CHAPTER 3: Something Fishy The wind whisked past Sofia's ears as she was carried again by Marco the fearow. She had become somewhat accustomed to the new routine, of waking up each morning, being transported to the training ground, crushing a few caterpie or pidgeys, and then returning back to the headquarters once more. She held out her left arm, newly unbandaged, and let the air rush over it. She had been expecting horrific wounds, when Nurse Joy had unwrapped the bandages that morning, while also hoping deep down that the nurse was wrong, and that her arm and leg would be unscarred. In the end, it was neither as bad as she had expected, nor as good as she had hoped. There were several livid red sears, angry streaks that lined her limbs. She readjusted the old backpack that Alex had given her. Within was a small bottle of water, a minimal lunch, some pokefood for Killer, and a couple of potions. That was all that Nik had been willing to give her. "What a scumbag" she muttered to herself. "I bet it's the mankiest lunch he could get!" Marco landed gently, and she undid her blindfold, blinking in the bright morning light. "Huh!?" She looked around, and realised that they had come to a different destination from normal! They had arrived at a large field, some golden-yellow grasses dancing gently to soft zephyrs. The occasional tree punctuated the view, as Sofia took in the surroundings. She saw that she was standing on a dusty path, which looked as if though it hadn't been walked in a long time. Briefly, she considered how far she would get if she tried running away now... but the realisation that she had no real supplies, and the angry glare that Marco directed at her soon made her reject that idea. Sighing, she realised just how much she missed her family, even her father... she missed her friends from school, and even her old enemies! It was painful to appreciate so suddenly just how much her old life meant to her, as much as she had complained about it. "Sofia!" Alex's voice snapped her out of her reverie, as he came running up the path. "Hi!" Turning to Marco, he said, "OK Marco, you can go back now." Marco gave a shrill cry, and launched himself into the sky, soon disappearing from sight. "Alex! Why are we here? Aren't we supposed to be training?" Sofia had soon come to realise that training a pokemon could be most tedious. Not at all like the glamorous TV shows, where after a few exciting battles, the trainer's pokemon would evolve. She must have beaten countless caterpies and pidgeys, and even the occasional nidoran, and yet Killer showed no sign of evolving! "Yeah, we are going to train, but first..." He reached into his backpack, and pulled out five pokeballs. "You're gonna get a new member of your team! You can't expect to get very far with only one pokemon!" "Hah, I knew that!" Sofia was never one to take advice gracefully. "Gimme those!" Taking the pokeballs, Sofia walked over to the grass, and released Killer. "OK boy, lets see what we can find!" Turning around, she called to Alex, "Hey, what kind of pokemon live around here, wherever this is!" "Well... you said you wanted an aggressive pokemon, right..." his voice trailed off, whether from mischievous laughter, or nervousness, she couldn't tell. Suddenly, in a flash of dust and with a loud shriek, a ball of feathers and rage charged at Killer! "Whaaaargh!!! Spearow!" Sofia screamed out loud, having read about these aggressive pokemon, as an infuriated spearow delivered a vicious peck at a stunned Killer. Clutching his head in pain, Killer staggered backwards, and fell onto his rear. Seemingly satisfied, the spearow gave Killer a contemptuous look, before preening itself arrogantly. "Killer! Are you alright!" Sofia started to run forwards to her pokemon, who still sat on the ground, with both paws on his head. Killer stood up quickly, and looking round at Sofia, who pointed forward, charged towards the shocked spearow. The infamous scratch attack scraped across the spearow, who was whirled around with the force of the blow. Grinning confidently, Sofia threw a pokeball hard. It trapped the spearow with a bright red flash, but almost instantly burst open once more. "Aw! What!? How!?" Sofia spluttered, as the spearow, more angry now than before, if that was even possible, screeched and lunged towards Killer. Needing no commands from his trainer, he let loose another Scratch attack, and smacked the spearow once again. Seriously dazed, the spearow faltered. Sofia prepared another pokeball, but before she could throw, Killer ran at the spearow, and gave it a lick! "Killer! What are you doing!? Yuurgh, that's disgusting!" "HAHAHA!" Alex was bent double with laughter. "What are you laughing at!? That's just unhygienic!" "Lick is a ghost type attack! Didn't you realise that Killer must have learnt another move since you got him? Always check your pokedex, that way you'll know when