Till Death Do Us Part


Author’s Notes:


         N4LK means Not For Little Keikis (Keiki is Hawaiian for Child).  Anyone below the age of 11 is hereby denied access.  This is not a “Short Sweet and Funny” kind of Fic.  (To answer your question, no I am not Hawaiian.  I live in Hawaii, but that doesn’t mean that I’m Hawaiian.)


         This Fic is in response to a request from “Joy-girl,” posted as a review for “Team Rocket Neo,” by “BenRG,” on FF.net.  The challenge was to write a Fanfic where Gary tries to steal Misty away from Ash.


         In this rather sad Fic, Gary tries to steal Misty away, not in body and heart, but in soul.  Will Misty ever recover? 


         Oh yeah, I did some Marriages:

-Ash & Misty (Duh)

-Gary & Gazelle (those two deserve each other)

-Brock & Suzie (If you don’t know who she is, Tough)

-Richie &Marina (“)

-Todd & Duplica










Till Death Do Us Part


         Misty Ketchum lay on her bed, crying.  Everyone assumed that it because she felt as though the death of her husband was her fault.  They did not even suspect how much worse the truth was.  Only part of her grief was because of how her husband, Ash, had taken two bullets that were meant for her.  The other half was what was truly tormenting her.  Had it only been Ash’s sacrifice, she would have stopped hours ago.  But the guilt in her heart was much more than that.  She closed her eyes.  The moment was still as vivid as ever in her mind’s eye.




[Sorry to y’all people out there who hate flashbacks, but most likely, you’ll be hating me more by the end of the Fic.]


         The two of them were siting on a grassy cliff by the sea, not far from Pallet town.  The cliff was only accessible from air, and was very remote, the perfect place for peace, quiet, and privacy.  The only other creature present, was a Pikachu, who kept a respectful distance away.


         Ash was just back from a weeklong trip to the Indigo Plateau.  The two of them had come to this secret spot to talk and relax.  Their 4-year-old daughter, Ashley, was with “Uncle Tracy.”


         For some time, Ash just sat next to Misty, enjoying both the view, and her presence.  He finally spoke.  “Misty, I know I’ve been rather selfish.  I was so busy with the League, and my research.  I’ve realized that I should be paying more attention to my family.  I should be more concerned with what you wanted.  And Ashley needs daddy at home.  I’m sorry, Mist.  Can you forgive me?”


         Misty’s mind was reeling.  She had been mad at Ash for the last week and a half for exactly that reason.  She had not told him because she could not bear to make herself ask him to stop doing the job he loved almost as much as he loved her.  Now she could see that he loved her so much more.  The revelation was too late.  Even as Misty whispered, “I forgive you,” two angry pairs of eyes were tracking their movements.  Misty and Ash kissed, oblivious to the danger.  It was a bitter kiss.


         The two stood up to leave.  As if on cue, their attackers made their entrance.  They descended on the cliff in a Meowth shaped balloon.  They held handguns.  The big, burly, man has a Colt 38 revolver.  The thin, tall, woman packed a Colt 45 semiautomatic. 


         “Butch and Cassidy,” Ash acknowledged.  “What do you want?”


         “We want you dead,” said Cassidy, in a voice totally devoid of emotion.  She and Butch stepped of the balloon, careful to keep their guns trained on Ash.


         “But we’ll give you the pleasure of seeing your little bi*** go first, “ added Butch.  He swung his gun to point at Misty.


         It all happened in a flash.  Ash threw himself in front of Misty.  Butch pulled the trigger.  Pikachu blasted the two former Team Rocket members with a huge Thundershock. 


         By the time Misty was able to stop the dizziness within her head, it was all over.  She found herself lying on the ground, Ash on top of her.  She weakly pulled herself up, to be greeted by the sight of her husband barely clinging to life.  Ash had a bullet hole in his chest.  His torso was a bloody mess.  Misty felt like screaming, but no sound came out.


         “Misty,” Ash rasped.  “Misty, are you there?”


         “Ash.”  It was a whisper.  Misty could manage no more than that.


         “Misty, I’m sorry that I didn’t pay more attention to you.  Take care of Ashley.  Take care of my pokemon for me.  Goodbye, Mist.  I love you.”


         “No, Ash!  What are you saying?  You’ll be okay!”


