That night we were still looking for Goldenrod City. I was feeling down in the dumps because I wanted to tell Jeremy, my other brother how sorry I was for our arguments. Misty turned and she looked at me. Misty asked; "Is something wrong Josh? You seem to be sad about something." Brock said; "So you want to talk about it Joshua"? I said; "Sure. It's about my other brother, Jeremy." Ash said; "Josh you told us that Jeremy died with your mom and dad in a car crash." I said; "That's true, but there were sometimes that Jeremy and I had some arguments and we fought to. And I felt like I was the problem. I wanted to tell Jeremy how sorry I was I really did. But I waited too long and he died." I started to cry and Pikachu gave me a little shock to the system. Just then we saw some ghost Pokemon come out. It was Gastly and Haunter! I said; "This could cheer me up. I choose you Mewtwo, Mew and Celebi!" Mewtwo, Mew and Celebi came out of my Pokeballs. I said; "Mewtwo, Mew Celebi use psychic attack!" The attacks worked! They weakened Gastly and Haunter. Then I said; "Pokeballs, go!" I threw two Pokeballs and they caught Gastly and Haunter! Then I recalled my Pokemon. Brock said; "Josh you told us that on your world there was a cartoon called Pokemon." I said; "That's right Brock and Pokemon became really popular. I think it started out as a card game, then there were Pokemon comic books, Pokemon keychains, Pokemon action figures and even Pokemon movies." Ash said; "You're kidding!" I said; "No, in fact hold on." I reached into my pocket and grabbed my gameboy. Ash saw it and said; "What is that Josh"? I said; "It's called a gameboy. The company that made Pokemon made gameboy games of Pokemon. And I had all six of them! Pokemon red, Pokemon blue, Pokemon yellow, Pokemon gold, Pokemon silver and Pokemon crystal." Misty asked; "What was the difference"? I said; "Pokemon red and Pokemon blue you had to start out with either a Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle and in Pokemon yellow your starter Pokemon was Pikachu and there were 151 Pokemon you had to catch in all three versions. Pokemon silver, Pokemon gold you had to chose a Chikorita, Cyndaquil or a Totodile and in Pokemon silver, gold and crystal there were 251 Pokemon." After that we went to bed to get a good night sleep and get a fresh start in the morning.