Part two Disclaimer: no I still don’t own pokemon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Misty and Brock came up behind Ash as he was sitting on the bench. He pointedly looked away from Misty. They sat starring in opposite directions until the bus pulled into view. Ash gathered up his back pack and waited until the doors of the bus opened and sprang up into a seat next to an old man making sure that there was no open room for an one to sit next to him. Brock and Misty got on the bus with pikachu instep. The pokemon leapt lightly in his friends lap and then was fast asleep. Misty secretly envied the fact that Pikachu could just sit on those jeans whenever he wanted without anyone questioning his motives. The old man was looking at the youth sitting next to him. Ash had bought a new wardrobe specifically for this visit to his mother. It exactly matched the outfit he left in six years ago except that it was clean and it fit him. Also he had a designer air brush “Yes I have clean underwear on!” on to the chest of the black T-shirt. The old man chuckled at this. Misty was wearing her usual top and suspenders but with a jean skirt and the same old pony tail. Brock was going for the tough look now (thinks it will attract girls; the poor dope). He has the same mop of black hair but he’s now sporting a five o’clock shadow. To point out the bad to the bone attitude he had put on a black tank top and camouflage pants. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (four hours later) The sound of a thunder storm woke ash up rather than the amount of electricity flowing through him, he had gotten used to that. “ O.K. Pikachu I’m up.” pikachu said. The trio got off the bus and started the long walk to see Ash’s mom. As they went they passed Ash’s old house and they waved to the people living in it now. The residents immediately recognized Ash he had become sort of a hero in Pallet town. They finally made it to the base of the hill that led up to Professor Oak’s research facility. By this time Ash had cooled of from the mornings events and called playfully to the others “Last one to the top looks like Misty’s psyduck.” he was easily the first one to the top followed by Misty. They looked down at their friend struggling up the hill. He was strong as an ox but he had lost some of his speed. “That’s it tomorrow we are going to the gym and you’re doing some cardio.” called Ash then he turned around to knock on the door. But as he reached for the door Mr. Mime blew through the door and embraced him crushing his ribs. “Yes, I’m glad to see you too!” Ash exclaimed through clenched teeth, as the other two were reduced to fits of laughter. Delia Ketchum was right behind Mr. Mime "Oh my little boy, are you..." Ash opened up his shirt "Well I Guess you are" "Hows Dad" "I'm doing fine" came the gentle voice of Professor Oak. It took a little adjusting before Ash could talk to his new dad without calling him Proffesor every few minutes. Ash looked at his older father and say a bunch of sludge marks on his crisp lab coat. "So I Take it Muck knows I'm here" "Absolutely" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rest of the day past preatty uneventfully. Ash visited all off his pokemon. Seeing as he now has one of every kind and an entire heard of toros this took a while. After this the little family and their freinds went to bed. They all sadi their prairs. And if any one besides God listened in on Ash and Misty's they would have been rolling with laugh as they prayed "Please God give me the strength and courage to tell Ash/Misty how I feel About him/her soon... Please!"