In the last episode Timmy trained all of his other pokemon and then went back to the Pokemon Center and beat the crap out of three of Darick’s pokemon… “Hey you!” One of the spectators said to Timmy in an angry tone of voice. “Darick’s my sister’s boyfriend and she’ll be furious at you beating him! I challenge you to a one on one match!” Darick pleaded with the young boy not to fight, “Please Bobby, Let Timmy be. He’s won fair and square. I really don’t mind. And I would appreciate it if you could try calming down.” However it didn’t help. “No way. This guy has insulted my sisters honor and if you won’t defend it, then I will!” “Go Raticate!” Bobby hurled a pokeball, which let out a huge rat-like pokemon. “RRRaticate!” the raticate yelled. “Go Machop!” Timmy said. “Machop, Flying Side Kick!” Timmy said. “Raticate, give it a… Hyper Fang!” Bobby commanded. But it was too late. By the time he had given the order, Machop’s Kick had landed right on top of Raticate’s head. “No! Raticate!” Bobby said. However, Raticate couldn’t hear him due to the fact that it was KO’d. “Return Raticate!” Bobby said as he stalked off angrily. “Man, what a loser. I never insulted his sister.” Timmy said. “Well, by beating me you’re kinda giving his sister a bad reputation. You know, for dating a loser.” Darick told Timmy. “But you’re not a loser. You’ve only lost once!” Timmy said, confused. “Yeah well, Bobby can be pretty harsh on anything or anyone that might even come close do damaging his family’s ‘honor’. He’s kinda strange, if you know what I mean.” Darick whispered to Timmy. “Anyway I guess I’ll be seein’ ya around.” Darick said as he walked into the Pokemon Center. “Bye.” Timmy mumbled. Timmy stood thinking for a while. “Oh well. I’d better go and train some more.” And with that last thought, Timmy walked off to his training grounds to train with his pokemon. It was about two o’clock in the afternoon when Timmy and his pokemon stopped training to get a late lunch. “That’ll do for today guys, Let’s jog home and get something to eat. I’ll check your levels after we’re finished.” Timmy said as they ran off. Suddenly, about halfway home, Machop started to glow! “Ma Chop?” it said in surprise. Timmy and the other pokemon stopped. “Machop! Don’t evolve yet! It’ll take to long to train you!” Timmy told Machop. Machop nodded an affirmative. After another minute or so of the glowing it slowly diminished and went away. Timmy sighed with relief. “Good job Machop. I need you to evolve at just the right time. And that wasn’t it. Come on, If we hurry we can make up for the time we lost by stopping.” And so they continued jogging (this time it was more of a sprint) for about fifty yards, then they slowed down to their usual pace. However, when they reached home, Timmy noticed that there wasn’t any noise coming from the house. He told his pokemon to wait outside while he went in to check it out. Timmy pulled out his sai and crept towards the house. He slowly opened the door. After a quick glance around he noticed that the lights were all out, he then rolled over to the couch. He heard breathing from the other side of the couch. With a wild yell Timmy leaped into the air, over the couch, and spun around to face the person that was hiding. However he wasn’t able to do so because it was a tape recorder! Timmy felt a pressure on his back. “Bang! I got you Timmy.” Said a voice from behind him. Timmy turned with a smile. “Hi dad.” Timmy then turned to the door. “Come on Machop, bring the others in, it’s ok.” His pokemon all walked into the still dark house, somewhat confused. “You’ve improved son, but not enough. You need to look before you leap.” Timmy father said. “Why do you always have to train me dad?” Timmy asked, slightly exasperated. “Because,” his father replied, “You must always be prepared. And until you are able to find and defeat me, I will keep on testing you.” Timmy sighed. “Oh well. Can I have some lunch now?” His father smiled and said, “All right.”