Rival Trainers Battle Clash! Chapter 9 by Jam SBKidJamX@aol.com hometown.aol.com/sbkidjamx/Jeffpage.html Our two adventurers have finally made it to Necro Town, home of the Necro Gym, which promises to be the hardest Gym thus far. Will they succeed? Or face bitter defeat? Find out! Necro Town was a dark, shady place. Everything in it seemed to have an eerie feeling to it. Almost like the whole city was formed out of something dark and mysterious. In any case, as we always did, we walked into the Pokémon Center. Even though the surrounding city had a gloomy essence about it, the Nurse Joy here was just as bright and helpful as ever. "Welcome to Necro Town!" she said, taking our PokéBalls and placing them in the revitalization chamber. She then turned to us. "What brings us to our town?" she asked. "Well, we're here to challenge the Gym Leader and hopefully earn a Badge." Nathan explained. At this, Nurse Joy turned pale and adopted a worried look on her face. "Oh dear.." she stammered. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I would suggest you boys stay far from the Gym here. It is led by a dark and wicked person, who would just as soon destroy you as look at you." she explained. Nathan and I exchanged worried glanced. "Nathan, why don't we check out this Gym Leader?" I suggested. He agreed and we set out for the Gym. Even though the town had some dark feeling, it seemed as though the evil permeated from the Gym itself, as if it was the core of all the darkness in the town. Nathan and I entered the Gym, to the sounds of battling and yelling. The first thing I noticed were the compeitors....an Alakazam...and a Psyduck?! Who would be using a Psyduck of all Pokémon? I quickly looked over to the challenger and was met with my answer...it was Ryan! He was trying to defeat the Gym Leader's Alakazam with his Psyduck. I looked around for the Leader, but he was nowhere to be seen. I wondered where he was. Out of nowhere, a voice, teeming with hatred and evil, spoke aloud. "You are a fool for even thinking that you could defeat me. Begone." and with that Alakazam blasted Psyduck with a final Psychic attack, fainting it. The Leader simply chuckled. Ryan recalled his Psyduck and ran out. We caught up to him outside. "Ryan!" I said, running up to him. "Jeff?" he asked, looking at me. "Nathan! How are you guys?" "That's what we should be asking you. What happened in there?" inquired Nathan. "I don't know...but that Gym Leader was evil...no doubt about it. He even claimed that his Alakazam was not only a Psychic-type, but an Evil-type as well!" Nathan and I looked at each other, and we both said the same thing. "Evil-type?!" Ryan nodded. "Yeah, that's what he said. I don't know what Evil-type is, though..." "We should speak to Nurse Joy about this. It sounds serious." Nathan said. We headed to the Center. "Nurse Joy, what's this about Evil-type Pokémon?" I asked her. "Way to be subtle, Jeff..." Nathan remarked. "Evil-type...? I don't know what you're talking about." she said, nervously. "Oh, I think you do. You just won't tell us because you don't want to! We want the truth!" Ryan demanded. "I don't think you people can handle the truth..." she said. "Nurse Joy, you have to tell us about this. It's serious." Nathan said. "Well...okay. Evil-type Pokémon are a new type discovered recently. Some archaeologists were excavating a site and apparently they opened a chamber that released the properties to create the Evil-type Pokémon. Someone...the Gym Leader, specifically...harnassed this power for his own. His power is so immense that he was able to create this town by his own will. He loves to watch people suffer and despair. Thus far, no one, Pokémon Trainer or otherwise, has been able to stop him." "Well then, looks like we'll have to be the first ones." I said. "Are you insane, man?!" stated Ryan. "We'll all be killed, or worse...sold to a traveling circus for the price of half a sixpence and a can of baked beans!" Crickets chirped. "Shut up, Ryan. Jeff, do you really think we can do this...?" Nathan asked. "I know we can. All we have to do is try, right?" I said. "But how can we combat Evil-type? Does it have any weakness?" Nathan inquired, turning to Nurse Joy. "It only has one weakness...bright attacks. Any attacks that involve a lot of light should weaken it." Nurse Joy said. "But what kind of attacks would those be?" Ryan asked. "You mean...attacks like Solarbeam and Aurora Beam? Would those work?" I asked. "Yes, they would." she confirmed. "Well then, our job is clear: to find Pokémon that involve light-based attacks!" I said. "Are we ready?" "Yeah!" Nathan said. "Uh...just a minute..." Ryan said. "What's the hold up?" I asked. "I gotta go to the little Trainer's room, do you mind?" he asked. "Uhhh....no, we'll wait for you." Nathan said. Ryan ran off. And when he came back(he was in there for a suspicious amount of time, I might add), we set off. To Be Continued... The Rocket Rangers were sleeping on a couch, apparently tired and exhausted from an entire day of stealing. Oh well. At least they won't be able to give their stupid remarks this time...