Note: Here are the levels of Ike's and Amelia's Pokemon for this part: Okay, I'm too lazy to type all of this again and again. Ike's Pokemon have not leveled up. Amelia's haven't either, but she did acquire an Onix, which was at level 20. It knows: Tackle, Rage, Rock Throw, and Rock Tomb. Part 8: It had been two days since the fateful encounter at Mt. Moon. Ike was sitting in the corner, looking absolutely incensed. Amelia was talking to Oak on the computer phone about her new discovery. She kept going on about how amazing this specimen was. About how pleased she was with her findings. About how she just loved Pokemon so. He wished she'd just go rot somewhere. She stole his prize, and she didn't even know how to use it. Ike wanted to spit on her. And, on top of all this, Forrest had refused to battle him right away! He had mumbled something about needing a break, and brushed him aside! This made Ike suspicious that he was going to face yet another weak gym leader. Where were all the strong trainers his father had to face? Well, it doesn't matter, Ike thought. It's been a day since we returned. He's had a long enough “break”. That guy better be ready to send his Pokemon straight to the emergency room of the Pokemon Center when I'm done with him! With a giggle, Amelia ended her phone conversation. “Alright Ike, we can go to the gym now,” she said agreeably. “Who said I need your permission?” Ike retorted. “Whateverrrr,” Amelia cooed, putting an emphasis on the last “r”. Arceus, she's irritating! Ike thought. Amelia danced out of the Pokemon Center, not waiting for Ike to come up with a wise remark. Ike heard a little “pika” followed by a snort. He shot a look at Sasha, who suddenly appeared to have no expression on her face. “I'm watching you, you little....” Ike said, then, “come on, we have a gym battle to win!” Sasha's blank face became determined. “Pika!” With that, Ike stood up, Sasha jumped on his shoulder, and they were out the door. They would have been the picture of confident determination, if it weren't for the giddy Amelia, who was flouncing all around them, babbling about her findings. Ike did not react to her. He kept staring straight ahead, as did Sasha. He walked in a steady march, and Sasha held her brows down, and her beady eyes were resolute. As he approached the gym, onlookers started to whisper. Who was this kid and his Pikachu? And who was this ninny sashaying around them, babbling nonsense about a black Onix? The elders who saw this were aghast. What was going to become of their nice town, what with all these ruffians and lunatics about? Ike was completely oblivious to all this speculation as he threw open the door of the Pewter City Gym. “FORREST, LEADER OF THE PEWTER CITY GYM, I CHALLENGE YOU!” he bellowed.. At first, there was no reply. Then, there was a sudden “fwoom” sound, and the lights came on, seemingly of their own accord. “Geez, you don't have to scream at me! I'm right here kid!” Forrest complained from atop a pointed rock across the room. “I almost lost my balance here!” He jumped down, and crossed his arms. “You're a persistent one, aren't you?” He looked Ike over, then he glanced at Sasha. He rubbed his chin, and regarded Ike thoughtfully. “You look familiar,” he remarked. “Hmph, I doubt it,” Ike grumbled. “No, really...that Pikachu, that black hair, those marks on your cheeks...” Forrest went on. “I got it now, you're Ash Ketchum's kid, right?” Ike didn't answer that. Instead he said, “Are we standing around here all day, or are we having a gym battle?” “Alright, alright!” Forrest said. “Geez!” Well, Ike thought. Finally, we're down to business. I've finally decided which Pokemon to use exactly. I just hope he's good enough. “Go, Nidorino!” he shouted, hurling his Pokeball onto the battle field. “Not a common choice against me,” Forrest observed. “Interesting.” As he said this, he threw his Pokeball too. In a flash of red, a round Pokemon with a serious face appeared. It had a body resembling a boulder. It had four arms, two longer ones at its sides, and two shorter ones it held under its mouth. It had two stumpy feet on its bottom, and it was gray in color. It was a Graveler. Well, Amelia thought from the bleachers. Forrest apparently has a level advantage already, because Geodude don't normally evolve into Graveler until they are at least level 25. Ike had better have a grand strategy, or he'll lose very quickly. “Okay, Nidorino. Don't attack just yet. Use your Focus Energy!” Nidorino's body began to glow, and a look of pure concentration appeared on its homely face. “Shake it up, Graveler,” Forrest commanded. “Use Magnitude!” With a slight nod, Graveler moved into action. It planted its two long arms on the ground beside it, and hoisted itself high into the air. Then, it came crashing down heavily. The shock waves made Ike's knees weaken, and almost caused him to fall, but poor Nidorino took a lot more damage. It flew high into the air, smashing into a nearby wall and crashing to the floor. Ike grimaced, and he said, “Nidorino, can you still battle?” Weakly, the poison pin Pokemon pulled itself up. Good, Ike thought. Maybe I have enough time to cause serious damage to that thing. “Alright, Nidorino, use Horn Attack on it, and make sure you hit hard!” he shouted. What? Amelia thought. That won't do anything to that Graveler's tough hide! At that second the attack landed. It did no apparent damage, as Amelia had predicted, but Graveler had been rolled onto