Yeah yeah, in this part of the story, I'm going to actually get to the romance part! It was nearly noon by the time they finally did reach an island. It wasn't the dream island they were searching for; it was far from small. But it wasn't huge either. The settlement was larger than the one of the port they had just left. It would be a place they could relax, and sleep. They were both exhausted from being up so late in the day. "I hope the news of us hasn't reached this place," James said looking at Jessie. She was all ready pretty much asleep. She opened her eyes a little, and glanced at James through narrow slits. "Why? We have our disguises," she yawned. James shook his head and touched a strand Jessie's hair breaking the hold of the gel so he could pull it in front of her face. Jessie gasped. It was obvious that the Kool-Aid treatment was wearing off. Her hair was kind of spotted: It looked like a red surface that had been splattered with yellow paint. She looked at James, and his hair was no different. It was less extreme, maybe, because his and Butch's hair wasn't exactly too different in shade, but it still gave the effect of a dark blue surface splattered in green paint. "We're regular works of art!" James groaned. "Ugh!" Jessie said, swinging her booted feet on the dashboard of the boat. "We're going to be really noticeable now! And when they see red and blue…. They aren't stupid, James, they'll figure out what we pulled at that port! We can't wash it out, because then it would be even worse, and we don't have anymore to color it again…" "Hats." James said simply. Jessie glared at him, and whacked him with her fan. "We don't HAVE any hats!" Jessie looked like she was about to boil over. "ARRRRG!!! NOTHING IS GOING RIGHT TODAY!!!" James glared at her. "Jessie, you're lucky no one is here on this beach!" he said as he finally pulled the boat into a small cove where they could dock it. "Don't give me that, James!" she screeched. James helped her out of the boat, and said, "Well, we might as well come our hair down and change clothes. If any one questions us we could just say it's the latest fashion." Jessie sighed, and pulled the bag out of the boat, swinging it over her shoulder. "Well, I guess we should change… you have a comb, right?" James looked at her as if she has gone made. "Of course I do, Jess, just because we have been gone a few days doesn't mean I have to stop caring for my hair!" he paused, and added with a hint of sadness, "even if it is a bit shorter…" Jessie grinned a little. "Well, change over there!" In a few moments, they were out of their Team Rocket uniforms, and into the now slightly tattered casual clothes combo. There hair was combed: Jessie's was now free of the hair gel (it looked as though she had dunked her hair in the ocean, because it was wet and sticking to the back of her shirt) and James was simply combed in a different style. Examining them selves in the water, James announced, "you know, it really could be the latest fashion!" Jessie yanked on James' sleeve. "Come on! We have to find a motel!" James looked at her oddly. "WHAT?" Jessie looked at him confused for a moment, and then slapped him. "To sleep in, you cross-dressing pervert!" James laughed nervously to himself. "Oh… Hehehe… right…" They walked down the beach together in silence, glancing up at every shack hoping it would be a place they could sleep. They finally found one after thirty minutes of walking. It was beautiful. It was made entirely of bamboo, aside from the roof, doors, and the wooden platform it was being supported on. The roof was probably made of bamboo too, but it was made so it appeared to be made of strictly palm leaves. The doors were framed in bamboo, but other than that, they were your typical screen doors. James placed his hand on the knob, and gave it a twist. They walked inside, and there was a girl who was maybe fifteen sitting behind a desk, with her hands folded in front of her very officially. She had cotton candy pink hair tied back in many braids that each had a blue bead at the end. She had a tan, and eyes that matched the beads perfectly. She was wearing an orange skirt with a slit that ran up a good much of her leg, and a bikini top that was also that same shade of blue. She smiled at them as they entered. "Hello travelers! My name is Tiki. My father owns this place, but he's not around right now… but I can help you." Her voice was high and seemed to reflect the sound of the many birds that were on the island, and the sound of the water hitting the shore. Jessie and James blinked at the same time. She smiled at them politely. "Now… can I get your names?" Jessie and James glanced at each other, and then glanced around the room for ideas. Jessie's eyes found a can of RC Cola on the girl's desk. James spotted a woven mat in front of the door that people could wipe their feet on. "RC," Jessie said quickly. "And my name is Matt," James added. "And I suppose you want a room with bed? You are a couple, right?" Tiki asked softly. She seemed to be avoiding James' glance. "NO!" They both said in unison. She looked up at them again with a perplexed look on her face. "Um… that is to say," said James placing one hand behind his head. "He's my… brother!" Jessie exclaimed. "Oh!" Tiki giggled. It seemed to Jessie that there was a sense of relief in the girl's eyes. Looking at James, she could tell he didn't notice anything. She became somewhat suspicious of this girl. "Well, it's just that you look like you're both the same age, and I though…" "We're twins," Jessie snapped sharply. "Even though we don't look it!" James added. Tiki looked at them oddly, and then asked softly, "Is that hair natural or…" "Colored!" "All of it!" "He's really a blond!" "And she has black hair!" "Yeah!" Tiki looked at them even more oddly, and then laughed and said, "Riiight… Anyway, if you follow me, I'll take your bag, and I'll show you to your room. With two beds!" she laughed. She took their bags, and started walking them to their room. In the middle of the night, James, who was half asleep, heard the pat of bare feet in his room. His teeth chattered, thinking for a moment that the police had found them… but that wasn't possible, was it? His eyes darted around the room. He saw Jessie, sound asleep… her hair was still spotted, so he supposed his was too… but he could tell there was a bit more red in there. He hoped no one notice anything. And then he saw the person doing the walking