In the last chapter… Timmy and his dad have made it to Pallet Town and are currently jogging through the streets looking for Prof. Oak… About twenty minutes later, Timmy and his dad reached professor Oaks home. They were the first ones there. “Apparently no one else likes to come early.” Michael said. “Oh well lets go in.” “But father,” Timmy said, “don’t we have to wait outside?” Michael then replied, “I don’t see why. Come on.” So they both walked up the path to the house and knocked on the door. An old but healthy man answered the door. “Welcome friends, I must admit I didn’t expect you today but please come in.” the professor told them. “Come, you may sit and wait here in the living room while I get us something to drink.” Professor Oak said as he walked to a room to the left. A minute later the Professor came out holding a kettle and three cups of hot green tea. “Here we are.” The Professor said to them as he sat down. “Now I’ve heard that your son would like to become a pokemon trainer. Correct?” The Professor said to Michael. “Yes sir, that is right.” Michael informed him. Timmy just sat there sipping his tea, which was quite hot, and listened to the two converse.” So what type of pokemon is young Timmy interested in?” Professor Oak asked. “Well from what I’ve seen he should probably have a fighting pokemon.” Michael said. “Oh that’s wonderful! I just received a new machop from the caves by Lavender Town. It would be perfect.” The Professor said. “Yes that would be wonderful, then they can train together.” Michael agreed. “Ok Timmy,” the Professor said to Timmy, “you heard us talking and you don’t mind getting a machop right?” “No sir, a machop would be fine.” Timmy said agreeably. “Great, great. All right, then it’s settled. Timmy I shall give you a machop and your license and you will be on your way.” The Professor stood up. “Come then follow me Michael you can just wait here for now.” “Go on Timmy it’ll be fine.” Michael said encouragingly to his son. Timmy just nodded and followed the professor as he went down the hall to get the pokemon. “Here it is Timmy,” the Professor said after rummaging through some boxes, “Your first pokemon. And here are some empty pokeballs and a pokedex. It will tell you about pokemon that you don’t know much about.” Timmy took these, snapped the pokeballs to his waste, and put the pokedex in his pocket. “Thank you sir.” Timmy said politely to the Professor. “Your welcome Timmy. And now I have some work to do so you and your father can feel free to leave.” The Professor said to Timmy and turned around and talked over to some equipment and started fiddling with it. Timmy then walked back to his father and showed him the pokeballs and pokedex. Michael was very proud of his son “This is wonderful son. But now we should go I have an appointment with the Council and I don’t want to be late. Good bye Timmy, see you in a week.” And with that Michael sent out his fearow, hopped on its back, and flew away. “Well I guess that I’m on my own now.” Timmy said to himself. Timmy then unclipped his machop from his belt and let it out saying, “Go…” Timmy paused here, “Uh… what am I gonna call you?” Timmy asked the pokemon as it came out. “Machop!” the pokemon said at hearing his master talk to it. “Oh well I guess that’s what I’ll call you then.” Timmy said. (Authors note: Yes I know. Timmy is not very smart, but hey, everybody has his or her flaws. :)