Flying Torchics

Who¡¯s Side Are You On?

Part 6


 Guys, this is what you¡¯ve been waiting for. Finally after weeks and weeks the 6th part of my fic is posted. I think you guys have a perfectly good reason to get mad at me. I would if I had to wait this long. Anyways, here you go! ^_^


With his attention to the figure on the flying creature, Ash was unaware that the man in front of him was about to kill him. The man¡¯s hammer was just inches above Ash¡¯s head when a beam of white light hit the man and sent him flying away. Ash looked to where the man once stood and saw nothing. Pillars of emerald light soon rose from up the ground. The pillars caught hundreds of enemies then went down into the earth. Rising from the ground then coming back up, snatching the lives of their enemies. Soon, no enemies were left standing. Each one was either on the ground, dead, or in the ground.


The creature landed, and the figure jumped off, landing gracefully on its feet. He brought its hands to his helmet then took it off. Looking at the figure, everyone¡¯s jaw dropped. It was a girl, but for Ash she was more than that, that girl, it was Misty. She was wearing a necklace. It was as red as her hair; its shape was a raindrop. Ash pulled his blazing-inferno-shaped stone, and held it in his hand.


He held the stone in front of him, showing it to Misty he said, ¡°Hey Misty!¡±


Misty turned her head in his direction and just looked at him and said nothing.


 ¡°Misty?¡± Ash said, now in a much quieter voice.


 Misty looked at him, her face was blank, but she showed no emotion. She then said, ¡°Yes?¡± Misty¡¯s gaze was piercing, looking at him as if it would burn a hole in him. It didn¡¯t do that to Ash, it did something much worse. Way worse, it broke his heart. To see the person he loved, who was always so active, happy, and kind, now none of that.


 Ash punched Misty hard on her arm. She didn¡¯t do anything. She didn¡¯t yell at him, start to cry, or anything else.


She had passed what was impossible. For a human to feel no emotion at all, it was just impossible. One can be angry and try to hide it, but one person, the person who¡¯s closest to you can tell what you¡¯re feeling in the inside. Ash couldn¡¯t see anything that looked something like an emotion\/


Ash was now starting to think that the stone on her necklace had somehow made her void of any emotion. He forgot about the stone, now he just wanted to see an emotion, even if it was an angry face he didn¡¯t care. He wanted to see if she was still human. Or if she was ever human.


¡°Misty, do you know me?¡±


She gave him the same look as before and said a simple yes.


¡°Who am I then?¡± Ash hoped that this would make her laugh at how stupid he was acting. He kept asking her the same kind of question, but to no avail.


After Ash had finished asking her questions, Misty mounted her flying creature, which happened to be a Salemance and flew away.


Back at the Rusty Sword, the pub. Or bar, whichever you prefer. Everyone was celebrating their victory. Ash was sitting alone. Ash spotted Gerald and ran to him and asked him, ¡°What¡¯s going on here? I don¡¯t know the name of the village I¡¯m in, I don¡¯t know the name of this region, I don¡¯t even know who He, Him, His, or whatever is!¡± The yelling had left Ash exhausted.


 ¡°O Ash,¡± Gerald started to say, ¡°I¡¯ll answer your questions in order. The village you¡¯re in is called Tohoki Village. The name of this region is called the Konta region. Now this is the last answer¡¦ this evil person, is called¡¦¡± Gerald waited until he was sure nobody was in an earshot of them then continued speaking, ¡°...his real name is Alan, then he changed his name to Uldun. Now everyone¡¯s too scared to say his real name.¡±


¡°Is that why everyone calls Uldun him?¡± Ash asked.


¡°Yup, that¡¯s why.¡±


¡°Anyways, I have more questi-¡° Ash was cut off by Gerald saying, ¡°You want to know what that stone you have does and how you got it in the first place. And you also want to know whether or not your stone has something to do with Misty¡¯s stone, am I right?¡±


¡°How did you know that?¡±


¡°Do you want your questions answered or not?¡±


¡°Yes¡± Ash said.