more attacks become available" "Oh... Huh? What's up with that spearow? Wow, it's paralysed... Good going, Killer!" The spearow lay on the ground, twitching, and weakly calling out its name, while a smug Killer sucked his paw in front of it. "You flukey..." Alex could hardly believe Sofia's luck. "You managed to paralyse it! Gah, how can you be so lucky!?" "Yeah! I clearly intended to do that!" Before Alex could point out that she hadn't even known that Lick was an attack, let alone that it could induce paralysis, she threw another pokeball at the spearow. It put up a commendable struggle even in its paralysed state, but was eventually captured. Breathing out loudly in relief, Sofia opened her pokedex, and listened to the information on spearow. "Spearow: Male..." There wasn't any real need, since she'd memorised the entry a long time ago. She noted that the attacks that spearow knew were Peck, Growl, Leer and Fury Attack. "And now, for a name..." She paused. "How about... Grouch?" Taking out Grouch's pokeball, she released him, and was instantly pecked on the foot for her trouble, before Grouch collapsed under paralysis again. "Ow!" Sofia cursed angrily, before glaring at Grouch. "Look, do you want any potion? Or would you rather I left you like this?" Muttering darkly at him, she gave him a liberal helping from one of her potion bottles. "Alex, have you got anything for his paralysis?" "Well..." Alex looked away reluctantly. Paralyse Heals were expensive... "Please! Pretty please! Something about cherries!" Sofia pleaded, clasping her hands in front of him in a ridiculously melodramatic manner. Alex broke. "Oh, ok! Fine, have this!" Sofia gave him a quick hug in thanks, and then gave Grouch the treatment. He came immediately back to life, flapping his wings angrily, and hopping around madly. Reaching Sofia's foot, he looked up at her now angry expression, and thought better of pecking her. He pecked Alex instead, who howled in pain, much to Sofia's amusement. "You're quite funny when you dance like that Alex!" Still hopping, Alex glowered at her. "Well, we'd better get moving. I have one more place I plan for you to go looking for pokemon." "Where?" "You'll see... Or rather, you wont!" With that cryptic comment, Alex marched off down the path, leaving Sofia scurrying to keep up. * * * * * * After walking for over an hour, and having a brief lunch break they arrived at a large cave. It looked pitch black inside, almost as if all light was absorbed away, from its deep, dank interiors. Sofia gulped apprehensively. "That place is totally dark inside! We wont be able to see a thing!" "Not scared of the dark are ya?" Alex taunted her gently. Before she could reply indignantly, he released his butterfree. "Xander! Go, use your Flash to light up the cave!" Alex stood a short distance away from the mouth of the cave, as Sofia stumbled around in the wan light from Xander the butterfree. Tripping over a rock, she cursed loudly, and suddenly realised that it was a geodude! Yelping in shock, as the normally docile pokemon reared itself up to attack, Sofia ran away from it to the cave entrance. "Why'd you run away?" Alex sounded disappointed. "Well... " Sofia tried to think up an excuse, to hide the fact that she had in fact just come close to loosing bladder control and had simply run through sheer terror. "Oh, I see! You haven't got any pokemon that can really hurt a geodude... It's resistant against Killer and Grouch; good thinking Sofia!" "Uh... Yeah...!" She managed weakly. "Well, get back in there! See what else you can find!" Once again, Sofia began searching around in the dim light, more carefully this time round. Suddenly, she saw a silhouetted shape moving behind a large boulder. Making sure that the boulder itself wasn't a pokemon, she quickly ran round it... And was attacked by a machop! Grabbing a pokeball at random in her terror, she released a pokemon... Killer appeared, sucking his paw. "Geez, is that all you do!? Go, Lick that machop!" Killer ran forward, and received a rapid Karate Chop to his skull. Thrown backwards, Killer lay stunned on the stony ground. Worried that the machop would finish him off, as she suddenly remembered that normal types were weak against fighting types, Sofia recalled Killer. But rather than attacking, the machop started to back away, almost as if it was ready to run. "What's going on!? Machop are supposed to be aggressive!" Now nervous that the pokemon would escape, she released Grouch, who instantaneously pecked her on the head. "Yoooow!! Attack the machop, not me, you idiot bird!" She flailed an angry arm towards the machop, which began to run away. Grouch shot forwards with unbelievable speed, and pecked the machoke viciously on the back. "Maaachooooop!" The small grey humanoid fell over under the force of Grouch's onslaught, and tried to shield itself against the cruel beak. Again and again, Grouch