I went too quick on my first part of my story and I apologize. I will add more about Katie’s family in the story more but the first part was supposed to but I’ll add them as I get into the story like the family’s history and what they did to get where they are today or something. I hope you keep reading cause it is hard to write with writer’s block. Well I’ll shut my mouth now. READ ON! (Thanks topaz for pointing that out to me. I thought about what you said for a long time) Chapter 2 “C’mon Katie, please let’s take a break already!” Laurie said panting in between each word. I admit it seemed it took forever to get to Petalburg. “Shut up Laurie, we’re already here. If you want we can rest at the pokemon center.” Laurie was relieved when I said that. She sighed and fainted. “Get up Laurie before people think your dead.” Then something broke the silence of the quiet town “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HELP ME ANYONE!!!” It was a little girl screaming bloody murder. I left Laurie there and ran into the woods, determined if the little girl was still there. More screaming and explosions recently after that. Then I stopped dead in my tracks. There right in front of me is a pokemon with piercing red and black and an extremely long tail. *Flashback* (explosion and a scared 5 year old Katie in the tail of a scary pokemon.) *end of flashback* “Hey put her down you ugly thing!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. Then the pokemon turned around and stared at me for about 30 seconds and said “I remember you quite well. You were only a little helpless girl at the time.” I was pissed off now. “That girl is innocent. Put her down or you’ll have to battle me.” Startled the girl spoke, “Please don’t. He’s way to strong. More strong than you can think.” *Flashback* “KATIE! Hold on!” A determined Father tries to attack the pokemon with his bare hands. “NO DADDY!” Then as quick as a flash the father falls to the ground without moving. “DADDY! You ugly pokemon fiend!” The I bite it’s tail and get away safely. Later. “I’m sorry. He didn’t make it he was too injured.” A doctor says. *end of flashback* “Revenge. I need revenge. Come on and attack me! I’m more experienced than my dad was when you killed 5 years ago. ”I screamed. Then I took out the masterball I got from my mom. I wonder how she got it. “As you wish. But I must warn you, if you die I get even stronger.” It said. “But what if I win!!!” I said with even more anger. “Then you win. When it comes to fainting, I’m like every other pokemon…..I’m catch able.” It replied. This was it. If I die, Laurie and my family members will also lose. If I win I catch it. “Okay! C’mon you damn of a pokemon! GO MUDKIP! Use your water gun attack and do it again and again at it’s face!” The face of that pokemon was the only place without that steel armor. “AGHH. Safeguard!” He covered himself in a ball of protectiveness. “USE SLSM MUDKIP!” I commanded Mudkip. The safeguard broke. “NOW USE WATER GUN AGAIN MUDKIP!” Then it continued in the pattern for 5 hours and then BOOM! He fell to the ground with only 100 HP left. “Go Masterball!” It caught him and then mudkip glowed. “Marshtomp!” She said. *At the pokemon center* “Katie! What hell happened?” Laurie said as I walked in all dirty. “I heard this little girl screaming bloody murder and I saw that pokemon.” I replied with mixed feelings. “I want you to come with me to my mommy and daddy’s house. I’m sure they’ll reward you for saving me.” The little girl said. “By the way my name is Crystal.” We all introduced ourselves and headed off to the little girl’s house. “Katie? I want to speak with you. They’ll meet you later” Nurse Joy said. “What is it Joy?” I asked. Nurse Joy along with Officer Jenny stood in the back. “So I’ve heard you defeated it. But let me warn you. There are much more things worse than he is.” Officer Jenny said. “When that pokemon is caught, a bigger and much more powerful pokemon is awoken. So be careful. But now that you have caught the pokemon that awakens this destructive monster, you must transfer your pokemon to a friend ball so it will be on your side when you encounter it. I warn you it will be worse.” “I promise Jenny. Now I know what will happen.” But tell you the truth I didn’t know what this monster was. It was a legend so I figured pout it was a rare once-in-a-lifetime pokemon. I didn’t know what was ahead of me just that I know that I have that pokemon that can defeat this monster and the only one. So you guys like the second part? What will Katie do? Much more things will happen as I write more of m story. Until then wait and find out what happens next. Happy New Year!