Beginnings :Part 1 Category: General By Jenningzo Arcadia, a small town deep in the Sinnoh region is home to many wonderful people and many wonderful pokemon, people just visiting in Arcadia would say that it is a paradise, free from the various cons of the city, I'm sure people who live there would say that too. Surrounded by a lush forest, right beside a crystal clear lake, this town is the definition of paradise. Many people live in Arcadia as well, which should be expected. Many people like the gym leader Ted who specializes in steel type pokemon, Lacy the owner of the local restaurant, Nurse Joy, Mosby the town sheriff, and even Professor Hawthorne, but the person in Arcadia most worth mentioning is Hawthorn's son Kaiden. Kaiden is a 16-year-old boy you has lived in Arcadia for his whole life, he has never really needed to leave the town but he has always had a sense for adventure. Kaiden is a kind caring individual. He has lots of friends and has a happy life because he puts everyone else's problems before his. Kaiden seems like every main character you would expect to see except he has a special gift. Kaiden has a special gift that allows him to connect with pokemon, allows him to feel what the pokemon feel on a deep level. Its like he can speak to the pokemon in his own way. Inside he has a big heart and he is very caring and on the outside lets just say he has no problem getting the girls. Kaiden has no pokemon but he lives a normal live in Arcadia with his father the professor and wouldn't have it any other way. "Kaiden. Come downstairs. I have something to show you." "Sure what is it Dad?" Kaiden came downstairs into the lab where Professor Hawthorn does his pokemon research. On an operating table, hooked up to a bunch of wires and research equipment lies a small purple sphere. "What's that?" asked Kaiden looking at it at a 45-degree angle. "It's something I discovered in my trip to the Orange Islands, I call it the Kurian Orb, according to legend it holds mysterious powers and the ancients tried to use its power to become Pokemon." "Well did it work Dad?" "Obviously not! Humans changing into Pokemon? Ha! That's absurd, however this orb seems to emit a very strange type of radiation and if my theories are correct than this stone is incredibly valuable and if it ever fell into the wrong handsÉÉÉ.., wellÉ." "Well what? Come on Dad, tell me." "If anything every happens Kaiden. Keep this Orb safe; this orb CANNOT fall into the wrong hands. Do you understand?" "Umm I guess." "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" "Yes yes I understand." "I have a lot of work to do Kaiden, you better go see Nurse Joy at the Pokemon Center. She said she needed your help with something. "Uh, sure." Kaiden walked away wondering what in the world just happened. "Son waitÉ' "Yeah Dad?" "Just remember Kay, stay positive." "Oh Kay, I'm so glad your hear! I was just thinking about you." Nurse Joy said joyful as always. "Hey, Joy, what did you need me for?" "Folly me." Kaiden and Nurse Joy walked into a back room and inside there were a bunch of Pokemon scattered around the room seeming distraught about something. "All these Pokemon have been acting strange for a few days now Kaiden. These Pokemon have made Arcadia their home I'm sure you have seen them around. But the reason I asked you hereÉ.I've never seen Pokemon act like this before. They seemÉÉscared. Frankly I'm scared. Is there anything you can do Kaiden?" Nurse Joy seemed almost as bad as the Pokemon. "I I feel. Being in this room I can feel. Bad? I know since I can remember I have been able to connect with Pokemon but I have never felt anything like this before. They are scared. Like something terrible is going to happen." That night Kaiden went home worried and thinking about why those Pokemon at the center were acting so strange, he just couldn't shake that terrible feeling. "Dad?" Kaiden yelled through the house when he got home, "Dad, are you there." There was no answer. It was late but his dad is a Pokemon professor he was probably out collecting some sort of "sample" to bring home. Kaiden just went upstairs to his room and went to bed. It had to have been about 5 o'clock in the morning when there was a gigantic explosion and a scream. Kaiden quickly rose from his bed and looked out the window, the Pokemon center was on fire! Then another explosion and the Pokemon Gym went up in flames. It was then that Kaiden saw people running around panicked in the streets. Above Arcadia there were helicopters firing explosives at the ground. "What is going on?" Kaiden put his clothes on and ran outside. The helicopters. It was team Galaxy, the largest organized crime syndicate in the Sinnoh region. They were destroying the town. All over buildings rose up in flames, people running into the forest in all directions. Kaiden watching front in front of his house collapsed to his knees in pain. "Ahhhhhhhh, that feeling, it's its ahhhhh." Kaiden could not figure out why galaxy was destroying his town. Is this what the Pokemon knew was going to happen? Just then he heard a noise. It was a Pokemon. Coming from the Pokemon Center he heard the cries of a Pokemon over the explosions and people screaming. He ran through town seeing Galaxy members storming in and out of people's houses. At the Pokemon center he looked up, through the second floor window of the burning building he saw a Pokemon, an Eevee. It was crying at the window. Flames were building behind it inside the building it had nowhere to go. Kaiden ran inside. There was smoke everywhere he grabbed a fire extinguisher and ran upstairs. "Eeeeeeeee" The trapped Eevee cried. It was so hot the floor was cracking. "OUCH' Kaiden yelled. The fire extinguisher was too hot so he