When Hearts Are Alike


Part 1: Firewood

By Ciano


Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon

Please R&R



Ash: 13

Misty: 14

Brock: 16


The 13 year old Pokemon trainer, Ash Ketchum together with his 4 faithful friends, Misty, Brock, Togepi, and Pikachu down the road to Saffron city, but things where not going as planned, for once again, they got lost.


“Ash, you got us lost again!” said Misty

“No, I refuse to argue with you, it’s pointless and leads us nowhere”

“Ash, are you ok?”

“Yes I’m fine; I think that since we are friends, we should act more like it”

“Ok, I promise I will never get mad or shout at you again”


Then they shook hands.


Ash’s POV


‘Wow, Misty’s are so soft’.


Misty’s POV


‘Ash is so cute. He looks like a spiky haired rabbit’.


Brock’s POV

‘Aha, I’m going to take a photo of this and put it on the Pokemon tower’.


Author’s Note     

Ash and Misty don’t know about the Pokemon tower, only Brock, that’s why he knows Ash and Misty love each other.


Later on, at 8:30, the middle of a forest


“It’s getting late, we may as well set up camp” said Brock

“Pika (Good Idea)”

“Okay, Brock, you start cooking, Misty, set up camp, and I’ll go into the forest for wood” commanded Ash.

“Yes sir” said Misty.


Misty threw a tent grenade (grenades that automatically make tents) on the ground, a huge tent rose out.


“Hey Ash, want me to come with you?” asked Misty.

“Yeah” said ash.


Brock handed a camera to Pikachu.

“You know what to do” said Brock.

“Pikachu (Yes sir)”


Ash and Misty walked through the forest, a full moon shined on their faces.


“I’m really glad we’re friends” said Ash.

“Yeah, I feel great when I’m around you” complimented Misty.

“Me to, and Misty, there is something I want to tell you, I love……….”


What does Ash say, can Pikachu work a camera, what are they eating?


Tune in next week!


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