its back. Ike had intended this, because he had learned in school that a Graveler defends itself with its two short arms in front. “Okay Nidorino, use Double Kick on its underside!” Ike yelled. Usually, physical attacks did not do much to a rock type Pokemon. But fighting type attacks were special. These attacks had been honed so that they could hit a rock type, and cause cracking, or even breakage. Nidorino hit Graveler right in its weak spot, causing critical damage. Pebbles shot off of its body in all directions as the two kicks blasted it. Forrest looked stunned. “I did not expect you to show so much skill. I made a mistake by underestimating you, but that will not happen again,” he commented, returning his Graveler. He grinned at Ike. “I have surprises also,” he said, summoning his next Pokemon. Which was an Onix. Ike was somehow disappointed. “That's no surprise!” Ike groaned. “I wasn't referring to Onix,” Forrest yawned. “Be patient.” “Nidorino, use Double Kick!” Ike commanded suddenly. “Onix, dig,” Forrest said. With a roar, Onix dove head first into the ground, causing a deep rumbling sound. Sasha gripped Ike's shirt and whimpered. “Nidorino, you should hear the sounds of Onix underground,” Ike explained. “Try to listen for them, and dodge it when it comes up!” Nidorino gave Ike a nod, but it wasn't prepared for the suddenness of Onix's strike. It gave a wail of pain as it collided with Onix's cold rock body. Nidorino hit the ground with a thud, and it was out of the battle. Ike returned it, looking like he was going to burst. “Well, that was an utter failure,” he muttered at his Pokeball. “It's a good thing I have Mankey here to save my butt, huh?” He grabbed its Pokeball, and summoned it. “Oh wow, a Mankey,” Forrest acknowledged. “I can't believe that rascal will listen to you!” “What is that supposed to mean?” Ike shot back. He is so touchy! Amelia thought. “Nothing, kid!” Forrest replied, then, “Onix, burrow underground again!” “Okay, Mankey. I trained you just for this. Use Focus Energy! Concentrate on the sounds Onix makes!” Mankey's brows furrowed deeper, and it began to glow. When the rumbling began, Ike couldn't see what was happening because of all the dust. When it cleared, he saw Mankey atop Onix, standing right at its neck. Ike felt almost giddy. “Now, Karate Chop!,” he sang. “Man...KEY!” it screamed, slamming its arm into the crook between its head and neck. Onix roared with pain. “Get that pest off you, Onix!” Forrest ordered. “Use Slam!” With a scream, Onix slammed itself into the nearest boulder. Mankey was sandwiched between it and Onix. Its eyes bulged on impact, and when Onix moved away, Mankey fell. It pulled itself up, tears in its mean little eyes. Its legs quivered, but then it steadied itself. It stared coldly at the beast in front of it. “Ike, I don't think you should let your Mankey battle anymore. It's had enough, don't you agree?” Forrest commented. “Get over yourself,” Ike grinned, “it's just getting started.” “Whatever you wish,” Forrest said dryly. “Onix, use Rock Throw!” Immediately, the rock snake began hurling large rocks at Mankey with its mouth. With impressive agility, Mankey navigated itself away from the flying stones. Dodging one especially nasty rock, it flung itself high into the air. “Use Karate Chop, now Mankey!” Ike commanded. Locking eyes with Onix midair, Mankey obeyed, positioning itself. Onix was ready though, and before the attack could land, it had smacked Mankey in the gut with its solid tail. Mankey's eyes bulged again, and it hit the ground. Slowly, it picked itself up. This time it was breathing heavily; it was obviously completely exhausted. “Stop making it battle! It can't handle any more!” Forrest screamed. “Mankey, are you able to go on?” Ike said evenly to his Pokemon. Mankey stared in Ike's direction. “Mankey!” it squealed. “There you have it,” Ike said to Forrest. This is madness! Amelia thought at Ike. You could kill that poor thing! Let it rest! “Go Mankey, use Low Kick!” Ike commanded. Mankey moved to obey, but before it could land its attack, it suffered the same fate it had the last time. Onix swept it aside. Mankey sat up, not getting on its feet again. “Just what are you trying to accomplish?” Forrest nagged. “You'll see,” Ike replied. Forrest was totally taken aback. He hadn't thought that Ike was trying to accomplish anything. To him, it appeared that Ike was just pushing his Pokemon much too hard. But he soon found that Ike had been pushing Mankey for good reason. As he watched the little pig monkey, he noticed that it began go glow. As it glowed, its silhouette began to grow. After that, a new Pokemon stood in place of Mankey. It was taller, bigger, and meaner in appearance. It had long brown arms and legs, and each of those limbs bore black weights. The tail that Mankey had was gone, and its pig nose had grown. Mankey had evolved into Primeape. And it looked very, very angry. “Onix, Slam into that thing!” With a wail, Onix slammed its whole body into Primeape. Primeape shouted angrily, and it retaliated with an incredible Karate Chop. Then, it started kicking, punching, and biting at the rock snake in a bitter rage. Onix screamed in pain. “Onix, return right now!” Forrest said, lifting up his Pokeball. Before Onix was returned though, Primeape lifted it into the air in a Seismic Toss. Then, it hurled it to the ground. Onix was silent. “ONIX!” Forrest shouted, finally returning his Pokemon. “Listen, you. That