Narrator: Last time you joined us just as some strange force was building up an army against all pokemon. Mew shivered as he seemed to hear a strange, dark laughter on the wind, and for once in his live, he was afraid for the future of all pokemon kind. If he was to convince the others that there was a threat, he would have to risk his own life to expose it. As the others argued, he slipped away into the darkness, only to run into a small Pichu. “Pardon me great Mew, but I know of what you go to face, and I offer my help.” “You should go home before you are hurt young Pichu.” “I cannot, too many of my playmates have gone missing. We all promised we would be friends forever, no matter what. If you don’t want me to come, you’re going to have to disable me yourself, for nothing else shall stop me.” “All right, you may come.” The two traveled in silence, to a place not to far from where they had startedit was dark and desolate, the kind of place you’d expect an evil person to be. Mew levitated Pichu into the dark castle that had appeared out of no where. They both shivered as they entered the hallway. “We have been expecting you.” An unknown shaped like an ‘A’ said, “please walk this way.” Pichu walked slowly behind the two floating pokemon, wondering why he had ever wanted to do this in the first place. As they walked by the hall, they saw a few small pokemon. Pichu squealed happily as it saw its two friends, a magby and an igglybuff. They turned and his happiness turned to an icy feeling as they turned to see him. There eyes were a dark black, a void that scared Pichu, it was if there was no warmth left in them. “Guy’s it’s me Pichu, don’t you remember?” he cried, but they just continued to stare blankly at him, “You monster!” he screeched, sparks flying from his cheeks, not caring that he was hurting himself, “What have you done to my friends!” Laughter rang through the room full of zombie like pokemon, and then, standing where the ‘A’ unknown had been, there was a strange pokemon, all black in color with a red jewel in its forehead. “So these are the heroes I am to confront, a Mew on its own and a weak Pichu? If this is all they are going to send, then this is going to be easier than I thought.” The strange pokemon powered up, sending Mew flying with a dark attack. Mew snarled as he struggled against the strange bonds holding him in place. Pichu, now very afraid, powered up his most powerful attack, thundershock. The dark pokemon lifted its hand and the attack seemed to absorb right into his hand. He laughed, and Pichu felt for the first time, hopelessness. “You will both join my army and then we can begin the attack on the rest of the so called gods.” “I won’t let you.” Pichu said as it powered up for another attack “And what are you going to do about it.” Pichu hung its head, no matter what it did; the strange pokemon would continue to absorb his attacks. Then he remembered something that his mother had told him, that he was able to evolve if he felt a powerful enough emotion for someone. The best he could come up with was hate, and as he thought about how much he hated the strange pokemon for hurting his friends, he felt something strange. “Pikachu” he yelled his new name out loud to the world. He had evolved. “So you’re a Pikachu now, how is that going to make a difference.” “You’re wrong. Every pokemon can make a difference.” And this time, as he powered up, he could feel something different, and loosed his most powerful attack, a thunder attack straight at the red jewel on the strange pokemon’s head. He started to cry in pain, and Pikachu used a second thunder attack to free Mew. “We have to get out of here, to tell the other gods what is happening.” Pikachu managed through pants. Mew nodded, and teleported them both back to the cave where the gods were still arguing. “You must listen to me!” Pikachu yelled, but they didn’t stop, so he threw a few thunderbolts into the air, causing everyone to look his way, “You gods are our last hope. I have seen with my own eyes what happens to those taken by the darkness, and I refuse to let anyone else to be taken. You must band together to stop this menace now.” “I have seen this too, and I say we fight to get our young ones back.” “And why should we listen to you both?” The arguing continued, with Mew and Pikachu trying to catch there attention. “This is useless!” Pikachu finally cried out, and left the cave, out to where he knew his friends were. They seemed surprised that he had evolved, but welcomed him back all the same. “It’s come to this, our friends, and loved ones have been stolen by someone strange. If we don’t do something, soon we will all be like them, zombies! The gods will not fight for us! So I say we do it ourselves! The first step is to make peace with the other types! It may not be easy, but together we stand a better chance of stopping this thing!” “Young Pikachu, if what you say is true.” The oldest Pikachu started, “Then you have made an error in coming here. By fighting this thing, you will attract its attention. We are small, and weak compared to it, so why should we fight? In fact, I think the best thing is for you to leave young Pikachu before you attract the wrong attention to us.” “Is it better to be a slave in a world where you have no choice or to fight for a world that we can make better?” “Enough! I will have no more debate. We will stay here in hiding until the darkness comes to claim us, we will not loose anyone else!” “Then if you won’t help me and the gods won’t help me, then I’ll go to every clan leader to find someone who will.” And so she left on a journey to find the clan leaders. Her first stop was to Lyoko, the leader of the Northern