Disclaimer: This fanfic contains scenes of violence and some strong language. Recommended for ages 13 and up. * * * * * Destructive Virtue Chapter 1 by Jam SBKidJamX@aol.com * * * * * The rain splashed onto the grassy field. A streak of lightning illuminated the night sky and the two shadowy figures could be seen, locked in a tense battle. The resounding clash of swords could be heard for miles round, as the fight raged on. Even the roar of thunder was but a meek rumble compared to the grunts of the warriors and clanging of the swords. Suddenly, a scream sounded. A scream that can only be associated with that of death. * * * * * Ash stepped into town, his boots kicking up a cloud of dust behind him as he walked. He was glad to have finally made it to this out-of-the-way town; he needed to take a rest before continuing. He walked into the local tavern. The sights, sounds, and smells of other people having a good time had been lost from him for a long time. He'd been out on the road a long time. Taking up a seat on a barstool, he called over the bartender. "Give me some beer." he said, bluntly. He was tired, he didn't really care what he had right now. The bartender nodded and filled a glass for him. Ash took a sip and set his glass back on the counter. "Never seen you around here before." the bartender commented. "Never been here before." Ash replied. "I see. Traveling?" the bartender inquired. "You could say that." Ash smirked. It was more like running. "Searching the world for some lost treasure? Or some other quest?" "Actually...I'm a Pokémon Trainer." At this reply, a look of worry crossed the bartender's face. "In that case, I suggest you head out of town as quickly as possible." the bartender suggested. "And why is that?" Ash inquired. "This town has very strict rules against Pokémon Trainers. To be frank, they don't like 'em much." "Why?" "A long time ago, some Pokémon Trainers came here. Practically tore the entire town apart. Since then, we've outlawed Trainers residing in the town. Any of them that pass through have been jailed." the bartender explained. "I see. Damn. I was hoping to catch some rest and maybe buy some supplies here." "Well, I'm sorry, stranger, but if I were you, I'd hightail it out of here." "Thanks for your help, sir. I think I'll risk staying here a night. Can't hurt." "Whatever you want." Ash payed for his drink and rose from his stool. He started to walk out until the bartender called after him. "Stranger? Be careful." the bartender said, giving Ash a warm smile. Ash nodded, and left towards the hotel. * * * * * "A Trainer? Here?" the man practically spat the word out. "Yes. I overheard him and the bartender at the tavern talking, and he's a Trainer, sure enough." another man said. "Well, I suppose we'll have to take care of him." "When should we strike?" a third said. "Dawn. We'll teach that bastard not to come through our town." * * * * * Ash awoke from his deep sleep, yawning. Sitting up in bed, he noticed that he'd practically kicked off all the covers. He'd never been able to sleep correctly. Not after that horrific night. He sighed and got dressed, packing up his equipment. He went downstairs, paid for the night's sleep, and left the hotel, heading out of town. But before he could, he was stopped by a sharp "Halt!" He turned around to see 3 men dressed in blue coats. "In accordance with our town's laws, you are hereby placed under arrest." the one in front said. Ash was worried this would happen. "Look, I'm leaving town, okay? I didn't leave any bombs in your town or anything." he explained. "You can come quietly or we'll drag you away in pieces, any way you choose it is fine with us." one in the back said. "Is that so?" Ash said, slowly moving his hand toward the hilt of his sword. The 3 men started to advance on Ash. Spinning around, he drew his sword and swung it at one of the men, a dark red line appearing across his chest. The man staggered backwards, holding the wound. The other two drew their swords and ran towards Ash. He backflipped, at the same time drawing out his other sword. The two men stabbed at him, but he blocked their attacks and pinned their swords to the ground with his own. He then jumped up and kicked them both in the face. They fell backwards onto the ground. Ash jumped back and waited for the next attack. The two men stood up, one of them spitting out blood and a knocked-out tooth. The man with the cut across his chest yelled and charged at Ash. Ash lept in the air, flipped over the man, and cut him across his back. The man fell to the ground, blood seeping from his back and onto the ground. The two remaining men circled around Ash, slowly. They both leaped at him at the same time. Ash quickly jumped to the side, and let them crash into each other. Mad as hornets now, the men charged at him in a straight line. Ash quickly ducked under the front man's slash and stabbed him through the middle, blood pouring out of the wound. The man in back, unable to stop