Thanks for Zarika and Cloud for reviewing this part. I mean at least I got encouraged to try and write up. And yes Cloud; I would love you to help me with the editing? I mean like for which? But yes if you want then you can I would appreciate it if it needs it and I sure would love to give some credit with you if needed for the next part? I mean I have seen your work and it has great detail. Kk thanks and hope you enjoy! Now to get on with the story, hope it is good and hope it doesn’t suck. I tried to put much for detail into it to make it better. Have fun. _______________________________________________________________________ A week passed when Misty left. Misty was home safely just 3 days ago. The sun was shining nicely today and the sky was clear as the ocean. Misty was getting over it all, feeling good about herself but wondering whatever happened to Josh. Her pokemon were playing in the waters but as for psyduck, all he did was look at the water and started to pass out! “Psy-psy-sy-sy-y-y-!” “Oh psyduck, why do you have to be soo dumb? Misty said sighing. “Psy-psy.” Misty actually decided to change her appearance for a change. She actually wore an ocean blue mini skirt with a yellow spaghetti top. Her hair was straight down with a cute little yellow head band in her hair. She also wore sandals with her outfit too, and had make-up on. She looked very pretty and one more thing was different about her, hair was in wavy down curls. She definitely looked like a typical women at that point. There was one day particular about today though, Misty decided she wanted to get an Eevee, despite she is a water pokemon lover. Misty thought they were just so adorable. So, she found an Eevee breeder in a different city, just 3 towns away from hers. It would take her a least a day to get there but she would make it if she left now. “Like Misty, where are you going?” Lily asked. “I’m going to buy a new pokemon.” “Like what pokemon?” Daisy then asked. “An Eevee? Like Misty, you’re actually going to buy an Eevee?” “Yeah is that a problem? They are soo cute and then someday when it’s old enough it will be my very own Vaporean!” “I knew there was like a catch haha Daisy, you know Misty is all about water pokemon.” Lily said. “Wait a minute, Where is our other sister?” “Like you didn’t notice when you came home just three days ago?” Daisy asked. “Hahaha……of course I did!” Misty said. “Then where is she?” Lily asked. “You know where.” “Yeah sure, she is out with her boyfriend, David; they are on a trip to Hawaii.” “Soo is he acctually gonna be kept this time?” “It ljke seems like that way to like me.” Daisy said. “That’s surprising, like usually you guys can never keep boyfriends.” Misty muttered under her breath. “What did you say Misty” Lily asked. “Oh nothing………..” “Okay…………” “Well I’m off to go now.” “Okay like Misty see you in 3 days again. But like now you’re taking off again little sister.” “Ugh……whatever.” “Wait…….by the way, what like ever happened to Josh?” “I told you two, I don’t want to talk about it.” “Okay……then I guess you will go now.” “Come on Togepi!” “Why don’t you let Togepi stay here and give her like a rest?” “Togepi…… you want to stay here?” “Togepriiiiiii” “Okay then promise you will take care of her you too.” “We like promise.” Daisy said. There Misty then left to go get an Eevee. “Corsala! Come out… want to walk with me?” “Corsala!” She wanted someone with her as a companion since Togepi wasn’t at her side at that moment. It was easier for her to feel safe……besides you never know who might just come there. Meanwhile at home…………. “Like Daisy……the phone is ringing!” “Then like pick it up!” “Well my hands are like full.” “Whatever then…..hello?” “Hi is Misty there?” “No im sorry she went to like get a new pokemon or something……..oh okay well then never mind…..” “Who is this? Hello?” It was Josh but he already hung up apparently. He decided to call Misty’s cell phone instead. “Ugh that’s my cell phone.” Misty had to dig through her backpack to find her cell phone. Her orange backpack as usual. “Ugh here it is…….Hello?” “Hi Misty……..” “Josh? Hi………” “Is it over or……..” “Im sorry Josh it’s over……..” “I see……..okay then so it’s totally over that’s all?” “Yeah im sorry I just don’t know anymore…..” “I see……….I understands totally.” “Okay…….Thanks for understand though. “Good bye.” “Good bye.” Misty knew that it had to end but kind of sad after all they been through together. She thought that she found the one but I guess she didn’t find the one. Another call came through but this time it was Gary. “Hello.” “Hello Misty, I just wanted to see how you were doing. How are you? Where are you? Are you back home? Are you okay? Did Ash call you?” “Im actually getting an Eevee. Im traveling to get one, there is a pokemon breeder ahead soon. “Which town is that?” “I believe its Viridian City.” “Viridian city? Oh I know that breeder…..don’t go to that one, they treat there pokemon bad. Hey I know, I have a Eevee in my pokemon research lab Misty. It’s just a baby like 5 weeks old. She’s a girl and I named her Jordyn. She needs a home; would you be interested in taking her?” “Yeah fine, if that breeder is that bad, then fine I will see if I like her.” “Okay drop by my lab sometime, today maybe?” “Sure totally where is it?” “It’s right after Viridian City, and it’s in the tree’s area. You can see it and don’t