Authors Note: Sorry to anyone who wanted me to keep going with my other one first, but my computer went all crappy and quit my story as I was writing it and almost done and I’m too frustrated to keep going with it, besides I only got one email for it, and it was a demand. By the way the name is not spelt wrong just read and see. I’m pretty sure this will be a Comedy/AAMR but I dunno as I am writing as I go. As my fan has probably noticed I don’t do many Pokemon battles, just use the characters and the Pokemon when their powers are convenient. This one is very short, the rest will be longer. Do not stop reading it cuz it‘s so short, This one is just the Prologue. I plan to spend a lot more time on this fanfic and maybe my other chapter one, but I also plan on becoming a superhero so we’ll see.


Disclaimer: I know what your all expecting me to say, but your wrong. I do NOT own Pokemon. Sorry.





All the Characters are however old you want them to be (does it matter in the world of Pokemon they are already outta the house by age ten)

*Ash has become a Pokemon master a defeated the elite four and is world renown, however he didn’t have to beat Lance the Dragon Trainer because he died of “natural causes” before they could battle.

Misty: Wow! Ash that was amazing! I knew you would win… Pokemon Master

Ash: Thank you, Misty, you are the best friend ever.

Then their eyes locked for a minute, a minute that seemed like an eternity. They couldn’t see or hear anything but each other, especially not Brock getting all exited.

Ash:… Misty

Misty: Yes Ash?

Ash: I, I lo-

*Don’t worry it won’t be a “I love you” “I love you too” most passionate kiss ever POS that everyone else writes, I hope I have more writing ability and creativity than that… no offense to all your unoriginal same old crappy story fics people)

Ash gets swept away by the huge crowd, and by the time Misty realises he is to far away to hear her.

Misty: WHAT ASH?

Misty ends up shrugging it off as being different than it was deciding that her mind was making her think she would get exactly what she wanted. Ash just relaxes in the crowd knowing now that he would be able to tell her when there was a time that was right…

On the way back Ash and Misty never fought once, It scared Brock

Ash and Misty arrived in pallet after Ash’s victories. (he never told her yet) They had been getting along very good lately, and hadn’t been fighting at all lately

Ash’s mom: (Hugging him very tightly) Oh, hi! I’m so happy for you Ashy, I just got off the phone with Professor Oak! He told me you won! I knew you could do it!

Ash: Ok, ok mom, I love you too.

Misty: Hi Mrs. Ketchum, how’s it going?

Deliela: Oh hi, I better get making you guys a great big victory meal, Where’s Brock?

Ash: Oh he decided to stay back at Pewter and open up a breeding shop.

Deliela: Oh, Ok. By the way Professor Oak wanted to talk to you Ash!

Misty: Ok, we’ll go over there right after we eat!

Deliela: Uhmm, actually Misty he just wanted to see Ash.

Misty (suspiciously): Oh, ok

Ash: Ok, I’m sure it’s no big deal

Misty: Yeah, your probably right

After Dinner Ash makes his way over to Professor Oaks lab

Inside the lab

Ash: You needed to see me Professor?

Oak: Yes, It Is a very important matter, you left Misty and Brock at your moms house?

Ash: We left Brock in Pewter, and Misty is at my house still.

Oak: Oh, good then we are by ourselves.

Meanwhile… Misty sneaks through the bedroom window (not wanting to let Deliela know she was gone) and hides under the window of Professor Oak’s lab. She hears quite a bit (more than is just written, she knows all about everything)…

Oak: So you see, your journey isn’t quite over yet

Ash: I see… We’ll start tomorrow

Oak: We?

Ash: Me and Misty

Oak: No you don’t understand, only you may go, It is far too dangerous for Misty

Ash: But…

Oak: No but’s, and you’ll have to tell her bye without telling her of your mission

Ash: Then she won’t know why I have to, so she’ll think it’s what I want to do…

Oak: I’m sorry Ash, this wasn’t my choice, and I wish you didn’t have to, but-

Ash: Yeah, Yeah, I understand, Bye Professor

Oak: And remember you can’t let anyone know!



So, what did Misty hear? Why is Ash leaving Misty? Where is he going? Why can’t he tell Misty? What will Misty’s reaction to the “surprising news” be? What did I mean by “natural causes”? Well your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully next chapter I’ll be able to explain it, to myself if not to you. Flames? Comments? Ideas? Blah, Blah, Blah. . I’ll probably start the next one tonight. I’ll tell you what Oak said at the beginning of next one so it’s not confusing.