stabbed forwards with his beak, showing now mercy, as the machop howled in pain. A quickly thrown pokeball ended its suffering, as it disappeared from Grouch's range to inside the red and white globe. A brief attempt to escape was soon halted by Grouch roughly pecking the pokeball, reminding the machop what awaited it, should it escape. "Great job, Grouch! Return!" However, Grouch had other ideas, and started shrieking angrily. Suddenly, Alex and his butterfree were there. "Xander! Sleep powder!" A spray of white powder shot out from some nameless region of the butterfree into Grouch's face. His wings flapped more slowly, and suddenly he dropped to the ground. Returning him to his pokeball, Sofia looked sheepishly at Alex. "Um... thanks... I..." "Don't worry about it. But I'm concerned that Grouch is becoming disobedient..." While he mused to himself about the solution, Sofia checked up on her new pokemon. "Machop: Male" The pokedex droned. "Attacks available: Low Kick, Leer, Focus Energy, Karate Chop" "And what should I call you? A fighting pokemon who'd rather run away!? Fleance! That'll do!" Alex suddenly yelled, "I've got it! You'll have to take on other trainers, to gain your pokemon's respect. Normally trainers would battle gym leaders to gain badges, but obviously that's not an option here. Well, we'd better head back." As they walked out from the cave, Sofia realised that it was already late afternoon. The sky, which at the beach had previously been constantly a bright blue was overlaid with grey cloud. The sun weakly shone through, at their backs, and the wind was beginning to pick up, as they began the journey back to the pick-up point. * * * * * * As they neared the pick-up point, Sofia saw another person walking towards them in the distance. "Who's that?" "Dunno... Don't worry, it's not the authorities. Probably another trainer, out on a journey." Wondering if the authorities would really be her enemy, and if Kaspar really did want her dead, she asked, "Do you think it's another trainer? I want to battle!" "What!? You've used up all your potions, your pokemon are all really new, and just think, what if this person has a load of powerful pokemon!? You'll get creamed, in all likeliness." Scowling, Sofia realised that Alex was right. Not that it made her feel any better. As the person approached, Sofia realised that it was a man, with short blonde hair that, wearing the tightest t-shirt and jeans that Sofia had ever seen. He had a belt with five pokeballs hanging from it. He greeted them in an extravagant voice, "Hey there! You guys trainers?" Before Alex, or common sense could reason with her otherwise, Sofia replied, "Yeah, I am!" "Great, want a battle!? I've been searching all day for someone to battle with!" As he rubbed his hands together in overly dramatic glee, Alex pulled Sofia aside, calling out, "Just give us a moment!" "What are you doing!? He's got five pokemon!" "So? It's about quality, not quantity!" "You can't trust all that rubbish you watched on TV! It doesn't work like that! And anyway, your pokemon are hardly of the highest quality, and one of them wont even listen to you!" Stung by this, Sofia lost all reason, and clenching her jaw, turned round to face the other trainer. "OK, shall we go?" "Well, what do you want to wager?" "Huh?" Sofia was taken aback. "OK, rookie, huh? Well, how about I wager one of my pokemon against one of yours? But we wont tell eachother which pokemon, OK? And to make it even more fair, I'll even let you use her, to even out the odds! Four on four, can't get any fairer than that, eh?" "I accept! But I don't need your pokemon to win this one!" "Well... I'll let you have lil' Grace here anyway!" He looked as if though he was struggling to contain laughter, while Alex looked on in utter despair. "How can anyone be so stupid! You don't even know what pokemon he's giving you!" "I wont need it! He doesn't know which pokemon I'm wagering either!" Sofia snapped. She knew, deep inside, that what she was doing was incredibly stupid, and most likely to end in an embarrassing and most costly failure, but she didn't care. She was mainly doing this out of sheer pig-headedness, and so logic played little in influencing her decisions. Facing her opponent once more, Sofia selected Killer's pokeball and released him. "Ah, a teddiursa, eh? Go, Ratty!" A tiny rattata appeared opposite Killer, who was, as per usual, sucking his paw. Glancing back at his trainer, Killer awaited a command. "Killer, GO! Scratch that little punk!" As Killer waddled towards it, the rattata looked back at its trainer. However, he was in no condition to issue commands, kneeling on the floor struggling to breathe through his laughter. "...Killer! Hahahahah!..." Even as Ratty turned round, Killer's paw slapped it in the face, sending it twirling away on the path. Finally escaping from his fit of hysterics, the trainer, seeing