threw it on the ground and it exploded. Kaiden was knocked back but he saw the flames in middle of the room were gone. "Hang in there little buddy!" Kaiden ran across the room with the floor collapsing behind him. He grabbed Eevee and embraced the Pokemon in his arms and took a leap of faith out of the second story window. Kaiden and the Eevee were both outside and they were both okay aside from a few burns and what one might feel after jumping out of a building. The Eevee stared at Kaiden for a second before running away into the forest. Kaiden looked around at the destruction. "Why! Why! Are you doing this?' Kaiden looked at the criminals running through the town. "What could they be looking for??.................The Orb! That would lead themÉÉÉHome. Kaiden ran as fast as he could back to his house. Arcadia was a small town with not many people so most residents probably evacuated but some may have been captured. Luckily Team Galaxy didn't know where the Laboratory was located so his house was safe. "Dad! Dad! Where are you?" Kaiden ran downstairs to the lab; his Dad was not there. He looked on the table and grabbed the small tin case that housed the Orb and ran upstairs. Kaiden knew that he couldn't stay here anymore, he grabbed a backpack and packed all of the essentials and snuck out of his house. He ran for the forest. At the tree line he turned around to get one last look at the place he called home, the paradise he lived in for his entire live. Arcadia was gone. "Hey Kid! Get back here." A couple of Team Galaxy grunts spotted him. Kaiden turned around and ran. "He's running away after him!" The two grunts chased Kaiden into the forest. "Stop running we just want to talk kid." Yelled one of the grunts. "Yeah, just talk to you and steal your Pokemon. Fufufufu." " Come on frank, don't say that *pant pant* of course he is gonna keep running now you idiot." "Gee sorry Al, I didn't realize." Kaiden was amazed from this conversation these bumbling idiots were having. The Galaxy Grunts chased Kaiden into a dead end; it was the edge of a cliff he had nowhere to run. "Your coming with us kid." Said Frank in his creepy voice. The two closed in on him untilÉÉÉÉÉ "Eeeeeeveeee" That Eevee from the Pokemon Center stood between Kaiden and the grunts. It turned around and looked Kaiden right in the eyes. Kaiden could feel the connection between them, he could feel Eevee. They both nodded at each other in perfect understanding. "So it's a battle you want eh pal! I choose you Croagunk," "Nice choice Frank, Go! Magnemite! Use Thunder Wave, lets get this over with." Eevee quickly jumped out of the way "Nice job Eevee! Now use tackle attack on Croagunk." The grunt's Croagunk flew back on impact. "Hey. Croagunk get up and fight! Now!" "crooww" "Magnemite use thunderbolt!" "Eevee agility" Eevee quickly dodged out of the way. "Now use take down!" Eevee struck the Magnemite but it looked like it hurt Eevee more than Magnemite. "Croagunk use poison jab1" It was at that moment Kaiden had a true clarity, he knew what battling really was. As Croagunk thrusted forward with its poison jab Eevee jumped on top of its head and did a back flip into the air and facing Croagunk from 5 feet higher Eevee blasted it with a secret power attack. Without words Eevee and Kaiden knew exactly what both of them wanted, Kaiden knew what Eevee was going to do and Eevee knew what to do. That is the quality of Kaiden's gift. "Magnemite Thunder!" "A powerful attack" thought Kaiden "But not always accurate. Eevee dodge and use swift." Eevee was able to dodge the electric attack but the normal attack didn't phase the steel pokemon. "Croagunk, return." "Come out, Houndour." Kaiden could sense this Pokemon too. Houndour seemed frustrated and disobedient. He could use that to his advantage. "Houndour use night shade" Houndour was loafing around. "Come on you filthy mutt! Attack, use flamethrower, come on come on come on USE IT NOW!!!!" Kaiden didn't have any Pokemon of his own so he didn't do very much battling but he knew his stuff, and he knew fire type is strong against steel type. "Eevee keep Magnemite between you and Houndour." "Use it use it USE FLAMETHROWER." Houndour wasn't too happy considering it trying to sleep and all. So it unleashed its fiery breath upon its trainer then in the direction of Eevee not caring that Magnemite is in the crossfire. "Come on Eevee, Magnemite is weak now. Finish it with your shadow ball." The dark ball of energy unleashed and made a direct hit on the MagnemiteÉ "Houndour return." The two grunts ran off startled by the power of Eevee and Kaiden like most people in the Pokemon world do when defeated. "WOW Eevee that was amazing, you are so great. Thank you." "Eeeeeeveee." Replied Eevee joyfully. Kaiden fell to his knees from exhaustion. He thought he was a goner for sure. A wave of relief washed over him. Eevee was there to comfort him. Kaiden and Eevee just lied on top of the cliff for a while. By that time the sun was just coming up. Kaiden reached into his bag and took out the tin that contained the Kurian Orb. He opened it and a piece of paper dropped to the ground. He picked it up and read it. "Oak." Kaiden read. "Could it mean that Professor from Pallet who reads those poems on T.V.? Does my Dad want me to take this Orb to Professor Oak? My home is destroyed, everyone I ever knew was either captured by Team Galaxy or maybe even killed, and my Dad is missing, I have no where to go except a hunch." Kaiden turned around and faced the edge of the cliff. He could see miles away from this height, as well as the rising sun in the distance. It was beautiful. "At least I have an adventure ahead of me and a new best friend. Just like my Dad always saysÉÉÉ.. Stay Positive. To be continued