INTRODUCTION We are finally off on the adventure with Ashley and JJ. I am not sure what they will run into -yet. But then I am not really writing this story. You see one day I was in the woods behind our house and heard a sick cough. I went to investigate. I found an old Meowth. I was shocked since I had thought Pokemon were only made up by someone. I took the Meowth home and nursed him. He is very old and unfortunately I do not expect him to live for long. He does not want anyone but me around him. His mind wanders and he wont tell me where he came from, or where other Pokemon might be. But he does tell me stories now and again. Up to now they were just small odd pieces. But then recently he started this story. So I thought I would share it with all of you. I will update the story as Meowth tells it to me. Gratch =========================================================================== "Now all we need is a way to get our parents off our track" Said Ashley "I GOT IT!" yelled JJ. "Remember that our parents wanted us to go with Professor Oak on his trip to explore those weird new islands that suddenly floated into the shipping lanes? And we said 'No Way"?" "Sure. Who wants to be stuck on a sailboat for two weeks then work in primitive conditions exploring for a month just to sail back another two weeks. That is not my idea of how to spend our precious summer vacation." Ashley grumbled. "Why do you want to do that instead of starting to earn badges?" "No" "Good. Because if that was what you wanted I would go off by myself" JJ explained. "I meant Professor Oak leaves today. In a few hours as a matter of fact. Our Parents are away from the phone at a meeting most of the day according to their note to us. We call, leave a message that we decided to go with Professor Oak after all and…" "And they cant reach, won't even try and it even explains our missing camping stuff." Ashley completed JJ's statement. "You are a genius!" JJ blushed and asked "Doesn't a great idea like that deserve a hug at least?" "O.K. Shocker, hug JJ." "Never mind." Said JJ The four of them loaded up their gear and filled up the balloon and slowly rose into the late morning air. The balloon caused quite a stir when it crossed the downtown area of Palletown. People were looking up to see this giant floating Jiggly puff. People bumped into each other and cars crashed. One enterprising store owner ran into his store and grabbed a dusty box of ear muffs left from his winter stock and tried to sell them on the street for $20.00 each, guaranteed to stop the song of a jigglypuff from being heard. Finally one young boy yelled out: "It's a balloon you dummies. Cant's you see the basket under it with some people in it?' He smiled and shook his head. "Adults sure are stupid." "Look down there!" said Meowth, pointing to the confusion they were causing. "How come no one reacted like that when the old Team Rocket flew overhead?" "I guess seeing a giant Meowth is not as scary as seeing a giant Jigglypuff" Responded Ashley. "If this was the old days, and you were Jessie you would have had a taste of my furry swipe, young lady." "Guess you are just getting old Meowth." Said a very dumb JJ. Before he had a chance to start laughing at his own joke he jumped about 3 feet into the air and landed holding his behind and running in place moaning. "Even old Meowths have sharp claws. Remember that youngster next time you want to make a smart comment." Said Meowth while quietly filling the point on his claws. By now they were past the town. The wind was taking them towards a small Pokemon preserve. This was a good deal. The preserve protected Pokemon but encouraged people to visit as long as they did not pollute and litter. They even had cleared spaces for camping. They could land in one of the larger spots and camp for the night. It was only early afternoon but they have not had lunch and their was the first time they were setting up camp. They could use the time to work out details. They agreed to head that way and land early. It was about 3:00 by the time they landed. They were hardly speaking to each other by then. Even Meowth and Choo Choo, OW!!! Sorry, Shocker, was tired of all the arguing about how to get the balloon down. Ashley could not understand how JJ did not know more about ballooning from his parents. JJ was wondering if all women were naturally bossy. The Pokemon were wondering if this was how they wanted to spend their old age. After dropping and rising and dropping again a few (6) times, AND clipping the top of a large pine tree, they landed, HARD in a clearing. At least it was a nice clearing. It had a small brook running through it so they had fresh water and it even had a fire pit and wood all piled to use by campers. They tied the balloon down and unloaded the camping gear. JJ stopped and just leaned on the basket of the balloon to enjoy the