Howdy! Kay… here's the next part! Ages ~ Ash ~ 16 Misty ~ 16 Brock ~ 21 Shawn ~ 18 Love, Internet Style ~ Part 9; he's late? ~ Misty looked up at the clock on the wall for the fifth time in… she looked up again… two minutes. Misty groaned. "Whoever said a watched clock doesn't move was right!" A waitress came over and placed down the glass of iced tea in front of Misty. "Here ya go. Do you want anything else?" "No thank-you." Misty sighed. The waitress raised and eyebrow. "So who you waitin' for?" Misty looked up at the waitress in surprise. "What makes you think I am?" "I've been working here for a long time now, I've seen it before. When is he due?" Misty made a face. "in ten minutes not that its any of your business, and what makes you think it's a guy?!" The waitress just smiled down at Misty. "Usual." She winked then left Misty staring at the clock again. "Okay…" Misty mumbled to herself. "Nine minutes." She stared at her drink for a bit then sighed and reached into her bag and brought out her laptop. "Good thing I left Togepi at the Hotel, he'd be bored out of his little mind!" *Ping* "You've got mail!" TO: From: Lol! I was laughing when I heard about the guy. He sounds familiar. Lol, not that I'm like him of course… he just reminds me of my friend. Oh, can you keep a pokemon out so I know it's you? Anyway, guess I'll see you tomorrow! Well… it could be today I guess… yeah… see you… soon! ~P.L. Misty smiled. She forgot about that, how was he supposed to know it was her if he never met her before? She grabbed a poke'ball out of her bag and threw it. Unfortunately, she had only brought one pokemon with her. "GOOOO Psyduck!" "PSYIII! ((HEEEY!))" Misty glared down at her duck. "Alright, you'll only be out for-" she looked at the clock again, "five minutes or so, kapeesh? DON'T embaress me!" Psyduck nodded. He was going to try not to at least, not that he ever embaresses her on purpose, that's just the way he is. To keep from doing something, Psyduck plopped himself in front of the table and sat there staring at one particular table with a family of four. The two kids stared at Psyduck, then the baby started to cry. "WAAAAAH!" The other one just turned away, slightly unnereved. The parents looked at the Psyduck and humphed. They picked up the crying child and moved to another table leaving Psyduck to hold its head and stare and an empty table. Misty sighed with frustration. "I suppose it could be worse." She mumbled. She was about to click the reply button but something stopped her. She was suddenly aware of someone staring her down. Her head sprang up, and her aqua eyes met dark brown eyes. "Hey Misty!" Ash grinned. "Go away." Misty cringed, slamming her laptop closed. Fuming she shoved it in her back pack again. Why did he have to keep following her? Ash sighed and ignored her, plopping himself on the seat next to her. "Nah, why are you sitting her all by yourself, um," He looked down at Psyduck. "Not including Psyduck." Misty glared at Ash. "None of your business!" "Yes it is! I'm your friend…" Ash stared at her with a serious look, totally opposite of what he'd been having all day. "At least, I thought I was." Misty sighed. "I-I don't know…." She blinked back tears. Why's Ash have to do this now? Right when she was about to meet someone who made her smile when she thought smiling was near impossible, someone who would listen to her whenever she complained, someone who, who… Misty's eyes shot up and met with Ash's. Someone like Ash. Was it? Nah… "Well," Ash started, "Why don't you come back and see Brock and Pikachu, I know they missed you a lot." Ash looked at her in the eyes. "So did I." He added silently. Misty shook her head. "I'm waiting for someone." Ash's eyebrows shot up. "Who?" His eyes then almost seemed to get smaller in suspicion. "It's not the stupid, rude gym leader from the orange islands is it?" Misty struggled not to laugh. "No! I don't know why I'm telling you this, but it's someone I met on the internet." "ooooh." Ash nodded. "I see. So when is he supposed to be here?" Misty looked at the clock on the wall. 4:05? Misty sighed and leaned back in her seat. "Five minutes ago. He's late" Ash smiled. "Maybe he's not coming." Misty shook her head. "NO, I think he will." Ash was about to answer when someone came bursting through the door. "HEY!" All color drained from Misty's face as she sank down lower in her seat trying not to let him see her. Ash smirked in amusement. He looked around and finally spotted Misty. "Sweetie! I'm so glad I found you! I've been looking for you all day! I wrote a song for you!" Misty tried to sink into her seat, but it wasn't working too well. Ash wasn't to amused anymore. He was getting rather annoyed. "Please don't…" Misty whimpered. Shawn ignored her and started to sing really loud. "YOU ARE SOOOO BEAUTIFUL! TO MEEEEE! CAN'T YOU SEEEEEEE? YOU'RE EVERYTHING I'D HOPE FOR! YOUR EVRYTHING I NEEEEEEEED!" Misty slammed her head against the table whining to herself. "Make it stoooooop!" Ash stood up, causing Shawn to stop his annoying song and finally acknowledge Ash's presence. "You can stop now." Ash didn't really ask him, more commanding. Shawn turned his nose up at him and looked back at Misty. Misty had lifted her head up from the table and stared at ash in wonder. "You didn't even write the song." Ash sneered. Shawn turned to angrily look at him. "So? It's the thought that counts. So butt out while I sing to my girlfriend." Ash's eyes flared. "She's not your girlfriend. She doesn't even like you! Now go away!" Shawn glared at Ash. "Who are you to tell me who she is and isn't?" "I'm Ash, Misty's best friend." Misty gasped at that. Ash still considered her his best friend after all he did. "So?" Shawn sneered. "So stay away from her." Ash moved to put himself between Shawn and Misty. Shawn growled with anger and looked around ash to Misty. "Are you going to let him do this?" Misty shook herself out of her daze and nodded, glaring at Shawn. "Yes I am! Get away from me." Shawn recoiled in surprise. "After all I did for you?" Misty glared up at him. "After what? Standing in front of my door annoying me with songs, even at three in the morning." Ash chuckled at that. "And stalking me around the city?" Shawn glared right back. "I don't need this, I don't need you, you, ugly runt!" Ash made a noise in the back of throat and did the first thing that came to his mind after that. Ash punched Shawn. "OWWW!" Shawn fell to the ground from the force and rubbed his jaw. "Get out!" Ash snarled, fists shaking out of anger. Shawn quickly ran out, ignoring the round of applause and cheers from the rest of the restaurant. Ash grinned and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He turned to look at Misty who was staring him through wide eyes. Her mouth was opening and closing doing a great impression of a magickarp. "I'm gonna go now, okay? I'll leave you to your internet friend." Ash smiled at her and walked out. Misty could only watch him go. She wanted to say something to make him stay, but nothing came to her, but one thought did come to her head. 'I actually am wishing Ash was Pikachulover.' Hee hee…. Nice ending huh? Yeah… well hope you like it! One more part after this! Review!