In the last episode, Timmy beat the crap out of some loser named Bobby’s raticate, trained his pokemon, and then walked home for some lunch, where he was trained/bothered by his father. Timmy sat across from his father at the table, munching on his consisting of a PB&J, potato chips on the side, and a glass of water. “So, how has your pokemon training been going?” Timmy’s father inquired. “It’s been great so far, Machop is just about ready to evolve, and Poliwag is only two levels away from evolving.” Timmy’s father nodded. “That’s pretty good. So when do you plan on fighting Brock?” “Well, I was planning on getting my pokemon to the point that they can evolve when they feel like it. So that should take a few weeks.” Timmy’s father nodded again. “That’s smart, I doubt many people train as hard as you and your pokemon do. If you ever feel like it, you can take your pokemon down to the Dojo and I’ll have them join in one of the pokemon classes.” Timmy looked up from his food in surprise. “You teach pokemon karate?” His father nodded once more. “Yes. However I’m having a little trouble managing them and the students at once, but I don’t have time to train them in separate groups. Could you bring your pokemon over and help out? I’d be willing to pay you ten dollars every other class that you help in.” He offered. Timmy paused in eating his chips to contemplate the offer. “Well, ok.” His father’s smile widened. “Great. Now, all you’ll have to do is warm up the classes and then stand around and help the students with the Katas when I ask. Alright?” “Alright.” Timmy agreed. Timmy then finished his meal and told his father he was going to go and visit the Dojo (it had been over a month since he’d seen it). Timmy left his pokemon at the house, while he went to see how the Dojo was doing. When he got there he saw that a class was going on. He went inside to find that it was an intermediate class. The teacher was one of his father’s close friends that he had taught. Timmy went in the back and put on the spare Gi he had left there and walked over to the entrance to the mat and bowed himself on. He stood by watching the class for a moment, and then the teacher walked over to him and greeted him. “Hello Timmy. I’m glad that you’re here, I was just about to have the class do some sparring. Would you like to help out or join the class?” Timmy thought about it. “I think I’ll join the class, sir.” He finally said. The sensei nodded and walked over to the students while Timmy stood in line. “Class go get your gear on, were going to be doing some Budo sparring,” Some of the smaller students groaned. In Budo sparring, two students had too fight until one had a clear advantage over the other; points didn’t matter as much. Once everyone had their gear on, the sensei started to pair up students. After 3 fights, the sensei paired up Timmy with a rather tall green belt. “Step to attention, “The sensei commanded, “Bow here, bow to each other, and step out into your fighting stance.” The two faced each other. “And… begin.” The sensei commanded as he stepped back out of the ring. Timmy and the student paced around each other. Then with a Kiai, the Green belt launched a flying side kick towards Timmy. Timmy sidestepped and knocked the foot to the side, causing the student to trip as he landed. The student immediately spun around, jabbed at Timmy’s face, and reverse punched at his stomach. Timmy stepped back and threw the jab to the side roughly, also sending the reverse punch to the side with it. The student then used the momentum from the block to spin around and attempt a crescent kick to remove Timmy’s guard. Timmy instead ducked the kick and tripped the student with a sweeping kick. The student landed with a grunt. As soon as he hit the floor, Timmy ran over and started to kick at the student’s chest and belly. The student managed only to block a few of the kicks. When the student tried to roll away, Timmy just followed him and kept on kicking. Finally the sensei said, “Yame, that’s enough. Timmy is the winner.”