Opposite Passions Part 8: "Brock the Rock" By Finaille Nailo A/N- Just wanted to give a quick thank you to those who have reviewed my stories so far! I'm not doing all the reviews, but for the more recent reviews, check to see if I reply! Thank you so much! I also want to thank my boyfriend Matt for giving me the idea for this chapter ^^. Applause for him!!! ash and misty4life- Hey!!! I'm really busy!!! As much as I'd love to update, sometimes I just do not have the time! I'm working as hard as I can, so be grateful when I get some chapters up! But thank you for all the reviews I have gotten! MoonTearGirl- I'm glad you find this story funny XD It is a humor fic! Skipper- Awww... thank you! I'm so brilliant, aren't I? SullyMike23- Well, I hope you understand women better than he does... INVU4URAQT- Well, I intended on Misty being sly... thanks though XD! Knuckles_the_Hot_Echidna- I'm glad you liked it James XD... just no more snowballs! PLEASE! I BEG OF YOU!!! 0o0o0o0o0o0o0 Nearly six months ago I moved to Goldenrod City. I was devastated because Cerulean City had been my home all my life. I never thought I'd make a single friend as fast as I did. Although this friend has put me through hell for the last six months of my life, I'm glad he's around. We've become the best of friends. Today we are starting our sophomore year of high school. I'm so excited! Considering this school is a training academy, I once again thought I'd be miserable. I'm more in the arts than anything, but I've found a good mix of training and art here. The rest of my freshman went pretty well. Ash handed in the book he wrote for his creative writing assignment. With my artistic skills and his writing skills, we blew the teacher away! She actually sent the book into a publisher! We still haven't heard back... but we are hoping... "Misty! Are you ready yet! We're going to be late!" Misty hears Ash's voice yell through her closed door. She glances at the clock. Oh crap, we're going to be late! She grabs her bag and dashes to the door. "Come on, we're going to be late!" She yells to Ash. "Duh, I've been standing at your door for ten minutes! Were you asleep?" Ash breathily asks as we run to the bus stop. "No... just thinking." She replies "Oh. I'm so excited! We're finally tenth graders!" Ash cries. "I know! So, did you have fun visiting Pallet Town?" Misty asks. Ash had just spent an entire week visiting his friend Professor Oak. Ash use to live by him until he was twelve, so they have always had a close bond. It was so weird not having him around... "Yeah! It was great! I got my buddy Pikachu back!" Ash exclaims happily. I blink at him, hoping he wasn't serious. "You have a Pikachu?" Misty asks. He nods. "It was my first Pokemon. Professor Oak gave him to me when I was ten years old. I traveled Kanto for about a year, then Johto after that. When I was about finished with the Johto league, mom called and said we were moving to Goldenrod and to meet her there." "Wait, did you collect gym badges?" "Yeah, I did." Misty gasps. "Then you must have been to the Cerulean Gym before, if you've traveled Kanto!" Ash thinks for a brief moment. "Yeah, I battled three girls there... they were pretty easy." He gets a little uncomfortable when Misty glares at him. "Oh, yeah, you're from the Cerulean gym, aren't you?" "Yes." "That means we must have met more than once, most likely. I came to a few of the shows at the gym too." They arrive at the bus stop and continue talking in the midst of the crowd. "Were you in any of them?" "One. A reproduction of the "Little Mermaid." It was the only show I've been in, but I starred in it. The costume was too small to fit my sisters..." "I went to that when I was eleven." "Sounds right, I played it right around the time I turned twelve." "When is your birthday?" Misty asks. Ash blinks. "It's in two weeks, on September 13." "Then shouldn't you be in the grade below?" "No, my mom knew I was ready. When's your birthday?" "You were gone for it." "When was it?" "Oh, August 27." "And you didn't tell me?" Ash demands. "Uh... I didn't really think about it. Kinda snuck up on me this year." Misty blushes. "You mean, you actually forget about your birthday? I mean it's such a big deal... in my family everybody knows everybody's birthday." Ash explains. "Well, it's not that way in my family. A cake, a few presents, that's about it..." "I should throw you a party!" Ash announces. "Um... how about not..." Misty mumbles. "Really, it's not that big of a deal. The only holiday my family really celebrates is Christmas..." "Well, I'm going to get you something then." The bus finally gets to the bus stop and they board on. Misty finds Sam, who had moved to a different apartment over the summer. "Hey Ash, I'm going to sit with Sam, I haven't seen her all summer." Misty tells him. Ash sits down next to Gary and his friends, while Misty walks to the back of the bus and sits next to Sam. "Hey!" Sam greets, giving Misty a hug. "Wow, I can't believe summer's already over..." "Yeah, I know! Did you have fun in Olivine?" Misty asks. "It was great... the ocean was so beautiful. I missed being here though, I'm not used to going on those kinds of vacations. I missed seeing you and the group." Sam sighs. "But, now I'm back, and we're starting our sophomore year of high school!" "Yeah, hard to believe now, isn't it?" "Freshman year went so fast." "Once I got to Goldenrod it went faster..." Misty smirks. "Here I actually have a lot of friends." "You didn't at your old school?" "No, not as many. At my old school, everyone had an art talent. Everyone was literally the same." "Well, everybody does have a talent." "Well there, a whole bunch of people had the same talent as I did. Here it's more mixed. Some people are good with battling, others are good at schoolwork, and I'm good at art... It's just better here." Misty explains. Sam thinks for a moment, and then nods her head in agreement. Then she gets a mischievous smile. "So, anything happen with Ash while I was away?" Misty blinks. "No! Nothing happened..." "From the way you just said that, I'd guess..." Misty covers Sam's mouth. "I just told you, nothing happened..." Sam rolls her eyes. "Sure Misty, I totally believe you." Misty punches Sam in the arm. "We're at school... come on, let's get off the bus. I wanna see what my schedule is anyways." 