The Runaway Part 1 A young boy, skinny and tired looking slowly stalked into Apple City. It was late, so no one seemed to notiice the boy. He continued walking until he reached a large building at the center of town. An old wooden board nailed above the doorway read "The Apple City Inn". Suddenly, the boy laughed, and looked around. "They call this a city?," he thought. A small row of houses were located off to the left. There was a small park to the right, from where the boy was standing he could see a rusty swingset and an old basketball hoop. Then, another thought came to him. There wasn't a Pokemon Center here. The boy looked some more, then sure there wasn't a Pokemon Center, stepped inside the Inn. He found a small electric light on, and an old man sleeping behind the desk. The boy looked around the found a small silver bell. After pressing it several times the man woke up and said, "Are you a customer?". The boy answered quickly, "Maybe. How much is a room?" The man picked up a small silver key and said, "Ten Dollars a night." The boy stared at him and said, "I'm Kyle." The voice he used was not friendly, nor did he look it when he carefully counted out ten one dollar bills, then took the key and found his way up the stairs to the first room. He unlocked the door, then removed his backpack. He removed one small Pokeball, and a Peanut Butter sandwich. He sighed in relief. It was unbelieveable. He thought back to only four hours ago he had made these sandwiches and ran from home. His parents wouldn't find him. They would go west and look for him in New Bark Town. Yet, Kyle had found another area where he could get a starting Pokemon. That was Melon Village, a small city a half hour from this one. There he had recieved a Pokedex and a Pokemon. He had been disappointed that they only had Oddishes, but at least it was a Pokemon. His dream had always been to become a Pokemon Trainer, just like all the other kids he knew had, yet his parents had said he should become a lawyer. A LAWYER? There was no way he was going to do that. So he made up a plan, and so far it had worked perfectly. He placed the Pokeball with Oddish in it back in the bag, and counted his money. He cursed to himself. He knew he had forgotten some money, but he now only had twelve dollars left. At least he had a good supply of food left. He bit slowly into the sandwich, then after finishing drank some water from his canteen. He licked his lips and layed down in his bed, preparing for sleep.