Chapter 4: The Purple Aura Found You Route 5-Kanto/ En Route to Cerulean 12:54 PM/ Friday That’s not a pokemon, Karma thought to herself. She had spotted a Growlithe. Walking alongside some pokemon trainer down Route 5 towards her and had immediately gotten the feeling that the Growlithe was much more than what it appeared to be. As the trainer and the Growlithe passed by her, the trainer gave her attire a stunned gawk and gave her a faint, pitying, smile. The Growlithe ignored her completely. It wasn’t unusual for people to stare in surprise at her clothing. She was dressed completely in purple. From her jeans to her hair, which had been dyed. Purple. She turned around on the spot and surveyed the back of the Growlithe through narrowed eyes. A blue aura? No way! She thought. “Excuse me!” she said out to them. The Growlithe and the trainer froze and she walked towards them. “Uh, can I help y-,” said the trainer but Karma cut him off by walking right past him and approached the Growlithe. “Huh?” “Your not a real pokemon are you?” she asked the puppy which was now looking up at her. Karma looked into the Growlithe’s eyes and the Growlithe looked into her eyes. Finally it opened it’s mouth and said calmly, “Purple contacts?” Karma had asked the Growlithe a question but had not actually expected a verbal response. She was a little surprised by this but recovered quickly. “No, my eyes are…naturally purple,” she said. Chris sighed. He was bending over a pot, trying to mix in spices, vegetables, and salt into a stew while trying to tend to the fire. Behind him Growlithe and the weird girl were talking enigmatically. After their unusual introduction earlier, the girl had decided that she was hungry and tired. Growlithe had agreed and they had stopped at a spot a little ways from the main route road to make a little camp for lunch. Chris had been charged with making and preparing lunch the food while the girl and Growlithe just laid about lazily. It turns out the girl’s name was Karma Metrawire. She was a teenager from some other region, her occupation was something she called a "Friend", although she failed to elaborate . Somehow, by just looking at Growlithe when they had walked past her earlier, she had managed to find out the puppy was for lack of a better word, unusual. She had also almost completely ignored Chris, instead referring directly to Growlithe when speaking and only saying to him once, "get started on lunch". He sighed again, he really disliked her. “How did you know I wasn’t a ‘real pokemon’?” asked Growlithe from some grass he was laying on. “Your aura. It’s blue,” said Karma serenely from a boulder she was sitting cross-legged on. “My aura?” “Yeah, I’ve always been able to see the aura of living things,” she stretched and yawned. “Yours is blue.” “So…a blue aura…is weird?” asked Chris, more to himself than anything, he was not really expecting an answer. “Yup! For a pokemon anyways,” said Karma. Chris was so surprised to have gotten an answer, he dropped a potato. Karma took a deep breath and then said back to Chris with a touch of annoyance, “Don’t be such a klutz.” “What do you mean, 'for a pokemon'?” asked Growlithe. “When it comes to the auras of living things,” Karma explained while closing her eyes, “they come in three forms.” Chris dropped some potato slices into the pot. He couldn’t help but think that Karma was a 100 percent certified nut. Talking about auras and dressed like she belonged in a crayon box. Yet he really was in no position to point fingers at insanity. He had after all, just agreed a few days ago to help a living pokemon avenge it’s murder. That perhaps was stranger than talking about auras. “If I look closely, I can see a colored fire surrounding a living thing. In other words, an aura,” said Karma with closed eyes. “Humans are blue, pokemon are red, and plants are green.” “You said I have blue…so I have a human’s aura?” asked Growlithe with a touch of curiosity in it’s voice. “Huh…am I the only thing you’ve ever seen with a wrong colored aura?” “No…actually once…” Karma’s voice dropped and Chris looked back from the fire and saw that she had a troubled look on her face. “A long time ago, I saw a man with pokemon that all had black aura. Those pokemon…well they just felt…wrong, evil…shadowy.” “Shadowy?” asked Growlithe. “That was a long time ago though. A long time ago, another region ago,” finished Karma, it was obvious she didn’t want to continue down that road of conversation. The importance of the information that Growlithe had a ‘human aura’ was not lost on Chris. He turned around and gave Growlithe a fleeting look. They were both in agreement, whether this girl, Karma, was a loony or not, her saying that Growlithe was somehow human could shed some light on the question Chris and Growlithe had been wondering about for the last three days. Had Growlithe been human? Since last Wenesday, when Chris had agreed to help Growlithe, the two had been working towards finding information about the Growlithe before it was murdered. They hadn’t found much, nor would they. They had plenty of leads, but until they found