"NO!" "But Daddddd!" "NO, NO, NO" "Mom, not you too!" Whined Ashley. You were younger then me when ypou started hanging around with Dad." "I was not 'hanging around' your father. He broke my bycicle and, wait Ash you still have not brought me a new bike!" said Misty. "Pika, Pika Chooo" "See Mon and Dad Packa Choo told me he would come with me and help me" Said Ashley. "This conversation is over. You are NOT going out to earn badges with, or without JJ" Said Ash and Misty at the same time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "NO!" "But Mom" "NO!!!!!" "Dad not you too. You were younger then me when you ran away from home and met Mom" Said JJ. "Yes, and see where it got me" Said James. "I will show you where it got you." Said Jassie as she hit James with a frying pan. James slid to the floor in the kitchen. "I told you, I will not let you go getting badges with that goody two shoes, Ashley" Said Jessie. "I am old enough to make my own decisions." "Your not old enough to make your own bed" Said James slowly getting up from the floor. "If I agreed to go with the kid would you too idiots stop fighting?, Meowth" "NO!!" Said Jessie and James at the same time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "So you got the same old lines too, JJ?" "Yeah, but this time I am going to do it anyway. Tonight at midnight I am leaving and taking the old baloon too. Are you comming?" "I don/t know JJ. My parents would kill me. Besides I only have ivysaur, wartotrtle, charizard and that old GS ball no one has been able to open all these years, to use to earn badges." "Hasn't your Mom at least given you a Water Badge?. She is a Gym Leader like my parents, right?" "Yeah, but you know her JJ. It would be easier to get a badge from the Rocket Gym then from her. I mean, did your parents just give you the rocket pin? No. You had to beat Meowth, right?" "Yeah, and look what it got me. Meowth now just hangs with me. I will have to let him come along or he will sqeel on me to Mom and Dad." "I thought about it. I will go with you. But let's make it next week. The four of them are going to that Gym Leader's convention at Crystal Lake. This time they are trusting BOTH of us to stay home alone. That would be the best time." You are right Ashley! That will be the plan." "All rtight. You two had better behave while we are gone." Misty told the two teenagers. "Do not do anything we wouldn't do." Said James- "Or what we would do" Added Jessie. "Yes, Yes. We know all the rules" Said JJ "We have all the important phone numbers. The hotel at the lake, the fire department, the police , and the runnaway hot line." added Ashley. "That will be enough, young lady." Said an angry Ash. As usual Picka Choo and Meowth stayed with the teens. The four parents had one of their usual arguments. As ususal Misty ended up driving the hover van. They all Waved Good Bye. "Meet me in the back yard in two hours." Said JJ. "I will have the baloon all warned up. I patched the tears yesterday." "Meowth, Your parents will have my tail for this but - LETS GO!" "PICK, PICK Picka choo choo!" "Picka C hoo agrees. Even he is bored of this dull suburban life. Let's Boogie. MEOWTH" ================================================================== "NO!" said Meowth as he gave the two stupid humans a "loving" hit with his claws. Because he liked them the claws were only slightly extended. "You two are as stupid as Jessie and James were. Good thing for you I am here." JJ and Ashley decided it would not be a good thing to start the trip with strangling Meowth, so instead they just shrugged. "JJ your parents may not have been a very successful team of bad guys but they did use that balloon a lot. Not to mention, who could forget a handsome face like mine, Meowth!" JJ and Ashley slapped their hands to their foreheads at the same time. "We need to disguise the balloon. But how many things can we paint on it that is basically the same shape as Meowth's head?" Wondered JJ. "I got it, a Jigglypuff. It is the SAME shape as Meowth's head." Said a smiling Ashley. "OH NO!" said JJ "OH NO!" Said Meowth "PIIICKAAAA!" said Picka Choo "Then it is unanimous. Jigglypuff it is!" said Ashley. "This is like being with the old Team Rocket, the bad parts." mumbled Meowth "What was that?" "Nothing Jess.. I mean Ashley, Meowth." JJ went to the garage and came back with cans of paint. "Good thing Mom has lousy taste in colors and brought a lot of the 'Jigglypuff Pink' the last time she painted the bathrooms. Lets get to work." Said JJ "Oh, Meowth." Ashley said in a sickeningly sweet voice. The rest of the group knew this was not good. She sounded like Misty used to just before telling Ash he was doing something terribly stupid. "What?!" This from a worried Meowth. "If people will recognize a Meowth Balloon, what about a talking Meowth?" JJ looked stunned. "I am so used to his mouth I did not even think about it, but you are right Ashley." "Oh NO! I refuse to be just another dumb Pokemon. I worked too hard to learn to talk as well as some humans and better then you two." "If you want to come along you will shut up in public. Got it?' JJ looked like he meant that. "Meowttth" "What?" asked JJ "Well genius, YOU