in time, impaled himself on Ash's sword which was through the first man. Ash quickly drew his sword out and the two men fell to the ground, gasping for air. Ash sighed. He really didn't want it to come to this. He quickly sheathed his swords and walked out of town. * * * * * Ash stopped at a nearby stream, dipping his swords in the water. The clear, cool stream wiped the blood away from his swords. Ash wondered how he'd become like this: a murderer, a loner. His thoughts wandered back to that night in Pallet... * * * * * Ash awoke to the sound of screams and shouts. Running outside, his jaw dropped at the events unfolding before his eyes. All the houses around had been set afire, the embers from the flames crackling, the fire giving off an eerie red glow to it's surroundings. People were being cut down before his very eyes, by men dressed in all black with a large red "R" on their suits. He quickly ran inside and grabbed the short sword his father had given him. He planned to go inside and help out the townspeople. But he was young and inexperienced; only 11 years old. He was very cumbersome with a sword. He started to run outside, but was stopped by his mother, who held him back. "No, Ash, you can't go out there!" she said, frantically. "Mom, I must help the people! I must!" he said, trying to free himself of her grasp. Ash finally broke free and ran outside to the battlefield, the stench of blood and dead corpses invading his nostrils. One of the attackers came up behind him and raised his dagger. Ash's mom, wailing, dived in front of her son, the attacker's dagger being imbedded in her back. She let out a dying scream, and fell to the ground, blood dripping from her mouth. Ash let out a savage scream, leaped at the attacker, and swung. The attacker's head had been severed clean of his body.... * * * * * Ash came back to reality by the sound of a snapping twig. He spun around to see someone leaping at him, a dagger held in his hand. He quickly dodged to the side, kicked him to the ground, and held his sword to the attacker's neck. Ash reached to pull off his mask, and when he did, the attacker's identity was that of a woman! A look of surprise crossed Ash's face. She was quite beautiful for an assassin. Short golden blonde hair fell to just under her jaw, a few strands of it falling in her face. Large blue eyes looked up at him, the tiniest hint of fear flashing in them. He'd never had a woman sneak up on him and ambush him like that. He kept his sword next to her neck. "Who are you? What do you want?" he asked her. She kept silent. "Answer me!" he yelled. "I don't answer questions." she sneered at him. Ash grinned. "Not answering, eh? Maybe my questions should cut a little deeper." he said, his voice emphasising the word "cut." He slowly pressed the edge of his blade a little closer to her neck. She winced, the edge starting to pierce her skin. The smallest trickle of blood ran down her neck and onto the ground. Ash hoped she'd answer soon; he didn't want to take another life, and certainly not one as beautiful as this. Suddenly, she spoke up. "My name...is Misty..." she said, speaking inbetween labored breaths. "Finally...some answers..." he sighed, and removed the blade from her neck. She stood up, her hand covering the small wound he'd made on her neck by pushing a bit too hard. He kept his blade at the ready, just in case. Misty stared hard at him. "What did you have to go and do that for?" she asked. "Hey, when I want answers, I get 'em. Now, tell me, what do you want with me?" he inquired. "What does any thief want from someone? Money, food, and in my case, Pokémon." she grinned. So, she was a thief, Ash thought. "Well, it was a nice try, but you've gotta try a lot harder. Name's Ash." he said, extending his hand. She took it, shaking it lightly. "Nice to meet you..." Misty said. "Tell me, why haven't you killed me yet?" "So you tried to rob me, big deal. It's happened before. I don't kill people for something as petty as that. Besides, I wouldn't want to rob the world of such a beautiful specimen." he said, watching her reaction. She blushed. "Well..umm...thank you." she said, her face turning a dark red. Ash simply smiled to himself, and started to walk off. "Wait!" she yelled, stopping him. "What is it?" he said, looking back at her. "Would you mind if I come with you? I can't go back to the thief's guild now that I've been discovered, and they'll come looking for me soon. When you fail in the guild, they send people out to 'clean-up' the person's mistakes, if you know what I mean." she said, and made a motion with her hand going across her neck. "I see. Well, fine, as long as you don't try to kill me. It'll be nice to have someone to talk to." Ash said, continuing along the trail. Misty followed closely. Ash wondered if she was telling the truth about the guild, or if it was just a clever trap to get his stuff. It didn't matter. Either way, he'd picked up some beautiful-looking cargo. To Be Continued...