something secure, they could not proceed. However, based off the information that they had gathered, Chris had an idea of what to do. He had not yet told Growlithe of his plan, but he had hinted that he had an idea, and this had been good enough for Growlithe. So they were on their way towards Saffron City. Towards Chris’ ‘idea’. Yet, Chris’ plan was totally based on unverified information. If they were wrong, they could totally miss their chance. It was in this manner that Karma was a godsend. She could be crazy but if she could somehow tell them more about Growlithe, then maybe Chris’ plan could have some strong foundation. They just needed to know more. Yet…being able to see auras can’t really be called a strong foundation, mused Chris as he stirred the stew, which was starting to bubble. “How can you see auras?” asked Chris. For the first time, Karma turned back at him and answered his question while looking at him. “Don’t drop the potatoes this time ‘kay? I suppose you could call me a psychic.” “Psychic?” said Chris, his hopes for solid information dropping. “Well, not really. I’ve heard of those people with amazing psychic ability, like Sabrina of Saffron. I’m nothing like that. I’m a mediocre psychic to be sure.” This was true, there were actual psychics out there, like Sabrina. Chris himself had encountered a few in his journeys. It wasn’t a complete stretch to believe that Karma could also be gifted with some psychic power. “Well Karma, what else can you tell about Growlithe with your…ability?” asked Chris carefully. He wanted information from her, but he didn’t want it to seem like they absolutely needed it. For some reason, she struck him as a crafty person and he didn’t want to give her any leverage at all. Karma didn’t say anything at all for almost a full minute, suddenly she sprang up on top of the boulder she was sitting on and gave a long stretch and yawn. “Karma?” Chris asked, turning around sure that he had once again been ignored. “My psychic ability may be limited but I really excel at empathy,” she said finally. “Empathy?” asked Growlithe from the grass. “Reading emotions. I can tell when people lie and how they feel,” Karma turned and looked directly at Chris again. “I can tell that he doesn’t like me. So I’ve been ignoring him.” “N-no…it’s not that I don’t like you, it’s-,” said Chris quickly while suddenly feeling very exposed. “It’s alright, I don’t care. I’m used to it,” she said flatly and turned back to face Growlithe. “Though, it’s interesting. When he asked if there was anything else I could tell about Growlithe, all I was able to read from both of you was tension. Pure tension.” Growlithe and Chris looked at each other and back at Karma. “So here’s my conclusion teacher,” she said while closing and opening her fists in quick succession. “You guys need information on Growlithe. Anything you can get. The more the better. You guys are doing something and the only way it’ll work is if you get info on Growlithe. So you guys were gonna sucker me into giving you any information I could about lil ol’ Growlithe, then you were gonna ditch me and go on with whatever it is you were doing.” She paused there and took a few quick breaths. Growlithe took the moment and gave a long low bark like noise that sounded surprisingly like a whistle. “You make us out to be nothing but deviants and rascals, you do.” Chris was shaking a little. His mouth felt dry. Everything she had said was spot on to what he had basically been planning. She deduced it all from a feeling. He had been right, she was crafty. Worse yet, now she had leverage. “So the question now is, will I help thee?” asked karma, but it almost seemed like she was asking some unknown source because her eyes were closed. “Look…we didn’t mean to…use you…we just-,” Chris wasn’t sure what to feel right now. He felt shame but now that he knew she could read him through what he felt, his emotions were in a tangle. “It’s okay, I’m used to people thinking they can use me,” she said flatly. “Also, don’t try to mask you emotions. From what I’ve seen, it makes people a nervous wreck and they can’t think fluently.” Growlithe didn’t look shameful or worried. Or maybe it did, but maybe the Growlithe emotion for shame looked a lot like amusement. Either way, Chris couldn’t figure it out. “Anyway, let’s cut to the deal,” Karma said suddenly. “Deal?” asked Chris. “Your not getting info from me for free,” she simply said. “I’ll tell you everything about Growlithe I can find, and in return, I get to come on your adventure.” “You want to come…” said Chris a little surprised. “It sounds fun in any case,” said Karma. “So you get information, and I get to know where you guys are going and what your doing. Then I can choose go with you if it sounds like fun.” Chris and Growlithe looked at each other. Chris felt concerned while Growlithe still looked simply amused. “Anyway, have your answer ready after lunch,” said Karma while getting off the boulder. “After…lunch?” asked Chris. “Yup,” answered Karma. She point behind him at the pot he had forgotten. “Looks and smells done. So I guess it’s done. Lets eat.”