around in their room: Tiki. She was walking towards their bag! He jumped out of the bed and walked like a cat silently across the room behind her… She had her hand on the zipper. She was about to open it and find out all of Jessie and James' secrets when… "AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" Tiki screamed, and turned around quickly to see who had but their hand on her shoulder. "Oh… Matt… it's just you." James didn't say anything. He looked over his shoulder to wear Jessie was sleeping. She had stirred. He took a deep breath in relief when she simply mumbled something and turned over on her back. He didn't want to be the butt of her waking up in the middle of one of her beauty sleeps. "What were you doing in our room?" James whispered. "I was well… you were all ready asleep, and it's still light outside and… I was worried…" James' eyes narrowed. "We're leaving as soon as it's dark, don't worry about us!" Tiki looked at James' sadly. "I was just… Matt are you… just passing through then?" "Yes," James said softly. "Oh… well, it was just that… I kind of thought that we could… get to know each other a little." James was taken by surprise. "I'm sorry, but I just don't have time for that…" She looked at him, sadly, and said, "You're… your name isn't really Matt, is it?" James was silent. "Come with me…" she said. James followed her back into another room. She turned on a television. "We have reports that the two murders on the loose are on an island called Bronze Island. We've been tracking them since they left from a port somewhere near Lavender… I repeat, the murders will soon be captured…" She switched off the television. "Jessie and James… the two murders on the loose, right here in my own place…" she sighed. "I didn't want to have to do this, but since you couldn't even admit who you are, you must really have killed her. James…" "We didn't!" James said. "Then why are you on the run?" She snapped. "They were going to kill us! Wouldn't you run?" James yelled. His hand searched in his pocket for a pokéball he could use to put her to sleep… then remembered he had none. "I hate to do this," he said. "But we can't have you telling the police where we are. Please forgive me, you really were a nice girl…" he rose his hand to give her a whack to the head which would knock her out, when she screamed. "Oh please, please don't do that!" She sobbed. James hesitated. The girl continued, "James… I… I think you're different than anyone I ever met. I'm not going to call the police on you…" James curled his lip. "How do I believe you?" "I won't, I'll let you use our boat! Your trail will stop here, please trust me James!" The girl begged. James put his hand down. "I'm not going to hit you, I guess…" "I just have one request…" James narrowed his eyes. "I'm listening…" "Will you let me come with you?" Before James could respond, she closed her eyes and gave him a long kiss (much to his surprise, in fact). "WHAT?" Jessie yelled. "What do you MEAN 'can we take Tiki along with us'?! Just because you, like an idiot, let her know who we really are! We have to get away from the island; we'll have to steal another boat! The police are probably after us!" "She said that we could use her boat!" James wined. "And why are you trusting her? James, I thought he had half a brain in between your ears!" Jessie snapped. "The answer is no, no, and no!" James bit his lip. "Please Jess, won't you hear me out?" She crossed her arms in front of her. "No, James, absolutely not." James looked at the ground and mumbled, "At least our hair isn't spotted anymore…" "Shut up, James! Just shut up!" There was a silence. "You have to let her come… at least if she comes we can keep an eye on her and we'll know if she's spotted anything…" Jessie's face lit up. "Hey… what if we let her come along that way we'll know what she's up to!" James looked up at her with a weak smile. "That's a great idea Jess…" "Yes, I'm glad I thought of it!" she said, and walked out of the room to get the girl. By the time Officer Jenny and her group got to the island, James and Jessie were gone. "Drat!" Jenny yelled kicking sand. A great fat man in a Hawaiian t-shirt ran up to her. "Officer! Officer!" She turned at him with an annoyed look on her face. "Sir, I'm sure I don't know the meaning of this, but this is a police investigation!" "But Officer!" the man sobbed, "My girl has been stolen!" "What?" Officer Jenny said, now facing the man. She pulled out her note pad. "Okay, tell me what you know!" "Officer, I had gone out fishing last night to get my princess a new water pokémon, and left her at the motel that I run alone! When I got back, I saw that our boat was gone… but there was another boat I've never seen before near by! At first I was worried, and then I figured that the owner of the other boat accidentally took ours by mistake, but then I got back to the hotel, and my darling was gone! I saw in our log that she had let two people have the room, a man and a woman, but they were gone also…" he sobbed. Officer Jenny for a moment looked sympathetic, but then said, "A man and a woman did you say? We tracked the murderers Jessie and James to this island, but their signal stops here! Do you think your daughter recognized them as Jessie and James?" she showed the portly man a picture. The man shook his head. "I don't think so… my daughter wrote in the log that the man had short hair and… green and blue hair. And the lady had long hair, but not as long as the girl in your picture… and her hair was yellow and red." "Both colors? How so?" Officer Jenny inquired impatiently. "I don't know!" he said. "It has to be them!" officer Jenny exclaimed. "They're probably trying to use one of their disguises! But that won't work this time! Sir, we're on the trail! We'll bring your daughter back to you from those murderers!" "Murderers…" the man sniffled. "Do you believe she's in danger?" "Yes sir, I believe your daughter may be in great trouble! What did you say her name was?" "Tiki," he moaned. Me pulled out his wallet, and showed her a picture of his daughter. In the picture, Tiki was holding a surfboard, and had a huge smile on her face. She was giving the 'V' for victory sign, and was in a rubber scuba suit. "We'll find her!" Jenny said again before she and her group boarded several police wave runners and went to find Jessie and James. They had them for kidnapping now too… when she found them, she had it in her mind to shoot them on the spot.