The Outcast Part 3 General Disclaimer: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo, Game Freak, etc. It does NOT belong to me. Continued from part 2... Isaac could barely sleep, since he'd be getting his first Pokemon the next day. ((That's the brief summary, onto part 3!)) He woke up hours before his alarm went off. Isaac was in such a hurry, he didn't bother to look at the clock or tell his parents saying that he was off. He ran and he ran and he ran and then an idea hit him. He turned right at the last minute, still running, towards Mike's house. He'd show that kid once in for all. Isaac tapped lightly at Mike's window. "Psst! Hey! Wake up sleepy head!" Isaac said in a whisper. He rapped the window again. "Psst! Come on!" Finally, after a couple minutes of this, Mike finally pulled up the blinds, eyes swollen from the lack of sleep. Mike gave Isaac the one-second signal, closed the blinds and came back out a couple minutes later. "Sleepy head? Look at the time bozo! This is BEFORE the early birds get up," Matt said in a groggy voice. "I'll show you the Seviper," Isaac said firmly. "You mean as in a picture you drew from your brain?" he said jokingly. "No. I mean the real thing." Isaac's voice was dead serious. "Come on, it's at Professor Elm's lab." **** Mike threatened to collapse on the road as the two started running towards Elm's laboratory. Isaac knocked on the door frantically, and knocked on Elm's chest again on accident. "Sheesh, I do that a lot," he muttered to himself. "What on earth? What are you two doing here?" Elm asked in a croaky voice. "Oh Isaac, it's you. I'm guessing you're here for Seviper?" "You bet!" Mike's eyes widened in shock, and Isaac savored every second of it. "Well you're licensed, and Seviper's ready to go. Mike, you got a Sandshrew as a present right? I got you licensed too. Come on in," Elm seemed to have awakened in the last five minutes. They entered a room in the lab, where the Seviper was. He seemed to be awake, hungry. Elm groaned, muttering something about Sevipers and their appetites. He went into a closet off to the right, and poured out three spoonfuls on Pokemon food into its bowl. "Since this Seviper was raised at such a young age, it's very tamed and docile. However, it still has its vicious instincts so you have to be a little careful. It still has some emotional stress from being abandoned. And Mike, I assume you're going off with Isaac right?" "Uh...well it was supposed to be a surprise, but hey Isaac, wanna go with me to become Pokemon masters?" Mike said. "Sure, why not?" Isaac said. Isaac was glad he got a traveling buddy with him; otherwise he was most definitely going to get lost in forests. "Here's Seviper's pokeball, and I added its data onto your new pokedex!" He handed Mike and Isaac brand new, shiny pokedexes. "Sweet! Seviper! Return!" The massive viper materialized into a red beam, and returned into the pokeball. "Good luck Mike and Isaac, hope to see you challenging the Elite Four," Professor Elm said. Mike was still pretty speechless at the sight of this new Pokemon, and most likely a little envious. But then, he remembered his Sandshrew and was thankful that he at least had a Pokemon at all. He knew many people that would probably never get a Pokemon in their lifetime. They shook hands with the professor, went home to say their final goodbyes, and met at the city boundary. "Dude! That's so awesome! You got a Seviper! I never heard of those things before!" Mike exclaimed. "Neither have I, it was abandoned and I found it being chewed up by Houndours so I rescued it. Go! Seviper!" Isaac called out his Seviper. The serpent seemed to have remembered that Isaac saved it's life during the brief seconds it was able to open it's eyes. He immediately smiled ((as much as snakes can smile)) at Isaac, and licked Isaac's face. Of course, lick was also an attack so Isaac was nearly paralyzed, but Seviper didn't lick that hard. "HEY! ISAAC LET'S BATTLE!" Mike said. "GO! Sandshrew!" "Sandshrew. Sand" cried the yellow mouse. "Go! Seviper!" "HISSSSSS! SSSeviper!!" It towered over Sandshrew. "Shrew!! EEK!!" "Hand in there, buddy, scratch attack!" "NO! Seviper! Wrap! Then lick!" Before Sandshrew could attack, the huge snake wrapped its body around Sandshrew, nearly choking it. Then, Seviper licked harshly against Sandshrew's cheek, paralyzing it. "Snap out of it!" Mike urged. Sandshrew shook off the brief paralyzed moment, and started scratching uncontrollably at Seviper's midsection. "Don't let that bug ya! Wrap harder!" Soon, Sandshrew could barely breathe, and it was seeing black spots. "Defense curl! Now!" The mouse curled into a ball, no longer being affected by the wrap attack. Lick wouldn't work either. "Seviper! Throw Sandshrew!" Isaac commanded. Seviper did as told. The serpent loved this. Finally, Pokemon he