Chapter One, "Zapped In Poke' World" "Itzu! Time for Bed!" Itzu mom yelled down the hall." Just a minute Mom, I'm in the middle of a battle…I can't save right now, but as soon as possible I'll save!……."Boop! All saved! She put her game boy advance on her night table and picked up all her Pokemon figures then put them in their basket. As she lie in bed Thinking about that night's episode. Audrey couldn't go to sleep so she turned on her GBA. Right when she turned it on she was zapped inside! She seemed to have been transported there. Suddenly she hit the ground hard. Then things went blurry. She became dizzy and light-headed, and then Audrey fainted. She Woke up and found her self in The pokemon center. She sat up. "Lay back you still need rest." said Nurse Joy who just came in from a door. "What happed?" Audrey asked. "You were out cold and three kids found you and brought you here." "Who were they? Are they still here? I have to thank them!" I exclaimed. "They're still here waiting to see if you're all right." Audrey walked with Nurse Joy to the lobby. Who are the trainers who saved Audrey? Find out in the next chapter "Pokemon 4 Audrey"!!!