scenery. Ashley was unloading stuff, putting packages down on the ground. She looked back and saw JJ just leaning and staring at her back. "What are you looking at? Get to work" Yelled an angry Ashley. "Sorry." Said JJ "I was just admiring the view." "You can admire the natural beauty, after we sent up." Said Ashley, who also was a little pink. "Humans" mumbled Meowth "Pick Picka" Said Shocker The Pokemon then had a good laugh. "SHUT UP YOU TWO!" This came from both Ashley and JJ, in stereo. Since both families liked to camp the site was up and going in a short while. Each Human had a small tent more then large enough for one person. They looked at each other. They sort of liked the changes the disguises made in the other, they looked older. They looked at their tents. "I will take Shocker with me in my tent after dinner." Said Ashley. "Good. I will take Meowth." JJ responded. Being experienced camper it did not take long for them to start the fire, get water and make a simple meal. They worked well as a team. Each automatically did a chore to complement the ones being done by the others. The humans were feeling like this might be a lot of fun. This may be the summer of their lives after all. They went to their tents happy and ready for a good nights sleep. Ashley was dreaming of being warm and secure. She was cuddling next to a warm body. It felt so good, A WARM BODY?>>> Ashley's scream made JJ jump up and start thrashing around in confusion. He was also dreaming about being home and forgot he was in his tent. The tent collapsed and Ashley kept screaming. JJ was thinking that she had a nice speaking voice but NEVER cause her to scream. JJ finally extracted himself from the tent. Ashley had stopped screaming. This made him even more worried. What if some animal, or Pokemon had gotten her. He opened the flap to her tent. The tent looked like a storm had hit it. Everything was all over the place. In the middle of this mess sat Ashley and Shocker both with smiles on their faces. In Ashley's lap was a ball of black fur. It looked like some mad scientist crossed a baby seal with a wolf puppy. It was wagging it's tail and licking Ashley. When the "puppy" heard JJ and Meowth enter it turned and made a growling "woofff" sound in it's throat The tent seamed to get darker even though the lamp was lit on the tent pole. Ashley quickly petted the "puppy" and told it "Stop, they are friends of mine." The "puppy" responded by instantly jumping on JJ and licking him. Strangely the tent got much brighter. Ashley looked at the lamp and wondered. It had been turned up before she knew because she did as soon as she stopped screaming. The light seamed to be in a circle around the "puppy", strange. The "puppy" was making happy "woof"-ing noises. And jumped off JJ and headed for Meowth. Meowth backed up. "Ashley tell that thing if it tries to lick me I will shred it's tongue." "Wooffy, stop. Meowth is a grouch. Come here and I'll hug you." The "Puppy did as it was told. Shocker was just keeping a low profile. This "thing" was too cute for his taste. "What is that thing?" asked JJ "I don't know. I have never heard of a Pokemon like this." Ashley answered. "Let me get my Pokedex and check." She rummaged in her pack and finally found it. She pointed the Pokedex towards the "puppy" but it only told them it was a brand new Pokemon, never seen before. "Well tomorrow we have to take him to the ranger's station. I am sorry little fellow. You are cute. I think I will call it 'Woofer' for the sound he makes. Said Ashley. "Good Night, for the second time." Said JJ as he and Meowth went back to their tent. Good thing I slept in my old jeans and blouse thought Ashley. She had not expected visitor in her tent. Human or Pokemon. She turned the lamp down, but it was still too bright in the tent to sleep. "Woofer come to bed and turn off the light." She said, sure that he was the source of the extra light. Sure enough the "puppy" snuggled with her and the light went off. As she came awake Ashley remembered a dream of a new Pokemon coming into her tent during the night. Then she felt the body next to her and knew it was no dream, it was Woofer. Then she smelled the smell of breakfast. "Good morning sleepy!" said an all too cheerful JJ for so early in the morning. "JJ, lets get something straight at the start of this trip." Grumbled Ashley "I HATE MORNINGS!" "If you want to live shut up until I have at least eaten, O.K?" JJ was not stupid. He handed Ashley a plate of bacon, eggs and toast done crisp in the fire. Then added "Yes Ms. Grouch!" Well, maybe he was a little suicidal. But he had enjoyed teasing Ashley since they were little kids. He still had some of the scars to prove he had done it. The Pokemon now joined the humans. JJ was ready with food for them too. He gave Shocker and Woofer some of the Pokemon food he made from Uncle Brock's