could battle. He liked Isaac better than Greg by a long shot. Seviper picked Sandshrew with its hind tail, and then threw it. Sandshrew hit a tree that happened to be there, and fainted. "Dang...that Seviper packs a wallop." Mike said, his head lowered in submission. "I'll just twitch my eyes in silent protest." "How about taking Sandshrew over there to the Pokemon center hmm?" "Oh ya, and that too." Since Seviper got scratched up, Isaac also placed Seviper in the center. During that time, he grabbed a sandwich ((free to trainers)) and started eating one. Mike followed suit. "Mmph, you guys are awfully early. Your battling probably woke up half of the neighborhood," Nurse Joy said sleepily as she place Seviper and Sandshrew's pokeball in the Revival Machine. She yawned, and rubbed her eyes. "Yo, I think we should give a nickname to our Pokemon. After all, they're our starters." Mike suggested. "Hm...Venom sounds too girly...Poison is too gay...HEY I GOT IT!! How about Fang? After all, Seviper has huge fangs." Isaac said. "Good point," Mike acknowledged, "I think I'll name my Sandshrew...BLADE!!" Mike shouted in enthusiasm. "Blade? Are you referring to Sandshrew's miniature sized claws? That kind of blade? How sad." Isaac said mockingly. "Well, when it turns into a Sandslash, it looks like it has blades on its back." Mike said. "Ah." "Ok guys, your Pokemon are fully healed, now be quieter when you battle ok? It's still 6:30." Nurse Joy said cheerfully. Out of earshot, Joy grumbled something about thinking the early morning thing was only when starters were given out. "Ok, thanks! We'll see you later, if we ever come to this town again." Isaac said. **** The pair walked through the grassy trails just out of town. They occasionally spotted Pidgey and Rattata, but both Isaac and Mike were conservative when it came to choosing Pokemon, they only wanted the strongest. Besides, the Pokemon they actually saw ran away too quickly. The next town, Cherrygrove, was about ten miles away. Hundreds of trails and several woods covering a huge area separated the two towns; it was easy for two people to get lost. Fortunately, Mike remembered to pick up a map at the Center. "Let's see, at this fork, we take a left...going towards that tree shaped like a Caterpie," Mike said, his eyes furiously studying the map. Isaac and Mike entered a huge forest, with hardly any sunlight penetrating. Spinarak infested the huge oak trees. The trail was barely recognizable, covered by weeds and... "EEW!! THAT'S CRAP! FOR REALS!! THAT'S A BIG PILE OF S***!!" Mike said, his neck hairs standing on end. Mike's short blonde hair seemed to stand even higher, and his green eyes started paling. "Get over it," Isaac said. "It's probably dung from a Weedle, nothing we want to catch." "It is physically impossible for a Weedle to be able to contain that large about of crap." Mike informed. "Let's let the Pokedex tell us," Isaac said, pointing the pokedex at the pile of dung. "And get this stupid ordeal over with you pansy," Isaac grumbled, soft enough so Mike wouldn't hear. "This dung is from the Pokemon Raticate. Raticate use the same area to do their business, and will continue pooping there until they die," the pokedex told them. "I didn't want to know that much about pooping habits of Raticate," Isaac's tanned face turned a slight shade of green. "Whoa, I want a Raticate!" Mike said. Isaac gave an exasperated sigh. "Ok, so they don't have the best stats in the world, but neither does your earthworm, and Raticate looks somewhat menacing, especially for beginners like me." Isaac rolled his eyes. Then he sighed. "Ok, you can catch it. But how?" "Simple. Eventually, this Raticate would have to uh...come back so we'll just wait under cover of that bush," Mike paused to point to a prickly bush, "and wait for Raticate to come back." So wait they did. Hour after hour after hour after hour. Finally, when the sun started to set, the Raticate they were waiting for came. "Here we go," Mike whispered. "Huh? Wha-? I just woke up. Mmph." "Go! Blade! Scratch!" Sandshrew scratched the surprised Raticate. Then, Blade lost it's footing and fell in the pile of Raticate dung. Raticate tackled Blade, and the undignified Sandshrew scratched so furiously, Raticate fainted. "Go! Pokeball!" After several beeps, Raticate stopped struggling, and Mike caught his first Pokemon. "Sweet! Now let's clean you up Blade." Sandshrew didn't get the Blade thing, since Mike forgot to explain his Pokemon about its new name in his hastiness. "Shrew?" To Be Continued... Author's Note: I'm wondering if these episodes are too long for you people. Please tell me. Since my name is pretty far down on the registered user's list, I won't expect that many reviews, but if you happen to see go to Cya guys later. Part 4 is being worked on. As soon as I click "save" =)