Note: I do not own pokemon! I only own Lunas and the characters that I create. Do not sue.. I only have 2 cent…>< Forgivable He looked around, sniffing the air for any sign of the girl from earlier. Her image was still fresh in his mind- braided black-purple hair, ice blue eyes, a glint of metal underneath her black cloak, and her left cheek… a scar in the shape of a cross. He wondered how she received it. “Aberon, we have to keep going.” whimpered the small brown and white creature in front of him. The absol, Aberon, nodded, taking longer strides to keep up with the pup. `This kid is trying to kill me...` Aberon thought, barely able to keep up with the eevee. “Tsuraska, you might want to slow yourself. You’ll get tired more quickly if you keep this pace.” the absol huffed, the breeze tickling his shiny, off-white fur. “Please do…” huffed the large creature behind them. She was the size of the legendary fire dog, Entei, give or take an inch or two. Her fur was black with bright, white stripes. The cream-colored fur around her muzzle stuck up, the same with the fur on her ankles. On her left ear are several different earrings, but only one on the right. Around her neck was a choker with the letter ‘L’ on the front and a necklace with a cross on it. Around her ankles were thick, black metal bracelets. Around her tail were two, thick, yet light, silver bracelets. The tip of her tail was like a lions, yet larger and longer. “Quite chur winin’ Lunas!” growled a tan dog with nine tails to the right of Tsuraska. On its back was a black creature with blue markings. It was out cold. “Is Paramadel alright, Viridian?” Tsuraska asked, stopping beside a rather large boulder. “He is for now.” The ninetails replied. “But I do not know for how much longer he will last. Bluefire dealt him a great blow.” “We only have a small ways to go before we get to Markoehn. We should be there before night. Maybe…” Aberon said as he walked towards the ridge in front of them. Meanwhile, on a large ferry headed towards the desert city of Markoehn, a young girl in a black cloak with her three friends is on the way to beginning her pokemon journey…