Chapter 2: Dreams and Nightmares "I hope your right" Brian's mom sighed casting a worried look at her family. "Well it's time for you guys to go to bed," Brian's dad said pushing himself out of the couch. "Dad, its Friday night tomorrow is Saturday," Brian stated. "Your point?" his dad shot back with a stern voice. "Never mind," Brian mumbled putting his hands into his pockets, walking past the couch into the kitchen. With a jerk Brian popped open the refrigerator. The coolness slowly cooled his hot skin. "You gonna get something or just defrost the fridge?" his brother jeered from the doorway. "Go away," Brian growl grabbing an apple off the counter next to the refrigerator. "Why should I?" his brother shot back stepping up to Brian, sticking his face in Brian's. "Back off before I put your head through this counter," Brian hissed with a low tone, slamming the door shut. A sigh broke the tension enough for Brian to walk out of the kitchen. "Hey mom I'm gonna go take a good look at this weird statue," Brian waved stepping out into the darkness. Darkness shrouded the features of the statue in a mysterious blur. "Nothing weird about this thing," Brian observed running his hand lightly over the shape of the figure, taking a bite out of the apple. With a snort Brian patted the top of the figure's head. "Brian your father said it was time for bed," his mom called from the lighted doorway. "Yeah I know," he replied, taking one last glance back, "um but shouldn't there be a shadow behind the statue?" he added pointing back looking at his mom. "Yes and there is," his mom answered. Cocking his head, Brian looked back shrugged and walked into the house. "I can get a better look at that thing tomorrow," he sighed closing his eyes drifting into a dream. A young black hair boy walked along a path a Pikachu perched on his shoulder followed by a slightly older red haired girl and an older black haired boy. "The one must die!" a voice shouted inside Brian's head. The group walked along without a care in the world laughing and chatting away. The Pikachu perked up looking suspiciously in his direction. "What is it bud?" the leader asked. The Pikachu only pointed. "You guys seeing what I'm seeing?" the boy asked his companions slowly backing away from Brian's location. "Yeah and they don't look too inviting," the girl shook as she spoke. "Lets go!" the oldest member yelled running away kicking up dust. Brian saw his view changing from the tall grass suddenly to in front of the leader with the Pikachu, "THE ONE MUST DIE!!" the voice screamed again. Brian jerked up in bed gasping for breath. Cold sweet rolled down his cheeks and forehead. An eerie green-yellow light shone in his window. Tossing his covers off Brian bolted to the window. "Damn," he whispered starring at the statue as it emitted light looking up at Brian. Slowly the statue raised an arm and pointed with one stone finger up at Brian. The lips of the figure mouthed out words that rang out in Brian's head like iron bells, "THE ONE MUST DIE!!!!!" To be continued…