The Aidas Part 2 -- Arrival By: NEIL DHINGRA AAMRN/General Disclaimer: I don't own any pokemon, never have, and never will. Heck, I don't even know anyone who works at NINTENDO! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- An Aidas scout squadron flew over Pallet town. Supreme Commander Aydrie had sent the squadron personally to find the whereabouts of a very talented pokemon trainer. Intelligence reports had indicated that this skilled pokemon trainer had won in the Indigo and Orange Island leagues of pokemon championships. Aydrie had decided that a strike on an entire planet would best proceed with strategic strikes instead of a display of brute strength. This blow would probably severely weaken the humans. Scout Leader Myraid called to his squadron, "Scout Squadron Locus report in." "Locus 1 reporting in" "Locus 2 reporting in" A moment of silence followed. "Where is Scout 3?" thought Scout 4. "Locus 4 reporting in" "Locus 5 reporting in" "Locus 3, do you copy?" said Myraid. "Locus 3, where the hell are you?" Locus 3 did not respond. "Locus 3? Shit. Aydrie is not gonna like this. Locuses 1, 2, and 4, vulgar formation, head west bearing 283. Scout 5 come with me mirror formation. Locuses we'll meet here at 1100 hours, call psychically if you pick up any sign of Locuses 3 or Ketchum." "Right you are, sir. Locus 2 form on my right wing, Scout 4, on my left wing" Locus 1 called out to his wing of Aidases. "Uh, sir, what do I do, sir?" Locus 3 asked Myraid. "What the? Damn you boy, where have you been? When we report back I will make sure that you are punished for insubordination and under-performance of rank." Myraid shouted. "Well sir, I was following up on a lead that I saw that might lead us to Ketchum, sir. It was a hat, sir, the type Ketchum wears, sir." Locus 3 replied. "Ya, well thanks for telling me you bastard. Besides, a lot of those assholes wear that kind of hat. Ah, what the hell, did it lead you anywhere, lieutenant?" "Well, sir--" "Don't 'Well, sir' me, Locus 3, just tell me, damnit!" "I found some of his clothes sir." "His clothes?" "Yes, sir, It appears that he might have been reproducing with his female partner, sir." Myraid stared at his henchman, "No, really!" "Yes, sir, I also found clothes of his female companion as well, sir-" "I was being sarcastic, genius." "Oh, I see, sir, anyway, there is sufficient evidence that-" Myraid gave him a look like he was going to kill him on the spot. Myraid sighed, "Spread formation, north east, bearing 43." Ash, Misty and their pokemon were in a small cave in a hill. They had forgot to bring in their clothes. Pikachu was very annoyed. He had started to hate Ash and Misty. He was thinking about joining the Aidas. The thought seemed very appealing at the time. "That makes three times!" exclaimed Ash. "Now, let's get our clothes, from, damnit, outside!" Ash mentally kicked himself. "That's called poor planning!" "Let's just stay here." said Misty, "In fact, while were here..." Ash got back on Misty and they started furiously making out, again. "PIIIIIKAAAAA" said an annoyed Pikachu. (Not again! You seem to forget that kids are here, like Togepi, and I'm not exactly old as hell, Ya know!) "Locus 4 reporting, I have spotted the, umm, couple." Locus 4 reported in to Myraid. They had thrown the clothes into a small cave that they saw near various clothes. "Good, Locus 4, where." Myraid inquired. "In the cave, sir, the one that we threw the clothes into, sir." "What a coincidence! Locus 1,2, and 4, vulgar formation, right flank. Locus 5, form on me in mirror formation. Locus 3, go down to the left flank, plan an approach vector bearing 123 east." Myraid rattled out orders as in his long-range recon training, he was the best in his class. Ash's pair of pants flew through the cave opening and hit him on his cheek. "Where did that come from?" Ash asked Misty. "Why should I know?" "PIKAAA!" pikachu was happy now. (I see the light! I'm going to join the Aidases!) Nobody noticed pikachu as he walked out the door and waved a little white piece of paper, the classic sign for surrender. "Sir, target's pikachu is surrendering, sir." Locus 3 reported to Locus Leader. "Take up and ask what it wants." Myraid commanded his minion. Locus 3 swooped down and picked up the pikachu. "What is your request?" Locus 3 inquired. "PIKA, PIKA Chu!" pikachu answered. (Those human bastards don't treat me right! Can I join you?) "Sir, he wants to join us Aidases, sir." "Take him up here." "Yes, sir." Locus 3 brought the pikachu on its back up to 1000 ft in the air, right next to Myraid. "So, you would like to join us Aidases in our quest to exterminated the human race?" Myraid asked. "PI PIKA CHU!" pikachu said, excitedly. (Yes, of course!) Myraid psychically notified Aydrie. he 'thought.' Aydrie thought back. Myraid informed pikachu on the Aidas race of pokemon and his promotion to 1st lieutenant. He also asked pikachu for useful intelligence on Ash. "Well, he really cares about his pokemon, taking them away would devastate the prick. This started Myraid thinking, "Could High Command have gotten it all wrong? Were humans really good- hearted? Nah." Pikachu continued with intelligence, "He really loves this slut called Misty, if some *accident* were to befall her, he would be a mess!" Myraid was starting to doubt high command. "The humans are sounding better and better! But, then why is this pikachu bad-mouthing them?" It was 5 hours after pikachu ran away when Ash noticed. Ash and Misty had their clothes back on. "Pikachu! Pikachu! Where are you?" Ash shouted at the top of his lungs. "Where could he be. I mean, he was right here just a second, er, a few minutes, er, an hour, er, oh shit, a few hours ago!" Misty called at Ash. Suddenly, an explosion blew the top of the cave off. An Aidas hovered above the opening. "An Aidas!" Ash screamed, "Go Pidgeot!" A Pidgeot flew out of its pokeball and started circling the Aidas. The Aidas, Captain Myraid, said, "You're measly bird will be no match for me, and your pikachu!" Pikachu confirmed this by saying "Pika Chu!" (That's right!) Myraid raised his hands up and threw them down, palms down, screaming "Psy Cannon!" A purple beam went down into the ground. Suddenly, the beam shot out of the ground under Pidgeot and split into 3. The beams hit Pidgeot at the same time and it fell to the ground. "Enough play. Time to get to business." Myraid shouted as he took out a chrome gun. He shot a blue bolt at Ash, and then at Misty. They both fell to the floor clutching their heads. "Pika?" (What was that?) "My portable human disabalization beam gun. They won't 'awake' until an Aidas push's a button on the Mother ship." Myraid replied. "Right, let's go." Pikachu said. "What? I can talk?" "That's right. I'm sick of your 'PIKA PI, PIKA Chu's, so I had an English learning file neurologicaly to your brain. You can now speak." Myraid replied. Myraid lifted Ash and Misty with his mind. He let out all of Ash's pokemon, and told them, "Spread the word that Ash and Misty have been captured by the Aidases." Pikachu, and Locus squadron set out for the Mother Ship.