         “No I won’t Mist.  Tell Ashley and my mom that I love them for me.”  Ash turned to Pikachu.  “Pikachu.”


         “Pikapi,” cried the electric mouse sadly.


         “Take care of Misty for me.  And Ashley.  G’Bye buddy.  Goodbye, Mist.  I love yo-”  Ash slumped.  His body went limp.


         It took Misty several seconds to comprehend that he was dead.  “No,” she whispered.  “No, Ash!  You can’t die now.  NO!!!”


<End Flashback>


         Misty could have gone on for another week like this, but a banging at the door to her room interrupted her thoughts.


         “Misty?  Misty!  MISTY!!!  Open up or I’ll break down the door.”


         Misty opened the door.  She was in no mood to talk, even to her best friend, Marina Yeager, whose voice she recognized as the person speaking.  But she knew that the threat to smash the door was not a bluff, and she still wanted her privacy after Marina left.  Much to her surprise it was her friend Maxine “Duplica” Snap at the door, not Marina.


         “Why were you pretending to be Marina?” Misty demanded.


         “If you knew it was me, you would have told me to Go To Hell.”


         Misty did not answer.  Duplica was right, and both women knew it.  Misty could only wonder what Duplica wanted.


         Before Misty could ask, “What do you want?” Duplica was already moving to the attack.  “Do you love Ash?”


         “Of course I love Ash!  Why the Hell do you think I married him?”


         Duplica responded with equal anger.  “Then why are you being such a Conceited Bi***?” she screamed, shoving Misty backwards.  Unprepared for the attack, Misty stumbled backwards, and fell to the floor.  “Ash did not save your worthless life so you could spend the rest of it crying!  Wherever Ash is now, he’s miserable.  You meant more than anything else in the world to him.  He could never be happy unless you were.  So could you Please cheer up and let him Rest In Peace?”


         Duplica’s harsh words felt like slaps across the face to Misty.  She just glared back, and felt even more miserable.  “Go away,” was all that she could say.


         “Fine, I’ll give you two hours to think it over.  If you haven’t cheered up by then, I will be of the unchangeable opinion that he deserved better than you.”  Duplica knew that her threat had fallen on deaf ears.  Misty cared little for what Duplica thought.


         As Duplica turned to leave she heard Misty whisper, “Maybe he did.”  It was not the bitter statement Duplica had been expecting, thought an outside observer might have mistaken it to be one.  The tone and timing of the words, however, made it obvious that they were a confession. 


         Duplica could almost laugh at the irony.  She herself had been accused of being unfaithful to her husband many a time, but it was Misty, Miss Picture Perfect Life, who had been cheating on her husband.  “Not content with Ash?  Who was it?  Oh, of course, Gary.”  It was obvious.  There could be no one else.  Duplica took a seat on the bed next to Misty.  “Too bad it had to happen this way.  He was content with you, you know.”


         “I know,” Misty whispered.  “I didn’t even like Gary, but it just… happened


         “Well, at least you didn’t repeat the mistake,” Duplica joked.


         Misty shot one of her trademark ‘prepare to die’ glares.


         “Look Misty.  To tell you the truth, I was interested in your husband even after both of us were married.  Not that he showed any interest in me.  I understand why you would be interested in someone other that your husband.”


         Misty bowed her head.  She did not want pity.  She wanted Duplica to tell the world what a horrible person she was.  It was a small penance, considering the crime she had committed.  She was not able to follow this train of thought for long.  Duplica once again interrupted her thoughts.


         “I’m not going to do it.”  Duplica let the sentence hang in the air for a few seconds before she continued.  “You want me to tell the world that you are an unworthy Slut whose husband was way too good for her.  You feel as if thought that is the punishment you deserve.  We’ll I’m sorry girl, but no can do.  Ash would not stand for it.”  Misty said nothing, but Duplica sensed that she had hit the right spot, but rather hard.  Duplica tried a softer approach.  “Don’t let this tear you down, Misty.  Ash saved you.  Don’t let his sacrifice be one made in vain.”


         Seeing that Misty was still silent, Duplica decided that she had done all she could.  She could only hope that Misty would get over it soon.  She stood up and walked out.


         Misty just lay there, unsure of what to do.  Part of her knew that Duplica was right and that Ash would want her to get on with her life.  The other part told her that she didn’t deserve to live.




