"Bad to the Bone ~ the Untold Story"
Epiloge ~ Forever
By: Kally Ketchum
Meowth slowly opened the door for the newlyweds to their home, and in walked James, carrying his blushing bride and smiling ear to ear. Jessie wrapped her arms tighter around his neck, and just couldn’t stop smiling and kissing James. Meowth closed the door and wiped his still-remaining tears away with a small handkercheif.
"Dat was so byootiful…." he sobbed happily, then began walking around the house and setting up the some 100 bouquets of flowers for Jessie and James from the wedding. James gently put Jessie down on the couch and then pulled her into his lap after sitting down himself.
"I love you, James." Jessie said, snuggling up to his chest. He kissed her head and then produced a single red rose, and brought it down to her face allowing her to breathe in the scent, then he pressed it to her chest gently.
"I love you too, Jessie. Love you so much…..and now we’ll be together forever.’ he pulled her chin up so she was looking at him, then softly kissed her on the lips. "Jess…." he sighed.
"Hmm?" said Jessie with her lips against his.
"Do you remember that beautiful love song you mused to me…..so long ago…..when we first confessed our precious love?"
"Of course I do." Jessie said, smiling.
"Please….sing it to me again with your heavenly voice." James said, closing his eyes with an expression of longing. He kissed her again, and then Jessie nodded slowly.
"So I learn to cook and finally loose…..my kitchen phobia
So I’ve got arms to cuddle in when there’s a ghost or a muse
That brings insomnia
To buy more thongs
And write more happy songs
It always takes a little help from someone
You’re the one I need
The way back home is always long
But if you’re close to me I’m holding on
You’re the one I need
My real life has just begun
Cause there’s nothing like your smile made of sun.
You're the one I need……
You're the one I need
With you my real life has just begun
You're the one I need
Nothing like your smile made of sun
Nothing like your love……..
Nothing like your love ……..
Nothing like your love…….."
James wiped a few tears from his eyes and thanked Jessie with a kiss, and then Meowth came scurrying down the staircase with a beautiful boquet of blood red roses and gave them to Jessie and James.
"To da most biyootiful couple in da whole universe, and my lifelong best friends, Jessie and James." Meowth said, smiling up at them with watery eyes." Jessie and James’ eyes sparkled as they took the roses from him.
"Thank you so much Meowth…" Jessie and James said, picking up Meowth and hugging him tightly. "We’ll always be best friends." Meowth smiled and nodded, then ran back up the stairs to go arrange the rest of the flowers. Jessie added the rose James had given her to the boquet and smiled. James took her hands and interlaced his fingers with hers, and ran his free hand softly over her face and cupped her cheek.
"Few things are as sweet and lovely as a perfect rose, Jessica. But you are my rose, and you will always be my beautiful and perfect angel. I will love you until the day I die, and even in our afterlives, our love will last forever." Jessie blinked the tears from her eyes, completely speechless, then threw her arms around James, and they were kissing passionately like always.
~ Owari ~

Author’s Notes:
I hope everyone enjoyed this story. It is absolutely one of the deepest Jessie and James romance stories I have ever written, and hope to be able to continue creating great stories like this. As everyone has probably figured, this story was a re-write of the episode "Bad to the Bone" that focuses more around Team Rocket. The first time I saw that episode, I kind of liked it and thought it was good. But the second time around, it broke my heart. When I saw Jessie walking away with those badges and she didn’t seem to care about James and Meowth at all, I thought it was horrible and I was really pissed off at the writers for making everyone seem so careless. The songs in this fic are "Walkaway" by Geri Halliwell, "Hold on to me" by Nina Gordon, and "The One" by Shakira. Not meaning to brag, but I think the episode would have been much better if it ended somewhat like this…..of course it would’ve been edited and that would’ve been waaaaay to early for Jessie and James to get together. ^.^;;;; See ya on the flip side!! ^.^