I should probably look this up. . . nope, I still don't own Pokemon.


Chapter 4

A Discovery in Mt. Moon


Ash heard footsteps outside his room. Who was that? He decided to investigate. Ash tiptoed out of his room and followed the footsteps to a balcony. There, leaning against the railing was. . .




Amber jumped about five feet in the air and turned around.


"Ash, what are you doing out here this late at night?"


"I was just about to ask you the same question," Ash said as he leaned against the balcony next to Amber.


"Pika, Pika?" Pikachu asked as it waddled onto the balcony next to Ash.


"I was just. . ." Amber turned her attention to Pikachu. "That's a Pikachu, right? I didn't get a chance to ask yesterday."


"Yes, and you still haven’t answered my question."


". . ."


Amber turned her attention back to the city below and the mountain beyond it.


"You didn't have to do that, you know," she said suddenly.




"Cheer me on. I know you were really rooting for Brock's dad. I'm a complete stranger to you, and you knew him a lot longer than me, I know."


"No," Ash said as Pikachu hopped up next to them. "I really was cheering for you. There's something. . . different about you."


Amber paled, then forced herself to return to normal quickly.


"You really are a good guy, aren't you?" she said.


"I hope so!" Ash laughed, then got serous. "You aren't used to that, are you?"


Amber shook her head and sighed.


"My dad was never like that. He would always challenge me to make it just a little bit farther."


"What about your mom?" Ash asked, curios.


"I never knew my mom," Amber said, then paled again. "I've never told that to anyone!"


Ash just stared at her, shocked. He knew what it felt like. His own dad was never around when he was a kid.


"I'm sorry," he said.


Amber looked at Pikachu and picked it up.


"I've never had a friend to tell to be honest," she said quietly.


"Now you do."


At that, Amber jerked her head up as if it were tied to a string, her eyes large.


"Really?" she asked in a small voice.


"Yeah," Ash said with a smile. "Friends till the end."


He held out his hand. Amber stared at it, then took it.


"Till the end."


                                    *                                   *                                   *

"C'mon, Ketchum!" Amber yelled as she mounted her bike. "Got to get going!


"I'm still cooking breakfast!" Brock interjected.


"And I'm hungry," Ash said as his stomach gave off a confirmation of what he said.


Amber sighed.




After the two hungry Hippopotases finished eating, the trio entered Mt. Moon waving good bye to the Rockos.


"It sure is dark in these tunnels," Amber said as she entered.


"It's underground," Brock said. "What did you expect, a luxury hotel?"


"No, just something a little brighter. . . Wait! I have an idea!"


Amber reached for a pokeball and threw it. Charmander appeared.


"Alright, Charmander, light our way!"


"Char!" it said as it put its tail in front of it. Light flooded the tunnel.


"Good thinking," Ash said as his eyes adjusted.


Amber set Charmander in the bike basket.


"I'll scout ahead and wait a little ways down," she suggested.


"Alright," Brock said. "Just don't go too far."


"I won't," Amber assured him.


After a few hours' travel, Brock and Ash heard a noise.


"What's that?" Brock asked.


"It sounds like a pokemon," Ash answered.


"It's a Clefairy."


Both boys nearly jumped out of their skin when they saw Amber and Charmander sitting right where they had just walked past.


"Where'd you come from?" Ash said as he regained his balance.


"Well, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much. . ." Amber started.


"Wait, they're getting closer," Brock said, then he pointed down a tunnel. "From there. Let's check it out."


Amber leapt out of her sitting position, her eyes wide.


"No!" she said. "You don't want to do that! There could be Spinarak or Onix, or something worse!"


But Ash and Brock didn't hear her. They wandered down the corridor, looking for the Clefairy.


"Uuuggghhh! Why'd you have to do that! I didn't want you guys to get caught up in all this!" Amber said to no one in particular. Charmander looked at her strangely.


"Char?" it asked.


"Nothing," she mumbled. "We got to get them out of there before they find. . ."


                                    *                                   *                                   *

"Where are we?" Ash asked as he looked around. They had lost the Clefairy now and were in a large room that wasn't made up of rock or dirt.


"It seems we've found something out of the ordinary," Brock said simply.


"Hold it right there!"


The pair turned around. A rocket grunt was standing behind them.


"Team Rocket?" they asked to no one in particular and took off running deeper into the room.


                                    *                                   *                                   *

"Great, just great," Amber was mumbling as she saw Brock and Ash run from a rocket. The rocket chased after them, holding a communications device and talking into it. Soon the room flashed red and alarms bleeped. Amber pressed herself into a wall and followed them deeper into the secret rocket laboratory.


                                    *                                   *                                   *

Ash and Brock ran through room after room of rockets, wondering what to do. Each room they ran through added more rockets to the chase. Finally, they reached a large room with a large machine in it. The room had no doors except the one they had come in. Rockets filed into the room.


"Alright, who sent you?" an important looking one asked. "Have the Police or the Elite found out about our. . . project?"


"Operation?" Brock asked Ash under his breath. Ash shrugged.


"It will go a lot easier on you if you fess up."


Ash noticed one of the rockets scanning them with some sort of device.


"Very well then. You won't talk now, but once you've been handled by our superiors, you won't be so tight-lipped. Take them, boys."


Two very large, very nasty looking rockets grabbed a very frightened, very confused pair of boys. Just as they were about to take them out of the room, impenetrable black smoke poured into the room. Another, smoother arm grabbed Ash and Brock.


"You two owe me big for saving your necks!" a voice whispered to Ash. It was Amber! She led them out of the complex through very confused grunts.


When they reached the main tunnels again, Ash and Brock sat down, confused.


"What was that place, and why was Team Rocket there?" Brock said. "What was that big machine in that room anyway?"


"How should I know?" Amber said with a pale face neither of the boys could see because of the smoke. "All I know is I just stuck my neck out for you two, and I have no idea why!"


"Charmander!" it said, agreeing with its master.


"Sorry," Brock  said. "Thanks."


"We really should get going," Amber said as they settled down.


"I guess you're right," Ash agreed. "Let's just hope we don't run into anymore rockets."