said not to talk, Meowthhh." "So that is settled. Are we ready to go yet?" asked an agitated Ashley. "No" This from JJ and Meowth. "What now?" "Picka?" this from Ashley and Picka Choo. "He may not be as famous as I am but that electric rat is known by many people, especially the ones he fried, Meowth." "Blast, He is right. My Dad, the great POKEMAN MASTER (yeah!) did fight a lot of people using Pickachoo." Grumbled Ashley JJ snapped his fingers. "All we need is to give him a new name. He has gotten bigger since your Dad last was on the circuit." Ashley had an evil grin as she said "How about Choo Choo. It sounds so cute. Just right for a soft cuddly electric bed warmer like Picka Choo." "PIIIIICKA CHOOOO" Said Picka choo "YOOOOWWWWWW, ARGGGGHHHHHH, HEEEEELLLLPPPP" said, a now charcoal colored, Ashley. "Hey I like your new curly hair." Said Meowth "O.K. I g g g get it t t t! We need a b b better name." Stuttered Ashley JJ was trying as hard as he could not to laugh at Ashley's predicament. He was afraid if she saw him laugh what Picka Choo did to Ashley would not compare to what she would do to him. "Picka Pick" Said the electric rat "I think he likes the name Shocker." Said Meowth, who was surprised at Picka Choo's temper. He decided he better keep an eye on the little guy. He may turn out to be some fun on this trip after all. "So, we took care of the balloon, and Shocker. Is there anything else you thought of, Mr. Bright?" JJ asked Meowth sarcastically. "As a matter of fact - yes" "What now?" Ashley sounded like this was starting to get to her. "You two need to come up with a reason for not being home when your parents call. This will stall them for at least a while. Then, you will also need disguises. People may remember you from when you were watching your parents in the matches at their gyms. - Meowth!" "Good Idea" Said JJ. "Sort of like when Mom and Dad were on the road?" "NO! Better, hopefully" Growled Meowth "But I have whole trunks of them in the attic," Whined JJ "If you are so desperate to dress up I can always lend you some of my stuff." Snickered Ashley. "Your Dad did have more fancy dresses than your Mom." "Yeah, Jessie does wear the pants in that family." Chuckled Meowth. "Now let me see what we can do." Meowth spent the next few minutes walking around JJ and Ashley, going "Hum, Ah, That might work" and rubbing his chin. Shocker started to imitate him after a while and walking in the opposite direction. That all came to a quick end when they ran into each other and fell on their butts. "O.K. Here is what we do for a start. You two need to look older." Meowth started poking at JJ. "We get you a phony mustache until you grow one of your own. We pad some clothes so you look a little more muscular, but you will have to work out and make the muscles real eventually. That should do for you for now." " Now for you Ashley." Meowth started to smile, not what someone wants to see before that Pokeman starts to "fix you up". "You need a little 'maturity'." Ashley looked puzzled, "Maturity?" JJ chuckled " I think Meowth was trying to be a gentleman. You need to get a bigger bra." Said JJ and then started to laugh. That did not last long. Ashley turned as red as her hair. Then she hit JJ hard enough to knock him on his butt. "Just like the good old days with Jessie and James" said Meowth. "Look we have no time for fighting." Said Meowth. "Ashley go inside and get some supplies from your mom" We need to increase your femininity and then cut your long hair and dye it a nice quiet color that does not look like someone set your head on fire." "I should just set you on fire" mumbled Ashley. The two humans went their own ways to do what Meowth had recommended. ============================================================================ JJ was back about an hour later. He looked taller, stronger, with a mustache and darker hair. The first thing he said was "Just like a woman, late." "You said it, Meowth." "Pickaa!" "You boys complaining about some poor woman?" came a sexy, sultry voice from behind a tree near the trio. They all turned to look. When the owner of the voice came out they decided it was worth a look, or even two. She was stacked. All the way from her high heeled black boots to her shinny blond hair cut kind of spiky and wild, and with all the right curves, she was worth looking at. JJ almost swallowed his tongue but managed to say "For you I would wait an eternity" Meowth took a swipe at JJ. "Idiot, what if Ashley comes along just now? Do you want her to deck you and stop speaking to you? Or worse NOT stop speaking to you?" "Oh I never would do that" purred the luscious blond. "Huh?" said JJ "Huh?" said Meowth "Picka?" said Picka Choo, oops Shocker. "yes you bozos it's me, Ashley." Suddenly JJ felt a whole lot better about this trip then ever before. ***Well, I guess I had better start coming up with some places for the fearless foursome to go. When will their parents find out they are missing? What will they do when they find out? Will Ashley and JJ survive when their parents catch them? Will JJ's hormones behave in a small balloon with the new and improved Ashley? - Stay tuned to this site and be surprised. - "GRATCH"***