Primeape is raging! It's been attacking without you giving orders. It's out of control, and if you don't return it now, it'll cause a lot of damage to my gym!” Ike knew that Forrest was right. Primeape was using a Rage attack, and it was beyond his skill to calm it down when it was like that. He hated acknowledging that though, and he almost refused to return Primeape to its Pokeball. Only almost though. When Primeape was off the field, Forrest commented, “I guess I'll call that a double knock-out. We're both down to our last Pokemon. It's time for my surprise!” With that, he hurled his very last Pokeball out toward the field. In a flare of red, his final Pokemon appeared, and it was much different from what Ike expected it to be. It was a flying Pokemon. It was dark purple, and it had serious yellow eyes with red pupils. It had long, pointed ears, and four wings. The wings closer to its head were long, but its two back wings were shorter, even stubby. Ike had never seen one of these Pokemon before, but it was obviously not a rock type. He reached for his Pokedex so he could find out more about it. In a robotic voice, it recited: Crobat, the evolved form of Golbat. As a result of its pursuit of faster, yet more silent flight, a new set of wings grew on its hind legs. --End Entry-- “What, that's no rock type!” Ike complained. “I specialize in rock Pokemon, but I can handle Crobat very well,” Forrest smiled. “Alright, then Sasha, get out there!” Ike exclaimed. “PIKA!” Sasha sang enthusiastically. Ike had told her that she probably wouldn't be able to participate in this battle, so now she was feeling excited and ready for action. “Sasha, we're not playing around any more. I want you to use Volt Tackle, now!” Ike said. Sasha grinned to herself. She immediately started charging toward the scowling bat Pokemon. Forrest looked flabbergasted, but he wasn't so caught off guard that he didn't make a move. “Crobat, dodge it!” he commanded. It did with ease, and then Forrest said, “That was a shock!” He smiled at his accidental pun, and then he said, “Okay Crobat, use Cross Poison!” Crobat swooped. In an instant, Sasha had her back against a boulder, and Crobat was high in the air again. Sasha pulled herself up, but she looked hurt. She looked sick. Ike knew the attack's poison had affected her. She stood on her hind legs, woozy. “Well, Ike. Looks like this battle is already over,” Forrest commented smugly. Ike panicked inwardly. His Sasha! Was she injured? Could she still battle? “Sasha! Come back here!” he screamed. Sasha stared ahead, unmoving. Then, she shook her head. “Sasha, listen to me! You're only going to hurt yourself!” Ike cried. “pika...” Sasha replied weakly, and she shook her head again. “Sasha...are you sure?” Ike said urgently. Sasha nodded weakly. “Then I suppose we're still in this!” Forrest shook his head. “Your Pokemon is just as stubborn as you are.” He sighed. “I hate this but....Crobat, finish it with a Wing Attack!” Crobat swooped in close, and Sasha looked pained. Just at the moment when its wing was going to slam into her body, Sasha seemed to split into several copies of herself. Sasha's false body disappeared, and Crobat squeaked in surprise. It didn't know what happened. But Ike did. Sasha had just learned a new attack out of fear. Ike saw where the real Sasha was, and he took this opportunity to make a move. “Sasha, use Volt Tackle, now!” From her position behind Crobat, Sasha moved. She blasted full speed into her Volt Tackle, and Crobat never saw her coming. Crobat made a midair tumble, and then it crashed into the nearest boulder. Forrest blinked, and then he returned Crobat. Ike had won his second badge on a stroke of luck. Amelia shouted for joy. Ike was at the Pokemon Center again. Forrest had talked to Ike at length after he had given him his badge. Ike thought about what he said. “Ike, I knew you were Ash's son as soon as I met you. Listen, I bet you think your father bailed out on you, but it isn't true. I thought the same about my brother, Brock. Soon after your father disappeared, he did too. I assumed he was with your father, but sometimes it was hard to give him the benefit of the doubt. I was about to give up hope of ever seeing him again, until I had a dream. In this dream, I saw a silhouette...a dark, shadowy figure. I don't know if it was man or Pokemon. It said to me:“I give you this message for the son of the Pokemon Master. Become strong, and do not give up. You cannot become a Master alone. Hone not only your brute strength, but also your heart. You must join me here one day. But beware. Dark forces are at work to hinder your way.” Then, it told me that my brother was going to return one day. Ike, I believe this dream! You're going to see your father!” It sounds like a million fantasy novels, Ike thought to himself. Yet, he didn't think that Forrest was crazy. He knew that sometimes psychic Pokemon could talk to humans telepathically. He also knew that it was easier to reach a mind if a person was sleeping. Drowzee was infamous for pulling such stunts. Maybe this was just a prank; someone knew about his and Forrest's family, and they were trying to play a sick joke on them. Or, maybe it was no joke at all. Either way, Ike didn't care about seeing his father again. Ike didn't need his father or his heart. He could crush anyone he wanted to using pure power. He smiled as Sasha was rolled out on a little wheelchair, looking much better. How cute, he thought.