         Startled by the voice, Misty looked up.  She almost fell off the bed in surprise.  There, hovering several inches off the ground, was a ghostly figure.  A very familiar ghostly figure.  “Ash.”


         “Hey, Mist.  How’s life as a widow.”


         Misty broke out into uncontrollable sobbing.


         “I’ll take it that you aren’t having a good time.”  Ash’s Ghost (?) joked.  “Oh, come on Mist, it’s the last time I’m ever going to see you and you’re making me watch you cry.


         Misty was still sobbing.  “I was h-”


         “Shh, Misty.  I already know.”  Ash’s Ghost grinned.  “You can fool me, but you can’t fool Pikachu.  I knew about it the very day.”




         “You know. I thought it was because I wasn’t good enough for you.  Because I failed.  But it’ s amazing the things you find out as a ghost.  I don’t suppose you noticed the stuff he slipped in your drink?  Inhibitor reducing drugs.  Brings out the most basic instincts in people.”


         “The bastard,” Misty whispered.  “he drugged me.”


         “I see that being a widow hasn’t mellowed you out,” observed Ash with a laugh.  “Cheer up Misty.  You’ll be letting Gary win if you don’t.”


         Misty managed a faint smile.  “You’re right.”


         Ash struck a ridiculous pose.  “Of course I am, I’m Ash Ketchum, Pokemon Master, League Champion, Field Researcher…”


         Misty couldn’t help but burst out laughing.  “And all around Idiot,” she finished.


         Ash grinned.  “Just like the good old days,” he intoned.


         Misty’s smile faded.  “But why would Gary do this?”


         “Gary couldn’t beat me at anything, ever.  I guess this is his way of getting revenge.  You’re the most important thing in the world to me, Mist.  Gary knew that.”


         “The little…”  Misty could not think of a swear word vile enough to describe Gary.


         “Don’t think about that.  Right now you should worry about what to do with your life.”


         “You’re a fountain of wisdom, Ash.”


         “Misty.  My work isn’t done.  There are more places out there, more pokemon just waiting to be discovered.  Please carry on my work for me, Mist.  Besides, my collection of Unknowns has to be completed.  Just two more to go.”


         Misty smiled.  “That’s my Ashy-Boy.  Dead already, and still worried about pokemon.”


         “Oh, you.  Go out among the living already.  Any more time talking to Ghosts and you’ll end up as old and wrinkled as Agetha.”


         “I’ll take care of your pokemon, Ash.  I wont let your dreams die too.”


         “Going poetic on me, Misty?”  Ash laughed.  “You just go on.  It’s time I got some rest.”


         “Good Bye, Ash.  Rest in peace.”


         “I will, Mist.”  Ash was slowly fading away.


         “Good bye,” Misty whispered one last time, before she went out of the bedroom, and joined her friends in the living room.


         Suzie was surprised to see her friend Misty come down the stairs into the living room.  She was even more surprised to see that Misty was smiling.  “Feeling better now?” she asked.


         Misty nodded.  “Thanks, Duplica” she said to Duplica, who was sitting next to her husband, Todd. “I needed to hear that.”


         Duplica smiled.  “it was Tracy’s and Brock’s idea, really, they just chose me to say it.”


         Both Tracy and Brock grinned at Misty.


         Marina, who had been silent now, came up to misty and hugged her tightly.  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you, Misty,” she said, “but I really didn’t know what to do.”


         “It’s Okay,” Misty said, “I would be equally useless if Richie died on you.”

         “Now you better not die on her, Richie,” Misty ordered Marina’s husband, “I don’t want Marina to go through this too.”  Misty sat down next to Suzie.  “Well, I guess it’s time to get on with my life.”


         Misty could heard Ash’s whisper.  That’s My girl…”






AN: Okay, I know that it was evil of me to make Misty cheat on Ash, but that doesn’t mean that you have to Fl…  Oh, What the heck, Flame me.  I deserve it.

         I have an idea for sequel, so please tell me if I should make one.  Thanks for reading.  -Kuri-chan (my Japanese nickname)




Spoiler Theatrical Trailer:


Love Overcomes (the Sequel to this fic)


         “Say Ashley, are you free tonight?  The Movie theater is showing “The Sound Of Music” tonight.  Want to come watch it with me?”


         “Are you inviting me on a date, Sam?”


         “Well, uh… yeah.”


         (I’ll leave it to your brilliant minds to figure out the last names.)   ^_^