his pokemon in trouble, ordered Ratty to tackle Killer. "Killer, give it a leer!" Ratty charged forward with blinding speed and smashed hard into Killer, who was Leering in vain at Ratty, and couldn't dodge. Thrown backwards, Killer landed and rolled in the dust of the path, as it started to rain. "Get up Killer! I know you can do it! Please! Give it another scratch attack!" Killer picked himself up, and even as the rattata charged at him again, suddenly scratched its face, sending it flying away off the path, yowling in pain. His trainer decided that he'd had enough. "Return, Ratty. OK, no more Mr. Nice-guy! Go, Mankster!" A mankey appeared in front of the panting Killer, and hooted out angrily. Without even waiting for its trainer to command it, it started to run at Killer. "Killer! Dodge, and scratch it!" "Haven't you got any other attacks than scratch!?" The man seemed genuinely annoyed. "Mankster, Karate Chop!" The two pokemon clashed, and Killer managed to get in his Scratch attack, but Mankster, despite howling in pain, was not deterred from his attack in the least, and delivered a crushing Karate Chop to Killer. Flung away with tremendous force, Killer landed with a thud, and stayed down. Sofia gasped with shock; she had never seen her pokemon faint before, and the situation was not a pleasant one. "Killer! No!!!" She rushed forward to her fallen partner, and gently picked him up. "Hey! We're in the middle of a battle here! Hurry up and choose your next pokemon!" Feeling anger building up, Sofia decided to play a risky game; she released Grouch, who had slept off the Xander's Sleep Powder, and called out to him, "Grouch! Peck, NOW!" Grouch flew forward and launched an impressive peck attack at the mankey's face before it could defend itself. Screaming its pain, it stumbled backwards, losing its grip in the mud that had now formed from the rain. Landing heavily, it was slow to rise. "Grouch, give it a Fury Attack!" Sofia's face was set in a determined grimace lined with anger. Grouch swooped forward again, and threw an unremittent flurry of blows at the mankeu. However, the fight was far from over. "Mankster, use rage!" Even as more of Grouch's blows rained down on it, the mankey's already volcanic temper was exacerbated. Suddenly, with unrestrained fury, the mankey released an immensely violent attack, which smashed into Grouch with a sickening crash. Knocked so forcefully from the sky, Grouch rolled along the ground, spraying mud as his wings slapped the floor. "Grouch!" Sofia's voice suddenly radiated concern for her new pokemon. But as she reached for his pokeball to call him back, Grouch gave a visceral shriek and righted himself. "Grouch, are you ok?" Sofia was stunned that he was still able to battle. "OK... Try using another peck on that thing!" Grouch didn't need to be told twice. Maddened by the thrashing he had received, he was only to happy to throw himself back at Mankster. "Mankster, that spearow's so stupid it thinks it can still fight us... Use another Karate Chop on that fool!" Flying straight at Mankster, Grouch watched as the mankey prepared to karate chop him from the air. "Grouch, DODGE!" Sofia screamed out loudly, and as Mankster's fist cut through the air, Grouch flipped to the side at the last minute, and impacted into Mankster with a huge boom! It was the mankey's turn to be sent tumbling through the air. Landing in a fountain of mud at his trainer's feet, the exhausted fighting pokemon was unable to continue. "Grrr... I'll fix you good! Go, Geode!" A large knobbly pokemon, with two powerful arms appeared, and smashed its rocky fists into eachother with a mighty cry, "GEOOOO!!" Utterly spent, Grouch panted on the ground, looking up at his new opponent. The man smirked, "Geode, rock throw, NOW!" Hefting a large stone, Geode lobbed it at Grouch with amazing accuracy. Barely able to move, Grouch managed to dodge, but only just! "Groucho, keep dodging!" "Oh, wow, any more amazing advice you'd like to add?" muttered Alex sarcastically from the sidelines. The geodude continued to throw a seemingly endless supply of rocks at Grouch, who could do nothing but scurry out of the way. Getting even more drained of energy, Grouch was almost ready to collapse. However, the geodude was also running out of energy, speed and stamina not among its strengths. With a cunning twinkle in its eye, it lifted another rock to throw. As Grouch prepared once more to dodge, Geode skimmed the rock towards him. It bounced off the ground with a vicious slap and slammed into Grouch, knocking him out cold. Once again, Sofia was forced to call back an unconscious pokemon. Thinking back to basic pokemon strategy, she knew at once that Fleance would have type advantage.... But Fleance was a completely new pokemon! She'd never used him in a battle before. Would he obey her? "Or maybe he'll try to run..." she thought, thinking back to when