worry. Just follow the dirt path; it will take you to my lab by 15 minutes after there. So where are you now?” “Im one city away and by walking distance it’s going to take a while.” “Okay, I will tell you what. Like don’t worry. I will pick you up right now in my Jaguar. “A Jaguar?” “Yeah, a Jaguar.” “Wow, that’s pretty amazing and hot too.” “Why thank you Misty.” After that then they all hung up, while Gary was out to pick Misty up It would take time so Misty decided to shop for about maybe fifteen minutes, which seems a little impossible especially for a girl to take only 15 minutes XD. “Corsala……’re going to have to return now, okay here is the plan, and you and I will shop for about twenty minutes or whatever.” “Corsa-corsala.” The pink little pokemon happily agreed to go back in its pokeball. “Corsala, return!” Misty walked nicely up to the beautiful city to find an awesome clothing store. One she was the Coach store. Misty decided that she didn’t need a purse at that very moment so she decided to go to a store called Glosa. It was a store that had tank tops, and belly button tops, stuff like that and Misty decided she needed to get another top so she looked. Sure enough, she found a cute little shirt. It was those type of shirts that had no sleeves and it just went up to the underarms only. It was quite sexy actually. But wait of course she couldn’t resist to buy some shorts to go with it, and she found white denim shorts to go. It went perfectly. Meanwhile in the changing room she wanted another person’s opinion for it so she called out Corsala thinking that Corsala had a very nice fashionable style. “Well, what do you think Corsala?” “Corsala!” “Great, then I will buy it!” Minutes passed and Gary came. His Ferrari was the color Blue. It was pretty hot. “Hmm…..I wonder where Misty is.” Gary thought to herself. Gary called Misty on her cell phone to see where she was. “Hmm…….my cell phone is ringing. I wonder who it is. Hmm hold on Corsala…..Oh it’s Gary. “Hello?” “Oh hi Misty. Where are you anyways?” “Oh I’m sorry I’m at the store. It’s called Glosa. Hold on Gary. Just give me a second. I have to pay for what I bought.” “Oh, okay then. Just take your time, I will come over there now……um where is it?” “It’s right next to the Coach store. You know where that is don’t cha?” “Oh sure Misty……like I would know where that is………yeah sure……because I’m not a girl!” “Oh right sorry, it’s at Darlinsa Road. I’m sure you will find it now.” “Right, I’m on it. I will be there soon.” “Um if you insist okay, I will be waiting.” “Alright.” “There you are! Hi Gary!” “Hi Misty!” “Look at all those girls admiring you like that.” “Oh yeah, well I am still hot. I mean Grandpa Oak is my Grandpa.” “You got that right, and you are pretty hot too.” “Aww thanks, you know your not bad looking yourself.” “Thank you!” Okay so since they grew up, they flirt is that a big deal? They have matured and they have gotten better looking after all.” ** “Wow! That’s your place, research lab? Wow.” “Yep, indeed.” The place was Huge, but not only that it was a comfy place to stay in. It had a place to just chill and a TV room not to mention Hugh too, and also it even had a kitchen!” “Do you want anything to drink?” “Why indeed thank you. I would like a glass of coke.” “Coming right up.” “Wait, hold on, that’s my cell phone ringing.” “Hello?” “Misty? Its Ash.” “Oh hi Ash.” “How are you?” “Good you? I got home fine and right now I’m at Gary’s.” “Gary Oak?” “Yeah, why is that a problem?” “No it’s just that well um…..” “Um what Ash…..just because what?” “Well are you doing okay?” “Yeah I’m doing fine thank you very much.” “Are you doing okay?” “I’m doing great…….May and I are sorta going out.” “Oh well than congratulations Ash! I’m so glad for you.” “Thank you.” “Oh well tell May I said congratulations to her too okay?” “Okay.” “I got to go now Ash….” “Misty wait…….” “Yeah what?” “Its just that um, um, why did you leave so soon?” “Because I had to Ash, I’m at Gary’s place so I will talk to you later. Good bye.” “Hmm…..that was weird Ash called.” “Well what did he say?” “He said he and May were dating……” “Oh well wow when did May come back to Ash’s life? She wasn’t there when I came.” Gary said because he tried to act and play dumb. He didn’t want Misty to get hurt and he also didn’t want to get killed then too. “Don’t lie to me Gary. I know you knew something……..” “What me? No I had no idea about any of thing I promise.” “Are you sure? Because I notice that your not looking into my eyes right now.” “Oh I’m not?” “Fine then let me look you in the eye now and tell you that. Okay Misty I didn’t know about it all.” “You’re lying to me. Is it because you were afraid I would get hurt?” “Yes……it was because of that Misty.” “Okay then……I forgive you besides you’re a true friend anyway.” “Okay than let me get you a glass of coke.” “Okay I will wait.” As Gary went into the kitchen Misty studied the room. It was really pretty with many books about pokemon probably to get Gary some more knowledge about being a pokemon researcher. The room was very dim with no windows in sight, just a nice couch, with a nice size about 55 inch T.V. It was a very nice cozy peaceful room period. Ten minutes later Gary finally came back but with a surprise when getting the cokes for both of them, he also came back with the Eevee. That’s what she came here for anyway. “Surprise