Well I hope you like this part! I mean I changed so many things to get it at least okay. Okay, honestly, I thought abo\ut not finishing it but I will eventually! it iwll take a while though_____________________________________________ The next following week many things changed. Misty was of course back home taking care of her baby Eevee and also togepi at the same time. It was very hard taking care of two baby Pokemon especially at the same time. She wasn’t sure how to give each attention at the same time while trying to juggle taking care of her other Pokemon and running the gym as the gym leader once again. Of course since she could not handle it on her own, she asked Daisy. “Daisy?” Misty asked. “Can you help me take care of my Pokemon?” “Like I guess, but like can’t you like handle this like on your own baby sis?” “Sorry I can’t Daisy.” “Umm like okay.” Daisy replied. “Okay thanks.” “Okay, what do you want me to like do Mist?” “Um can you take of Togepi for a little while?” “I like guess okay.” “Thanks!” “Like you owe me Misty.” “Yeah….right.” “Okay then let’s see. What should I have to do right now?” “Oh like Misty?” “Yeah Daisy?” “Someone here like wants to challenge you for a battle.” “Okay then.” “Hmm I wonder who I’m challenging right now.” Misty walked to the gym ready to accept the challenge. But before that, she ran to her room to grab the poke balls she was going to use. The pokemon she picked to use was Corsala, Politoad, and her Starmie for this one. She made her way to the gym. It was a boy about maybe 13 years old. He had brown hair with brown eyes. He was about 5 feet. The boy had a blue cap that was backwards with a dark blue shirt with white shorts. “I came here to challenge you.” “I accept your challenge!” Misty said with enthusiasm in her voice. “The battle will be a three on three battle with no time limit!” “Go Bulbasaur!” “Hmm, a grass type Pokemon, lets see, which one should I use?” Misty thought to herself. ** “Ash, where are we” “Well let’s see May.” “Okay Ash.” They were two cities away from the one they were last week. It was called Phodeco city. The city had big buildings and it was one of the Major cities in Amerjan. (Their country.) It had major businesses in Amerjan at least. Most of the companies were held there. Ash and May decided to go see a tour of the city with Brock with them. Brock of course was kind of bored ever since the two broke up because no one really talked that muchtHe wondered if he should be there, or if he was just getting in the way of things. But he stayed for a little while more until he decided what to do. “Ash! May! Brock!” A young teen yelled out. “Huh?” May said. “It’s Max!” “Max?” Max was traveling all by himself now. It was because he decided to go on his own Pokemon journey now. But he caught up with them. He was wearing blue shorts that went to the knees and a blue shirt. His glasses were gone because he decided to get clear contacts. His hair was more teenage-ish style. It was quite cute actually. He looked better than normal. He was about 14 years old, the same age when May met Ash and traveled together. *** “Max! Oh my god! I haven’t seen you in a long time!” May excitedly said. Ever since Max traveled he haven’t seen her since she was about the age of 17. And that was two years ago. “What brings you hear Max?” Ash asked. “Well I’m taking a break from battling and now I’m just coming here for fun. I didn’t except to see you guys here though. Must have been fate.” Max said with a confidence voice. “Yeah!” “Hey Max? Do you need a travel buddy?” Brock said. “What are you getting at here?” “Would you want me to travel with you?” “Boy, would you want to?” Max asked. “Yeah, it’s about time I travel with someone that needs me, these two love birds are doing just fine.” ( He said in a sarcastic tone. “Yeah, I guess, besides I would love to have someone with me!” “Okay cool.” “Brock, are you sure you want to go with him?” May asked. “Yeah, I feel no need, besides Max needs me more, he is 16. You guys are 19 already. “Alright then. Friends forever? Right Brock?” “Friends forever Ash.” (They did the friendship guy thing that all guys did. ** “Crap, I lost. Congratulations kid. Here’s your badge.” “Well thanks!” “Yeah you earned it. Keep on doing well. Good bye.” “Bye, take care!” “Bye!” Misty was wiped for the day so she decided to go to sleep since it was getting late. In Misty’s Dream: “What the heck is that?” Misty wondered. “Oh that’s my cell phone! Stupied me!” She walked gloomy to her cell phone that was on her desk about to pick it up, but first she checked who it was. “Oh, Gary?” She said to herself. “Hello?” Misty said with that tired crackly voice everyone has in the morning. “Hi Misty, it’s Gar.” “Hey Gary.” Misty said. “I was thinking; would you want to go out with me?” “Yes Gary! I would I guess. If we give it a try.” “Okay cool! How about Friday?” “Friday? Im kind of busy. How about a Sunday Night?” “Well Okay! Perfect! I will pick you up at 9:00 PM. “Okay Cool! Thanks Gary!” “No problem!” “Like Misty! Your Eevee is like awake!” Daisy called. “Oh okay! Gary, I have to go. See you Sunday!” “You too, Misty!” “The next morning Misty woke up! (In her dream still) Today was Sunday. It was the day that Gary and Misty were going on their date today! Misty was trying to decide what to wear. So she decided, a and finally came to a conclusion! “I know what I’m going to wear tonight! I will wear my red dress!” She said to herself. She walked over to the red dress she decided to wear! It was long down to her the middle of her knees and her ankles. The reddish color was dark as an apple with sparkly sleeves on it. And she decided to straighten her hair with a hair straightener which made it extra straight. It went further than it normally went. Then she sprayed hair spray to keep her orange hair down. The sandals she wore were the color white with a diamond