Chapter 4: Dark Realization “Who’s there?!” Brian called out frantically, jerking glances in every direction. “Just you and me,” the voice called. “Who are you and where are you?” Brian asked again breathing faster. “Oh so eager to forget those frightful events of a few days ago are we?” the voice chuckled. “Where are you I want to see your face!” Brian yelled feeling his heart pound, remembering everything that happened over the past few days. “Why are you looking around to find me, just look inside yourself,” the voice snarled. For once there was silence as Brian collapsed to the ground, kicked down by the truth spouted by the voice, “So all these voices are really in my head?” “Yes.” “Then why did you bring we here?” “We need to make preparations.” “Preparations? For what?” Brian asked with a shaky voice. “You will see when the time comes,” the voice concluded the conversation. “No! This is all some prank,” Brian grabbed his head shaking it from side to side. “Then explain how you got here.” “I..I can’t,” Brian mumbled. “I know, now I’ll leave you to get some sleep. I’ll be back to begin,” the voice trailed off. “How am I supposed to sleep here?” Brian wondered aloud. A yawn escaped from his mouth and he laid his head on the ground dozing off. “WHAT!” a scream rang through the quiet house. “What’s wrong dear?” Brian’s father asked dashing to the side of his grief- stricken wife. “B..Brian is gone,” his wife sobbed setting the phone back on the hook, “they say he fought them off and then just vanished,” she finished with a sigh. “Did they call the police?” the father cradled his wife in his arms, “Are they looking?” Sighing deeply she answered, “Yes, but they say he could be anywhere.” “So all we can do is hope.” Slow breaths were the only proof that Brian was still alive. A faint mysterious hue was evident in his skin. His spine seemed stretch out as is torso lengthened. His frame rolled and small murmurs of pain escaped his mouth. A small stub protruded from bottom of his back out the back of his hospital outfit. “Look over there,” a uniformed officer ordered a fellow cop brushing tall grass aside with a free hand. With a flashlight in the other hand he swept the air casting the light in any place possible. “See anything?” a voice called from another section of the forest. “No.” “Not a thing.” “Nothing.” calls came back. “Damn,” the cop hissed kicking a small rock turning off his flashlight and gazing into the darkness, “Ok guys lets call it a night and try another spot tomorrow.” “Good morning Dexter! This is Leto Mendoza. This morning’s top story: the mysterious disappearance of a local boy. We head over to Connie Smith who is standing by with Police Chief Roberts. Connie.” “Thanks Leto. Chief Roberts, what can you tell us about the events that unfolded last night?” “We have reports that the missing person tried to leave the hospital grounds, but when confronted by hospital personnel he fought them off and disappeared.” “Any clues on the name of the missing boy?” “Yes but that’s under investigation.” Silence had replaced the murmurs. Small patches of light purple fur replaced the hair on Brian’s head. Several other patches grew randomly across his body. The stub on his back had now grown to two feet in length. His fingers began to fuse together small spherical tips growing at the ends. “Day 7 of the Case of Missing Brian Waters.” Once round his ears now dissolved in the side of his head the tops angling backwards to a point. Two short round toes replaced what had once been five. Small patches of fur on his chest and abdomen began darkening. “Day 16.” His feet fused into his lower leg increasing the size of his feet. His face stretched out from his head his eyes lengthening with it. His hand now three round fingers and a small palm. “ Day 29.” A fully developed tail sprouted from his back. A thin tube from his head to his back pulled away from his body. His body now a fully developed Mewtwo. Slowly Brian stirred, opening his eyes weakly. “Man that must have been the longest nap ever.” He sighed stretching his arms and legs. Snorting, he scratched at the back of his head. His fingers rubbed again the extension out of the back of his head. Grabbing hold he pulled at it but let go at the first felling of pain. His hand shot within view and his eyes focused on his hand. “No!!!!!!” he screamed in panic. “Yes,” the voce returned with a sneer. “I’m getting out of here,” Brian spoke frantically ignoring the voice. He jumped to his feet with light effort. In mid stride his body froze, “You didn’t really think you could get away from what’s inside you did you?” the voice mocked. A small circle on Brian’s chest glowed the same eerie yellow-green that the statue had glowed that frightful night. A loud blast sounded and Brian’s body torqued wildly. Shaking slower he stood hunched over his body in a shadow. Looking up his eyes glowed blood red, “lets go get ‘em,” he snarled with a wicked smile. To be continued…