I was the Dark Master’s captive! I was under their power, or so they thought! I saw able to break free of their control. I was worried about Ash, Misty, Brock and the DigiDestined. One day I overheard the Dark Master’s plan! MetalSeadramon: So, everything is going as planned, Piedmon? Piedmon: Yes! Soon, we we’ll be rid of the DigiDestined and their new friends once and for all! Machinedramon: What about the twerp’s brother? What should we do with him? Piedmon: I’ve got something delicious planned for him! We will use him to destroy the DigiDestined and their new friends! Then, we will destroy him! I heard the whole plan and took drastic action! Me: So, that’s their plan. Well, they can forget it! Because I am out of this place! I spotted an open window and I was able to escape through it! I was on my way to meet up with the DigiDestined, Ash, Misty and Brock! I had to inform them on what I heard! I ran until I came across them! Ash: I’m going to get Joshua out of thee Dark Master’s clutches! Ash was very determined to rescue me! But he didn’t know that I escaped on my own! Tai: Easy Ash. I understand how you feel. I’ve got a little sister to look after. Matt: And I’ve got TK to look after. Sora: We’ll get your brother back, Ash! That’s number one on our list! Ash: And the second thing on the list is to make the Dark Masters pay for what they did! I couldn’t take seeing Ash like this anymore! I had to let him and the others know that I was okay! Me: Well, you can scratch number one off your list! Because I’m here. Ash: Josh! You’re back! I’m so happy to see you! Me: And I’m happy to see you. All of you! Everyone was shocked to see me so soon! Matt: Josh! Are you okay? What happened? Tai: I thought the Dark Masters put some kind of spell on you. Me: They did, but I broke free! And I escaped with them noticing. And I’ve got news for you! The Dark Masters were planning on having me destroy all of you guys and then, they were going to destroy me! Everyone was speechless for sometime! Tai: Well, now we have the advantage! And with luck, we’ll defeat the Dark Masters once and for all!