Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon, If you do though I’m interested in making a purchase, let me count my money first though, 10...yep that’s it 10 cents

This is the first time I’ve ever written a chapter fic and it probably won’t be a long one. It will probably take me forever to update since I have absolutely no idea what to write about after the first chapter, and don’t really don’t know what I’m doing for this one too much so bare with me. As you can probably tell I couldn’t think of a title, this is because it would be hard to think of one that isn’t as gay as most with having no idea what’s going to happen in this story. Enough ranting though and on to the first chapter, which will probably be short.

Insert Clever Title Here

Chapter One: Under Where?

Misty (sarcastically): Well, thanks for volunteering us Ash, you just wait till I volunteer you for something…like ballet

Ash: You wouldn’t, besides it’s not so bad

Misty: That’s easy for you to say all you have to do is sit by the till, I have to do inventory

Ash: It’s just for one day, your such a baby, besides it was your fault that John’s pidgy was hurt so bad anyway

Misty: Was not, it was your pikachu that injured it!

Ash: But you told me to

Misty: Well you volunteered us

Ash: I was just being polite, someone had to watch the Pokemart while John ran his pidgy to the Pokemon centre in Vermillion city since there isn’t one here.

Misty: Why didn’t you volunteer Brock too at least, or let our pokemon help out?

Ash: Because they had nothing to do with the battle, besides I was pissed off at Brock for ruining our bet (I’ll explain THE BET later this chapter… Mwahhahahahahha

Misty (teasingly): Is that the only reason, Ash Ketchum

Ash (blushing): Uh, um… Oh look some customers

Misty: Huh, oh… hey they look familiar, don’t they

Ash: Can I help you

Then came the words that anyone who’s reading this is probably expecting

Female Customer: Yes you can, Prepare for trouble

Male customer: And make that double

Blah, Blah, Blah!

Ash: Let me guess you want our pokemon, (Then a sarcastic voice) Oh no

Misty: (Mockingly) Too bad for you guys, they aren’t here

Jesse: Darn, and we can’t waste our only good plan

James: Lets just rob the store then

Meowth: Okay

Jesse and James pull out guns

Ash: This is your “plan”

Jesse: Yes, simple but it works

Ash reluctantly hands over the money

James: K now for phase 2 of the plan, both of you strip to your underwear

Ash and Misty: WHAT!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!

Ash and Misty had a look of terror on their faces


Flashback of Yesterday Start

Ash: I bet you that the Pallet Pika’s will win

Misty: No way, The Cerulean Seals will run circles around them

Ash: Well that would be travelling wouldn’t it

Misty (annoyed): You know what I meant! Fine what are we betting?

Ash: I dunno

Misty (Evil look on her face): I know, whoever looses goes commando tomorrow

Ash: Huh? What do you mean?

Misty (blushing): No underwear!

Ash (blushing also): Fine with me, cuz your gonna loose

Our heroes watched silently as the basketball game neared the end, the score was 60-58 for Pallet, the last ten seconds, Cerulean had the ball, the dribbled down and shot from the three point line, BZZZZZZZZZZ… That’s when it happened, Brock the stupid clutz tripped over the cord to the T.V. and unplugged it, both Ash and Misty scrambled to plug it back in, but they were too late the T.V. had already resumed regular programming.

Misty: Well, I guess that neither of us lost then cuz we don’t know the result

Ash: Yeah right! That was way off

Misty: Was not!

Ash: Was too!

Misty: Well since we don’t know neither of us won

Ash being the stubborn kid he was wouldn’t leave it at that

Ash: Fine! But since neither of us won, we both lost, so we both go commando!

Misty: Fine!

End of Flash back


James: You heard me

Jesse (interrupting): Strip to your underwear, we can’t have you guys following us, and you won’t leave here with only underwear on

End of Chapter One

How’s that for a cliffhanger? Did ya like it? No it won’t turn citrus. Flames, comments, anything good or bad. I always like criticism. Any ideas for next chapter…plz. Send to FunkyMagicarp@hotmail.com