DC POWER POKEMON TRAINER ………..part 1 Chap 1 Where should I start……. Dc was sitting on his bed thinking. Tomorrow was his big day that he would start his quest and he still didn't no where he would start. Would he start at pallet town, home of professor oak. Or would he start at professor ivy's in the orange islands. Or lastly would he start in at new bark town home of professor elm. Thinking it over he decided on New bark town. That's where his mother started and she had become the gym leader for viridian city, with her flying types she rarely lost a match. And the other good thing about New Bark town is that instead of getting a choice of three pokemon you get to use a masterball to capture your first pokemon. His mum yelled out, "get too sleep or youll sleep in and miss your flight hun". So, Dc closed his eyes and dreamt of how he would first become the pokemon master then become a gym leader for mango island. Dc woke up startled. The local dodrio had yelled out and he realised its either really early or really late. He soon realised it was the latter. His mum yelled out, "are you ready yet, we only have 15 minutes to get too the airport". Dc jumped out of bed, put on his black denim jeans, a white shirt and his black trenchcoat. He wore the coat because he liked it not cause of the coldness. He ran downstairs kissed his mum and took off.he was halfway down the street when his mum came flying past on her pidgeot and asked him if he would like a ride. Greatful, he hopped on and they took off. They arrived within 2 mins and started talking. Just when they finished the loud speaker said, "will Dc Holmes report too the water plane please. He said goodbye to his mother and she chucked him something. It turned out to be a pokeball. His mother yelled look after him 4 me. He took off with a tear in his eye realizing how much he would miss his mother. Chap 2 About an hour later, he arrived at New Bark town and walked too professor elms place. On the way he let out his pokemon to discover something he'd never seen before. The pokemon snuggled against his leg playfully showing it liked its new trainer. Dc walked into elms house and said hello. Elm jumped when he saw the pokemon at Dc's side. How…..How…..How'd you get that pokemon, he asked. My mother gave it to me before I left, Dc said. By the way, Dc asked Elm, do you no what it is? Elm replied simply by saying, Yes my boy…..it's a Larvitar….a very strong ground type who is hard too train. Although this one looks rather affectionate. Anyway, Id like to let you get on your way. Heres your masterball, your backpack, pokedex with and your poke supplies. Dc said his goodbyes and left Elms laboratory in a hurry. From Elms he went north, instead of going west like most trainers. He picked up his pokedex and found out what moves larvitar had. He had bite, sandstorm, leer, and skullbash. Pretty good arent you he said to larvitar. He just smiled and said larvitar. After walking for about ten minutes they came across a bush that was moving. Behind the bush there turned out to be a nidoran male. Dc decided to test larvitars strength. "Start off with leer attack", he exclaimed. The nidoran was paralyzed with fear. It then let out a cry and charged larvitar. "larvitar……blow him away with sandstorm", Dc shouted. To his surprise nidoran fainted. He through a pokeball and caught my first pokemon. Dc and larvitar danced around happily together. Soon they continued on their journey when they came across a small pond. Dc decided to set up camp and spend the night here. He released nidoran and gave it some potion. Nido nidoran it said happily as it regained its health. Dc checked his pokedex and seen nidorans moves. He had horn attack, tackle, poison sting and growl. The pokedex said that he is almost ready too evolve. Cool, Dc said and nidoran agreed. Dc decided to catch 1 more pokemon for the moment so he and nidoran walked around a bit while larvitar guarded the tent and suplies. He heard a cry and looked on the ground to my left. There lay a little baby snorlax next to a bigger snorlax, who wasn't moving. He looked closer at the big snorlax and realised it had a big gash in its head so Dc tried to calm the little snorlax down. Then too his surprise it clung too my leg as if it wanted Dc to protect it. Then out of a bush nearbye walked a houndoom with an evil grin on its face. Dc immediately new what had happened at the scene and also noticed what would happen if he didn't act fast. Dc shouted nidoran use your horn attack now. Nidoran obliged and charged the houndoom. The houndoom yelped and took off. Then nidoran started glowing. It grew bigger and soon Dc realised he no longer owned a nidoran but a nidorino. The baby snorlax looked at how happy we were together and walked up as if to ask if it could come with us. To save it some trouble Dc asked it if it would like too come with him. A moment later the snorlax was hugging Dc around the leg again. Dc handed him a pokeball and he climbed in. Dc called out the snorlax and used his pokedex to find info on his new pokemon. The pokedex told himd the snorlax was a measely 2 weeks old and that's why its so small. It also stated that in a few weeks it should grow too be a full sized snorlax. Lastly it said that if raised right, the snorlax will only eat the same a s any normal pokemon. I was ecstatic. I quickly remembered too check snorlaxes moves and all that was said was absorb, headbutt, and rest. Me, nidorino and my new pokemon snorlax walked back too camp and slept through the night soundly. Chap 3 They awoke too the yell of a female trainer. Wake up, she screamed. Dc stood up and said "whats the big idea. Then switching from angry young trainer too sweet innocent little girl she said I want a battle. Dc angry at being awoken, rose to the challenge so he could get his revenge for being woken up. I choose you machop she said. Snorlax go, Dc replied. You call that a snorlax. Lets show this rookie how too fight machop said the girl. Use your karate chop the trainer said. Snorlax absorb, dc stated calmly. The attack was absorbed into snorlaxes stomach to the trainers surprise. Machops hand was stuck. Hehe, Dc grinned. Snorlax, finish it with headbutt was the last thing machop heard before blacking out. The girl growled and then said "Joey calls tangela". So your names joey eh, said Dc. Ok snorlax return. Nidorino go. Vine whip shouted Joey. Dodge those vines and use your leer attack nidorino, Dc ordered. Tangela, stunspore exclaimed Joey. Quick nidorino use poison sting to finish the match said Dc. Nidorino made it to tangela and performed his task just as he was paralyzed causing a double ko. Joey looked dissapointed and called out her last pokemon. Go……polytoad. Obviously at a disadvantage, Dc called larvitar. Quick sandstorm, yelled Dc. The storm started and poly toad was in pain. Water gun said Joey as the polytoad shot a cannon of water from its mouth. Now finish with metronome. Larvitar, quick, use skullbash, Dc stressed. The sandstorm cleared and both larvitar and polytoad were unconscious. Good match Joey said and asked if he would like a tm for his troubles. He hapily excepted and took the agility tm. Then, Joey muttered something to Dc. He was surprised but said yes and Joey joined Dc on his journey to become a master pokemon trainer. Just as Dc took Joey to camp, he noticed a small magikarp being dive bombed by wild spearow in the pond. Feeling sorry for the weakling pokemon, Dc told larvitar to use its sandstorm on the spearows. The spearows flew away and Dc threw a pokeball at the magikarp, easily capturing it. He then quickly released it and sprayed it with a potion. The magikarp suddenly came alive and his spirits lifted as he realized he now had a trainer. Dc returned his new magikarp justas joey stated that was a really nice thing too do um………. I don't know your name. Its Dc. Well that was a real nice thing to do Dc. I blushed and said it was nothing. Then we packed up my tent and suplies and started making our way towards violet city so I could get my first badge. End of chap 3 This is my first fic and I hope you all like it my name is Dane and E-mail is scrotumsax@hotmail.com