Misty. This is the Eevee you were coming here to see in the first place!” “Oh my gosh! It’s so cute!” The Eevee’s fur was the color brown and its tail was very fluffy, kind of as fluffy, and bushy. Those eyes of a baby gleamed as a crystal would. This was the Eevee she was looking for. Oh hi Jordyn.” “Eevee!” The eevee looked as happy as she did and the Eevee knew that this was the right trainer she was looking for! “Now bond with it, I raised her very good. See how she likes you. I will come back in the room in like 20 minutes to see how you guys are doing and see if you are interested in keeping her.” “Okay then……cool!” ** “Oh Ash….I love you! I love you too May. I can’t believe it took this long for us to be together.” “I know, so did you call Misty?” “Yeah fortunately she is doing fine and she is with Gary at his place.” “Ooh……I wonder if they are getting cozy together!” “Yeah maybe……I wouldn’t see them going out I mean they don’t make a perfect match period.” “Yeah but Ash, why are you complaining, we all change when we grow up………it’s what we do!” “I know but……” “But what Ash? You got me and all……I mean we were suppose to be together and let’s see if they are suppose to be together too.” “Yeah, I guess your right May.” “But I still don’t know why Misty is being with Gary. I mean it’s not like I see anything in t hem to be together. It’s just plain weird.” Ash thought. ** “So what do you think Misty?” Gary asked. “Yes, I would take it Gary. I and this little Eevee would make a perfect team together!” “That’s great. It looks like I helped you find a little pokemon friend now.” “Yes I think you did. Thanks Gary!” “No problem, now let me just get the papers and we are all set to go.” “Okay.” “Just sign your name, and read the papers that where Eevee came from and ware all good to go.” “But wait Gary, how much do I owe you?” “Lets see since someone brought this Gary to my Pokemon lab then because he needed a new home, well then I will let you keep this baby for free because I mean I only had him for one week now and yeah we are friends so you can keep him. “That’s it? Are you sure?” “Yeah I’m sure Misty, especially were friends.” “Thanks Gary. I am sure to take good care of it. “No problem Misty and I know you will, that’s why I offered. Hey Misty, do you want to stay for a while and chill?” “Sure Gary I would love too.” “Okay great! Okay you know lets go to my place. I just live about a half an hour away. I do have a big house. We can chill at the pool.” “Yeah, but there is only one problem. I don’t have a bathing suit.” “Oh, it’s no biggy. We can go by the bathing suit shop and you could buy one for yourself if you want.” “Okay cool.” “Yeah so let’s watch T.V for now you know I heard that movie Gentle with a spark is on T.V in about let’s see, five minutes.” “Oh! I know that movie let’s watch it! How does that sound Eevee?” “Eevee!” Misty is starting to treat the Eevee like it is her togepi. She treats it like her baby, holding it in her arms, keeping the baby Eevee warm, letting it take maps inside her backpack etc………………..” “Okay then, let’s watch!” “Do you want any drinks and popcorn?” “Oh yes please!” Misty still had some personality as when she was a girl. Well actually a lot of it but she definitely did mature. ** “So May….” “Yes Ash?” “How long did you like me?” “For many years actually okay maybe two whole years!” “Two years! That’s a long time. But I think we are making a mistake.” “What are you talking about Ash?” May said in a very sweet charming voice with a little nervousness about wondering what he is going to say next. “I mean it’s about both of us. I just think we were meant to stay friends.” “But why…..” The tears in her eyes shined bright ready to burst, it looked like a clear ocean on a beautiful nice sunny day when looking from above it.” “May I……I don’t know.” “I…..I don’t know.” May said. “I’m sorry May but I have to find Misty.’ “Misty?” “Yes, I finally see what love is and love is Misty.” “Oh, I see…..” “Don’t worry May it will be okay! I promise!” “Um okay…..” As the tears still stained her eyes. “Listen May, You will be fine. I got to go to find her.” Ash ran as fast as he could to the Pokemon Center to tell Brock, leaving May behind. As soon as Ash hit the Pokemon Center, again he saw the sight………. “Nurse Joy, Ahh I just love how you work….you work so fine!” “Why thank you.” Nurse Joy replied in her sweet tone. “Nurse Joy, your eyes.” Ash fell to the floor in oh my gosh! “Brock I’m sure you and Nurse Joy will have a fun time later! Right now we need to talk!” Ash then pulled him by his arm and pulled him away making Brock scream in Owww! “No time for pain Brock! We have to find Misty.” “Woh, woh, woh, what?” “No time for questions Brock, let’s get out of here! “What? What? Ash…… by the time we get there, it will be too late so lets head out tomorrow morning.” Brock said in his maturity voice as usual. “But…uh fine!” _____________________________________________________________________________ __ So I finished this next chapter and now I’m on to doing another chapterary. The summart though is becoming different than the story!*sighs" Okay Review please! Soo just bear with me as I try to fix it the story, and yeah if you dont mind if it doesnt become like a pg 13 after that changed as I wrote then tell me, if you do mind, then tell me so i can put in something pg13 in this story.