recipe. Meowth, as usual, had a heaping plate of human food. After they ate Ashley asked Meowth to try and find out where Woofer came from. After a lot of noises Meowth was ready to report. "Well, to the best of his memory, since he is a youngster, Woofer said he and his small group always lived in these woods. They hid from all human contact. He was told that humans would make him a slave and take him away from his home and family. None of his group wanted to leave the woods. Until he got old enough to think for himself. Woofer liked people when he saw them from a distance and wants to see the world. He decided he would see it with us. He told his family he was coming with us. He especially likes you Ashley." Woofer just kept woofing as Meowth spoke, like he was agreeing, which he was. Ashley said "I am so sorry, but we have to take you to the ranger." Suddenly, even in the middle of bright morning in the woods, it got totally dark for a minute. When the darkness slowly dissipated there was no Woofer in sight. Ashley felt real bad. "Look, even if we took Woofer somehow to the Ranger he would not stay. We would be doing what he wants to take him along." "Ashley it is illegal to take a Pokemon from a preserve. Especially a rare and unknown one." Said JJ "Woofer can just walk out of the preserve if he wants, right?" "Yeh, So what is your point?" "Then someone could capture him and he would have to do as the trainer wants. He could even end up in a lab being examined and poked and prodded. Would you want that?" JJ had to admit he did not. Reluctantly he told Ashley "O.K. if he comes back we will take him with us. But everybody remember, If anyone asks, Woofer joined us after we left the preserve. Got it?' Everyone nodded. "That must include Woofer. Or we could be in a lot of trouble." Added JJ. "Picka Pick Pick Chu Picka Chu" Said Shocker Meowth started to laugh so hard he fell down. Ashley and JJ looked at him and asked in unison, "What did he say?" "Team Rocket tried all their career in crime to steal a rare Pokemon and never did it. You two managed it on your first day." And he again cracked up. Ashley went to the edge of the woods and called for Woofer and yelled out that he could go with then if he hid. The woods were just a quiet haven with shadows and light playing among the trees. Ashley was getting discouraged when one of the small shadows started to walk towards her. Then the shadow dropped and it was Woofer. Ashley hugged him. She told him about what he had to say about where they found him - outside the preserve. She also told him to use the shadow trick in the balloon basket until they landed again, outside the preserve. "Wooff..F" Said woofer. "He agrees and thanks us" translated Meowth. Woofer got in the basket and became a shadow in a dark corner. The rest of them were loading up the balloon when a ranger drove up in a jeep. "Hi, I am Ranger Jenny. I saw your balloon and thought I would see how you liked the facilities of the preserve" She said with a smile. "Hi!" said Ashley. She had to do some quick thinking now. "My name is Ashley. I mean Lee Ash. My parents sometimes used our name like in Europe and put the last name first and.." "My sister tends to ramble on, forgive her. My name is Jay Ash. It is a pleasure to meet the person who made sure we had such a wonderful stay." Said JJ. "I am happy you enjoyed your stay." Said Jenny "That is an unusual balloon. Where are you off to?" "Our patents gave us the balloon as a gift before we left for our try at getting Pokemon badges" Lied Ashley. "Well, with those two fine Pokemon to start with I am sure you will have no trouble at all getting badges." Said Jenny looking at Shocker and Meowth, who just went "Meowthhh" "Jut remember, no capturing Pokemon in the preserve." Said Jenny as she started up her Jeep. "Good luck on your journey!" she added as she waved and drove away. "Well I think that went well" Said JJ. "Now lets get out of here!" Said Ashley and Meowth at the same time. They all got in the balloon and cast off. As they were floating they thought more about their cover story. Now that they had "introduced" themselves as Lee and Jay Ash they had to stick with that, in case the ranger told anyone else about them. They also felt sort of bad that they had, sort of, stolen a rare Pokemon. Even though Woofer was with them of his own free will. "Woofer you can drop the shadow disguise now. I do not think anyone can see us up here." Ashley said. JJ looked around at the whole group. He felt kind of like an old fashioned outlaw who was out doing good. Like Robin Hood or some thing. "Maybe we should have a name." He suddenly said. Well, the old Meowth is tired again. So I will stop here until he is ready to continue with his story. I am looking forward to hearing more of the story as much as any of you guys. Until the next part. Your guide and typist. Gratch