she'd caught him. "But better to use him than whatever joke pokemon this guy's given me." Fleance appeared in a flash from his pokeball. "Maaa..." He saw the furious geodude in front of him. "Fleance, quick, use low kick!" Before he could though, Geode sped across and tried to pound him into the ground with one huge fist. Leaping out of the way, Fleance slipped and struggled to maintain his balance as Geode lumbered after him. Turning, and giving Sofia a quick nod, Fleance faced his giant rival. Launching himself with immense force from the ground, he delivered a mighty flying kick onto the face of the stampeding geodude, sending it down and out. "Aaargh! Geode! No!" Sofia's rival clenched his fists in rage. "Return! OK... That's it... Go, Static!" Fleance's new foe was a pokemon who in many ways resembled the pokeball that it emerged from... a voltorb! Sofia had read about these pokemon... incredibly fast, but also liable to explode! But before she could think much more about strategies, the aforementioned lightning speed came into play, the voltorb slamming into Fleance with a tackle attack before she had even realised that any commands had been issued! Fleance staggered backwards slightly, but wasn't too injured. "Next time, give it a Low Kick!" Again the voltorb sped towards Fleance, faster than Sofia's eyes could follow, and again, Fleance was hit before he could retaliate. Again, and again, each individual attack not that powerful, but the cumulative effect of repeated hits was beginning to take its toll on Fleance. Suddenly, as Static smashed into Fleance once more, he managed to get his timing right, and slammed his foot out into the voltorb, sending it flying away like a football. He ran after it, as Sofia yelled out, "Quick, Karate Chop now!" and crashed his hand into Static in a punishing stroke. However, even as he made contact, Static's trainer called out to it, "Quick, Thunder Wave!" Waves of paralyzing energy coursed through Fleance's body, causing him to spasm uncontrollably, before falling to the ground. Sofia realised that there was no point in continuing with Fleance; there was nothing more he could do. "Well done Fleance, you did great. Now return..." She looked at the voltorb, who looked ready to collapse as well. "Well, whatever this is, it can't be that bad, right?" Trembling slightly with nervousness, she wiped the sweat and rain from her brow, and released the pokemon... "WHAT!?" Sofia's cry of rage could be heard reverberating around. "MAGIKARP!?" Flopping about helplessly on the ground, the magikarp was a hapless target for a quick thundershock from Static. The bolt of electrical energy slammed into the fish, and knocked it out with one hit! Sofia fumed silently, cursing her luck. Magikarp! "I'll take... Your spearow! It's the only worthwhile pokemon you've got!" Her opponent stood opposite her with a huge, smug grin pasted on his face. Reluctantly, and still raging inside, Sofia handed over Grouch's pokeball. If looks could kill, Sofia's opponent would have been leaving in a coffin; as it was, he was leaving with a new pokemon. "Keep the fish, young woman, and thanks for the battle!" "Patronising little..." Sofia muttered profanities just below an audible range, "Damn magikarp, what use is it?" Sofia turned to face Alex, looking downwards, since she couldn't bear to make eye contact, when she saw Nik standing with him. Suddenly shocked, she just gaped. "When did you get here?" "I've been here long enough... long enough to see you lose! Well, at least Ted here was kind enough to let you keep Grace, eh!?" "Wha...?" Sofia was completely bemused. Alex looked at the ground, embarrassed. "Well, it was all... sorta planned... Nik wanted to see how far you'd progressed..." he muttered. "You mean... You mean all of that was... a test!?" Sofia almost shouted. She couldn't believe it. But somehow, she managed to stay calm, suppressing the anger that was welling up inside her again; her priority now was to get her pokemon healed. That didn't stop her from feeling resentment towards her opponent, towards Nik, but most of all, towards Alex, by whom she felt betrayed. "He could have told me!" she fumed in the privacy of her own head, where it made no difference to her that he had indeed warned her not to battle. "At least I got a new pokemon out of it; and it's not like Grouch even liked me, and I certainly didn't like him... Hah! I didn't even have him for long enough to hate him properly!" She tried to console herself, as she was blindfolded and led towards Marco, but she realised that she felt such raw anger, and at the same time was so close to tears. Losing a hard earned companion for a pathetic fish hurt! "Stupid magikarp..." She climbed onto Marco's back in high dudgeon, feeling more alone after Alex's 'treachory' and missing home more than ever. Pokemon training was certainly not as fun as she'd hoped. * * * * * *