¡°Your stone, it¡¯s a magical stone. It can travel through time, and once the owner knows the Five¡¯s teachings he or she will be able to access each of the five stones¡¯ power. How powerful the stone is depends on the user¡¯s overall strength. Not the strength most people think of. If you¡¯re balanced in every area you will be powerful, whereas if you are only strong in one area you will be weak. Are you following me Ash?¡±


Ash just nodded and listened as Gerald carried on speaking.


¡°How you got the stone, do you know how you got it?¡± Gerald asked.


¡°No,¡± Ash said, ¡°, I just found it one morning.¡±


¡°And where did you find it?¡±


¡°In my pocket.¡±


¡°Yup that¡¯s where it was,¡± Gerald said, folding his arms on his chest, ¡°The very same place I put it.¡±


¡°Wha?! What did you say?¡± Ash demanded.


¡°I just said ¡®The very same place I put it¡¯¡± Gerald answered.


¡°You put that stone in my pocket?¡± Ash asked, bewildered, ¡°So, you wanted me to come here? You planned this? What am I? Some pawn?¡±


¡°No, I did not plan this.¡± Gerald replied.


¡°Why don¡¯t you just tell me everything Gerald?!¡± Ash demanded. ¡°Is there some weird mystical force that¡¯s going to kill me if you do?¡± Ash was furious now, breathing through gritted teeth. ¡°Huh? What is this mystical force?! I want to know! What are you hiding from me?! If you really believe I will end Uldun¡¯s reign of terror I need to know, at least, what I¡¯m up against, I need to know what all these powers are. Most of all, I need to know if I can trust you.¡± Ash was done talking, he was feeling like everyone turned on him, leaving him to rot in the dirt. It¡¯s a mix of feelings, none of them stronger than another.


¡°Fine, Ash¡¦ I¡¯ll tell you everything you need to know. The Stone of Excratia planned all this.¡±


¡°A stone? A stone planned all this? I thought you were going to tell me the truth!¡± Ash yelled.


¡°Please, Ash I¡¯m telling you the truth. Let me tell you. Before you interrupted I said that the stone of Excratia planned this. You know when I said I got some sort of message when the Umhardians attacked?¡±


¡°Yeah, I do.¡± Replied Ash


¡°The stone of Excratia sent me a telepathic message that the Umhardians were attacking. What I¡¯m hiding from you is that Uldun has a new apprentice, and she¡¯s Misty. I recall you meeting here. She was acting tha t way because she was controlled by the stone on her neck. It is one made by Uldun, found in the jewel mines of Moruunar. Moruunar, horrible place. Old magic was cast on that stone. Once you learn the ways of magic you can tell if something or someone is under a spell.¡±


¡°Magic?!¡± Ash said, flabbergasted.


¡°Yes Ash, magic. Magic is when one uses the unseen forces of the universe at his will. Ash, once you learn how to use your powers you will be able to do a lot of things. I¡¯m sure it¡¯ll be less than a week until you burn your first tree.¡±


¡° So who¡¯s going to train me? You?¡± Ash retorted.


¡°Yes, me.¡±


¡° When does the training start?¡±


¡°We¡¯ll start your training as soon as we can, but first, you have to sleep.¡±


¡°I have to go back to the place I woke up right?¡±


Gerald nodded. ¡°I¡¯ll lead you there.¡±


Ash got into bed. Gerald had left him at the doorstep of the building he woke up at. Ash hadn¡¯t noticed it before, but there was a sign that had a big ¡°Inn¡±. Lying in bed, he pondered on what his training might be like. Will it be like school? Sitting all day at a desk jotting stuff down, or will it be exciting? Ah, I guess I¡¯ll just have to find out tomorrow. Ash thought. Ash thought no more and drifted off to sleep.




Hope you guys liked it. Since Jolt¡¯s hard drive was broken it gave me more time to write (or type).