The next day we were still looking for Goldenrod City. Ash asked me; "You mean Team Rocket killed your other family Josh"? Several pictures were running through my brain. I nodded my head. Brock said; "I know that Team Rocket could be a pain, but I'd never thought that they would do something like that." I was calming down after talking about it with Ash, Brock and Misty. Suddenly we saw a tall boy with spiky hair. It was Gary! Gary said; "I'm surprised to see you here." Ash was angry at seeing Gary. I could tell! I said; "Leave us alone Gary!" Gary said; "Josh would you like to have a Pokemon match with me"? I said; "Sure!" I asked; "How many Pokemon"? Gary said; "We'll use one on one each with no time limit! I choose you Umbreon!" Umbreon came out of Gary's pokeball. I said; "I choose you, Mewtwo!" Mewtwo came out of my pokeball. Ash said; "This is going to be interesting!" Gary said; "Not smart Josh. Don't you know that psychic Pokemon are weak against dark Pokemon"? I said; "I'm surprised at you Gary. In a Pokemon match it's not just based on type, but also the level of the Pokemon and I've been raising this Mewtwo for a while now!" Gary said; "Umbreon use your bite attack!" I said; "Mewtwo use safeguard now!" Mewtwo used safeguard and the Umbreon's attack missed! Gary was shocked! So were Ash, Brock and Misty! I said; "Mewtwo use psychic attack!" The attack worked! Then I said; "Time to finish it Mewtwo! Use shadowball!" The attack hit Umbreon and took him out! Gary said; "Return Umbreon. You deserve a nice long rest." I recalled my Mewtwo and Gary left. Then Ash, Brock, Misty and I went on the road to Goldenrod City.