Whiscash first through riggorus training to learn that move. Try a Thunder NOW!!"  I simply smirked.
    BS tried a Spark, and it didn't go as well as I'd thought. Wi just looked up at the pokèmon with its big, dumb eyes. Then it Flailed our ass.
    BS was down(Spark put it down to a third), but not out, as I saw the only way was to quit the macho-ness. BS pulled a System Overload(which, btw, I disguised by simply putting in the commands because there were officials there and I don't think combo moves are allowed).
    Because I didn't want to be beating on a fainted pokèmon, BS used weaker versions of the sequences until the last Thunder-uppercut. The poor fish didn't have a chance. "Arrgh...Whiscash, return...You're pretty good, Hiro," Wallace commented as he withdrew his pokèmon. "ROUND 2 GOES AGAIN TO HIRO!! IF WALLACE WINS ROUND 3, IT WILL GO INTO HIRO'S REMAINING STOCK!!" the ref shouted as he raised the green flag. I decided to mix things up a bit. It IS a show, somewhat, right? I decided to send out StarStriker again. He sent out Milotic.
    SS began with a Body Slam attack.
    Mi dodged with the grace of a ballerina, and retorted with a Water Pulse attack.
    SS got hit and was confused, and hit herself in confusion.
    Mi used Constrict, but it backfired due to SS being a star-shape.
    SS tried to use Double Edge, and it worked. She got some whiplash, though.
    Mi used Counter strait away, and SS went down.
    " StarStriker, return," I said as I recalled her. Great job allowing yourself to have the round thrown! I sent to her. The ref held the red flag. "ROUND THREE GOES TO WALLACE!! IT'S TIME FOR HIRO TO GET OUT HIS LAST IN STOCK OR BLACKSHEEP!!" Wallace frowned. "I don't think you put your heart into that round," he said. I smirked. "Yeah, been saving the BEST for last! LET'S GO! JUCAIN!!" I tossed my final ball, and my old friend flipped out onto the feild. "Time to meet your doom!"
    Ju used Magical Leaf right off the bat.
    Mi tried to use Mirror Coat, but Ju dodged it.
    Ju used Razor Leaf.
    Mi tried dodging it, but a few leaves hit. Critical, too!
    Ju fired the Solarbeam he was charging up, and used Razor Leaf again before hand (Step one of his signiture, Leaf Wrath) so Solarbeam caught the leaves and the shot went at Mi.
    Mi tried to get up and use Mirror Coat, but it didn't work in time. I won when Milotic fell to the ground with spiral-eyes. Green flag. "ROUND 4 GOES TO HIRO! HIRO WINS THE MATCH!!" The announcer roared the comments (..."What an amazing battle!"...) and I walked over to Wallace.
    "So, I won. Nice fight, though."
    "Thank you. That was pretty sneaky for a finishing move. Poor Milotic is hurting a lot. Nothing too bad...You watered it down. Thank you."
    I blushed and put my hand behind my head. "No problem! If I hadn't, he'd be in the center for sure!" I stopped. "Can I have my Rain Badge, please?"
    Wallace closed his eyes and chuckled. "Well, of course. Here," he said, opening his eyes and giving me the crystal-blue Triforce-esque badge. I held it up high, and the crowd roared.


    "So, I geuss I went good...Hey, I think you were going easy on me," I said to Wallace afterwards at the Rose house.
    "Yes, but at round three..."
    "Oh, I was just showboating. Hey, can you please tell Sealeo not to hit me with his attack? I had to work to break free of the ice and not reveal my growth spurts."
    "Oh, my bad; I should've directed it to where I thought StarStriker'd go."
    We continued talking while the girls and Mitch were in the kitchen. "Trainers..." Boton sighed. "They just are...gahh..." Rose agreed. The kids were talking about how they'd do it better. Through mine and Wallace's conversation, I could sence what was on all our minds: Who it was that I had to meet soon.

    I'd write more, but this computer's crashed about,, 5 times on this segment(this a-n and --^) ALONE. So, anyway, next time we'll meet the one, the only, the badass original clone himself, M-!!! Nope, ain't sayin' it!
Hold your horses...jeez...Well, I'll write next one over school!