0o0o0o0o0o0o0 "Misty! Misty!" Ash yells, trying to move through a crowd of students. I'm glad her hair's the color it is... She notices moments later, and pulls out of the crowd. Ash attempts and succeeds by also pulling out. "Sheesh, it's like being caught in a strong wave..." Misty grins. "So, what classes did you get?" He hands her his schedule. "Uh, I have English first hour, then Battle Technique, Computer Ed, Health, Lunch, Breeder Training, Pre-Calc, and Biology." "Sweet! I have English, Health, Lunch, and Breeder Training with you!" Misty exclaims. "Wow, a lot of classes... what else are you taking?" "Painting, Choir, Algebra, and Physics." "Oh God, I hated Physics..." Ash groans. "Good luck." Misty snorts. "Actually, I like most sciences. I really liked chemistry last year. Come on, let's find out where our English class is..." They both chat until they find the English classroom. A seating arrangement was at the front of the room, and Ash and Misty both find their seats. "Hey, we sit right by each other!" Ash grins. "English is going to be fun!" "Because you're good at it, or that you're sitting by me?" "Both!" They sit at their desks. They talk about their summers more, when a tall boy sits to the right of Misty. He taps her on the shoulder. "Hey, this is English Writing Workshop, isn't it?" He asks. Misty turns around to look at him. He blinks at her, and automatically blushes. Ash notices and scowls under his breath. "Yeah, this is English Workshop." Misty replies. "I'm new here, my name is Brock Stone. I'm a junior." He says quietly, extending his hand. Misty takes it. "I'm Misty Yawa. I'm a sophomore. Welcome to Goldenrod!" She smiles sweetly at him. He blushes more. "A pretty name for a pretty girl." Brock says in a voice so quiet that she could only hear him. Misty's face turns the same shade of red as Brocks. She mumbles a quick "thanks," then quickly turns to the front. Ash looks at her funny. "Misty, are you ok?" She nods really quickly and tries to say something, but the teacher comes in the classroom and the bell rings. "I'll tell you later..." She whispers to Ash, as the teacher writes his name on the blackboard... 0o0o0o0o0o0o0 Ugh... Brock is like in all of my classes...it's soooo creepy! Misty shudders at the thought. She waits for Ash outside of the health room. I cannot believe Ash actually got in trouble with a teacher of the first day of school... Moments later Ash walks out of the classroom. Misty grins evilly at him. "Nice job, Ash." "Well, she's a total bitch anyways. God, I was just looking at my Pokedex, and she gives me three days of detention." Ash groans. "My mom is going to be so pissed off at me." "Well, you shouldn't have been looking at your Pokedex in the first place, leave that for your Pokemon classes." Misty sarcastically scolds. "Yeah, but you ended up getting placed by that Brock kid again. Ouch..." "Yeah, he's been in all of my classes! With my luck, he'll have our lunch hour." Misty sighs. "Well, speaking of lunch, I'm STARVING!!! Let's go to the cafeteria..." Ash grins. "You're going to get fat someday." Ash sticks his tongue out. "Well, not while I still have a fast metabolism." "Wow, you used a big word..." Ash punches her lightly in the arm. "Not funny." "Hey, Misty!" A voice yells out. Misty freezes. "Who is it?" Misty whispers. Ash turns around. "Guess who?" Ash joked. "Brock." Misty fumed. She turns around with a plastic smile on her face. "Hey Brock!" He walks faster and catches up with the two. "Hey beautiful! What class do you have next?" Brock says. Misty bites her lip. "Lunch." She mutters. "Awesome! So do I! Mind if I sit with you and your boyfriend?" Misty tenses up. "Ash is not my boyfriend. Oh yeah, this is my friend Ash. Ash, this is Brock..." "Yeah, I saw you in English." Brock says. "Nice one in Health by the way." Ash grins. "Well, the teacher is a cow anyways." "Did you get in trouble?" "A few days of detention, no big deal..." Misty is wide-eyed. Two seconds and they're already buddies... Brock turns his attention back to Misty. "Are you dating someone?" Misty nearly falls over in surprise. "No, I'm not." "We should do something on Friday night." He suggests. "She can't!" Ash blurts. "Huh?" Misty and Brock say in unison. "She can't, she's coming over to my house... to work on something." Ash struggles. "I am?" Ash glares at her. "Oh yeah... I am..." She turns to Brock. "Uh, sorry?" "No, that's ok. I'll get to your heart somehow." He winks at her. "I'll find you in a few moments though. I need to run to the office quickly." He waves to both of them and goes in another direction. The moment he was entirely gone, Misty turns to Ash with a very interesting look on her face. "What the heck was that about?" "Nothing..." Ash lies. "Were you actually... jealous of him?" "Uhhh...." "You were, weren't you?" "Uhhhh..." "Well thanks for making that thing up though. He's nice, but don't worry, I don't like him." Ash just looks around awkwardly. "Maybe we should go eat now..." Misty smiles sweetly at him, and Ash turns bright red. "Good idea!" 0o0o0o0o0o0o0 A/N- Hope you liked! Please review!!!