fire clan. “Great Lyoko, I’m here to talk to you about something very important. A week ago, I found that a great evil is taking over the land, turning our children into zombies and amassing a large army that if not stopped soon, will sweep us all aside and take over the entire pokemon world.” “It is a great story you tell young Pikachu, but I suspect it is nothing but a story. I think that it is Bubba’s fault that those young charmanders have gone missing. This whole thing must be some plot so that he can get my guard down.” “Please you must listen. I need you to forget your hatred for a minute and get together with Bubba and the rest of the world so that we can fight.” “Young Pikachu, I have heard your story, but now I think it’s time for you to leave, now go before I loose my patience.” Pikachu sighed, and left, going to every clan leader, only to hear the same answer every time, that no one wanted to fight because it meant they could loose everything, or that they believed it was a different clan leader who was causing the problem. Coming back to find Mew, she told him what she had found, and Mew didn’t seem to be surprised. “What will we do now?” Pikachu asked, confused, “Without the clan leaders, there is only you and I.” “Perhaps it is hopeless.” Mew suggested “I don’t want to believe that! If nothing else, I will stand alone when that evil being comes. Even if no one will join me, I will protect my friends and family.” “Here’s your chance.” Mew said as he lifted a paw to the window. Standing on the hill, with an army of black shapes behind it, and an army of small zombies, was the evil thing, “And I promise you that you won’t be alone, one god pokemon will be with you, and that’s me!” Together they stood on the level ground looking up at the evil thing, and they attacked together. The thing laughed, and came down from the hill by himself, throwing Mew back with one attack, Mew’s head hitting a tree. He shook his head, but something kept him still. He watched in silence as the thing picked Pikachu up with its powers and slammed her down several times. On the last time, she didn’t rise, and Mew felt a power rise from deep within himself, and a psychic cry rang across the land that none of the gods or the other pokemon could ignore. “You are all at fault for this! If you had stopped fighting for only a minute, she wouldn’t have been dead! I hope you’re all happy!” and then it stopped, the gods felt anger towards themselves, and towards the thing that had killed an innocent Pikachu, and they began to cry. Tears of power flowed from one point of the world to the other, and to Mew’s amazement, something strange began to happen. The fallen body of the small Pikachu began to glow a golden color. Wings of the purest gold sprang from the body that was no longer small. The creature’s wingtips were silver, and under the wing carriage, was a strange myriad of colors that didn’t seem to begin or ever end. Sparkling, diamond hard claws extended from its feet and when it opened its eyes, the golden color with the different hues seemed to stare into Mew’s soul. If it had a mouth, Mew was sure the strange pokemon would be smiling. The great golden bird swooped down suddenly from the sky, its sharp talons digging into the dark beings shoulder, and dragging it up into the sky. The dark being sprouted dark red wings from its back and soon the two were having an aerial battle. Mew breathed a sigh of relief and awe, and then turned his attention to the battle on the ground. Surprisingly, where there was only the Pikachu and himself, there was a second army of pokemon. Mew, leading one side, easily started to conquer the unknown, but when it came time to deal with the zombie pokemon, everyone hesitated. Looking up at the sky, he saw that the golden pokemon was preparing for another attack and that if he didn’t do something soon, they would never win this war. He looked around, what else could he do? Then, he saw a small acorn, using his power, he warped it into a small ball with a hinge, this would do it. ‘I have an idea, get him close.’ Mew said telepathically to the golden pokemon, who nodded. Opening his beak wide, with wing tips touching, a beam unlike anything Mew had ever seen blasted the black pokemon out of the sky. “This ends now.” Mew said, and tossed the acorn at the black pokemon, using his psychic powers to close the acorn. The golden bird landed next to Mew as all around them, pokemon stared, dazed. The zombie pokemon were running to their parents, and the unknown floated away from the battle zone. “He will eventually break out of there.” Mew stated as the golden pokemon looked him in the eyes. “Then we will make sure that no one ever finds it.” Then the golden pokemon used the strange beam again to blast the acorn into space, “I am tired Mew. This world no longer has the energy to sustain me.” “What can we do?” “Pack everyone up, and lets go, I’ll lead you to a place where there is enough energy. Until then, I will be resting.” The golden pokemon’s wings wrapped around it, and then it a flash of light, there was a golden egg sitting on the ground. Mew and the other gods discussed for a while, and then decided that they would leave to the co-ordinates that the golden pokemon had provided, to prevent another war, the gods agreed to split up. Mew gasped in awe as he first sighted the beautiful planet the golden pokemon had chosen, he was even more impressed when he first met the humans. They and the pokemon became partners, working together to help each other become better. Mew hid the golden egg within the tower that was his home and for a time, he didn’t have to worry, as the humans protected his tower… End chapter