Goldeen necklace on her neck. The chain was gold while the Goldeen was diamond. Her earrings were in the middle of long and short, red ruby earrings. This was her day to look perfect. She took a brownish Gucci purse with her too. Lastly she wore a little bit of white eye shadow with a small dark shade of blush on her face. Everything was planned to go. “Like Misty! You look amazing!” Daisy shouted as she came down the stairs. “Thank you Daisy! Now, are you going to watch togepi like I asked?” “Yeah I guess. I mean it is a date with what’s his name? Gary?” “Yeah, Gary!” “Oh like have a fun time!” “Okay! Thanks!” Five minutes later as they chatted, Gary walked in the door! He had a brown leather jacket with a black fancy top with white fancy pants on. “Wow Gary you look” Before Misty could answer, apparently Daisy cut her off. “Wow Misty, he’s a hot one.” “Why thank you!” “Ugh! Go find your own date!” Misty said with anger and her face turning red as ever! “Geez Misty, like why would I go out with him? Like he is like way to young for me!” “Yeah, Gary is 18 and you are like 23. Yeah, and that is very young.” Misty said in a sarcastic voice! “Like yeah! Duh!” “Well whatever! Come one Gary!” “Okay!” “They pulled into his car!” “So where are you going to take me tonight?” “Well you will see!” “Okay cool!” The two pulled into to this Hugh restaurant! It was a very classy restaurant from the outside and of course big on the inside too! As they approached the door, Misty noticed something! “Wow! This is hugh!” Misty says. “Yeah I know! I only had been here once!” “Wow!” Inside the place was kind of dim, with dim lights. It had a dance floor to dance. All the tables were the baby blue and light purple. It was called the Valresrolo. “Hello Ms and Mr. Do you have your reservations?” The only way to get into this place was by reservations, and Gary did a reservation 1 day before. “Yes, my name is Gary Oak.” “Oh okay then well this is your table.” The table cloth was pink while the seats were violet purple. It was a booth; a fancy booth next to the window that at that night had a perfect view of the beautiful dark midnight colored sky and the bright white moon shining down in there booth. It definitely felt like Valentines Day to them even though it wasn’t. “Okay hi! My name is Tommy. I will be your waitress for tonight. May I start you off with a drink?” “Yes please! I will take a Shirley Temple.” “Okay and you Sir?” “Yes and I would prefer a coca cola.” “Okay I will be back shortly. Here are the menus.” “Thank you.” They both replied. They both chatted and waited for the waitress to get back, but it took a while. “Aww...Great place I picked right Misty?” “Yes, a very good place! I couldn’t think of a better one right now if I tried.” “Okay, well look, here are the drinks! They arrived!” “Are you ready to order?” “Not just yet, thank you though, please come back in maybe 5 minutes or so.” “Okay, I will.” Gary and Misty scammed the orders looking fully to try and find good food. “Hmm, this sounds good tonight.” It was a steak with sauce and mashed potatoes on the side. It sounded good. Misty wanted to order it. “It does. Let’s see, I will pick, wow this dish.” The dish held fried chicken a pool of sauces that would make the food taste spectacular. “Hmm, that does sound good.” “Are you ready to order yet?” They ordered their dishes and in about 15 minutes, they got their food. They ate silently with a candle that got recently matched as soon as their order came. As soon as they were done, they started to chat. And they thought about ordering desert. “Hmm let’s see, how about a large ice cream sundae that we can share?” “Yeah, great idea.” “Did you decide on your order?” “Yes, we would like a large ice cream sundae.” “Okay, I will be back in five minutes or so with your order.” “Okay then!” “Oh, by the way, two spoons too?” “Yes please!” The two of them both said together. “Alright! Ha-ha, coming up!” ** “Here’s your order!” The ice cream sundae consisted of vanilla ice cream, with warm syrup on top of with, and some nuts. It was brought in a metal cup with a cherry on top to cover it all. “Aww! That is so adorable!” “Yeah, I guess Mist!” They both ate silently scooping each at the same time and it was very romantic. ** “Do you want to dance?” “Sure, I would love to!” They danced on the dance floor to the song emotions by Destiny’s child. “So Misty, it’s already 1:17. Do you want to go home already?” “Alright, just one more dance.” “Okay then. One more dance and we will go home.” “Okay cool.” The two danced arm and arm on the dance floor, Misty’s head resting on Gary’s shoulder. All the people around them were doing the same thing, well with their dates or if they were a couple anyway. ** That’s when they decided to go home right after the other song was over. They went back to see their bill on the table and since it was a fancy restaurant, it read: Steak Special: $47.00 Chicken Dipper: $32.49 Ice cream Sundae $10.50 Total: $89.89 Tax: $5.39 Total: $95.28 “Woh! Look at the bill Misty! “Oh my gosh! Do you want me to help you pay?” “No. This is a date anyway. Let’s see, the tip should be $19.15. Although the tip should have been that, instead they gave the guy about $15.00. That was because this place was so over priced, but at least the guy was pleased. There the two left, and they made it to Misty’s house and there Gary dropped her off. “Bye Gary!” “Bye Misty!” Before Misty left, both of them gave a short passionate kiss for maybe 20 seconds. Then she left. It was Sunday morning! From the ask out to the date, everything was only a dream! Sunday Morning: She woke up from bed (End of Dream) “Wow, what a strange night, I had. Eww, Me and Gary? That’s crazy.” Misty thought to herself. ________________________________________________________ So how did you like this? Was it bad, good? Or anything? Kk reviews please! Thank you so much!